
Happy Pills- Enjoy life everyday

"Happy pills". The only thing that can hold her up. She is such a sunny girl. A fun girl. She is very humorous. Always with her sugary smile. But behind the scene, you cannot recognize her.

Darksea · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Confession pt.2

Bo Hao p.o.v

"Good evening everyone. Can I have the honour of your attention please? Today is the day when the most beautiful girl was born in this earth. It is none other than Gidae. Min Gidae. Today is her 19 years in this earth. Even if I have only been in her life for a month, I know who she is. She is the girl who took over her fathers business because her dad is sick. She is the girl who is working and studying at the same time just so she can protect her fathers business. She is the girl who stayed strong when her mother left her, left this world. She is the girl who would not show any emotions just so she can keep others happy. She is the one to never let others see her problems. I am telling this to you all because..." I looked at Gidae. Her eyes were bimmering with tears. This is the time. I can't back off now. It's now or never. "....I like her. YES, Gidae I like you. Even if we have known each other only for a month. I have spent only a month with you up to now, but I want to spend my whole lifetime with you. So, please Gidae, will you be my partner to enjoy this journey of life?" I asked as I saw her standing there with her eyes wide open. I just asked her out. I know I have chance of getting rejected too. But we can still be friends afterwards.

Gidaes p.o.v

I just can't believe that A'hao just confessed to me. Never in my dream did I think that A'hao would be the one to ask me out. I....I don't know what to say. The tears that I have been holding just slid down my cheeks. "Gidae...Gidae..." Lu Yao pushed my shoulders slightly to bring me back to reality. I looked towards A'hao. The one I want yo protest even at the end of the earth. The one I want to treasure and spoil like a princess which she deserved to be. "Yes...yes" I answer as I walked towards her. I can see she was also at the verge of crying. I hugged her tightly. I can feel her hugging me back. "Yes....I am willing to be the protector of this princess. I am willing to be the thorns for this rose. I swear to god today that you will be my one and only for this whole life." I said hugging her so tightly as if I would lose her if I didn't. "Enough, enough. Let go of me now, I can't breathe." I heard her say quitely. I would not have heard her because of the claps that were coming from the people who were present there. I let go off her and saw how red she was. She was shy. "What happened? Why are you shy now?? You weren't shy when confessing in front of these many people....." I teased her a little to get a little smack on my arm. "Stop teasing me already....I should have not asked you out. I am already regretting it." she said looking away from me with a little pout on her face. I was about to lose my sanity. How can a person look this cute??? I chuckled a little and looked for my dad. He was smiling so brightly. I believe he must be the real instigator to this confession.

Bo Hao p.o.v

The party was over. I was out seeing the guests off. It was already 11:23 p.m. The cold breeze hit my body. It was cold and I was only wearing a dress. "Take care. Come again to visit us" I say as the last pair of guest leave the house. The cold was getting me. I wrapped my hands around myself. Suddenly a coat draped onto my shoulders. I look behind to see Gidae. I was about to turn to face her when she hugged my waist tightly pulling me towards her. "Why are you standing in the cold alone. You should have at least wore a jacket. It's cold here. If you catch a cold then aren't I going to catch it too?" she said. "I was just seeing the guest off. It would seem too rude if one of the people of the house didn't see them off." I said not paying attention to what she had said. Then suddenly it hit my head. How would she catch a cold if I were to catch a cold??? "Wait, how will you catch a cold if I am the one who will be sick?" I asked with a confused face. "How will I not catch a cold if I sleep with the one who is sick?" she said with a visible smirk on her face. Sleep with the one who is sick?? She means sleep together. Holy shit!!! It didn't came to my mind. When I was about to say something to protest I was lifted in the air by her. She carried me in a bridal style. "Shhhh

..." she quite me down."Don't say anything and don't even think of protesting. You are already my girlfriend so I have the right to sleep with you." she said as she carried me to her room. I kept my eyes close the whole time cause....I AM SCARED OF HEIGHTS!!! She put me down in a cold surface. I opened my eyes and realized she put me inside the bathtub. I looked towards her in confusion. She squatted in the side of the bathtub bringing her face close to mine. I can feel the heat on my cheeks growing. I bet she can hear my heartbeat. It was beating so fast. She came close to my ear. So close that I was blushing so hard. "Are you going to shower yourself or you want me to help?"