


"Get up, lazy head," I said as I knocked on Nelly's door. The third time I called out her name and knocked on her door, I lifted my right arm to check my wristwatch; it said 7 am.

I shook my head, realizing she hadn't been awake at this time. My grannies trained me to be the successor of their company; I was used to getting up at 5 in the morning. They say the earlier you start your day, the better. In their younger years, they woke up even earlier than 5, and they have proven beneficial, especially for business. I'm used to this for many years already, though it was difficult at first. I needed to make a huge adjustment from the lazy boy habits to a successful routine and mindset. But I should say it was all worth it.

"Nelly, we should be starting the driving lesson by now. Nelly, wake up." Still no answer on the second call.