
Rest Easy

"How soon until we have to get back home? I'm getting used to this place," Elros asked Rias as she and Akeno were walking around the back gardens of the Gremory residence with him. All three had just woken up not too long ago and before leaving, Rias wanted to show Elros the lush backyard.

They walked along a red brick path, similar to the path that led to the front of the home. The trails cut through the bright green landscape that was brimming over with flora and fauna. Elros saw mighty oak trees offering cool shade; pale green willows, billowing in a short breeze as their long leaves touched the ground; he saw the powerful roots of yew trees worm their way into the ground, their massive trunks so large that a small child could carve it into a small treehouse; he saw flowers of all variety blooming on either side - bright red roses with their thorns glistening in a dew, velvet-white daisies with their sun-like centers smiling brightly at him; sunflowers of a radiant yellow, standing strong and waiting to be pollinated so their seed would spread. He saw a few squirrels nearby, gnawing on food that was left for them; he saw a doe and her fawn sprinting across the distance, enjoying the cool wind that swept over the landscape. It was paradisiacal, Elros thought. Rias and Akeno smiled brightly as they saw how happy and at peace he looked.

"We'll head back in a few days. I just wanted to show you around a bit. What do you think?" Rias asked as she took his arm and held it between her breasts. Seeing that, Akeno did the same.

"I absolutely love it. It's beautiful here. Almost as beautiful as present company," Elros said as he smiled at the two beauties.

"Glad you think so," Rias said as she led him and Akeno to a small bench with its back against the mountains off to the distance. They sat down, resting their head on either shoulder. Elros put his arms around both and drew them in, taking a moment to simply enjoy what was happening.

"I feel like I'm in a fairy tale or something," he finally said with a grin. Akeno and Rias giggled at that and held on a bit tighter to him; they were thinking the same thing.

"I'm still surprised at how astounded you are. You'd think that for a guy who visits new planets for a living, nothing would be surprising or as amazing on Earth," Rias said.

"God, I hope not. Shoot me dead if that ever becomes the case. Once I've crossed that threshold, I shudder to think how dreary life would become. No, this is exactly how I like it. Surprised and engrossed by everything," Elros said.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention. We have a little surprise for you when we get home. I think you'll like it," Rias said.

"Oh? What is it?" Elros asked, intrigued.

"Sorry, you're going to have to wait. But don't worry, we'll be sure to draw it out as long as possible," Akeno said.

"That's cruel," Elros deadpanned.

"Well, considering how much you've teased us, we think it's the least we can do," Rias said giggled.

"Damn. I knew that would come back to bite me, but I didn't expect it to happen so quick. Very well! I accede," Elros said.

"Don't be so dramatic. A little wait won't hurt you," Akeno said with a laugh.

"Yeah, doesn't mean I have to like it," Elros pouted.

"For such a strong guy, you're such a baby," Rias said as she pinched his cheek.

"Gee, thanks," Elros deadpanned again, making Akeno and Rias giggle. Suddenly, they heard a small voice and saw a figure rushing at them.

"Elros! Elros! You're up!" Gasper yelled excitedly as he leaped on to Elros and hugged him tightly. Elros couldn't help but laugh at the vampires reaction. He gently patted him on the back Gasper continued to squeal in delight.

"Hey there, kid. Yup, I'm fine," Elros said as he tried to calm the excited vampire down.

"We were all so worried!" Gasper exclaimed. Elros smiled warmly at that as he ruffled Gasper's hair; like the others in the peerage, Gasper was extremely loving and caring when it came to his friends.

"No need to worry about me, Gasper. I'm a tank," Elros chuckled.

"Riser's such a coward! I'm really happy you beat him!" Gasper said happily as he hopped off Elros and turned to look at him.

"Likewise. He was a -," Elros stopped, looking sideways and Rias and Akeno who gave him a warning glance.

"Meany," Elros finished. Gasper nodded vigorously in response, agreeing with the word.

"Gasper! It's time to eat! Come on!" Asia yelled from the manor. Gasper quickly rushed over. Elros couldn't help but smile at the exuberance and enthusiasm in the young vampire. His eyes misted over slightly, wondering how his life would've been like if he was surrounded by people like the Gremory family from a young age. Rias and Akeno both noted his slight shift in mood but opted not to say anything - mostly because they didn't know what exactly to say. Instead, they held on to him a bit tighter, hoping that would convey the sympathy.

"You want to head back?" Rias asked.

"Sure. Let's go," Elros said. All three soon got up and went back to the mansion.

As they crossed the threshold, they suddenly came across one of Riser's former peerage members - Yubelluna.

"It's good to see you well," she said as she quickly put her arms around Elros. Elros smiled and returned the hug, although made sure not to linger - on his sides, he felt Rias and Akeno's energy crackle viciously.

"You as well, Bella. How're you liking it here?" Elros wondered.

"Extremely well. Lady Gremory is a gracious host. Although I certainly wouldn't mind a little extra company," Yubelluna said as she ran a finger across his chest, staring longingly into his eyes. Before he could reply, Rias and Akeno quickly pulled him away.

"Sorry Yubelluna, maybe another time!" Rias said quickly. Yubelluna smirked but sighed; there were other, more private ways of communication.


"Elros dear, how are you?" Venelana asked as she found Elros. Rias was whisked away to speak with her brother, while Akeno took Asia, Xenovia, and Koneko out; Gasper and Issei were in their respective rooms. Leaving Elros alone, he managed to get lost in the massive house.

"Ah, Mrs. Gremory! Happy to see you, actually. I seem to be lost," Elros said as he looked around with narrowed eyes, wondering which way to go.

"I can see that, sweetheart. Come on, I'll escort you to your room," Venelana said with a giggle.

"I don't wish to impose, m'lady," Elros said.

"Not at all. Zeo is the same way sometimes," Venelana said as she had him follow her.

"Thank you again for the hospitality," Elros said with a smile.

"It's not nearly enough, Elros. You've done our family a service we can never repay. The deal that my husband and Riser's father had was extremely important. So when we found out that Riser was threatening to block it, needless to say, we were all worried. Coupled with the fact that he tried so hard to force my daughter into marrying him… while things likely could've been handled better, I'm happy that the matter is finally put to rest - all thanks to you," Venelana said.

"I was happy to help, Mrs. Gremory. Rias deserves to be happy," Elros said.

"Mhm. As do you, sweetheart. Tell me, Elros - how do you feel about my daughters? Both of them," Venelana asked.

"I care for Rias and Akeno very deeply, Mrs. Gremory. They're both important to me; as is their happiness," Elros said.

"I see. What about the status that comes with being a Gremory? You don't care about that?" Venelana asked.

"Not really. Don't know what I'd do with it. Hell, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with what I won from Riser. Feels like it might be more hassling than it's worth," Elros grumbled, eliciting another giggle from her.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to put it to good use, dear. But I'm happy to hear that. As much as it pains me to say, many of the suitors that Rias has been presented were after just that - status and power," Venelana said sadly.

"I haven't really had an in depth discussion with her about it yet, Mrs. Gremory, but is it really that important that she marry someone like Riser?" Elros asked.

"Honestly, sweetheart? It's not. It's not as though arranged marriages are uncommon. In fact, Zeo and I had an arranged marriage, but luckily it was also one of love. I couldn't imagine my life without that man; after all, he's the reason I have two beautiful children. I suppose it's also why he thought that the engagement between Riser and Rias would work out. Unfortunately, Riser wasn't like Zeo in any regard. It would've benefited both families, perhaps - but at the cost of my daughter's happiness. I'm truly happy with how things turned out. Although I must apologize to you as well," Venelana said as she stopped at looked at Elros.

"Apologize? For what?" Elros asked, puzzled.

"At the celebration, Riser attacked you. It was foolish of us not to take more precautions. I fear that after your win in the duel, you might be exposed to more threats," Venelana said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Gremory. I'll keep the others safe," Elros said, giving the woman a reassuring smile. Venelana looked at him with surprise.

"Keep the others safe?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I'd die before I let any harm befall them," Elros said. As the words reached her, she gave him a warm smile and pulled him into an embrace. Elros was surprised but returned it, patting her on the back.

"There, there," he said comfortingly.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm happy that Rias had you join her peerage and our household. I can't think of a better man for my daughters to be with," Venelana said as she continued to lead him to his room.

"You're too kind, Mrs. Gremory," Elros said with a smile.

"I mean it. It's rare to find someone who cares so deeply about others. Even when it's your life at risk, you choose to care about others first. It's an exceedingly rare trait," Venelana said.

"Rias has it as well, though. She chose to save me as opposed to locking me up or killing me on the spot. I don't know many people that would heal someone that just destroyed their house. And Akeno has been letting me stay with her for a while now. You and Mr. Gremory have done a wonderful job in raising two exceptional daughters," Elros complimented her.

"Now you're being too kind, sweetheart. You seem to be quite the ladies man yourself if I might add. Marion and Bürent were practically fighting to take care of you after Riser's attack. And of course, the incident with Yubelluna," Venelana said with a giggle.

"As Akeno told me, I'm sweet and handsome. And apparently I don't need much more than that," Elros said cheerfully.

"I'm surprised you let some of Riser's peerage go back to him, however. Many people in your position might have kept them out of vengeance," Venelana said.

"I don't want to force anyone to stay with me if they don't want to. That usually doesn't end up well for anyone. Hell, the ones that stayed I'm already at a loss with what to do," Elros grumbled again, remembering that Yubelluna, Karlamine, Isabela, Xuelan, Mihae, Marion, and Bürent were now his responsibility.

"And what about starting a harem? My husband has one, after all. Many Devils do, in fact - when they come into their own peerage or power," Venelana asked.

"I wouldn't want to force them into a harem, if that's what you mean. Now if I charm them, that's a different story," Elros said with a laugh.

"I daresay you've had that effect on my daughters, although they won't admit it. Please, take care of them for me. A mother worries," Venelana sighed.

"Absolutely, Mrs. Gremory," Elros agreed.

"Well, this is it, Elros. Next time you get lost, you can simply call out for one our maids to help you," Venelana explained.

"What? That's it?" Elros asked in shock. Venelana giggled and nodded before taking her leave.


As the light outside faded and the watchful night crept in, Elros found himself walking around the cavernous residence once again. Torches along the hallways were lit, allowing him to see where he was going - although they were unnecessary, as he now had perfect vision and night vision, courtesy of being a Devil. Rias tried to come and see him, but was whisked away by her father this time; while Venelana had joined Akeno and the other girls in going around a town stead within the Gremory territory.

As he continued along the hallway, he noticed a door to his right opening. Stepping out was a Mihae, who had evidently just showered - the fragrance of her perfume had reached him quickly. She let out a small gasp as she almost ran into him.

"Oh, Elros!" she said, blushing as she took a step back.

"Good evening, Mihae. How are you?" Elros asked pleasantly, folding his hands behind his back.

"I'm well - but wait! That's not important! How are YOU?" Mihae asked, scolding herself silently for not visiting him earlier. She and the rest of Riser's peerage that decided to stay with Elros all witnessed Risers attack. All were equally horrified by what they saw and felt fury in their hearts towards their former master; Mihae and Karlamine practically had to restrain Yubelluna forcibly to prevent her from blowing the Phoenix family away with her powers.

"Can't complain. Got lost earlier, but Mrs. Gremory helped me find my room," Elros said with a grin.

"Not that! Physically, how are you? After Riser's attack," Mihae asked worriedly.

"Oh, that. Perfect, actually. Not a scratch on me, as you can see," Elros said as he slapped himself on the chest.

"Sans that scar," Mihae said.

"Ah, that's a different story. This baby won't be going away anytime soon. Not that I want to, though. It seems to attract the opposite sex to me," he said with a wink. She blushed at that but smiled after a second; he wasn't wrong.

"What're you doing now, then?" Mihae asked as she began walking with him.

"Dunno, really. Don't want to stay in my room so just keep walking around. At least now if I get lost, I'll have company," he replied cheerfully, putting an arm around her and pulling her in. She blushed even deeper at that; she wasn't used to such treatment, especially from Riser.

"Perhaps, although I'm not a very good conversationalist," Mihae told him.

"That's fine. I can keep a conversation going by myself if it comes down to that," Elros said. She giggled at that as she leaned in slightly.

"So, how do you feel about joining me?" Elros asked.

"Mmm. I feel content. I believe the others are quite happy as well. With Riser, we had limited freedom. I feel that with you, that won't be a problem," she said.

"Limited freedom? What do you mean?" he asked.

"Riser kept a tight leash on all of us, save for his sister. He was… not the kindest master," she replied uneasily. They suddenly came to a halt and Elros turned to her.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, his voice cold. Mihae was surprised by the change but continued.

"He would… push us around, as it were. If we failed to meet his expectations, or suffered a loss, or sometimes if he simply felt like it, he would hurt us or punish us in some way. The Lady Phoenix was sometimes similar, although mostly with her words. We mostly had to grin and bear it; otherwise, we risked being labeled Strays. I'm thankful for his elder brother for helping us from time to time; the rest of his family is quite kind," Mihae said, trying to smile. As he heard that, Elros felt his anger flare.

'Perhaps I should've punished him harder,' Elros thought darkly. He brought a hand up to Mihae's cheek before pulling her in for a hug. She was surprised, but leaned into it and returned it.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I promise you that it'll be different with me. Don't even consider me a master; think of me as your friend, alright?" Elros told her.

"We can't-," Mihae began before he cut her off.

"You can and you will. You deserve to be happy as well, not just subject to the will and whim of another. Don't worry," Elros said soothingly. She felt tears come to ahead, but quickly surpassed them - now wasn't the time. Instead, she leaned on the tips of her toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're a very kind person," she said, smiling warmly at him.

"I certainly try," Elros said, returning the smile.

"Anyways, I'd love to continue walking, but I just remembered that there are some things I need to do. Would you excuse me?" she asked.

"Certainly. I'll see you later," Elros said. They parted ways and Mihae rushed back to her room, her heart a flutter.


Elros meanwhile, continued on his indoor stroll, wondering who he would meet next. He question was quickly answered as he ran head first into Issei.

"Issei! How's it going?" Elros asked.

"Not bad. Just heading to my room. You?" he asked.

"Heading anywhere but my room. I wanted to ask you - those girls I hooked you up with? You hit it?" Elros asked with a grin. Issei turned bright red at that.

"I-I-I-I," he stammered, unable to answer. Elros put a hand on his shoulder and nodded sagely.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Issei asked annoyedly.

"Take it at your own pace. No need to rush these things. But just in case," Elros said as he reached into a pocket. He placed a condom in Issei's hand, making him turn even redder - if that was possible.

"What's this for?!" Issei demanded.

"Precaution, my friend. You can never be too safe," Elros said before he continued his walk, leaving Issei standing there flustered.


After another hour of random walking, Elros headed back to his room. Through the windows, he saw only the light of a pale moon shimmering in, illuminating some of the dust that was floating around. Not paying attention, he soon ran into someone - literally.

"Ah, Bella. Sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was going," Elros said as he turned to look at the beauty, who smiled back at him.

"Think nothing of it. I wasn't quite paying attention, either. Where are you headed?" Yubelluna. asked.

"Back to my room. Yourself?" Elros inquired.

"Likewise. It's on the opposite site of the residence. Rias's decision, no doubt," she said with a sigh.

"Ah. Shall I escort you?" Elros asked.

"Please," she replied with a smile. Wrapping an arm around his and holding it between her breasts, she led the way.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked.

"Good as new. Those Phoenix Tears work wonders, don't they?" Elros asked.

"They do. It's quite impressive. Also easy to see why the Phoenix's are so wealthy. Although, I suppose now you're the one who'll benefit from that. I'm still not sure how you convinced Riser to bet so much," she said with a sigh.

"Dude's pretty simple minded. Show an old dog a new trick and he'll waste everything trying to learn it. At least I'm reasonably sure that's how the quote goes," Elros said.

"Handsome, sweet, and funny. You're quite the charmer, aren't you?" Yubelluna asked.

"Perhaps, but I envy your straightforwardness. Pretty sure if I kissed a girl out of the blue, she'd slap me into the next life," Elros said with a laugh.

"If it were you doing the kissing, I think you'd get a pass," Yubelluna commented with a giggle.

"Either you overestimate my charm or I underestimate it. Although I suppose I shouldn't complain either way," Elros chortled.

"So how was I?" Yubelluna asked.

"Do you even need to ask? Something tells me you already know," Elros said with a smirk.

"Perhaps, but I like to make sure," she replied seductively.

"In that case, we'll need to try again. I wouldn't want to make any mistake in my judgment, after all," Elros said.

"Then let's quicken our pace," Yubelluna said as they headed towards her room. They didn't get very far, however, when they heard a shout.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" yelled a visibly angry Rias as she rushed towards the two Devils.

"Ah, Rias. Finished business with your brother and father, then?" Elros asked cheerfully.

"Yes. Now answer my question!" Rias asked, fuming as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking dangerously at Yubelluna who just smiled back at her.

"Bella and I ran into each other and I offered to walk her to her room," Elros shrugged.

"She can walk by herself!" Rias said.

"And what if I was set upon by some unseemly character? I need Elros to make sure I make it safe," Yubelluna said as she rested her head on his shoulder. That was the final straw for Rias who wrenched Elros free of Yubelluna's grasp and into her own.

"Grayfia! Can you escort Yubelluna to her room!" Rias yelled out into nothingness. Grayfia quickly appeared and bowed to the three Devils.

"Of course, Lady Rias. Lady Yubelluna?" she said, solemn as usual. Yubelluna sighed before shooting Rias a scornful look.

"What's your problem?" she asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Rias demanded.

"I mean you keep hogging him. So is it official? You two are getting married?" Yubelluna asked.

"Of course, we aren't!" Rias exclaimed, red in the face.

"Then boyfriend/girlfriend?" Yubelluna asked.

"No. Not that either," Rias said uncomfortably after pausing for a moment.

"Then why do you have a problem with him and I walking together?" she demanded.

"That's… I… that's not the point! The point is I don't trust you yet!" Rias shouted.

"I think the point is that you're jealous. It looks I've made one more move on him that you haven't," Yubelluna said with a smirk. Rias had no reply to that.

"I'll see you around Elros. Perhaps I can call you sometime?" Yubelluna asked, turning her attention to him.

"Of course," Elros nodded, smiling back at her. With that, she took her leave with Grayfia, leaving Rias and Elros standing there.

"I can't believe her!" Rias scowled as she pulled on Elros's arm and led him away.

"Easy, Rias. I'm fond of this arm," Elros said with a chuckle.

"And you as well! How come you didn't say anything?" Rias demanded, turning her anger on him.

"What did you want me to say?" Elros asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Anything!" she exclaimed.

"Something tells me that may have just exacerbated the situation," Elros sighed.

"Well, something would've been nice!" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"My apologies," Elros said with a wry smile. He had an inkling of why her anger was now directed at him, but he decided not to press the point.

"Whatever," Rias said as she turned and walked away, leaving him alone in the highway. With a deep sigh, he headed to his room.


As he was walking back, he ran into Akeno.

"Hey," she said as she hugged him.

"Hey, Akeno. How was your day?" Elros asked as hugged her back.

"Pretty good. Showed the girls around a bit, and then Venelana joined us. What about you?" she asked.

"Got lost, got found, then walked around," Elros said.

"Yeah, Venelana told us about that. I don't blame you. When I lived here, I got lost all the time," she said with a smile.

"This place is ridiculously big," Elros said as he looked around.

"That's how Devils prefer it," Akeno said as they began walking towards her room.

"Seems like it. So you ready to head back?" Elros asked.

"Just about. Open house is going to be here soon," she said.

"What's that?" Elros asked.

"It's an event at school every year where parents and family members get a chance to come and see what their kids are doing. So a day of embarrassment, really," Akeno giggled.

"Doesn't sound too bad. At least it sounds like good entertainment, even if it is at others expense," Elros chuckled.

"By the way, did you give Issei a condom earlier?" Akeno suddenly asked.

"I did indeed. The fact he doesn't always carry one is troubling," Elros said as he shook his head.

"You realize that most people don't typically just happen upon sex, right? Especially if their virgins?" Akeno asked.

"You can never be too careful is all I'm saying. Although now I need to restock," Elros suddenly said as he patted his pockets.

"I'm sure you can do without them for a few days," Akeno said.

"Days? It's been weeks already," Elros grumbled.

"Mhm. I'm sure Yubellunas kiss got you excited," she teased.

"I plead the fifth. Already went through that with Rias," he sighed.

"Ah. That explains why she was in a bad mood when I saw her down the hallway," Akeno giggled.

"Yup," Elros sighed.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to her. Anyways, this is my room. I'll see you later," Akeno said.

"Good night," Elros said as he swooped in and kissed her cheek. She smiled and the gesture and replied in kind before heading in.


As Elros opened the door to his room, he found that he was not alone. He saw Rias standing near the balcony, a sullen look on her face as she the face reflected gently off her face.

"Hey. You alright?" Elros asked worriedly as he went over to her. She turned to face him with a serious expression.

"Do you like Yubelluna?" Rias asked uncomfortably.

"What?" Elros asked, surprised by the question.

"Yubelluna. Do you like her? I mean she's certainly quite beautiful and seems to be quite into you," Rias said.

"Why do you ask?" Elros inquired.

"I… don't know," Rias said as she averted his gaze.

"I suppose I do like her. Although probably not in the way you're asking. You asking if I have feelings for her, no?" Elros clarified.

"…Yes," Rias nodded.

"Then as a friend, I do like her. Sure we don't know each other well, but that'll likely change. If you're asking whether or not I'm smitten or in love with her, the answer is no," Elros said.

"Really?" Rias asked, surprised.

"Really. I can't fall in love with someone I hardly know," Elros said.

"Is there anyone that you… do like in that way?" Rias asked.

"There is," Elros said. Rias felt her heart rate quicken as he said that.

"Oh? Who?" she asked, trying to keep her voice level. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her chin. Elros positioned her to look at him, a searching look in his eyes.

"Wha-," was all Rias got out before she suddenly felt him press his lips to hers. She was shocked by the motion; her soft lips suddenly caught in a war with his rough ones. She felt Elros's hands go from her chin to her lower back before resting on her ass. Rias was at a complete loss for what to do for a brief moment before she made her choice. She put her hands around his neck and tightened her hold, leaning into the kiss as much as she could. She felt him reach down and pick her up, supporting her from the bottom. Rias wrapped her legs around his waist, soon feeling his tongue wriggle into her mouth. She felt him move forward a few paces as he roughly pushed her against the wall, tasting her as much as he could.


Rias's body jerked awake in a cold sweat, her breathing hard and heavy as she remembered the dream that just passed. She looked at the clock on her right: 4am.

'It was… just… a dream. But… felt so real…,' she thought with a sigh. She looked around, remembering where she was. After her short row with Elros, she stomped back to her room - angry for a reason that she now felt was stupid. Taking a large swig of water, she got up and exited, making her way down the dimly lit hallway.

As she got to Elros's room she hesitated. Was now the really the right time to barge in? Would he mind? What if he was asleep? Sighing at the thought, she made up her mind and opened the door.

"Elros?" she whispered in the cavernous room. There was no response. She was about to call his name again when she suddenly heard a rustling coming from his bed. Looking towards it, it looked as though someone was moving around in it. For a moment her anger flared - did Yubelluna sneak her way in? But then she saw clearly; it was Elros - shaking violently in bed.

"Elros?" Rias asked worriedly as she hurried over to his side. Suddenly, his body jerked awake.

"NO!" he shouted, his breathing heavy and labored. The wild look on his face terrified her for a second as she recoiled; she had never seen him in such a way.

"R…Rias?" Elros suddenly asked, still breathing heavily as he finally came to his senses and looked around. He saw her standing there, a worried look in her eye.

"Elros? Are you ok?" Rias asked as she moved to his side, putting a hand on his back.

"I…I… yes. Sorry. I'm fine," he said as he calmed down.

"No, you're not," Rias said as she took his face in her hands, examining it. His pupils were dilated and he was sweating profusely - something certainly scared him, she thought.

"I am. I am," he insisted, although his breathing was still a bit heavy.

"Elros," Rias said sternly.

"I… sorry, what're you doing her?" Elros asked.

"I… couldn't sleep," she said quietly, now embarrassed.

"You want to stay?" Elros asked.

"Can I?" she asked.

"Of course," Elros said as he moved over a bit, allowing her to get in. Rias quickly took her clothes off before settling in, resting her head on his chest. She ran her hands comfortingly over his stomach as he did the same for her back. As she listened to his heart, she noticed it beating much faster than she had heard before.

"Please. Tell me what happened," she pleaded with him.

"It… nightmare," he answered.

"What was it about?" she asked.

"My father," was all Elros said. The tone of his voice said to drop it, which Rias did for now.

"Anyways, that's not important. Why couldn't you sleep?" Elros asked.

"Something similar. I'm… after spending all that time with you, I don't know - I just don't feel comfortable if you're not there," Rias whispered.

"I'm always going to be there, Rias. Always. I promise," Elros said as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. Rias felt a tear come to her eye as he did that; even after she yelled at him, he forgave her without a second thought. Adjusting herself so that she was a bit more comfortable, they both fell into a sleep - without trouble this time.


She woke comfortably next morning, still enveloped in his arms. Looking up, she saw that he was still sleeping peacefully - the ghost of a smile on his lips as pleasant dreams hopefully danced around his mind. Rias got up carefully, being sure not to wake him. She remembers the frightening look on his face the night before, the result of a nightmare that seemed all too real to him. All she knew was that he said that it was about his father, which brought forth a whole new set of questions - what was he like? Who was he? What did he do to Elros to strain their relationship so much? She wanted to ask but knew that it wouldn't get her anywhere soon.

She brought her attention back to the duel that he had with Riser - and that brought a smile to her lips as well. He had been so brave, she thought, in taking them all on - all for her sake. It was more than most people would do for someone they cared about, let alone someone they had only met all too recently.

'I suppose that's just the kind of man you are. Sweet, kind, caring… loving,' Rias thought. She remembered the gorgeous blue wings of fire that he had summoned, probably the most surprising moment of the match. As she recalled that, however, she frowned.

How was that even possible? She, her family, her peerage, her friends - all had the same wings; black, leathery, and batlike. Vali had several pairs, she granted, but they were still similar to other Devils. The only exception was the Phoenix's to the best of her knowledge - all of whom had red and yellow phoenix wings. But now Elros… blue wings, much like a phoenix themselves. Despite how he seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve, it was obvious that there were truly interesting and unique things about him - things shrouded in mystery.

Rias let out a deep sigh as she considered that and began to get up, stretching. Her gentle groans brought Elros out of his slumber as well. He smiled as he saw her there, twisting and stretching her body this way and that. She smirked as she felt his gaze upon her.

"Like what you see?" she teased.

"Do you even have to ask?" Elros replied as he got up as well and put his arms around her. She shivered as his hands touched her stomach, brushing slightly against breasts as they rested only a feet or two above her womanhood. It wouldn't take much for the situation to become something entirely different; the thought both pleased and frightened her.

"Do you do this for every girl you meet?" Rias asked.

"Do what?" Elros asked.

"This. Let them sleep with you, touch them when they're naked… stuff like that," Rias said.

"If they want to sleep with me, I'm not going to kick them out. And you're the one that's choosing to be naked, aren't you?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I guess," Rias said, turning a bit red at that.

"Now, what about you? Do you do this for every guy or am I special?" he whispered in her ear, eliciting a slight gasp.

"I… you're special. I feel comfortable around you," Rias admitted.

"Then I'm honored," Elros said with a warm smile as he kissed her cheek.

"Anyways! Breakfast time!" Rias said as she quickly got dressed and scurried out, leaving him chuckling at her behavior.


After spending a couple more days in Gremory residence, Elros and the others finally returned to Earth. As they went to the ORC building, Rias collapsed on her chair and let out an exhausted sigh.

"My mother, I swear…," she complained as her head dropped on the table.

"She's a very kind woman," Elros said with a smile.

"She keeps hitting on you! Every chance!" Rias exclaimed.

"Hence me thinking she is a very kind woman," Elros replied.

"If I ever find out that you slept with her…," Rias warned, her energy cascading. Elros put his hands up but grinned wide as he imagined it; Venelana was certainly striking.

"Perish the thought. To think that you have such a low opinion of me. It hurts," he said dramatically. That cheered Rias up, earning him a smile.

"So, I think I finally figured out what the surprise is that you and Akeno have for me," Elros said as he, Akeno, and Rias were finally alone; the others went off to class.

"Oh? What's your guess?" Akeno asked.

"A full body massage with a happy ending. I just want to say that you two are so thoughtful, it almost hurts," Elros said.

"No, that's not it," Akeno said with a smile.

"A lap dance? Just so you know, I'm prepared for whatever that leads to. I don't have a condom on me, but I assure you that I'm a master of pulling out," Elros said as he flashed them a grin.

"You're definitely worse than Issei," Akeno sighed.

"Well if that's not it, then I'm also out of guesses," Elros said.

"You had two guesses about sex?" Akeno asked with a giggle.

"Wait… wait… no. Nope, I've got nothing," Elros said.

"You'll find out after school. But first, we have some work to do," Rias said.

"What's up?" he asked, leaning forward a bit.

"We're going to be cleaning out the pool," Akeno said.

"Really?" Elros said.

"Yup. It's quite messy, and with summer almost here, I think everyone should have a nice place to relax. While the others are in class, we're going to clean it up. Afterward, we'll have a few hours to relax before school ends," Rias said, getting up.

"Fuck yeah. Lead the way," Elros said, following them out.

Finally, they got to the pool. There was a little bit of dirt, leaves, and grime but for the most part, it was in decent condition. No doubt that a little cleaning and elbow grease would clear it up right quick.

"So, we going old school on this? Or can I do it in one fell swoop?" Elros asked, holding his ring out.

"Old school. I think it might be fun, not using magic or your ring for everything," Akeno said.

"Works for me," Elros said. He quickly took his shirt off, grabbed a broom that lay to the side, and jumped into the pool and got to work. Rias and Akeno admired him work for a long while, watching him build up a sweat in the sweltering sun. He seemed to be in his element as well as having a good time doing something so mundane. As they watched his body glisten, he finally snapped them out of their funk.

"Liking what you see, I take it?" he asked with his back still turned to them.

"Hush. We'll get to work soon enough. Now, keep working," Rias said. Elros simply smiled and continued working. After a few more moments, Akeno and Rias nodded at each other and hopped into the pool as well and got to work. The three of the got the job done fairly quickly without much fuss - not to mention with plenty of time to spare and enjoy themselves before class got out.

"We're gonna go change real quick," Rias said to Elros, who began to follow.

"Where do you think you're going?" Akeno asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought that was an invitation," Elros lamented.

"Nope. We're going to have some girl talk as well. Unless you want to make the change," Rias said, holding a hand up and letting some of her energy flow. Akeno and Elros couldn't help but laugh at that. Elros put his hands up and bowed out.

"Until then, you can enjoy yourself. Here," Akeno said as she thrust her hand into the sky. A magic circle appeared above the pool and to Elros's amazement, water began to gush out and into the pool below. Elros completely forgot about the two beauties next to him as his mind was now captivated.

"NO WAY. THAT IS FUCKING AMAZING!" he screamed as his eyes were glued to the water. Rias and Akeno giggled at his childish enthusiasm - which, surprisingly or not for them, was genuine. Elros sat at the edge of the pool, not blinking or taking his eyes off of the magic circle from which the water flowed.

"Man, this is so sweet," he whispered to himself.


"He's so cute when he gets like that," Rias cooed as she took off her shirt, revealing the swimsuit underneath. She wore a stunning white two piece bikini. The top surprisingly held her breasts well, while the bottom was split into two further pieces, held together by three linked gold rings on either side.

"I know. It's adorable," Akeno said, taking her shirt off as well, revealing the glory underneath. She wore a pink and purple set; both the top and bottom had two silver rings to hold together the pieces that came together. The top had a silver ring set between her breasts and at the back, while the bottom held the fabric together at the sides. It was a difficult decision to make between who looked better, considering they could both easily will men to do anything.

"I wanted to ask… what do you think is going to happen over the summer? We have that huge meeting coming up between the Three Factions," Akeno asked, getting serious for a moment. Rias sighed and shook her head.

"I'm not sure myself, honestly," Rias said, worry in her eyes.

"Did Zechs say anything about Elros or Issei?" Akeno asked. Although Elros, Issei, and Xenovia were the newest members, she knew that several parties were keenly interested in Issei; and after Elros had floored Riser, she knew that his name was on the tip of every tongue in the Underworld. While he stopped Rias's nuptials, he also made himself a target.

"Yeah. It's something I wanted to talk to you about. Dad said that Michael is interested in meeting Elros. He said that Michael knows about Elros, but he wouldn't tell me how. But, he wants to go through the proper channels. Could you take Elros to the shrine later today to meet him?" Rias asked uneasily. Akeno was surprised buy nodded in affirmation.

"Anything else he mentioned?" Akeno asked.

"Apparently news of Risers defeat spread more quickly than we thought. Dad said that people have been inquiring about Elros - some want to interview him, some want to use him, the usual. His profile has certainly gone up," Rias said with a bitter smile. She knew that meant that others would try to entice or poach him; or worse, target him.

"We'll protect him," Akeno said firmly, meaning every letter.

"Definitely," Rias said.

As they exited they saw that Elros wasn't there.

"Elros! Where are you?" Akeno called out.

"In there," Rias suddenly said, pointing to a figure in the water. Rias and Akeno jumped in to see what was happening and saw that Elros was sitting calmly in the deep end of the pool, his legs crossed and eyes closed. He seemed to be at peace and meditating for some reason. They swam closer to him, holding their breath for as long as they dare. After a few minutes, however, they had to swim back up for a breath of fresh air.

"What's he doing?" Rias asked uncertainly.

"I honestly have no clue. How can he hold his breath for so long? It doesn't even look like he was using his powers," Akeno said. As they tread water for a few minutes, Elros came back to the surface. Taking a long breath, he gave them both a grin.

"Hey. What were you doing down there?" Akeno asked.

"Holding my breath. Trying to get it up to twenty-five minutes," Elros said.

"That's insane. Why?" Rias asked.

"Why not?" Elros countered. She deadpanned at him, earning a chuckle.

"You two look stunning, by the way," Elros said with a gentle smile, eliciting smiles from both beauties.

"Thanks," they said in unison.

"So, how about a race?" Elros asked.

"I'm game. Rias?" Akeno asked.

"Sure. But let's make it interesting," Rias said with a devilish smile.

"Sure. What's the bet?" Elros asked with a grin.

"Hmm… Elros, if I win you have to take me out this weekend," Rias said. As she said the words, she felt her heart rate increase. She noted that Elros had been spending a lot of time with both her and Akeno lately, but that meant less one on one time. She wanted to have him to herself for a day or two.

"Agreed," Elros responded.

"And if I win, you have to take ME out this weekend," Akeno said.

"Agreed, as well," Elros said.

"And if you win?" Rias asked.

"Hmm… I've no idea, actually. I can't think of anything. Besides, as it stands, I win either way. Maybe... if I win, I'll take both of you out this weekend?" Elros shrugged. Rias and Akeno looked at each other; after a moment, both shook their heads. The whole reason for this was to spend alone time with him, not with all of them.

"Nope. Choose something else," Rias said.

"I can't think of anything," Elros lamented.

"Think of something after, then. Nothing overtly sexual, though," Rias said. Elros sighed in disappointment but nodded as he prepared to jet off.

"3, 2, 1," Rias counted. At that, all three were off. Rias and Akeno swam as though demons were on them, leaving Elros in their proverbial dust. The distance was so great, that he just stopped and decided to sit it out; by the time he had crossed a quarter, they were almost towards the end. As he sat on the edge and kicked his feet in the water, he intently watched Akeno and Rias compete with each other with a surprising ferocity. Finally, on their return, a hand reached out and slapped the edge of the pool, declaring the winner.

"Better luck next time, Akeno," Rias said with a smile as she pulled herself out of the pool. Akeno smiled at Rias and accepted the close defeat graciously and exited as well. Elros smiled as he saw their skin glisten in the sun as they stretched and ran their hands through their hair. Water particles clung to their skin; while others dropped gently to the concrete below. As they walked towards two towels sprawled out on the ground, it was though time had slowed; each moment that they made resonated with him, eliciting a primal response. Finally, as they got settled, Rias spoke.

"So, that means you're taking me out this weekend," she said, giving him a seductive look.

"I know. I humbly accept my defeat," he said with a bow of his head.

"Defeat… you just stopped!" Akeno said.

"Yeah, you guys looked like you were beset by some hideous monster or something. I couldn't keep up," Elros said with a laugh. Akeno and Rias blushed lightly at that; they had indeed given it their all.

"I'm pretty sad, though. I would've loved for you to take me out as well," Akeno said with a cute pout.

"You've already slept with him plenty of times!" Rias said to her, but not too loudly.

"Elros, since I got second place how about you take me out next weekend?" Akeno suggested.

"Sure," Elros said with a smile.

"Looks like we both win," Akeno said as she looked at Rias who sighed.

As they began to dry off, Akeno decided to take a little nap. After making sure she was certainly out, Rias called out to Elros quietly, putting a finger to her lips and looking sideways at Akeno to make sure he got the hint to not wake her up. Elros lithely made his way over, surprisingly not making a single sound. However, as opposed to getting next to her, Elros decided the best course of action to limit noise would be to get on her. Before Rias knew it, he was on top of her back, his chest gently pushing against her bare back. Rias gasped at the touch; it was surprising how gentle and light he could be in action, yet the weight of his - for lack of a better word, presence - was palpable. He brought his lips close to her ear and whispered, eliciting a small groan of pleasure from her.

"What can I do for you, m'lady?" he asked quietly.

"Wh-what're you doing?" Rias asked, red as her hair.

"You said to make no noise. I thought this was the best course of action. Am I making you uncomfortable? I can get off if you'd like," Elros said. Rias was absolutely sure that he knew what he was doing and was probably smiling, yet she didn't turn to see. Truth be told, she enjoyed having him on her, even if for a moment. She wanted him to stay like that for a while.

"No! You can stay. You just… surprised me," Rias said.

"Forgive me," he whispered in ear, eliciting another sound from her.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Rias finally asked.

"Consider this my 3rd place prize," Elros said with a soft laugh.

"Jerk," Rias said with a smile and sigh.

"So, what did you need?" he asked.

"Would you mind rubbing some suntan lotion on me?" Rias asked.

"My pleasure," Elros said. Sticking his ring out, a green hand extended from it and grabbed the bottle which was on the other side of Akeno. Elros repositioned himself with his knees on either side of her thighs and unfastened the strings of her bra, letting each thin strand fall to the side. Squirting some of the lotion into his palms, he rubbed them together and brought them gently to the middle of her back. Slowly and softly, he started going up and down her back - taking it to the tip of her shoulders, all the way down to where the underwear began. As he did so, Rias tried to stifle the moans of pleasure that threatened to spill over; he seemed to be able to work magic with his hands. She felt him shift slightly and gasped again when his hands gently gripped her thighs and began to work down her legs. He made sure to coat every centimeter of her exposed skin and after a few minutes had passed, he had successfully done so.

"Shall I do the front as well?" Elros asked, leaning down to her ear again.

"Yes, please," she said. Just as she began to turn over, however, she noticed a quick movement to her side. In a flash, Akeno had taken off her bra and wrapped her arms comfortably around Elros, her hands exploring his front.

"No fair. I want to go next," she said seductively, not wanting to be left out of the fun.

"He's still working on me, Akeno," Rias said, getting up and exposing herself.

"I think you two have had plenty of fun for now," Akeno said, also getting up. Elros laid down and looked at the two beauties staring at each other, the hints of smiles on both of their faces.

"I'll be the judge of that," Rias said.

"You already have him this weekend, Rias. Why can't I get him now?" Akeno asked.

"You have him later today!" Rias said.

"Huh?" Elros suddenly piped up. Rias turned red; she had completely forgotten to tell him about Michael.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you," she said as she quickly laid down at his side. Akeno followed suit and quickly put her head on his chest, turning her body inwards in such a way that it was exposed only to him. Elros smiled and began to run his hand through her hair, as he usually did now.

Rias suddenly felt a vicious pang of jealousy tear through her. Up until now, it seemed that all that the three had done was harmless flirting. But now that they were going on their first official date this weekend, it was as though the landscape of the situation had changed. She remembered the time she spent with Elros a few nights ago when he had awoken from his nightmare - she remembered how he held her and what he said to her. She suddenly felt uncomfortable that Akeno was so close to him in such an intimate manner, her breasts pushing against him. The countless nights the two had spent together hit her with the force of a freight train and she fell silent and into a funk. Although she and Akeno were best friends, Elros was something that she did not feel like sharing with anyone. After all, he belonged to her now, didn't he? It was like that for several moments until his voice finally reached her.

"Rias, you there? Are you ok?" Elros asked, worry in his voice. Rias suddenly came back to Earth and shook her head a bit; she noticed that he and Akeno were looking at her with searching eyes. Elros brought a hand to her cheek which she grasped before giving him a small smile.

"Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out for a minute. What I needed to tell you. There's an Angel that wanted to meet you. His name is Michael," Rias said.

Suddenly, Elros shot up, his arm around Akeno. Both were taken by surprise at the sudden reaction, something they had not seen from him yet. Akeno brought a hand to his face in worry, wondering what had elicited such a strong reaction from him. As she did that, Rias felt her jealousy flare again but quickly suppressed it as she wanted to figure out the nature of the reaction as well.

"Elros? What's wrong?" Rias asked.

"Just surprised that an Angel, and Michael no less wants to see me. Do you know what about?" Elros asked. Rias noticed a sudden change in his eyes; while the warmth they carried was still there, there was something else as well - something critical in nature, analyzing her so as to deduce the meaning her words might carry, explicit or implicit.

"He told my brother and father that he knows you joined our peerage and I guess he wants a meeting. They didn't tell me any more than that," Rias said honestly. After a moment, Elros smiled and nodded.

"Thanks, Rias. When's the meeting?" he asked.

"Later today. Akeno is going to take you to the shrine where you can meet Michael. After that, we'll show you the surprise," Rias said.

"Can't wait to see what it is," Elros said as he laid back down. This time, Rias came down with him. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, as his chest was usurped by Akeno. She felt him place a hand on her head and begin to pat it. She almost felt like a little kid when he did that.

"Well, I think it's time we all napped a bit," Elros said, closing his eyes.

"You know, if someone sees us, the rumors are going to be flying tomorrow," Akeno said with a giggle.

"I know. You mind?" Elros asked with a wink.

"Not at all. I could do worse," Akeno said as her eyes fluttered close.

"Besides, not like the guys could hate you anymore," Rias said, closing her eyes as well.

"Ugh. Thanks for reminding me," Elros grumbled.


"No fair!" a shrill voice cried out, waking the three up. Issei, Asia, Kiba, and Koneko were quick approaching the pool, each having changed into their bathing suits.

"Elros, that's not fair!" Issei cried out comically as Akeno and Rias were still latched on to him.

"All's fair in love and war, my friend. Besides, look to your right. You've got an admirer yourself," Elros said with a chuckle. Asia went as red as Rias's hair as Issei looked at her with a goofy grin. While they were occupied, Rias and Akeno both put their bras back on.

"Issei, can I ask a favor of you?" Rias asked.

"What's up, Rias?" Issei responded.

"I want you to teach Asia and Koneko how to swim swim," Rias said.

"Leave it to me!" Issei saluted, jumping into the pool. Koneko dipped her feet into measure the temperature before slowly getting in. As she got in, she turned to Elros in her usual deadpan manner.

"I hear you got comfortable with Kuroka," she said, examining him. Elros looked at her apologetically as he squatted near the pool.

"I did. I hope it doesn't bother you. It just… kind of happened," Elros said earnestly.

"It's fine. Just… be careful of her, ok? If you want to make it up to me, though, I have an idea," Koneko said.

"Oh? What is it?" Elros asked, intrigued.

"Would you mind teaching me? I'd rather not get groped by the perv," Koneko said, hiking her thumb over at Issei who deadpanned. Elros couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Sure, Koneko. Asia, why don't you go ahead with Issei?" Elros said. Asia nodded and eagerly jumped into the pool while Elros got in as well.

"Here, give me your hands. Just work on kicking, and I'll pull you along," Elros said kindly as he took Koneko's tiny hands in his. She nodded and began kicking at an even beat as he gently pulled her along through the water.

"You're doing a great job. Already grasping it faster than I did," Elros said with a smile.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," Koneko grumbled between breaths.

"I wish…," Elros mumbled.

"Seriously?" Koneko asked, surprised. She didn't think that there was anything Elros probably couldn't do.

"Yup. Took me a while to learn just how to tread water. I grew up in the desert, so there weren't many options to swim," Elros said.

"How good are you now?" Koneko asked.

"Rias and I kicked his ass before you guys got here. He might be the slowest swimmer here ," Akeno yelled out with a giggle. Elros sighed and nodded at that; no doubt they were getting back at him.

"Yeah, they're like mermaids. It's kind of screwed up, but whatever. I have my excuse and I stick by it," he said. Koneko smiled at that and continued kicking. They did a few more laps before exiting the pool. He patted her gently on the head, making her quite happy and eliciting some aww's from Rias and Akeno.

"Where's Xenovia and Gasper?" Elros asked as he dried off.

"Gasper doesn't like swimming. Xenovia should've been here by now. She went to get changed when we did. Maybe she's having problems with her swimsuit?" Koneko said.

"I'll go check on her. Be right back," Elros said and went off to the dressing rooms.

"Koneko! How come you don't think he's a perv?! I mean he could catch Xenovia just as she's getting naked!" Issei cried out, the traces of a nose bleed evident.

"Because he's charming. Also, because he doesn't grope little girls when he gets the chance," Koneko said, pointing at Issei who was unknowingly squeezing Asia's chest.

"Issei!" Asia squealed adorably as he profusely apologized.


"Xenovia! You here? Is everything alright?" Elros asked as he looked around the locker room with no sign of Xenovia. Finally, however, as he rounded a corner, he ran directly into her. He quickly captured her in his arms so she wouldn't fall.

"Thanks," Xenovia said in her usual voice as she put her arms around his neck to prevent herself from falling. She knew she had a small blush on her cheeks when he touched her and wondered if he had noticed.

"Sorry about that," Elros said with raised eyebrows as he brought her up, one hand still on her waist. Xenovia looked stunning in her outfit. Her bra was made of two green pieces chained together with gold rope and running around her breast; while her underwear was comprised of a small piece of green material held together with golden rope that went around her hips in a V shape.

"It's fine. What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Looking for you, actually. Everything alright?" Elros asked.

"Of course. It's just that this that this is the first swimsuit I've ever put on, so it looks sometimes. Do you think it looks ok?" Xenovia asked as she gave him a quick twirl.

"OK? You look magnificent," Elros said. Xenovia gave him a small smile and blush, which he returned with a grin of his own.

"But wait. You've never been swimming before?" Elros asked in surprise.

"I've never been interested in recreational activities. Before becoming a devil, I was a member of the church. My time was usually taken," Xenovia said.

"Was it really that hard to put on, though? It's just fabric, after all," Elros commented.

"You're right, I got it on quite a while ago. Truth be told, I was thinking," Xenovia said. She looked at Elros with an unusually strict eye, something that he noted.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"I would like you to make a baby with me," Xenovia said, deadpan as usual. Elros raised an eyebrow at that but smiled.

"You're joking, right?" he asked.

"No. I want to make a baby with you," Xenovia said, looking him dead on in the eyes.

"Why?" Elros asked in genuine surprise. This wasn't the first time he had been propositioned with such a request, but they happened so rarely that they were always a surprise.

"It used to be that serving God was my reason for living, my only dream. But ever since I found out the truth, that dream is dead and for the first time in my life, my path is uncertain. I talked to Rias about the matter - my desires, I mean, not you in particular - and decided that the life I want; that is, what I desire, is the womanly life I thought I'd never have. To create life inside of me. As I watched you fight Riser and his peerage, I noticed how strong you were; powerful, courageous, and brave. I want my child to be like that; to emulate the father, as it were. As it stands, you might be the perfect specimen of a man," Xenovia said. Suddenly, she started taking her top off. She casually threw it off and put her arms around Elros's neck, drawing him closer until their lips were mere inches apart. She had half a mind to lean in and kiss him, but decided against it - she wanted him to make the first move.

"I apologize, but I've no experience in this matter. I'll need to follow your lead. You may do with me as you wish, so long as by the end of it I bear your child," she muttered. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was embarrassed. This was the closest she had ever been with a man, not counting when she was fighting them. She had never hugged a boy before, let alone propositioned them in such a way. The dawning of the situation suddenly hit her - how she stood bare before him, taking in his warmth.

Elros stood there impassive, but as she put her arms around him, he did the same for her. Instead of taking her then and there, however, he drew her in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, Xenovia, but I can't give you what you want right now," he said in a serious voice - more serious than she had heard.

"Why not? Am I not attractive enough?" Xenovia asked, slightly crestfallen.

"That's not it at all. Quite the opposite; you're gorgeous. It's just that for one, I'm too young to have a kid and don't really have any interest in one so soon. Two, it wouldn't be good for the child or the mother. And three, this isn't what you need right now. Of this I'm most certain," he said kindly. Xenovia looked at him quizzically before speaking again.

"Why wouldn't it be good for the child or me? And why do you think this isn't what I need right now?" Xenovia asked.

"I can't explain the first part of that well. Suffice it to say that while I have many friends, I've many enemies as well. But the last part is the most important. I think you're overwhelmed at what it is you learned about God. I think you need to take it slow, not make any life altering decisions - not after you've made one such as becoming a Devil. You need to take it easy, Xenovia. There's plenty of time to have children. When we're both on the same page, I'd be more than happy to oblige. But please trust me when I say that this is not something you want to rush. You shouldn't try to raise a child out of a sense of duty; you only do it when you're certain you want to," Elros said, a pleading tone in his voice - something she hadn't heard before. As she looked into his eyes, she thought that she saw another emotion there - pain. Xenovia looked at him for a bit before she averted her eyes and looked at his chest and gently traced it. Slowly, she leaned forward and rested her head on him.

"I've seen that Rias and Akeno have been comfortable like this. I want to try it," she said.

"Of course," Elros said as he held her a bit closer. He gently rubbed her back, hoping that he had gotten through to her with his words. After what felt like a long time, they separated. He picked her bra up and she put it on; they both began to head out to the pool.

"Thank you for the advice. I… will think this over again," Xenovia said.

"I'm glad," Elros said as he kissed her atop her head. As she felt that, Xenovia felt her brain ignite like a firework and she turned a deep red - contrasting mightily with her hair. She turned to him, with a new look in her eyes.

"What?" Elros asked.

"That… was my first kiss," Xenovia said softly.

"Ah. Well, it wasn't a kiss kiss. It was more like… a friendly one," Elros said.

"Regardless, it was my first," she stated.

"And… did you like it?" Elros asked, unsure.

"Very much," Xenovia nodded. Elros let out a sigh of relief at that and scolded himself. Xenovia wasn't like the others; he had to be a bit more careful.

"Then I'm glad," Elros said with a smile as they continued walking.

"What took you guys so long?" Rias asked, impatient as she saw what Xenovia was wearing - she had to admit that she was stunning. Xenovia spoke before Elros could.

"I tried to get Elros to give me child, but he gave me advice instead," she summed up succinctly.

Everyone went quiet; Rias and Akeno both gasped loudly in shock, while Kiba, Issei, Koneko, and Asia simply looked surprised.

"That was very well put," Elros said, trying his best not to laugh at how she put it. He sobered up as soon as he saw the dangerous glints in Rias and Akeno's eyes; he had to intervene. Before he could, however, a magic circle appeared - along with a voice.

"What an interesting conversation," said Sirzechs Lucifer, appearing with his wife, Grayfia.

"Sirzechs, Grayfia. Perfect timing," Elros said quickly, happy for the distraction.

"Hello, Elros," he said with a smile.

"Greetings," she said, solemn as usual.

"What're you two doing here?" Rias asked in curiosity and impatience.

"Don't tell me you forgot. Isn't it almost time for Open House?" Sirzechs asked.

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Rias said, horrified.

"If you mean to say that I can't wait to see my little sister in action at school, then you're absolutely right," Sirzechs said with a pleasant look on his face.

"Grayfia! Did you tell him?!" Rias asked, turning to her sister in law who simply smiled in response.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Mom and Dad have both decided to attend as well," Sirzechs said.

"What?! But you can't just abandon your post as Devil King. You have work to do!" Rias said.

"Well, this counts as work too. Your school seems like a lovely place. We're thinking about holding the leaders summit here," Sirzechs said.

"What's that?" Elros asked.

"It's a meeting between the Three Factions - Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. There are a few extra things on the agenda this time around; particularly the other Circles of Hell and a long lasting piece," Sirzechs said.

"Fine. I'll see you at Open House, then," Rias grumbled.

"I'm afraid you can't get rid of us that easily. We're going to be spending some time here. Come on, get dressed. We have a few things to discuss," Sirzechs said as he and Grayfia began to head to the ORC.

Rias sighed in defeat yet again. With a longing look at Elros, she did as she was told.

"I'll see you two later," she said to Akeno and Elros. With that, she was off after her family, muttering angrily about Sirzechs taking her away at a time like this.


Akeno and Elros met up again an hour later at the base of a long stairway to a Shinto Shrine. Akeno was dressed in a flowing white kimono with a red sash and bottom half, her hair and dress flowing in the wind.

"You look absolutely stunning, even in something so conservative. My God," Elros said as he walked towards her with a smile on his face, suddenly feeling a pain shoot through his head.

"Saying such things are gonna hurt, you know," she giggled.

"Worth it to express what I think," Elros said as he quickly kissed her cheek.

"Thanks," she said as she hugged him. Wrapping her arm around his, they began the trek up the steps. The walk was quite peaceful, the two simply enjoying each others company. They were at a point where they didn't need to make small talk; simply being in the others presence could convey more than words could. It made for quite a romantic trek as well, as Elros noted.

"This is really nice. Absolutely beautiful," Elros said as he looked around. Leaves and flowers were in full bloom for the late spring-on-summer. The stairs were spotless save for the odd leaf here and there, and the crisp breeze that flew towards them was fresh and enlivening - in a word, perfect.

"I'm glad you think so. Rias pulled some strings so that I could spend some time here. It eventually became a sort of neutral zone for us to meet with Heavens agents from time to time," Akeno said.

"I didn't know you were religious," Elros said in surprise. Akeno smiled sadly at that.

"I used to be. It… it reminds me of my mother. She was a Shinto Priestess," she said softly.

"Oh. I'm sorry," Elros said as he brought them to a halt and hugged Akeno. Akeno returned the hug tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder, wondering how much she should tell him right now. She decided against it - it could wait a while longer.

"Can I ask you something?" Akeno asked as they continued walking.

"Sure," Elros responded.

"When Rias mentioned Michael, you definitely acted weird. Could you… tell me why?" Akeno inquired. Elros sighed but nodded; no doubt it would come out now.

"Michael and I are acquainted," he said.

"What? Seriously?" Akeno asked, surprised.

"Yeah. We have someone in common - someone I consider a friend, but someone that Michael is often at odds with," Elros said.

"So how is your relationship with Michael?" Akeno asked.

"It's friendly, actually. I like him; I think he likes me. Frankly, I don't know all that much about him except that he's extremely strong," Elros said.

"Who is the person you two have in common?" Akeno asked.

"His name's Jim. Jim Corrigan. You know him?" Elros asked.

"Nope. Never heard of him, actually. What's he like?" she asked.

"I think he's alright. A lone wolf for the most part. I like to think that he considers me a friend, as I do him. There's really only one guy that Jim gets along with extremely well. They're almost like brothers, even though they tend to lock horns," Elros said. Akeno noticed a bit of bitterness in his voice when he said that.

"Sounds kind of… I dunno, lonely," Akeno said, mostly unsure of what to say about something like that

"Yeah. It works for Jim, though. He and the other guy are strikingly similar" Elros said. Akeno was surprised as she saw the color drain from Elros's face - as though he was afraid.

"What's their relationship?" Akeno asked uncertainly.

"They're both absolute monsters," was all Elros said. Akeno decided to drop the subject for the moment; she'd ask about it later. There seemed to be an interesting story there.

"So when Rias said that Michael wanted to meet you, you thought it was about this Jim guy?" Akeno asked.

"That's right. When Michael and Jim butt heads, it typically ends on neutral or heated terms. But I suppose if this was about that, Michael would've come to me directly," Elros said.

"The Devils would've caused an uproar if he bypassed the usual routes," Akeno said.

"Jim… is a special case that I think the factions would make an exemption for," Elros said.

"Who is he?" Akeno asked. Elros simply smiled but didn't answer. Akeno decided to drop the subject and the rest of their walk continued in silence.


Finally, they crossed the threshold into the shrine. Elros looked around in wonder as he always did when coming to a new place.

"Beautiful. You've taken marvelous care of this place, Akeno," he whispered.

Suddenly, a disembodied voice began to talk.

"It's been a while, Elros," said the voice. Suddenly, there was a flash of yellow light. Elros was used to seeing such flashes now and didn't turn away. He simply had a small smile on his face as the star shaped light descended to the ground, bathing him in a warm glow. Suddenly, the light began to take form - human form. Slowly but surely, a figure emerged. A handsome man with glowing white skin slowly descended from the light. His blond hair went down his shoulders and he wore a beautiful red coat with a golden cross on a white background on the front part of a cloth around his waist. He wore golden pauldrons that had two white sashes coming down the front. He wore a golden cape that surrounded his entire person, making him look bigger than he actually was. His most magnificent feature, however, were the twelve golden wings that shot out spectacularly from his back. He smiled warmly at Elros; while the two had disagreements, they were nonetheless fond and respectful of each other.

"It has indeed, Michael. Still looking good, I see," Elros said, extending his hand. Michael took it and shook it happily.

"I could say the same to and of you. It has been a while since we last met," Micheal said.

"Been keeping busy. A Green Lantern's job is never done," Elros said.

"Indeed. Which is why I was rather surprised when I learned that you joined the Gremory Household," Michael, still smiling - as he always did. He, unlike several other Angels, was neither surprised nor against Elros joining the Devils. In fact, Michael had no ill will against Devils - he would treat them justly and fairly, as he would an Angel, or human, or Fallen Angel. This was something he endeavored to do for Heaven - to make it into a place where all were welcome.

"Well, when you wake up and your head is in the lap of a beautiful woman, you tend to follow your other head," Elros said with a chuckle as he put his arm around Akeno who turned red.

"Perhaps. I am glad that you have found good friends there. Zeoticus, Sirzechs, and Venelana have taken fondly to you, I understand," Michael said.

"Indeed. And thank you. I'm curious about why you wanted to meet, however. Is this about Jim?" Elros asked, suddenly getting serious. When Michael spoke again, he spoke to Akeno.

"Ms. Himejima, could I please ask you to retire to the Shrine for a while? I would like to discuss part of this in private with Elros. We shall head into the Shrine soon as well," he said kindly - however, as Akeno and Elros understood, it was an order posed as a question. Akeno nodded and went into the shrine.

"Does he know?" Elros asked, referring to the death of God.

"He does. However, he is determined in his mission and refuses to diverge. After all, Heaven is still open, Elros," Michael said.

"Do you know where he is?" Elros asked.

"I believe somewhere in London, with John Constantine and Jason Blood. All three are looking into a matter regarding demons from other Circles of Hell as a special favor to me in anticipation of a meeting to be held at your new school soon," Michael said.

"Should I be on the case as well?" Elros asked.

"It is not necessary; they are more than enough. No doubt they'll be at the meeting here, or in the Underworld in the summer, but that is between you and I right now. When it comes to the Demon, the Spectre, and the Hellblazer, the less that is said the better. You know as much as I what those three are capable of on their own," Michael said gravely.

"He's well known amongst all the factions - and feared by them as well. The same is said of John and Jason. Knowing them - or thought to know them - is enough to turn heads, spread rumors, and incite revolt. Especially when it comes to John, even more so than Jim or Jason. That man has single handedly been able to shake things up amongst all the factions and is impossible to touch without starting a war," Michael continued with a deep sigh.

"Well, it'll be an interesting meeting that they attend," Elros said as he rubbed his brow gently; no doubt that meeting would devolve into a fight.

"I would also like to speak of your joining the Gremory Peerage. I do not mind - you know me, and my nature. But others likely do and will. I shall protect you as much as I can," Michael said.

"Thank you, but I can't ask you to do that. I'll deal with them as time comes. My only concern is the only members of the peerage. I don't want them hurt on my account," Elros said.

"Still as genteel as ever, I see. As has been commented many times, it appears the Green Ring did indeed choose well," Michael said with a smile that Elros returned with a grin.

"These meetings - what are they about? Can you tell me?" Elros asked.

"I'm afraid that's official business that I have to conduct with the other factions. It does have to do with finding and negotiating a peace, however. There are only a few of us that aren't tired of war now," Michael said. Elros nodded and with hat, they went to the Shrine where Akeno had prepared tea for them.

"Thanks, Akeno," Elros said with a smile as he took a sip. Michael did the same - he still enjoyed the taste of food and drink, although he no longer needed it to sustain him.

"On to another matter - this one regarding the Red Dragon Emperor. I have a gift for him that I hope you may deliver," Michael said.

"Certainly. What is it?" Elros said.

Suddenly, there was a flash of white light in front of him. Slowly, it began to take shape - in the form of a sword. Elros extended his hand and gripped the hilt of the beautiful piece in front of him - a European sword with a silver hilt embedded with gems and a guard that jutted out in the formation of six golden spikes, akin to a dragon claw. There was a purple material across the base of the sword that went up about a third, while the rest of the sword was made of steel. It was a remarkable piece, to be sure.

"A gift for Issei Hyoudou. May it serve him well in the future. This is Ascalon, the sword that Saint George used to slay a Dragon long ago," Michael said.

"A wonderful gift," Elros said in admiration.

"And now I must take my leave. Thank you for the tea, Ms. Himejima. It was well to see you again, Elros. We shall see each other again soon," Michael said before he suddenly disappeared into the ether, back to Heaven. Elros sighed.

"He always leaves before someone gets the chance to say bye," Elros said with a weary smile. Akeno giggled before she snuggled closer to Elros. He put his arm around her and sighed deeply.

"So, can you tell me a bit of what you two discussed outside?" Akeno asked.

"Some of it. Apparently, some people aren't happy that I joined Rias's Peerage. I don't think they'll try anything. At least I hope they won't. I hope that kicking Risers ass will serve as somewhat of a deterrent," Elros said.

"Things like this happen all the time. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Someone is always unhappy that a particular person joined a particular peerage," Akeno said.

"I just don't want you guys caught in the crossfire," Elros said as he gently ran his fingers through her hair.

"Don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves," Akeno said. Elros looked at her with a worried eye but sighed and nodded; still, he knew that he couldn't let his guard down.

"So, what's this open house again?" he asked as he and Akeno got up to leave.

"It's a chance for my family to embarrass me," came a voice from the door; Rias was standing there, a disgruntled look on her face.

"Rias. How was the meeting?" Akeno teased. Rias let out a loud whine and fell on to Elros, wrapping her arms around him as she buried her face in his chest. Elros laughed at her reaction before he began to rub her back, offering words of comfort.

"There, there. I'm sure it can't be that bad," he said.

"No, you're right. It can't be that bad. No, it'll probably be worse," Rias said.

"She took that the wrong way," Elros deadpanned to Akeno who giggled.

"Cheer up, Rias. We have to show Elros his surprise, don't we?" Akeno asked.

"You're right. That's why I came here. You ready?" she asked Elros.

"You have no idea. Let's go!" he shouted in excitement.


Rias and Akeno had led him through the town and towards a secluded area where there was but a single residence. Every block they went, there were fewer and fewer homes and people - until it seemed like they were in a rural area. Elros could make out a large tree line not too far off, so they were certainly nearing the edge of Kuoh he thought.

"So, what's the surprise?" Elros asked excitedly as they finally came to a stop.

"This," Rias and Akeno said, hands on their hips as they turned to face him. Elros grinned wide at that.

"Both of you right now? Yes, I am game. And perfect location as well. Nothing beats sex out in the open air," he said excitedly as he put his hands around their waists.

"Not that! This," Rias said with an exasperated smile as she pointed to a house. Elros looked at it quizzically.

"I don't get it," he deadpanned.

"Silly. The house!" Akeno said with a smile. Elros paused for a second before it hit him.

"What?! Are you serious?!" he asked, shocked.

"Yup. It's yours," Rias said, smiling wide at his reaction.

Elros looked at his new home in sheer shock. Truth be told, calling it a home did it a grave injustice; it was a mansion more than anything. It was modern in style - constructed of steel, glass, and little else, as opposed to a traditional aristocratic look that the Gremory residence had. There was a long, concrete path that led to the beautiful house, which Akeno, Rias, and Elros were now walking upon. Elros's eyes were wide as looked at it and around it; there was a lush green garden on either side of him that stretched out far and wide, full of a variety of flowers. He could make out radiant, yellow daisies, blood red roses, stunning, long pink strands of amaranth hanging here and there, and a great many that he did not know. He turned his attention back to the house, as they were now upon a magnificent steel door that stood as the sentinel between the abode and the outside world. As he threw it open, he grew even more stunned at the minimalist interior design - his favorite. He observed the stark white marble floors that led into a variety of rooms - a living room, the kitchen, the dining room, another living room, a family room, a bedroom, and more.

His eyes soon fell on the black marble staircase that led to upper floors, edged by a beautiful glass railing. They slowly began to go up, Elros making sure to take in each step as much as he could. As he took a whiff in of the house, he noted the crisp smell of paint as well as a slightly chocolatey scent. One, two, three floors later, they arrive at the top floor - a single room surrounded by glass for walls with a magnificent 360-degree view of everything around them. In the room, there was one humungous bed set at the center, easily capable of holding multiple people; an entire harem, as it were.

"This is amazing," Elros said quietly as he went towards the bed. It was adorned with black sheets, sticking with the interior design philosophy he had seen thus far.

"I'm glad you think so. It's yours now," Rias said.

"I can't accept this, Rias," Elros said.

"It's already done. My parents wanted to do it for you as thanks for what you've done for us. Plus, they've taken a liking to you," Rias said with a smile.

"Still…," Elros began but was cut off.

"Besides, if you don't take it, then Akeno and I won't have a place to stay," Rias added.

"What?" Elros asked in surprise.

"Yeah, that's the other part of the surprise. We're going to be moving in with you," Akeno said with a smile. At that, Elros grinned.

"You're not joking, are you?" he asked.

"Nope. That's why we need such a large bed. I can't sleep without my favorite pillow anymore," Akeno said as she threw her arms around his neck. Rias quickly did the same, giving him a kiss on the cheek for good measure.

"Thank you. Both of you," Elros said warmly as he returned the favor for both of them.

"No problem," they said in unison.

"Let's break in the bed then, shall we," Elros said. Akeno and Rias nodded and soon, all three were comfortable atop it.

"It feels just like Cloud 9. Perfect house, perfect view, and above all, perfect company," Elros said happily.

"Glad you think so," Rias said as she snuggled as close to him as possible as she pulled the sheets over all three of them.

"Let's call it an early night. It's been a long day," Akeno sighed.

"Sounds good to me," Elros said as he made sure they were comfortable. His hands running through their hair, all three were soon dead asleep.

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