
Harbinger of Calamity

a Neet who has worked hard his entire life, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, living much of his life in poverty, depression and drug addiction, at the end of his difficult road, dies of cancer at the age of 26. Having suffered his entire life trying to face the cruel reality of the world, always chasing higher pursuits and exploring ideas but his pursuit of truth only leads to his own collapse. In his last days instead of weeping, he laughs, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. It seemed as if fate had played the biggest joke on him, he had taken too seriously what had no value. What is life? a blink of an eye! as unreal as a dream, what a mysterious world, we are just born out of nowhere only to vanish later on. A profound sigh was uttered "If only I wasn't dealt such bad cards! I was made for the heights yet here I am crashed in the abyss of life."  Looking at the world he was soon to leave, he sighed "Humanity truly has fallen in this era, it has crashed from the heights of embodying divinity to succumbing to their animalistic selves becoming creatures of decadence, slaves to pleasure, lust and the lowly desires of the body. Truly my heart weeps for the tragedy of humanity, the industrial revolution, a slave society disguised as 'modern society', poisonous foods filled with chemicals, an entire network engineered to enslave minds called the internet, an absolute infestation of decadence and mediocrity in the very Human spirit that used to overpower all. All humanity is enslaved, what can't parents even teach? they are slaves themselves. Atleast in this life, I refused to be a slave, I was a free being, atleast in the later half of my life, I followed my own passions and lived my own life but in the end, sigh I failed! But oh well, who ever lived a perfect life in this world? as the darkness of death engulfs him, he fully accepts it and is gone. A pair of eye opened and an absolutely stunning sight appeared, he was transmigrated. For the first time in so long, he could see clearly without glasses or contacts, he could feel physically powerful instead of a sickly body and a destroyed pleasure system. He resolves that this time, this life, He would pursue his own freedom! He would never give up on himself and he will walk his own path to the very end. "That's right, I was wrong depending on sympathy. Cold, heartless, I won't forgive them, they can't be forgiven! That's right, it wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world that was wrong!" A descent towards Madness. A cruel world where no refuge can be found, countless obstacles obstructing one's path, mountains of corpses, an abyss of blood, a heart of darkness, a cruel fate to all living beings. No heart or soul, only an abyss of despair and a heart to ascend beyond. ... Support me directly : patreon.com/aloneinthisworld (only if you don't pay for chapters) Discord : https://discord.gg/aGumZnuF3u

aloneinthisworld · Oriental
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48 Chs

Fighting an invisible beast

After resting for an hour and a half in a meditative position, Nameless's sea of consciousness had mostly recovered.

The moment he did so, Yugo moved.

He rapidly flew through the air moving creating as much distance as possible.

He smiled before turning and there Nameless was chasing after him.

As Nameless was Yugo turning to look at him, he knew he was about to start.

Nameless immediately activated his divine sense as his consciousness expanded outwards encompassing the surrounding fifty meters.

His divine sense could spread a hundred meters if not more by infusing more mental energy but only fifty meters could appear in complete clarity.

As his divine sense spread, it approached Yugo's will rapidly.

Just as it was about to encompass his figure, Yugo soared!

'I'm not going to let you escape this time!'

Nameless immediately picked up speed, he jumped upwards using his tail to grab part of the branches to propel himself forward while sending thought waves in the direction that Yugo could take.

Only a few seconds passed before these waves came back, a wave had come into contact with Yugo.


Nameless immediately changed direction sending even more thought waves.

Thought waves came and went repeatedly, Nameless chased with his utmost effort.


Nameless changed his direction slightly to the north-east direction before rushing again.

His powerful body offered rapid speed yet he could never catch Yugo forcing him to deactivate his divine sense.

Initially, His plan was to keep Yugo at a distance of a hundred meters or two hundred meters at max.

At such a distance, if he exerted himself, he could always be aware of his movements yet it seemed the latter wasn't so keen on letting him have an easy time.


Yugo had changed his direction abruptly once again.

Nameless didn't relent immediately changing his direction and charging west.

This continued for half an hour before oddly enough, Yugo stopped changing his direction.

'He keeps going west? Why is that?'

Nameless continued, his divine sense was only expanded to ten meters around him, his thought waves however continued coming and going without ceasing.

'Is he trying to trick me by abruptly changing direction after going west for a long time?'

Nameless jumped through the tree branches.

'Since he isn't changing direction, might as well speed up or perhaps that is what he wants me to think?'

As Nameless thought, a weird rustling sound echoed making him turn his head.


A loud sound echoed as Nameless was punched in the face and sent straight to the ground.

Crashing through the branches and leaves was painful enough however the punch's impact was even more painful.

Nameless crashed on the ground before he lifted his head.

His thermal eyes detected nothing!

'What? What punched me just now?'

He stood up trying to move his thermal eyes to detect what had appeared.


Nameless was sent flying by an invisible punch before crashing to the ground.


Nameless acted immediately expanding his divine sense for the full a hundred meters.

As Nameless looked through his divine sense, he found five beasts surrounding him, these beasts looked like alienoid kangaroos and were invisible to both thermal and normal eyesight.

'This must be his scheme!'

Nameless stood up, dusted himself off before making a "come" gesture with his hand.

An alienoid kangaroo jumped from atop the branch, it was the one who had punched him at first.

This specific alienoid kangaroo was bigger than the remaining five.

It moved, rushing towards him before launching a punch.

The punch made a loud sound as it moved through the air.

Nameless was prepared, immediately dodging and putting his hands as guard.

However, to his surprise, the punch shifted its direction in the air before heavily landing on his arms his guard.


Nameless was sent flying crashing on the trunk of a nearby tree as his hands shook.

'Fuck! It's punch is even stronger, it's stronger on the ground!'

He moved, trying to climb the nearby tree to escape.

However as he reached the first branch, he was stepped on and thrown back by a beast atop the branch.

It was only then that Nameless saw that the beasts were not just the six below, they were atop of every branch surrounding him.

Nameless fell to the ground before standing up, however to his surprise, the other beasts didn't join the fight.

'I see, you want a fair fight.'

As he looked, it seemed the alienoid kangaroo in front of him was the leader and he wouldn't let him leave unless he defeated him.

In Nameless's sight, nothing appeared, the bioluminescent area looked empty.

He deactivated his thermal eyes to see normally, nothing appeared, he reactivated his thermal eyes, still nothing.

If not for his divine sense, he would think he was dreaming or in an illusion.

'Hehe, it seems you want me to fight using my divine sense.'

Being aware of a beast only through divine sense and fighting it was extremely difficult if not impossible.

Eyes are perceptive, able to perceive the slightest changes in vision without effort, a person doesn't need to think to see. But a cultivator needed to think and use his mind to use his divine sense.

Not only did Nameless have to first perceive the beast's movements through the divine sense's field, but he also had to react in a split second, such a two-step process was much more complicated than simply fighting a beast one can see.

Let alone the fact that he was weaker than the beast, to begin with.

Seeing Nameless had stood, the alienoid kangaroo rushed forward aiming a punch at him.

Knowing guarding was of no use, Nameless responded with a similar punch.


Two punches were exchanged, landing on the beast's face and Nameless's face.

Although the Keiya form's punch was powerful, slightly shaking the beast, however Nameless was the one who was sent flying again.

The alienoid kangaroo puffed its chest as it began to beat it in pride, it growled in pride.

It took an entire minute for Nameless to get up.

Nameless didn't wait for the beast to rush, rushing first with his two hands in guard.

He knew the beast's location, he had to give it his all as fast as possible before he moved again.


The beast punched but his guard wasn't pushed through, with his fast momentum, Nameless turned his left hand into a punch.


The punch connected!

The beast was hit in the face but Nameless didn't stop immediately continuing with a flurry of punches, the beast wasn't fazed, it had a rank 4 body after all, it immediately sent a flurry of punches.

Nameless was hit repeatedly nearly losing consciousness but he relentlessly continued, every punch that made him contact with his face was returned back to the beast.

Bang Bang Bang

Nameless had already reduced his divine sense to be aware of only the five meters around him.

The flurry of punches continued before Nameless could no longer continue, only taking punches as he put his guard up.

*Bang Bang Bang*

Nameless gritted his teeth enduring the flurry of punches, he nearly blacked out with every punch.

He could no longer count how many punches he had endured, he continued to endure waiting for the beast to get tired. 

The Keiya form had a powerful body and great defence, it didn't take long before the beast became tired.

However, the alienoid kangaroo anticipated that he would attack it when it was tired thus it immediately used its powerful tail to stand erect before it sent its legs straight into his stomach.

Nameless was sent flying further than ever before, crashing into the trunk of a big tree.

His face was heavily swollen, bruised and filled with cuts from which purple blood flowed.

From his stomach, blood was flowing heavily but Nameless didn't lament or fear, he laughed!

"Hahaha, it seems like it will finally work."

He immediately stood up, however even as he stood, he couldn't help but wobble around being in such a messed up state.

The beast rushed to face him however Nameless only smiled as he closed his eyes and began to shapeshift.

A mystical aura surrounded him as his legs extended and his body shrunk, his body slowly changed its form slowly becoming like an alienoid kangaroo.

The beast could not hide the surprise in its eyes as Nameless moved his arm to deliver a powerful punch to his face, a revenge for all the punches he had gotten so far.

The beast was sent flying hitting the ground slightly far away.

To his surprise, Nameless could now see the beasts that he couldn't before.

He immediately closed his eyes and imagined their form, he breathed deeply as his transformation finally ended.

Long sensory extended from his ears that drooped down like a plant, his body was blueish in colour and a powerful tail extended from his back.

His hands were big in size powerful and seemed more like boxing gloves than normal hands, his legs were filled with muscle.

His skin was firm with no fur and his eyes had weird slit pupils similar to a lizard that could see concealed living beings.

The alienoid kangaroo was shocked before it too, stood. It beat its chest with pride while at the same time asking for him to come fight.

Nameless and the beast immediately rushed at each other, exchanging punches but this time, he was no longer at a disadvantage.

The fight looked like a boxing match as both would throw all sorts of punches. 

Nameless sent a jab before he was met with a cross, he tried a cross before an uppercut hit him from below.

The beast was a pro, it could meet all Nameless punches with expertise, however, Nameless wasn't fazed. Now, he could take the punches and see his opponent, a much better development than he had expected at first.

Although the beast held the upper hand, Nameless wasn't far behind, he had a rank 3 sea of consciousness after all, he could see and expect the punches, only his body lagged behind. He had only just obtained this body after all.

Nameless moved using his tail to stay erect before sending his legs to the beast's stomach, the latter however had already seen through his plan and jumped back.

Both the alienoid kangaroo and Nameless kept their distance as they jumped like boxers, ready to throw punches.

Nameless moved sending a jab to the beast, the beast aimed for a cross but the jab was merely a feint!

Nameless immediately moved his other arm aiming for an uppercut, however what Nameless didn't expect was that the cross itself was also a feint, the beast immediately slid its foot before aiming for a liver blow!


Nameless was hit and sent flying vomiting mid-air.

"You bastard!"

The beast didn't stop there immediately charging to defeat him.

Nameless slid his foot trying to regain his balance before using all the power in his legs to move backwards.

The beast didn't stop, charging as well.

Nameless jumped back and back as the beast continued chasing.

'Fuck! This beast is relentless!'

Nameless knew he could no longer go back, the other beasts would interfere if he tried to.

He charged aiming for a punch but it was a feint, he immediately put his guard up.

'Damn, I must appear as a coward to them haha.'

Nameless endured as the punches ensued.

Minutes passed as Nameless became in an even worse shape, the beast's attack were relentless, however signs of exhaustion began to appear, punches had become slower.

Nameless was finally able retreat, his face bled red blood, his previous injury on his stomach bled even more profusely.

Nameless's blood loss was reaching a critical level, he knew he had to end the battle fast.

But the question remained, How?

The beast was stronger and more experienced, although Nameless could see his attacks in a split second with his superior mind, he couldn't react as fast.

'What am I good at? What am I good at?" Nameless thought.

What did he have that the beast didn't have, as he thought, a genius idea emerged to him.

Nameless rushed forward, the beast was caught by surprise by his eagerness, he had just beat up this enemy to a pulp yet he was still charging at him.

The beast irritated launched a powerful punch straight at him, the punch rushed at Nameless before he slid his feet and avoided the punch.

The signs that the beast had become tired had become obvious.

Nameless slid his feet before rebalancing himself and going for a punch.

The beast was about to retreat but its feet was stuck to the ground, Nameless had shamelessly stomped his feet on its feet rendering it incapable of rapidly escaping.

An incoming punch was about to hit the beast's face.

"What am I good at? Haha, I'm good at being a coward!"

Nameless's hand immediately shapeshifted into sharp bird claws before aiming at the beast's face.

The beast immediately put its guard up however, it could have never expected that his hand would expand, rotate like a tentacle before striking its face.


The beast screeched as its face was disfigured, a giant claw mark etched on its face releasing a crimson stream of blood.

Nameless immediately turned on his heels and fled!

He was nearly fully exhausted, he had given it his all to open a path for escape, even using the bird claws he had gotten after escaping the alienoid bird and the extending hands that he had gotten from the monkey who ate the moth creatures, he had used all his cards and he had none left.

This was however not a problem, in the direction of escape, only a few alienoid kangaroos were present.

Nameless immediately endured their punches while escaping.

He didn't go unscathed however, on his back, claws marks bled crimson blood.

However as soon as he put a small distance, he shapeshifted into the Keiya form, the Keiya form was great at moving through the forest because it was a wood path creature.

Nameless escaped, gradually increasing the distance from his pursuers until at last, he left them behind.

He didn't stop however immediately sending thought waves to find Yugo.

Nameless moved west for ten minutes before he finally found Yugo's will floating in the air.

"Well done, you survived."

"You bastard! Heal my body and take care of the pursu-

Nameless fainted as he was speaking, turning back into human form.

Just as he was about to fall through the branches, a green force enveloped his body, helping him float in the air and slowly healing the wounds in his body.