
Halal Ishq

He asked while squeezing her breasts, "Tell me, what are you trying to do?" Dishaan pinched her nipple so hard that she let out a  painful scream. "I can't ,Dishaan. It hurts," she said. "Does it hurt, Biwi?" he asked angrily, shaking his head. Then "Imagine how much it must hurt me to see you laughing and talking with that Rehaan," he said. He then bite her neck roughly and sucked it to reduce the pain. "You have no right to be angry. You've been ignoring me for a month without any reason," she said, gasping for breath. Anam's bold response made him very angry, and he squeezed her breast hard, causing her to cry out in pain "Dishaan, please, it hurts, Anam said while crying. Dishaan ignored her words and looked towards her  while keeping his lips on her breasts, and said, "So, you will take revenge for my ignorance in this way?" His lips were so close to Anam's that his saliva was dripping onto her clothes. Anam shook her head without saying anything.

loud_speaker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 4

After some time, Anam was standing outside Dishaan's room, she did not know what to do, gathering a lot of courage, she knocked on the door.

she heard a voice full of anger , she went inside the room, she was very scared that what was the reason for this anger.

As soon as she entered the room, Anam saw Dishaan sitting very angry and throwing things, Anam was very scared to see Dishaan throwing things. She froze seeing this.

What were you doing in my house at this time, being frank with my brother , "dishaan said very angrily."

Before Anam could answer her question, dishaan hold her hand and with one smooth action , he pinned her against the Wall.

Anam got scared and helpless at same time, What is her mistake and why is her professor behaving this way, she tried to answer but , words are not coming from her mouth.

Anam's silence fueled Dishaan's anger.

I am asking you something, I want an answer, what are you doing in my house with my brother at this time?

T-T-This is my h-o-m-e, I live here," she said tremblingly."

Don't test my patience by lying to me, tell me the truth what are you doing in my house. Dishaan said while banging his hand on the wall .

Miss Malik, I am asking you for the last time, what are you doing here, it is my house.

Would you mind telling me what you are doing at your professor's house?

Professor , I am not lying, she h

Said while crying , I live here it's my home .

Dishaan's anger flew away, seeing tears coming from her beautiful green eyes, there is a unknown pain, he felt there in his heart seeing her crying with hiccups.

Without wasting a second, he cupped her cheeks with palm of his hand, trying to make her clam, he wiped her tears.

Please don't lie miss Malik, tell me what are you doing here? I promise I won't get angry, please Just tell me why are you here? "He said with concern and gentleness"

I -i-m n-not laying professor, it's my home too , you can ask to Danish, if you don't believe me. "She said while shuttering"

Fine, can you explain me? Why are you claiming my home as yours? "He said caressing her cheek"

She melt in his voice full of care and concern.

I am Anam ahemad, it's my late sister Rabail's house, I lived here to take care of my little niece. "Anam said in a low voice"

What did you just said?? "Dishaan asked while shuttering"

Anam was all confused with his sudden change of behaviour.

I am Anam ahe- he cut her off , then why your surname is malik in University?? ""Dishaan asked curiously ""

Be-c-cause, she is not sure whether to tell him , or not .

I AM asking you something Anam,

"He said caressing her cheek"

Because I am married, that's why my surname is Malik in University. She said avoiding eye contact with him.

Who is your husband?

I don't know professor, I just know that his surname is malik that's it .

why did you married to a stranger? Not knowing anything about him?

Because Abraham bhai (brother)

Wants me to marry him, so I did.

She said with lot's of innocence.

Did you know your husband's name?

No , I don't know anything about him.

Please explain me Anam, I m not able to understand a single word you are saying.

Professor, I am belong to a Mafia background, I am sister of leading mafia of turkey, 'Abraham ahemad'

3 years ago I got kidnapped by enemies, and after I came back. Everything was alright for few days.

But one'day, suddenly, bhai came up with marriage documents, and ask me to sign it.

And I did it, because I know he will take right decision for me.after that I came to Lucknow. She said releasing short breath.

(Dishaan was in real shock, he can't believe that, he was married to Abraham ahemad's little sister 3 years ago, and that little princess (his wife) standing infront of him , in his room,

Suddenly he knows the reason , why Abraham sent him to India this urgent. )

He just kissed her forehead, and left the room without saying anything.

Anam left stunned by his gesture of kissing her.