1 chapter 1

10 years ago

Sara was a beautiful and pampered girl in her teen, happy family, loving parents, everything was going as perfectly as butter melts over hot pancakes. But that night changed everything.

She came home late that night found her house to be the only one blacked out. She went inside and called for her mom and dad but none answered. With cold feet she climbed up the stairs and was relieved after seeing her parents sitting on the sofa facing opposite to the door . The window was open and the lights off.

As the cold breeze from the outside came inside the room and fluttered the curtains created a sinister and the sliver moonlight came inside dazzeling. What a beautiful scenery it was. She went near the sofa and asked them why didn't they answer when she called. They did not answer her this time either. Frustrated she confronts them and was bewildered.

Her mother was wearing a sweet gown and her father a handsome suit, beautiful and spotless which was new. Her parents smiled back at her through there faceless faces- no eye lashes, no lips, no skin, no eyebrows nothing- there faces skinned off perfectly and beautifully.

She was so chilled deep to her bone that she could not utter a word and then tears fell down her cheeks which shined like diamonds in the moonlight. Through her clouded eyes she saw a note on the table. After reading the note she wiped off her tears and disappeared into the sliver moonlight. Since then no one ever found the daughter or the murderer.

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