

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything, for anyone, to possess it? Tell me the truth. Do you crave power? Like seriously do you? Has it been your dream to read minds, teleport to faraway places, levitate things with your mind or bend any element to your will? Well trust me when I say this. Power is a curse. 

You're probably thinking right now why is power such a curse? Having the ability to possess magical powers would be totally flippin' awesome. Well sorry to disappoint you but power is not as cool as you may think it is. It's like a curse. You can never get rid of it no matter how hard you try no matter how badly you want it gone it just won't go away.

Power is like a drug. Once you have it you're going to want more and more feeling like you'll never be satisfied with what you already have. And if you take too much the power will consume you and numb your soul then the power will control you instead of you being the one in control.

Others will want to control you because you're so dangerous and may destroy the world one day if your power gets out of hand. Well you're in luck. You don't have everyone looking at you like you're some type of mistake or that you were born to be evil. That you were made to hurt people. I'm Haden Blackwood and this is my story. The story of how I died as a hero, an enemy and as a friend.

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