
Harem of the rookie demon lord

What would happen if a whole class of high school students were accidentally transported into a magical fantasy world? Their only way home is Sato Tengo, a dependable young man of the class who is a bit pervert. Thanks to his sacrifice, his friends and girlfriend were able to return to their world. And what about him, the only one in the world full of swords and magic? Can he live the slow life of his dreams? Or even find a way to return to the original world again? Let's find the answer together. English is not my native language and I'm not very good at it (mostly translating). So if I see any strange words, I apologize. As always, you can criticize it fully. I know if it's sensitive but yes. This story has incest and homosexuality. The protagonist's harem consists of one male but don't worry, he will soon be gendered and turned into a female. Hope you enjoy this, and Thanks for reading

DaoistBQOLM4 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

long breakfast

I woke up the next morning feeling comfortable. The beds here are really soft.

Rebecca and Rukia weren't awake yet, but that was okay. I want them to sleep well because they've been through bad things. As for Aurora, I'm not hopeful anymore.

But let's put it aside for now. I went into the kitchen and prepared something for this morning. Today I'm going to make stew and mashed potatoes.

The lack of salt is still a problem as always, but that's okay. Fortunately, the ingredients in this world are already delicious. And I also want to go buy salt in the city today. Even though it's very expensive, it's necessary.

First, I set up two pots. One pot is for boiling potatoes, and the other is for making stew. I used my perfect butler skills to conjure water into a pot, put the potatoes in, and cover it with the lid. For this pot, you don't have to worry too much; just wait for the potatoes to be cooked. In the other pot, I added a little beef oil and then beef juice. And while waiting for the meat to cook, I took celery, onions, and carrots and cut them finely using the handy skills of a perfect butler. So comfortable.

While doing everything comfortably Even though she was still wearing her pajamas, Rukia ran with a startled look down the stairs, causing her to nearly fall. But she didn't care and continued to run towards me, covered in sweat. You could tell just by looking at her that she had just gotten out of bed a moment ago.

"What's up Rukia? Did you sleep well?" I turned back to the cutting board before continuing to cook.

It wasn't until Rukia answered me. Rebecca ran down in the same condition.

"Don't be in such a hurry to move when you're awake like this. Go wash your face and go sit at the table and wait," I said. Okay, the meat is cooked.

I put the cooked meat on a plate to rest. Then stir in the vegetables that were cut just now. Ammm, it's actually better to add garlic.

"M-Master! I really apologize for waking up this late!"

"Even though yesterday we said that we would serve you,. But to have you come and cook your own food like this is such a shameful thing to eat! Please punish us!!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them bowed down and bowed their heads to the ground again.

"Nah, never mind, I was planning on making food for you all. And seeing this, I really like cooking, let me tell you," I said, frying the garlic in the pot.


"No but." I put the vegetables that were stir-fried until cooked and set them on another plate. Then I walked up to them and crouched down so that our eyes were even.

"Listen, I'm fine and I really like cooking. Cooking two meals doesn't bother me one bit. On the other hand, the fact that you guys had to be so worried that you had to run down even though you weren't fully awake like this makes me even more dissatisfied."

They bowed their heads like children who had done wrong. Seeing that, I rubbed their heads to console them.

"But thank you very much for caring about me. I'm really delighted."


"Anyway, I don't want any of you to force yourself like this. If you wake up, make yourself refreshed. Go wash your face and eyes before you do anything. There is no need to rush."

"Because for me, just seeing you guys live a good life gives me satisfaction. Ah, of course you can't be as lazy as Aurora."

After listening, they all pounced on me without saying a word. Just hold me and sob softly.

"It's okay." I rubbed their backs. "Don't cry. Crying early in the morning said it would be bad luck. Now go back up and get dressed and come down. might as well Come help me cook now."


They got up and used their hands to wipe away their tears and answered me. Even though their eyes were still red, there was no sadness in them and they went up the stairs to get dressed.

Okay, let's get back to cooking.

Once you've reached this step, you can add red wine and stock to make the soup. But I didn't buy red wine because I couldn't find it. Plus, I forgot to make stock. If I just use water, the stew will definitely be bland.

Therefore, I cut shiitake mushrooms into pieces and stir-fried them in the pot. Because mushrooms are an excellent flavor enhancer, just as good as seaweed, or maybe even more. Adding it to the recipe will make it more delicious.

When the mushrooms were cooked, I poured the reserved meat and vegetables back into the pot and added a little flour to thicken the stew. Then add water.

So far the potatoes are cooked just right. I took the potato pot out, poured out the water, and put it aside to let it cool off. Then take out the pan and prepare it and take out the tomatoes. Finely chop the tomatoes and pound them in a mortar until smooth. Then stir the tomatoes into the prepared pan. and seasoning a little That's it for the tomato paste.

I added the tomato paste to the stew pot, and it was done; just a little bit of seasoning was left. So I tasted it to know what to add.

"...It's delicious." This pot of stew has a deliciousness that I couldn't even imagine. Even though they didn't add wine or stock. There is no need to add anything additional. Just wait until the meat is tender and the stew thickens.

"Here it is, Master," Rebecca's voice said behind me. Rebecca and Rukia walked down. And when I turned around, I was immediately stunned.

Rukia wore a maid classic style outfit: a long-sleeved navy blue shirt and clean white dungarees. The skirt reached her knees and long white stockings could be seen. She wore a white headband with lots of ruffles. And a clip to keep your hair neat and tidy. A maid. A real maid. They fit so well.

As for Rebecca, she wore a gothic dress, sleeveless, showing off her armpits, with lots of pleats, and a short, fluffy skirt that showed off her thighs above the knees. The stockings were black fishnets and large boots. And also wears a pastel pink eye patch that looks contrasting with the outfit.

Very cute. Both Rebecca and Rukia are adorable. Even better than I thought. Too bad, It looks like my lolicon glands are acting up.

"How is it, Master?" Rebecca spins and shows off This caused her skirt to ride up a little from the swinging until her panties were almost visible.

"D-Does it look good?" Rukia grabbed her skirt and knelt down as if in respect. She looked at me shyly.

"Um, very beautiful," I said honestly.

Awesome, Awesome Maid, Awesome Gothic.

They chuckled happily at my compliment. before walking in to help with the cooking

"Master, what are you doing today?" Rebecca asked, opening the lid of the pot and taking in the smell. "It smells so good!"

"Beef stew and mashed potatoes," I replied. "The stew is ready now. Just wait for it to heat up a little."

"Eh, is this stew?" Rukia asked in shock, looking puzzled. "This isn't like anything I've ever made. It's both stronger and more fragrant."

"Hm, I think I made a normal recipe. What do you normally do?"

"Then put the meat and vegetables in a pot and heat it until it's tender. And add some salt on occasion."

"Didn't you fry the meat and vegetables first?"

"No," Rukia shook her head in denial, "It's just regular boiling. Ah, the reason it smells better than normal is because the master fried it?"

"That's right. And did you season it with herbs?"

"...No, but I'll add blood to thicken it instead."

blood? Oh, that's right. It's probably a recipe for vampires. Next time, try making some tartare.

"Actually, this pot stew isn't the most delicious. There are still a lot of ingredients."

"Eh!!" They shouted in shock. indicating disbelief

"Honestly, I'll teach you how to do it myself later on."

"Yes, please teach me." Rukia said.

"Me too!" This time, Rebecca

"I understand, but let's make mashed potatoes first." I picked up the boiled potatoes. "Rukia, as she is a cook, Have you ever made mashed potatoes?"

"Yes," Rukia said. "Just take boiled and peeled potatoes and mash them into a fine paste."

"...Yes, maybe," I said uncertainly. Normally when I make mashed potatoes, I add butter and milk that have been boiled with thyme and bay leaves to the mashed potatoes. Then it goes through a sieve again for smoothness and then seasoning. But right now, there isn't any of the things that were said.

"Let's just do that first. You can use that mortar to pound the potatoes into a fine paste. Then when finished pounding, add a pinch of pepper to give it flavor."

They nodded vigorously and picked up two mortars to help pound. As for me, I also try making dishes other than stew. For example, in a vegetable salad, wash the vegetables thoroughly and sprinkle with pepper and parika. Then drizzle with beef oil (I haven't bought olive oil yet).

Next is dessert. Actually, there's nothing at all. I just took different fruits and poured boiled sugar syrup with vanilla pods. But I think that's enough.

"Yawn∼∼, what are you two doing this early in the morning?" At this time, Aurora finally walked down. I saw that she still hadn't woken up. But it's truly amazing. Even just waking up, she's still so beautiful. What a waste.

"Aurora, go set the table," I ordered her, because there was nothing left for her to do. But not letting her do anything is too much.

"Huh? Why me?...I can do it." At first Aurora resisted and refused to do it. But when she saw the people Rebecca was diligently pounding potatoes, she was speechless and went to set the table.

The mashed potatoes were now ready and the table was arranged by Aurora's hand. So I sat everyone down and started serving the food. Rebecca and Rukia still weren't used to eating food on the table, but at least they weren't yelling anymore. Everything started to feel natural and not awkward anymore.

Then we ate breakfast happily.