
Chapter (14) Take No Prisoners, Infiltration (2)

(Mc Pov)

'I have at best 5 minutes before the emergency power kicks in, losing me the main advantage I have in this hallway.' With that in mind, I picked up speed heading for my first objective.

I proceed through the long corridor until I come upon a four-way intersection of additional hallways branching out to other portions of the underground structure. A quick look around provides me with no good hints as to the whereabouts of my destination.

I thought for half a second and rationalized that the huge size of the hanger probably meant it was the end of the middle path. I just came from a second path leading the left and right paths to possibly be the route I should travel.

I concentrate on maybe having a gut feeling that would possibly direct me to my goal, but I feel nothing different. So deciding instead to just wing it and hope for the best I go down the right path maintaining my slightly crouched figure and brisk pace.

'That fantasy of gut feelings is bullshit or so it seems. Whatever, worse comes to worst I either go guns blazing till I reach the command center or I activate the suit's active camo and pick up the pace.'

Heading down the right path I release a small sigh of relief because at least down this path there are small signs signifying each room's purpose. I keep moving before I come upon a door marked Barracks.

I stop in front of the door leading to the room,' Do I? Should I? Ah, forget it.' After questioning my actions a couple of times, eventually, I decided to stick with my original objective and keep moving and looking for the command center.

*step* x 3

Less than a minute later I hear 3 pairs of footsteps from down the hall. I continue walking for a bit more until I am greeted with a distant flashlight at the end of the hall.

My eyes strain for a brief second at the light, due to a combination of my eyes going into 'night vision mode' and my helmet in VISR mode. After adjusting to the new light source I make out 3 distinct heads slightly bobbing in line with the rhythm of the steps.

'Let them pass or take them out?' I think to myself as the Insurrectionists approach me.

I thought on the topic for a fraction of a second before slightly shaking my head at the stupid thought. If I killed them now that would defeat the purpose of everything I have done thus far.

With that, in mind, I look at my options for concealment. Though I could technically stay in the hall. I run the risk of one of these idiots bumping into me and blowing my cover all the same. I then head into an empty-looking room with no sound leaking out of it.

I put my back against the wall beside the doorway, and watch the hallway waiting for the small group to pass. That was until I heard movement and rustling in my proximity.

'There it is my great luck in action again,' I think to myself as I know the situation is about to get extremely annoying.

My fears were confirmed when I stopped watching the doorway only to spot that I walked into what seemed to be a secondary barracks. In front of me are a couple of rows of bunk beds most of which are filled with sleeping occupants.

Feeling my right eye begin to twitch at the sheer probability of such a thing happening. I spot the cause of the nearby movement. In a bed diagonally to my right, I see what I can only assume to be a rebel slowly sitting up and rubbing their eyes.

'Go figure even though I made no noise this dipshit wakes up and almost blows my cover,' I say almost because before the rebel could even fully comprehend the fact that an enemy infiltrated their bedroom. I had already picked them up by their skull covering their mouth.

Of course, my actions continued to make near-zero sounds and I glanced at my motion trackers before acting. Making sure the group in the hall was not in view of the doorway.

After snatching the trooper out of bed like I was a robber taking an old lady's purse. I turned them around to where their back was facing me and we were both looking in the same direction. In one fluid motion before they could realize what had happened I twisted their head around.


The sickening crackle and snap of my enemy's vertebrae and spine. Was the only thing heard and though the sound was grotesque and certainly disturbing it did not wake any of the others lounging in the room. I let out a small sigh of relief at that.

I immediately after placed the corpse in the bed and covered it up. In order to not make the killing look so obvious. I even fixed the head to where it was looking in the correct direction…I think.

Moving on the guards outside the room had already left and I took that as my cue to leave. I peeked my head out the door looking sharply left and right and continued down the direction I was originally heading.

By this time the anxiety of my window of opportunity slowly closing began to get to me. I nevertheless controlled the feeling but quickened my past further opting to shoulder the DMR and was lightly jogging around with my sidearm. All the while my head snapped in different directions looking for any threats as well as my goal.

"Fucking finally" I can't help but mutter in relief as I finally spot a sign beside a door with the words "Control Center/Security Center" in bold printed letters.

Holstering my pistol I do not return to my DMR instead I pull out my suppressed submachine gun, 'Most likely there will be more than a couple of people and this is a decent size room. I would rather have the fire rate and bullets for this one.' I rationalize to myself before taking a close look at my options for breaching the room.

I line up in front of the door. The door itself was exactly like a regular reinforced door in my past life. It had what I assumed to be a keypad or a place to input a card for access.

'Meaning that this place is most likely locked to the outside with the power outage,' I think to myself, 'This door is blast-proof. I may be able to rip it off the hinges, but that would make a lot of noise and I would lose some of my element of surprise. Then what can I do to get in without making a huge scene?'

I thought for about 30 seconds which may not be long to regular humans, but to a Spartan with enhanced…everything. My ability to process ideas and thoughts greatly increased. So I eventually can up….with a plan if you would call it that.

"Ohh this is probably the dumbest plan I have ever come up with, but they will never expect it," I whisper to myself shaking my head for my next actions.

*knock knock*

Holding my head with one hand in disappointment while knocking on the metal door with my other hand. I wait outside the room hoping that someone inside calls out to a visitor.

"Yeah? Who's out there?" A voice from inside calls out through the heavy door.

Immediately I put my back to the wall closest to the door handle and withdrew my submachine gun. I think again making certain of my responses before answering the voice.

"Hey, it's Jordan Mick sent me here to check something. He said it was something to do with the power relay and switches. He didn't go too in-depth because I was confused as fuck so he just pointed out what he wanted me to do." I respond somewhat loudly to make sure my voice reaches the other side.

"Why didn't he just radio it into us?" The voice asks in suspicion

I make a loud sigh "Because I dropped our only radio in the snow on accident." I say in mock self-annoyance.

"...Why did you go and drop the radio?"

"Because I am an idiot now are you going to open this damn door or not? Mick already made me walk back through the blizzard by myself as punishment. So I would rather not freeze my ass off more by walking back to say that you guys wouldn't let me in." I say lashing out in mock annoyance that would make everyone assume I am starting to get pissed off.

"Fine geez I am opening it now."

After the voice was done speaking the door opens to find a soldier dressed in a combat uniform pants and t-shirt. He walks out a bit and I catch his eyes shifting from surprise to horror as he at first finds no one but looks around the door only to find an almost 7-foot-tall super soldier looking down at him.

"Knock Knock," I say to him with a small malicious smile underneath my helmet, and those are the last words he ever heard. Because as soon as he had opened the door my reflexes had kicked in and before he had even surveyed the area. I had already shoved my knife into his throat.

Before the soldier's body hit the ground I took out a flashbang and tossed it through the crack in the door. Then I waited for a second feeling my heart pump with a bit of excitement at my first real engagement besides the assassination of the dunces outside.





With vigor, I kick the door open and raise my gun preparing to fire.

I was greeted with what amounted to about 20 people standing and holding their heads in pain. Likely because of the concussion effect and the disorienting effect, but on the far side of the room furthest from the grenade some rebels were already getting rid of the effects.

It took merely a moment to formulate my plan of action for the engagement.

I switched the SMG to burst and began firing 4-round bursts of 5x23 mm full metal jacket bullets. I fired 5 total bursts at the ones I deemed to be the most likely to fight back first.


The bullets all hit their targets ripping through their bodies. There was no blood upon the impact that I could see but most of their entrance wounds were centered at either their heart or head. Knowing that most likely those combats had been taken out of the fight, I adjusted my focus to the other 15 or so soldiers in the room.

I switched the selective fire switch to full auto and pulled the trigger. The first thing heard was something akin to a fire hose spraying water due to the gun's remarkably suppressed sound. What came out at the end of the sub-machine gun could technically be called a stream as well giving backing to the fire hose analogy, but of course, water wasn't what came out of the barrel.

Bullets tore out the end of the barrel at over 2000 feet per second. Impacting whatever I pointed my weapon at. The unsuspecting bystanders still trying to shake off their condition were none the wiser as these near pellets shredded their bodies. I am certain they definitely felt it if their pained screams and cries as the bullets reached their target were any indication.

After I had mowed down about ten hostels and made sure the ones hit with the earlier bursts were done, I pulled the trigger once again to finish off the remaining enemies only to find a clicking sound.



I immediately switched to my sidearm pistol off of instinct. I didn't check to see what was the problem whether it be a jam or simple lack of ammunition it didn't matter. What did matter however was killing the remaining people in front of me.




I fired my pistol until the enemies fell and went around shooting anything on the floor that still twitched. I am nothing if not thorough and I will be damned if I don't follow the unspoken rule of double-tap anything that you have even a sneaking suspicion that it may live.



After emptying my pistol I released the 12-round magazine and pulled the slide back chambering another bullet. I also checked my submachine gun for the reason why it stopped firing. Only to realize that in the upper right of my head, it signified that I was out of ammunition in the firearm.

"Still getting used to those weapon counters," I say to myself. So far I had gotten pretty well acquainted with the technology of the suit, but the weapon counter was a small thing that I had not fully taken advantage of yet.

It was about this time the backup power kicked in. So I pulled myself out of my thoughts and began walking towards the main console in the command center. I turned off the night vision feature of the VISR mode and my eyes naturally adjusted to the light as well. Around this time the blood from the corpses began pooling on the floor dyeing both my feet and the ground crimson. I didn't think anything of it and continued walking to the station.

Once I had gotten to the computer I immediately began a data transfer of any and every file that was in the system. This mission was a bit high profile in regards to who was to be killed, and because of that, any intel would be kindly accepted.

While the transfer was happening I moved over to a separate console and began the emergency override to get control of the perimeter doors, including the hangar door. Once I had access I put those doors on a 'soft emergency lock down' meaning that there would be no alerts, but no one could open the doors except those who had access to the console.

Then I put my fist through the console effectively destroying it. In order to make sure no one was able to open those doors. Because I am not allowing any survivors of cowards who would rather fight defenseless civilians than take the fight to the actual problem they have. The government is that problem.

I walked back over and managed the transfer and made certain to download the schematics of the base into my helmet. To help VISR map the routes I need to take to clear it out. I kept an eye on my motion tracker until a door at the far corner of the room opened and in walked a soldier carrying two coffee cups with what I assume to be steaming hot coffee.

As soon as he walked through the door he found a bullet heading straight through his skull. He dropped the coffee and began to fall back to the wall in an unexpected absurd movement.

I looked at the wall only for my eyes to widen in amazement. Because on the wall and right where the corpse was headed was a big red button for an alarm.

And sure enough-



The alarm went off.

"You have to be fucking with me."


Yeah so no more stealth time to go gunz blazing. Oh yeah that entire portion was a reference if you guys didn't get it. I am certain someone did so I will let them comment it.

How was the action did it get you engaged? Did I do good? I think I did I also gave a good bit of realism.

Anyway double chapter Saturday I think. Song of the day is "Seal the Deal" by Volbeat

If you have any questions feel free to drop them here or wherever I will answer whatever I can.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will See You Star Side.

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