
Green tipped ears and family

Izuku stress manifested a wolf quirk after the sludge villain. He scares his momma, and after she tells him to leave, he runs away from home. It’s the perfect opportunity to watch heroes though! And he gets to meet Eraserhead! He also gets… taken in by Eraserhead. Izuku has a wolf quirk, and he finds himself a family.

Runtbastrd · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Izuku and Hitoshi stay in the living room until papa comes home. He's half asleep when papa walks through the door, and the contact of a grown man landing roughly on him makes him cough. The weight is quickly removed, and he can see that his dad is holding papa off him, sighing softly. Izuku laughs, ignoring the way his bones groan and protest to the effort, because he's so happy to be around his family again that he doesn't even mind the pains. He knows he should be careful, he's taken quite a beating from the league of villains and the attack at the camp, his body broken and bones cracked, but the adrenaline to keep surviving had kept him going, and he's not exactly sure when it's going to wear off. His papa is crying, looking him up and down to see his injuries, and when Izuku stands on wobbly feet, he lets his papa and dad check him properly. He hadn't wanted to be touched before, but with the scent of his pack surrounding him, he can't help but relax, letting them tug off his ratty shirt to get a good look at him. Apparently he doesn't look so good, because his papa has to leave, returning to his bedroom, and his dad makes a call. Izuku can't hear who he's talking too, too focused on the soft cries his papa is making down the hall. But it's okay. Izuku is home now.

They let him sleep, but he keeps waking every so often, phantom pains kissing his skin. The worst is the one on his arm, the smell of his own burning skin haunting him in his light sleep. Hitoshi hums softly in an attempt to soothe him, and his dad finds Izuku's capture scarf, placing it around his shoulders as he sits on the coffee table that is parallel with the couch, carding his fingers through Izuku's hair as Hitoshi presses soft kisses to his temples, whispering softly between each kiss that "it's alright Izuku." And "we've got you love." And Izuku holds tight to them both, letting them comfort him until he falls into another one of his nightmares.

When he wakes properly, his papa is cooking. He lays on the couch alone, Hitoshi and his dad in the kitchen talking softly with papa. It gives Izuku a moment to reflect, to think on everything that has happened. The first thing he realises, is that he's left Kota behind. Kota is pack now, and he's not here. Izuku will have to find him. He stands, the strain of getting his legs under him exhausts him, but Kota is pack, and he can't rest until he knows all of his pack is safe. He awkwardly shuffles to the door, but Hitoshi gently touches his bare back, shaking his head. He whispers so softly that if Izuku didn't have his wolf hearing, he wouldn't have heard him at all. "Your parents can't take you leaving so soon. Whatever it is, it can wait until you're better."

Izuku stares dumbly, but he lets Hitoshi guide him away from the door, and Izuku stumbles into the kitchen, taking comfort from the pack he can get. His dad ruffles his hair and his papa smiles, and he just blinks owlishly up at them, his brain too unfocused to keep up with what is happening right now. He's fed a big meal that he picks at, quietly excusing himself and heading to his room as Hitoshi follows him. His sleep is continuously interrupted, but he smells recovery girl after his third nightmare, and he smiles tiredly at her, Hitoshi's fingers scratching at his scalp making him purr and pulling him towards sleep. She laughs softly as she kisses his forehead, and Izuku doesn't need Hitoshi's help to succumb to sleep this time, but the attention is appreciated all the same, his deep rumble continuing on even in his deep sleep.

A look at Hitoshi's phone when he wakes, tells him he's been asleep more than 24 hours. He doesn't know where his own phone is, probably destroyed by Shigaraki after he'd called for Izuku on live Tv, and Izuku feels the guilt at wasting money pool in his stomach as he stands, his bed empty. Hitoshi's scent still lingers, so either he must be talking to his dad or papa, but Izuku has to leave today. He needs to check on Kota. he grabs for a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, tugging them on over his head, glad that the searing pain has been replaced by a dull ache. He steps into the livingroom barefoot, eyes landing on Hitoshi before they skip to his dad. "You're looking better. How… are you?"

"Better than I should be. I have to go out today."

His dad frowns, shaking his head. "No, you have to rest, Recovery girl said-"

Izuku stares at his dad, it's probably the first time in his life he hasn't backed down to his fathers demands. "I wasn't asking. I'm telling you, I have to go out today."

His dad stops, staring right back, unused to his defiance. "Where?"

"The camp."

His papa appears in the doorway, eyes flicking between Izuku and his dad, eyebrow raised. It's strange, normally Izuku is so willing to listen to his dad, loyal and unquestioning, but this time, he's straight faced and unwavering, shoulders squared. Everyone can see he's nothing but a shell right now, that he needs to take time, but he's willing to die on this hill, and Hizashi watches his husband crumble, looking away. "Then I'll take you."

"It's faster if I go alone."

Shouta's eyes flick to his son, and he tries not to let it show how upset and frustrated he is. "This is non-negotiable Izuku. Either we take you, or you don't go at all." He watches the shift in his son, watches him deflate and grow tired, nodding as he shuffles off to find socks and shoes. His eyes track to Hitoshi, recalling what they'd talked about when Izuku had been asleep.

"So uh- old man? I gotta tell you somethin'. When Izuku was having those nightmares on the couch, he was mumbling about his pack, and then when I went to get him for dinner, he was almost half way to the front door. I think there's someone else that he's added to his pack."

Shouta will be damned before he lets his kid disappear again, so he grabs his car keys, watching Izuku shuffle timidly to the front door with Hitoshi behind him, Hizashi locking up behind them after grabbing his coat.

Izuku taps his knee for the whole journey, his other hand clasped with Hitoshi's. He tracks everything with his eyes, and when they start to approach familiar dirt roads, Izuku rolls his window down so he can smell better. It's been more than two weeks, but he can still smell the smoke and ash, and when they're close enough that Izuku can't stand being confined anymore, he begs his dad to let him run the rest of the way.

After all, he can't even wear his seatbelt anymore, it's probably safer for him to run.

"You tell me why you can't wear your seatbelt, i'll let you run."

"They strapped me to a chair when they beat me. Can I run now?"

Izuku hears the choked inhale from his dad, the soft gasp from his papa. He sees the guilt on Hitoshi's face. He doesn't know why they're so upset, he's home now after all. But his dad pulls over and Izuku happily barrels out of the car, small smile in place. He hops from foot to foot, happy to have this small slice of freedom. He shifts easily, stretching out his lanky body and shaking his fur, pushing his wet nose to his dads window as a thank you before taking off, bounding as hard as his aching body can take. He skids to a stop, yipping at the car he'd been a passenger in, and it takes a moment, and Hitoshi leaning his head out the window to ask a question, for his dad to understand what Izuku wants.

Izuku races his pack to the camp building, tail wagging when he wins. He can hear Hitoshi laughing, and his tail only wags harder. Even his dad and papa look a little happier now, Izuku's preserved childish nature still being intact seems to soothe them. Izuku leaves them at the car to speak to the approaching heroes, and he sticks his nose down to try and track the reason he's here. He trots through the forest, stumbling slightly when he realises he's heading to where he killed muscular. He slows down when he sees Kota, the boy doesn't sense him at all, and Izuku is scared he'll scare him. He huffs softly, wincing when Kota jumps, but the boy turns, hands raised like he's ready to use his quirk, and Izuku is so proud. He huffs again, and Kota stares wide eyed, quickly scrambling to his feet to run over, slamming into Izuku's legs. "You're alive! I saw the bad man on Tv! I heard you, did you get him? You came back to see me!" Izuku ducks his head down to mimic a hug, rumbling softly. Its a lot of statements so Izuku shifts back, smiling softly at Kota.

"Of course I came back. You're pack." He grins as Kota's eyes light up, his face splitting into a large smile. Izuku sits with him and they talk, and he tugs nervously at his fingers as he tells Kota what happened after he left. He leaves out the part where he was beaten, but he tells the boy of his escape, and Kota tells him about how he'd seen Shigaraki on the Tv, and he'd heard Izuku's promise to kill him. Izuku had smiled sheepishly at that, apologising for being unheroic, but Kota had grinned, so wide and fearless, and told Izuku that he was a real hero. Izuku had quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hands at that one.

Izuku trotted through the forest again, this time with Kota on his back, ear flicking or yipping softly when Kota's conversation called for it. The adults had moved inside, leaving a door open for Izuku to squeeze through, so he crouched a little to protect Kota's head, walking into the building. They're sitting around a table, and Izuku crouches to let Kota down, then shifts back when he's safely off. He approaches his dad, smiling softly when Hitoshi approaches him and presses a kiss to his hairline, taking his hand as they sit at the table. Izuku smiles up at his dad, who smiles back, tilting his head. "You came for Kota."

"He's pack."

His dads smile grows, and he nods softly, a soft look in his eyes that reminds Izuku of the beginning, offered up ham and using his dads lap as a pillow. He's not paying attention to the heroes conversation, happy to let the words wash over him, eyes dropping to where Hitoshi is holding his hand, his thumb rubbing soft circles in the back of Izuku's hand.

Izuku doesn't mind when papa says they have to go, happy to follow Hitoshi to the car. He hears Kota before he sees him, but he lets the boy smack into his back, wrapping his arms around Izuku's middle. Izuku smiles at how careful he is with the hug despite how hard he'd ran into him. "You'll come visit again, right big bro?" Izuku stills slightly, eyes widening, and even his parents and the other heroes have stopped, swivelling around to watch them. Izuku carefully turns in Kota's grip, patting Kota's head to make him look up. Kota's eyes are watery, like he's afraid of rejection, and it makes Izuku feel so soft and vulnerable, so he hugs Kota tight, nodding.

"Of course I will, Kota."

When Izuku gets in the car, Kota isn't just pack. He's his brother. Izuku wouldn't have it any other way.

Izuku stands in front of the mirror, and the familiarity makes him shudder. He holds the scissors in his hands, and before he can even grasp the first strand of hair, his dad is taking the scissors gently, running his hands through messy curls and starting to cut off the long hair, smiling softly at Izuku every time their eyes meet in the mirror. Papa joins them halfway through, his small chuckle making both father and son look over at him, and Izuku only smiles when he sees that papa has taken a picture of them. He looks back to the mirror, letting his dad finish up, and when papa turns to leave, Izuku stops him by gently grabbing his wrist. He feels childish for his request, but as he mumbles it out softly, his papa only kisses his freshly cut curls and whispers, "I'd love to baby." So Izuku smiles, stripping down to his boxers and climbing awkwardly into the tub, his papa running the warm water to wet his hair. Izuku rumbles a loud purr while his papa washes his curls, and he doesn't even mind when Hitoshi comes to sit on the edge of the tub, laughing softly at his too loud purr and closed eyes.

His papa is rinsing his hair when he takes a soft breath, watching the dirty water slip down the drain. He's thinking of the time they'd talked on the roof, and everything that has happened since then. "Papa?"

"Yeah baby?"

"I'll do it."

"Do what Izuku?"

"See the quirk specialist to help me."

Papa presses a kiss to his soaked head, nodding softly. "Thank you Izuku."

Izuku shifts to sleep that night, but only so he can be big enough to touch his whole pack at once, their scents clinging to his fur as he drifts to sleep, this time, the nightmares don't come to get him. Afterall, he's finally home.