
Ethereal Beauty

While Edmund Brown recollecting the events, he suddenly realized that the truck which hit his car was not just an accident. It was purely intentional and someone wants him dead.

The moment his car thrash on to the ground with a ' bang ', he lost his consciousness. He remembered at some point, he came back to his senses for a few seconds. He saw an ethereal beauty with turquoise blue eyes, sharp nose and beautiful red Lips. He also remembered that he saw the worry for him in those magnetic eyes.


I think I lost my mind! How can I see the beauty in that situation?

Maybe, I'm hallucinating....! Wow....! how badly I hit my head to hallucinate such an angel worrying about me.

He chuckled at his imaginations. He thought, " Oh! I forgot the main issue here. How did I end up here? How about sis? Does she know about me? Does Joe know? How long I've been knocked out? "

Edmund's mind filled with questions when he heard the footsteps coming from the living room in his suite. Soon Henry Joe came into view of Edmund. Edmund immediately called for Henry " Joe....! ", his voice sounded hoarse and dry.

" Boss....! " Henry Joe pleasantly surprised to see his boss awake. Henry immediately went to his bedside and press the button to inform about his wake up to the medical staff.

In a short time later, a doctor with two assistants and a nurse came to check up on him. After a thorough examination, the doctor stated, " Mr Brown, you have to stay 2 to 3 weeks in the hospital. We can only allow you to discharge based on the recovery process. Even after that, it takes 3 months to fully recover your body. You've to cut back on physical activities and activities that require a lot of concentration during recovery because of your injuries... "

The doctor went on the details about the recovery process, the Dos and Don'ts during the period of recovery. After giving the medication to Edmund the group left him to rest.

" Joe...! " Edmund called his assistant to get the answers for the never-ending questions in his mind.

Henry has been working as an assistant in Brown industries from 8 years under the CEO. Right after his graduation, at the age of 22, he started working for Robert Brown.

After 3 years from his joining, Edmund Brown take-over as new CEO of Brown industries at an early age of 20. Edmund completed his master's degree from Harvard University at the age of 18 and started as a regular employee in Brown industries. Edmund is brilliant, clear-sighted, agile, astute etc., with the ingenious ways he quickly made his way to top in the span of 2 years.

After working under Edmund Brown for 5 years, Henry Joe can discern Edmund's thoughts with a single word from him based on the frequency and tone of his voice.

Edmund wants to know about the details regarding the accident and the things happened after that. Henry Joe is very efficient and competent at his work. He already gathered all the details regarding the accident. What makes him hesitate to speak is that after 2 days of hard work he found ' nothing '.

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