
The Ultimate Heartbreak


The blood spurted out of her, violently splashing on my face. Morgan's eyes were now blood red, but he didn't seem to be drinking. The blood kept dripping off her, staining her fair skin and his hands.

She tried to fight out of his grip, but soon lost strength. The hand she had used to grip the door was slowly failing, as his overpowered it, closing it firmly.

"Morgan!" I screamed again. His eyes were open, staring at me, but it's like he couldn't see me. The blood continued to splurge downwards, and he removed his teeth from her neck. 

I saw the wound, and bile started to rise in my mouth. It was huge, his fang marks breaking the flesh into bits.

He looked st me, and wobbled on his feet, as if dazed. Her body started to fall freely, and he caught the hand, breaking ber fall.

My tears were flowing unrestricted by now, my heart breaking into pieces. 

"Samantha.." The woman said, and I looked at her, taking in her now bloodied face. I knew the hair, the eyes. She was the one from my dream. Morgan's wife.

I looked back at him again, surprise taking over. Had it not been a dream? Was she actually his wife? Did he actually have a wife?

I turned to her again, and she extended a hand to me.

"Help Me..please...

I stood there, glued yo my spot. Morgan's fangs were retreating, and they looked smaller now. He looked less like a monster, and I started to extend my hand towards the woman. She wasn't dead yet. I could save her, if he let me.

Our hands had barely touched before Morgan's fangs suddenly popped out with full force, and he pulled her violently away to the dark corners of the cell, her screams the only evidence of her presence there. 

"Morgan! Morgan!" I screamed after them, running to the cell, and wrapping my hands around the bars. I felt something wet and sticky on my hand and I opened kt slowly, taking a look. My hand was covered in large patches of blood. I screamed and passed out.


No matter what happened, I wasn't going to interfere with anything that had to do with either Smaantha or Morgan. I didn't feel like I had a place amongst them, so I would stay away, and be in my place. Where I feel like I belong.

As I took the second entrance out of the cell, I saw Samantha walking toward their room. I watched her as she checked the rooms, her smile gradually becoming nervous with each door she opened and found that he was not there.

I watched her keenly. I couldn't deny what I felt fir her, yet, I know I would never feel as much for her as I did for Nicole. It was a fact I didn't even need to state.

I slowly started to follow her as she walked through the length of the balcony, and then descended down the stairs towards the cell rooms.

What could go wrong? After all, Nicole had tried to harm her. I stopped at the entrance and turned away, but her scream stopped me from leaving.

She was screaming hysteriaclly, and without proper order, I ran down the cell room, just in time to break her unconscious fall and stop her from hitting the ground.