Sometimes, to get something done, you need to be willing to sacrifice something for the mission, like your humanity and someone's free will. There are some assholes needing a lesson and these will become common thing for me being an Ethereal and a reincarnated. SI, XCOM/Shield Hero, key people may die.
Waking up, I find myself feeling extremely different than I ever have with the loss of a few body parts before. Looking around, I notice something about myself, I'm tall, glowing purple, ghostly, and have several tentacle-like appendages with a Smith and Wesson Model 500 in one of my hands, a red gem in the gun's body near the cylinder. Humming, the sound of a gun fire symphony sounds out suddenly, making me flinch as that isn't normal, yet I have a faint idea why that happened.
Holding the gun up, I tapped the red gem, causing a box to pop up along with various others before me. In my annoyance at a growing idea an erratic chaotic symphony of gun fire resounds from me. A growing dread as I realize what I am and what I am holding. I'm an Ethereal from XCOM, and I am also currently an Otherworld Hero, a reincarnated as well, on the planet the Shield, Bow, Sword, and Spear Heroes reside.
[Mythic Weapon, Gun Spirit has been born]
[World of Hero's is the Gun Spirit's origin world]
[The Gun Spirit was born due to the continuous loops in time, Cardinal Hero's, and Reincarnated Individuals tampering with the world. The Gun Spirit is a Vassal to no Legendary Weapon, it is classified as a Legendary Weapon however. The world created the Gun Spirit itself as a defense mechanism, using the Otherworld Knowledge of outside influences brought into this world, to act as another World Guardian.
Admin Ark has approved using the soul of an Otherworlder and reincarnating them in a suitable vessel that will be difficult to find and detect as the Gun Spirit's sense of self and World Guardian. The Gun Spirit has nine power up methods, and can breathe life into deceased bodies to manifest itself, or attach itself to a worthy wielder of its choice and guide them on a path to protect the world from God's, Heroes, and Reincarnated.]
[Power Up Methods being combined from other Spirit Weapons for best combination]
[Power Up methods of the Gun Spirit: Zero Innate, Skill Power-up Points, Skill Mastery, Growth Revision, Spirit Enchantment, Ore Equip, Level Link, Status Enchantment, Rewind]
[Gun Spirit Status: +4 Attack, +6 Armor Piercing, +3 Magic, +5 Agility]
LV: 1
EXP: 0/10
Title: Gun Spirit, Guardian Gun
MP: 16
SP: 60]
None of this made any feasible sense, but it's my life now, it seems. A life I'm fine pursuing, as I now seemed to be deposited into the world itself as a flower of light bloomed around me. My immediate vicinity was a rather large cavern surrounded by the sleeping forms of the World Guardians as statues. A plethora of wave timers were biologically in my mind recently as of my rebirth. The first wave being in Melromarc in a few weeks, I wasn't interested in going there yet to disrupt some assholes first, I'm curious about the Guardians watching me.
Even though they were asleep around me as statues, I could feel their eyes on me. Looking around, I spotted the tortoise having gained some coloring to her statue as an emerald colored box appeared in my vision. I could hear her say something, but I just didn't understand it. Thankfully, it seemed the box before me explained that to Ost and possibly the other Guardians as it also translated her previous words for me.
[Notice: The Guardian Gun cannot speak this world's languages yet as they have just been born and will not be able to understand you yet, Spirit Tortoise. The Guardian Gun can speak through music and understand musical intent due to their race, but for now, the Gun Spirit shall translate all speech as text until the Guardian Gun can acquire knowledge of the languages of this world.
Spirit Tortoise: Welcome to the world little one, I am the Spirit Tortoise or Ost Horai as people call my Human identity. How do you feel? Anything irregular going on for you? Do you need some assistance?]
Blinking my eyes slowly, I reached a tentacle forward, touching her statue and sending the big girl a pulse of amusement through a symphony of quiet gun fire. Through the slight connection to her, I can feel Ost's feelings practically light up with positivity as her newest sibling essentially spoke to her. Pulling my tentacle away, I heard the Phoenix loud and clear as a musical trill came from the bird's statue.
"Welcome to the world, Gunny! I'm Phoenix or Legional as some Humans have called my Shusaku Persona~! If you ever need someone torched to death, don't hesitate to call for us, WE'LL BURN THEM WITH ENTHUSIASM."
Reaching out a tentacle to the Phoenix statue, I send the Phoenix an extremely amused but thankful symphony of gun fire, crescendoing as a cackling laugh. This earned me a louder, more giggling like trill from the Phoenix's statue as I felt their emotions light up with morbid but affectionate intent. Kirin and Dragon King were stand-offish but from how their text boxes were, they hinted clearly that they rather enjoyed my arrival and look forward to getting to know me. However, what was unexpected was that when I had finished touching each statue, a rainbow-colored box appeared before my eyes.
[All Guardian Beasts forms have been unlocked now for the Gun Spirit by the Guardian Gun gathering residual energy of the Guardian Beasts]
[Phoenix Down Flamethrower
Stats: Fire Immunity, Magic Up (Medium), Fire Magic Up (Large), +40 Magic, +200 Health, +220 Dexterity
Abilities: Heat Seeking, Thermal Vision]
[Dragon King's Shotgun
Stats: Water Magic (Large), Magic Resistance (Large), Dragon Vein Magic (Large), +140 Magic, +200 SP, +400 Attack
Abilities: Dragon Vein Magic, Defense Muting, Armor Shredder]
[Tortoise Pile Bunker
Stats: Earth Magic (Large), Familiar Magic (Medium), Defense Immutable (Large), +200 Magic, +1000 Defense, +130 Luck
Abilities: Familiar Creation, Sanctuary]
[Kirin's Anti-material Sniper Rifle
Stats: Wind Magic (Large), Lightning Magic (Large), Bestial Magic (Large), +600 Magic, +500 Agility, +200 Crit
Abilities: Chain Shot, Railgun, Armor Piercing (Large), Flash Step]
[Guardian Gun Triple Barrel HMG
Stats: Armor Piercing (Large), +100 SP, +100 Magic, +100 Attack, +100 Defense
Abilities: Weapon Storm, Bullet Hell, Bullet Time]
That's interesting, and honestly, I find it a nice starting gift if it could be called that. I bet that's also the easiest form acquiring ever done since I touched some statues and those forms unlocked. But the broken uses make sense as well, I'm a Guardian Beast and Weapon Spirit, yet I'm the weakest one in this world, so I need all that I can get to at least be able to terrorize a single country. Which is sad since I still need to master those forms to permanently acquire their stuff for other forms and to be a threat to a single country. Sighing, I focus on the timers for the waves in my head all over the world and focus regrettably on Melromarc first since that's the one going to start first.
When I focused on the timer, I appeared within the Three Heroes Church in the capital, and I must say it was repugnant to look at. However, looking at the Dragon Hourglass I remembered something and so I took some sand from it. Getting the sand was easy due to my status now, the Hourglass phased some out into my waiting hand. Feeding the sand to my gun, I unlocked a new form for it, just it didn't have the teleporting skill but something else.
[Time Gun
Stats: Health +40, Magic +45
Abilities: Precognition Sight]
I guess because I could already teleport to all the Dragon Hourglasses it didn't gain that ability but a future sight ability instead. Which is useful regardless, as whoever I willingly partner with will probably become the best fucking prophet around due to several perception-based skills once the forms are decently mastered. Blinking, I think of something that I could do as I'm in Melromarc's capital and there is definitely one person worthy of being the Gun Hero regardless of age, Melty Q. Melromarc.
The princess who cares more for the people than any royalty I've seen yet in multiple media. I've got a good five years before the world's first wave even happens, so that means I get plenty of time to train and acquire forms, which would go faster if I worked with Melty as she'd have connections.
However, I had no idea that plan would change when I met the brother who had died in the original timeline.
//\\ Lancrest Q. Melromarc POV \\//
I eyed my elder sister Malty with suspicion when she offered me some food that she made. I knew her personality, I knew how she is, and so I didn't trust her one bit. Furthermore, I was five years younger than her, but even if I was told to trust her because she's family, I wouldn't. All because she's the same one who has tried to kill me countless times now. Yet as soon as I opened my mouth to deny her "gift" she suddenly shoved a spoon full of the chowder she made into my mouth before holding my mouth shut with a smile on her face. My eyes widened as I tried prying her hand off my mouth, yet she was regrettably a few levels above me, I could feel my body starting to grow cold as whatever she put in the chowder started acting rather quickly.
That was when I felt something else, something connecting to me from behind as a status window popped up followed by a window only heroes would see, and a box of text.
[You have become the symbiotic host of the Guardian Beast, Guardian Gun. You've become the wielder of the Gun Spirit.]
[Poison Needler
Status: +3 Health, +6 Attack
Abilities: Poison Resistance (Small)]
[Play dead and wait until I say she is gone, if you don't, she will kill you with a knife hidden up her sleeve. I'll mess with her perception a bit to make her believe you're dead if she tries to make sure.]
I have no choice but to trust the thing connected to me because it is saving my life currently. Doing as the text says, I waited patiently, it felt like hours as the poison in my body slowly was removed. Then even with my eyes closed, I saw a text box appear before my eyes.
[She's gone I had to mess with your perception and bodily functions a bit to fool her, didn't think straight I almost blew my cover against an enemy you can't fight. However it is time to get a moving princeling. Call for a shadow, and get ready to disappear for a few years because if she knows you didn't die she'll erase you with a wave of her hand.]
"What do you mean… and what are you?"
[She's an enemy of the world and one who mustn't learn she's been discovered early, so it's best to play her game for now. As for what I am, I'm the fifth Guardian Beast and the Ninth Vassal Weapon, call me Nual. I didn't originally plan to make you a host, but my instincts led me here and well, I like the idea of fucking over an enemy.]
This Nual had a point, regardless of my understanding, if Malty knew I was still alive she'd make sure I died a more painful death. Sitting up from my slumped over position, I got up from my seat and called out for a shadow. Arranging a few things, I was soon leaving the capital after seeing a body double being made and lifelike in my appearance through alchemy on a corpse. I was currently heading towards Lurolona Village at the behest of Nual.
When I had asked him why because I knew Demi-Humans lived there, he rebuked any negative thoughts of mine and explained why. At the end of his rant, I felt mortified and honestly ashamed of myself. He had a point and I swore to do what I could for myself and my people as that is more important.
[Why are you being so racist? Why do you think they're scum? What makes them more horrible than Humans? Humans may be weaker than them, but you don't need most of what they have to be more dangerous and heartless than them. They can operate on more animalistic instincts at times, yes.
However, that makes them more straightforward and trustworthy than most Humans, even if they can scheme. A Human would sooner stab you in the back for greed, while from what I've gathered, their race would sooner clash head on to crush their opposition with little to no tricks. Or respect another out of their display of strength for most of their race. Plus, you're their PRINCE, it is your duty to look after them and protect them first before some misguided prejudice. Your foremost duty to your people is to protect them and make sure they survive, are happy, and safe.
Not to be like this Idol Rabier I've learned of or your father who would gladly see them dead just because of things they've lost, or think they've lost, and because of joy in seeing them suffer. So why would you let such useless notions like racism, honor, or something else cloud that mission, Lancrest Q. Melromarc?
As for why we are here? The world itself told me to come this way, even though I planned to go to the country of mercenaries first. The world seeing me doing something like this is already pleased and thus is willing to help us grow stronger, but to do so we must face trials and learn humility, fear, love, and sacrifice. This is what the world is essentially telling me. So get ready to learn how to live like a commoner Princeling, you'll be without that cushy life possibly for the foreseeable future.]