
Harem Spirits but with whom!!? (Date a live fanfic)

Warning: +18 content and Lemon. Mio didn't die, and Tohka stayed with him. shidou finally had his happy ending, where his loving ones stayed with him. he thought he could finally stay a little away from his typical crazy life... he thought so but... why have Spacequakes suddenly started to appear again? And who are those new Spirits that start to appear without mio involvement?? And why do they claim to be males even though they are in a female body!!!?? kotori: "back too work Onii~Chan Shido: "I thought i had my happy ending" ..... basically a comedy fanfic about gender-bender versions of some male protagonists of some famous works. fem-Shirou, fem-kazuma, fem-Touma, fem-goku, fem-Naoufumi, and so on (you can choose who to involve) grazy idea right? but I got the idea in those weird 3 AM thoughts so I said why not

yatsumi_taki · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 12: Fem-Kazuma (5)

(I'm in heaven!)


joyfully jogged on the tips of her toes, her long blue hair dancing in the evening breeze, while the other, a young man with straight blue hair was plodding behind with a face that was haggard with exhaustion.


The stark contrast between their expressions could have been comical if not for the evident exhaustion etched on Shido's face. He struggled to keep up with Aqua's vitality, and the luxury dinner wasn't the only thing that drained every ounce of energy from him.


He cast a glance at the red sky, the night beginning to unfold its velvety curtain.

For the whole afternoon, she led him from shop to shop, and now, they found themselves on a bustling street filled with vibrant neon lights.

Throughout the whole day, the only thing he heard from her was 'I want this, I want that'. And of course, his wallet bore the brunt of her desires. 

What puzzled him was that, unlike any girl (except Tohka), she didn't seem to care for any clothes, shoes... basically anything a normal girl would be interested in; instead, her attention was solely focused on gaming stuff. She literally made him buy a whole new gaming laptop, games, and even a console for her.

"Hey, Aqua," Shido managed between breaths, "where are we even going?"

"Hmm...." She halted her jog, "Good question. Let's see... I buy..."

(...You mean 'I' buy)

"...everything I could think of and I used to want, so now I'm thinking... maybe a night at a luxurious hotel? I don't have any place to stay in..."

Shido raised an eyebrow, still trying to catch his breath, "A luxurious hotel? Really?"

Aqua grinned and extended an open palm towards him. "Or better yet," she added, "just lend me some money. I see you're tired. I'll write down my number, and if I need more money—I mean, if you want to go for another date, I'll be happy to do that."

"ah, Nuh No...I'm not tired, our date hasn't finished yet..."

"Hmm, if you say so...Still lend me some money"

"...When you said some, how much exactly do you mean?"

"Not much, 100,000 yen (~702 USD) should be good," she said with the most innocent smile a human being could offer.

The atmosphere suddenly shifted into a deep silence, both Aqua and Shido exchanging glances.


Just to be broken by Aqua's confused reaction as she watched a sole tear slowly tracing a line on Shido's right eye.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"N-No nothing"

Shido stammered in his words as he slowly reached for his wallet, trying to pull out what Aqua asked for. However...

"H-Here, that's all that was left..."

All that dropped into his open palm from the wallet were a few pennies, 65 yen (0.46 USD) in total. He offered them to Aqua with a trembling hand as the tears still trace a line on his face.

"Uh..um...I think I'm fine, you can keep it to yourself..."

"I-I see"

He sniffs, trying to hold back any further tears, though he falls to his ground in defeat...

"What kind of person would spend 4,775,587 yen (33,560 USD) in one day...Did I become broke in one day..."

"um...Y-Yeah, actually I remember I have something to do...so...see ya!"

Sensing what was coming, Aqua tried to flee away before anything unexpected would happen.


Yet, Shido, with a mix of confusion and determination, quickly grabbed Aqua's arm as she attempted to flee.

"Wait a minute! You can't just leave after turning my savings life into pocket change. We're on a date, remember?"

Aqua looked at him with wide, innocent eyes, feigning innocence. "Oh, a date? I thought we were just hanging out."

Shido, with a deadpan expression, replied, "Well, it was supposed to be a date until my wallet went on a diet."

She scratched her head sheepishly, "Oops, my bad. But, hey, at least you've experienced a once-in-a-lifetime kind of day, right?"

"Yeah... I'll remember this day for the rest of my life as the day I went from a potential human being with some money to a broke in the blink of an eye."

"Maybe it's a sign you should focus on spiritual wealth instead of material riches!"

"Spiritual wealth? Does that come with free meals?"

Aqua grinned, "Well, not exactly, but you gain a wealth of knowledge and enlightenment!"

"Can I use that knowledge to pay for dinner?"

Silence lingered between them, both locking eyes and exchanging amused glances.

"LET ME GO! "Aqua protested, attempting to free herself from Shido's grip. "You are the one who wants to go on a date with me! It's not my fault," 

Shido, not backing down, held onto her arm, "Hell nah! It's either you fall for me and let me kiss you or give me back my money!"

"Do you still believe you will trick me, you freak? Are you always walking around, looking for women to kiss? Do you think I will fall for that cheap trick?"

"It's either do it or it's the end of the world... Or you know what, screw this world! Why should I save a world where I would live broke in!"

"What's with the change in character? And you can curse? I thought you didn't even know what cursed means!"

"I know and Fuck you! give me back my money"

"OHO? Did you curse me? then guess what?"


"Fuck you too! and dream of getting back your money, you damn playboy!"



As the two were about to swing their fists, A certain captain with a redhead was watching, inside the <Fraxinus > office higher above the city.

Kotori Itsuka, the commander of the Fraxinus, observed the scene unfolding through the holographic display. 

"Fumu....I didn't see this part of him before...poor Onii-san"

She sighed, shaking her head at the chaos that seemed to follow Shido even on what was supposed to be a simple date.

Chin resting in her hand, Kotori pressed a button on her console. The holographic display shifted, now revealing Aqua's voice recording, emotional fluctuations, and brainwave data.

She checked it numerous times while compiling it in an entry and creating a document.

"I don't understand what kind of spirit is that..." Kotori muttered to herself as she continued to analyze the data. She leaned back in her chair, contemplating the information before her.

"I mean, most spirits have clear patterns or characteristics, but Aqua... she's different. Her interests, behavior, everything seems so unpredictable... What word can I use to describe her again?"

Her eyes turned to a tall man with a face like a mannequin who stood rigidly immobile behind her.

"Hey, Kannazuki, what's the word I'm searching for?"

This was the ship's vice-commander, Kotori's second-in-command, Kyouhei Kannazuki.

"Yes, sir! I believe you're searching for the word, 'Scammer,' sir—AH~~ Thank you very much, captain~" 

Just as the last word escaped from his lips, a powerful fist was launched into his gut.

Kannazuki wheezed as the impact forced the air out of his lungs. He doubled over, clutching his stomach, but his expression was that of pleaser despite the pain.

Kotori sighed, "Scammer, huh?" 

She returned her focus to the screen, narrowing her eyes at the data. "Aqua's definitely playing some game, and I need to figure out the rules...Hey, Shido!" 

Kotori called out over the ship's intercom. 


"Shido?" She called again, as she didn't receive a response from the first call.

A moment later, Shido's voice echoed through the communication system, "Yeah, Kotori... What's up?"

"Hmm... It seems you're really having a rough time there, huh?"

"you think so..."

"Anyway, back to the important matter, Shido she said she doesn't have a place to stay in right?

There was a brief moment before he answered, she could hear his exhausted sigh in between.

"Yeah, she mentioned that. She said she doesn't have anywhere to stay for the night."

"Hmm, I see. Shido, I want you to bring her to our house."

"...but what about the other girls, is it okay to let her meet with them before sealing her power?"

"We don't have time to be worried about that; we have to keep track of her. If she disappears now, we're doomed. You have to seal her tonight."

Shido hesitated for a moment, his eyes following the girl who was walking a few steps ahead with a frown.


"Well, it's just another day in my life..."

Part 2:

"Hey, walk faster!"

"C-Can you not move so much? I don't like what I'm feeling in the back of my head."

Perched on Shido's shoulders, Aqua's legs draped down on either side, creating a sight that drew some curious glances from the few people still lingering in the streets.

"Man, you really complain a lot. Do you know how many men would wish to take your place right now?"

The boy was grabbing her tights as he tried not to trip over his own feet from exhaustion.

"I'm sure no one would wish to take the place of someone who just lost 33,560 USD in half a day..." His voice lingered as he sighed.

"Ha ha ha..." Aqua laughed awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head.

"Anyway... Can't you, I don't know, walk normally by yourself now?"

"I hurt my leg..."

"You tripped on purpose... You didn't even scratch your leg."

Shido couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration, not just from the odd looks they were getting but also from the predicament he found himself in.

He sighed, For the first time in a long while, He remembered how much he missed getting back to his home and sleeping.

(She's the most normal one mentally, yet she's the most annoying one... maybe because she's normal... I forget how hard it was for me to even talk to a normally-minded girl... No wonder I didn't get any girlfriend back then; I really did myself a favor.)

meanwhile, as the boy was sighing and reminiscing about the simplicity of his past, Aqua, perched on his shoulders, was too in her own deep thought.

((Did I become dumber?)

Aqua's hand rested on her jaw as if she were trying to answer the question of her life.

(Hold on... I'm a soul in Aqua's body, which means I have her brain, right? Wait, it's Aqua we're talking about; does she even have a brain? No, better than this—why do I feel like I'm getting dumber? I mean, my plans succeed, but why do I feel like that...)

She cast a glance around, they already left the streets behind and entered a quieter residential area

(Wait, now that I think about it, is it really a good idea to go with him? He said I can stay at his place, and the idea seemed good, but now with deeper thought, that really is a dumb idea... Darn it, did I really become dumb because of this useless goodness?)

Aqua, lost in her thoughts, snapped back to reality as Shido's voice brought her attention to their surroundings.

"Hey, we arrived, Aqua. You can go down now; my back and shoulders are killing me."

With a reluctant sigh, Aqua gracefully hopped off Shido's shoulders, landing on her feet.

She was standing in front of a normal-looking two-story house, nothing crazy like a secret base underground or a spaceship traveling through the stars.

"Hm... that's not so bad; it looks like my house..."

Shido, unaware of the inner turmoil brewing in her mind, approached the front door of his house. "Alright, we're here. Just follow my lead, and everything should be fine." He proceeded to unlock the door.

"Why is he making it look like I'm about to enter some dangerous lair..."

As Shido opened the door, a calm voice greeted him, 

"Welcome back, Master." 

His eyes fell upon a young girl with long, pink hair sitting gracefully in the seiza position on the floor.

"Shirou? What are you doing?"

"The others told me about the spacequake, and I was worried. Though they told me to just trust you, so I didn't know what to do but wait here..."

"Oh... well, thank you, and sorry for making you worried about me." Shido offered her a smile, and she returned it as she rose to her feet.

"Oh, by the way, I want you to meet—"





Before he could utter any more words, a cacophony of greetings hit him from all directions. Tohka, Miku, Kotori, Yamai sisters, Yoshino, Nia, Natsumi, and Origami all emerged from the living room, each with their unique expressions of surprise, curiosity, or joy after Shido finally returned.

"Oh, Darling, you made me feel so lonely," said Miku as she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around Shido in a tight embrace.

Looking towards the girl who was pushing her body onto his while making an innocent smile, Itsuka Shidou made a troubled face, "I'm back."

Tohka, with her usual enthusiasm, grabbed Shido's hand, "You're late, Shido."

"Agreetion, you took all day, Shido."

"Ki~ki~, don't you see the reason behind him, Yozuru?"

Kaguya said to her sister as her gaze shifted to the figure standing behind Shido. Having light blue glamorous hair like silk threads and smooth skin that had never missed maintenance, she was undoubtedly a beautiful girl.

Stare-- such a sight captured all the girls' attention.

"Hm? So that the new member in the team?"

Nia inquired as she approached the wide-eyed girl. Aqua seemed to be stamped by something, not moving a muscle in shock.

"Is she okay? She's not...dead, right?" Nia questioned, tapping the girl's skin, yet there was no discernible response from her.



A noise finally emerged from the stunned girl and A noise finally emerged from the stunned girl, and it sounded like she was attempting to articulate a word.

The others waited with bated breath to hear what she had to say...

"Motherfucker He wasn't lying"



Sorry for the late Update, I have some exams to prepare for my college. I didn't have time to write anything. 

After I finish, I'll try to go back to update regularly

That was for today, see ya!