
Green Beast of fear

A story in which Izuku Midoriya is granted a quirk by All For One rather than All Might. What if Midoriya had become a villain and turned the name Deku into one of fear? +++++ whelp here it is getting into the villain izuku story this like my worm story gone see if I continue of stop

Rebel_Royal5 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

chapter 6

Young Midoriya stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing a police cruiser outside his house. The green haired boy felt his blood run as cold as the sweat profusely dripping down his face. Izuku resisted the urge to run the other way and take refuge with All For One but not without a struggle. Midoriya's mind tackled the argument whether or not he left any evidence for the police to trace back to him. Only one thought made him take the leap a leap of faith by entering the house.. My mom lives here too. What if something happened to her and that's why they're here?

Izuku and his mother were both relieved to see one another unharmed as she ran over to hug her son. "Izuku! Thank goodness you're okay!", she cried out whilst holding the boy closely.

The green haired child looked over his mother's shoulder and took notice of a single detective seated at the kitchen table. The man wore a tan overcoat with a matching hat. He stood up to join the others, removing his hat and placing it against his chest to greet Izuku. The detective held out his hand for the boy to shake.

"You must be Izuku. Your mother told me a lot about you. My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. I work for the Police Force.", the detective introduced himself while young Midoriya reluctantly shook his hand.

"May I ask what you're doing here.. sir?", Izuku did his best to play off any apprehensive qualities. His mother, Inko Midoriya, had taught Izuku to always be respectful. The green haired boy did his best to keep proper manners in the company of the authority figure.

Naomasa placed the hat back on his head as Inko led the boys back into the kitchen. "This morning, a tragic murder was discovered outside of U.A.", the detective responded.

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "That's terrible.. What happened? Who was it?", Izuku pretended to be oblivious to the matter.

Inko placed her hands on the young boy's shoulders. "Sweetie.. Katsuki was the one found dead.", she gingerly told Izuku.

Nobody knew the truth about young Bakugo, but the atmosphere felt like a funeral already taking place. Izuku felt although he had already come to terms with the death, but hearing it from his mother made him break down again. She held him reassuringly as he sobbed, neither her or the detective knowing the tears were because he believed to have killed Katsuki.

"It's my understanding you and the deceased were friends..", the detective interjected awkwardly.

Izuku grimaced at the word 'friend' but bit his tongue to prevent saying anything crude about Katsuki. Before young Midoriya could explain the complicated relationship, his mother did the favor for him.

"They were at some point, but it ended after Katsuki developed his quirk.", Inko put it into layman's terms. Izuku worried the detective would take it as an incentive to believe he had proper motives.

"Oh.. Regardless, I'm sorry you have to go through the loss of someone you knew.", Naomasa replied.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief whilst wiping the tears from his eyes. He believed the detective had only stopped by to deliver the unsavory news about Katsuki Bakugo. Surely, the other students at U.A were being given the same treatment. However, Izuku would come to find that Naomasa wasn't finished..

"Before I let myself out, I wanted to address something else that concerned me.", the detective started. "All students and faculty were accounted for that day.. except for you. Apparently, Izuku never showed up for class. I was just wondering where you were at the time.", Naomasa questioned.

Inko was more shocked than Izuku by this statement. "You didn't go to school?", she asked her son.

The green haired boy had to fight back a nervous sweat, the questions made him feel like he was being interrogated. "I- Uh, I- I..", young Midoriya stuttered as he tried to murmur out any excuse he could come up with.

The detective cocked an eyebrow in curiosity. "You saw something.. didn't you?", Naomasa asked.

Izuku felt a little of his worry drown out with the sinking of his shoulders. Tsukauchi thought he had witnessed the murder and run away in fear. Izuku decided to go with that story, it was his only feesable alibi.

"Yes..", Izuku lied with a shameful tone.

Inko was too shocked to speak. "What did you see?", the detective asked whilst crouching down to Izuku's height.

Izuku thought of the furthest description from his appearance and rolled with that. "An adult.. he had red hair and looked to be quite muscular. I knew I couldn't take him in a fight, so I ran away to try and look for help.", young Midoriya put on an act as if he were ashamed of his fake actions.

The detective wrote down Izuku's description in a notepad before standing back up. "Don't be too hard on yourself kid, you did the right thing.", Naomasa reassured the boy before ruffling Izuku's green hair.

"Will that be all detective?", Inko asked. She was worried about her son's emotional state and wanted to give him a break from having to relive the situation.

"Yes, I think I've got everything I need for now. If there's anything else, I'll be investigating on campus, so you can just find me at U.A.", Naomasa says as he opens the door to leave.

"Actually Mister Tsukauchi, I don't think I want to attend U.A anymore.", Izuku calls after the detective. The statement catches both Naomasa and Inko by surprise.

"Not this again.. I thought you decided to give it a try.", Inko crouched down to speak with her son.

Izuku couldn't look his mother in the eyes as he lied to her. "I did, but after this.. Kacchan, I mean Katsuki.. he died there mom.", the green haired boy used the murder as an excuse.

Inko nodded in understanding, "Okay. I want you to be safe too.", she said.

"Aizawa won't be happy to hear one of his students decided to drop out.. but I understand. My condolences and best wishes. You two enjoy the rest of your night.", the detective said before closing the door behind him on his way out.

Izuku pretended to hug his mother in sorrow, burying his face in her stomach so she couldn't see the small smile forming upon his lips. Not only was Midoriya relieved that he evaded suspicion in Katsuki's murder.. but tomorrow marked his first day working with All For One to become a true hero.

Meanwhile, Katsuki's parents were finally allowed to sneak into his room for a visit. The messy haired blonde didn't change the scowl plastered across his face despite seeing his family. Ever since young Bakugo woke up, he'd been trying to move at least his finger, his goal was to just achieve a twitch. After hours without signs of success, the short tempered boy went into a convulsion due to his pent up rage. Since Katsuki wouldn't believe the doctors when they told him he'd be paralyzed for the rest of his life, the hospital staff hadn't requested his parents to give it a try.

Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, shared her son's wild blonde hair. The woman had been sobbing with no end ever since Katsuki became hospitalized. "Whoever did this to my boy, I'll kill them. I'll kill the son of a-", she began going on one of her occasional tantrums but stopped upon hearing an aggravated groan from Katsuki.

The father, Masaru Bakugo, seemed to stand out from the trio with brown hair and a short mustache. The man used his shirt to clean his foggy glasses, a result of his own tears. "What your mother is trying to say.. is that we're here for you. We love you.", Masaru said.

If Katsuki could move them, he'd be clenching his fists in anger. The boy became frustrated that he couldn't just storm off and end what he considered to be a 'stupid' conversation. All Katsuki wanted to do was focus on trying to regain movement over his body, and his parents were bothering him!

"I'll kill him myself when I get out of here. I'll be the hero that puts him down!", Katsuki rasped out. It strained his throat to speak, but he wanted to make his intentions clear.

Masaru turned his eyes away from Katsuki's gaze, unable to look his son in the face. Mitsuki found herself sobbing uncontrollably again, the woeful cries harder & louder. Neither of the parents had the heart to tell their son he would never be able to move again, let alone become a hero.

"Son.. by now you must realize you can't move-", Masaru tried to fight back tears as he attempted explaining the situation to his crippled child.

"Shut up old man!", Katsuki shouted in defiance. The angry blonde boy had heard the same words from his doctors and it only infuriated him. Katsuki refused to believe what they had to say.

Mitsuki would have slapped her son over the head if not for his current condition, instead, she shouted back. "Your father is trying to tell you something important! Listen to him!", she fumed.

Masaru cleared his throat and started again, "You can't become a hero Katsuki.. your injuries are unfixable. I'm sorry..", the sorrowful father told his son.

Katsuki wanted to lash out at them, desperately trying to move anything he could. His parents advanced towards him, preparing for a reassuring group hug. Katsuki gritted his teeth in anger that he couldn't avoid them. His intentions were to shake them off, but the only way he could do that was with another seizure. The parents cried for their boy as doctors came rushing in to help make it pass like all the others.

As Katsuki convulsed, he felt his anger slipping away and being drowned in tears. The boy couldn't fight back his own sobbing anymore, as he finally realized that his dream was over. Katsuki Bakugo was not only broken physically.. but emotionally as well.

Izuku Midoriya was overjoyed as he entered the all too familiar training facility that All For One would teach him in. The atmosphere was no longer lingering fear, but filled with a hopeful future in the boy's eyes.

As Izuku waited for his instructor to arrive, he decided to spar with Nomus again. The creatures posed no issue for the green haired boy, despite the personal challenges Izuku began creating for himself. Midoriya tried fighting with one arm behind his back or forced himself to stay in one place rather than dodge attacks. Nothing seemed too difficult and it became boring for Izuku, so he decided to find a harder opponent than the Nomus.

Young Midoriya recalled a bedroom in which his old sparring partner resided in. The blue haired boy named Tomura Shigaraki had locked himself inside. Izuku hesitated for only a moment, and then knocked on the door. Midoriya hoped for Tomura to answer, wishing the two could work side by side with one another. Izuku could only smile as he thought about sharing his ideals with the other boy, and eventually his master.

Nearly a minute passed with no response, so Izuku tried knocking again. "Tomura?", he shyly squeaked. Young Midoriya and young Shigaraki had never spent any time with one another outside of training, so Izuku wasn't quite sure how the blue haired boy would react to him banging on his door.

On the other side of the door, Tomura had plugged his ears with his fingers in annoyance. Young Shigaraki despised Izuku for many reasons and refused to speak with him. Midoriya was like the superior brother in a family, casting a shadow over Tomura. All For One's praise only existed for Izuku, leaving Tomura to be scolded. Shigaraki pented up his resentment and combined it with the envy he had for Izuku's quirk.

"Go away!", Tomura shouted through the closed door. His muffled scream caught Midoriya off guard, making Izuku's smile vanish in an instant. The disdain from young Shigaraki reminded young Midoriya of Katsuki when he had started disregarding their friendship.

Izuku fought the urge to say 'sorry' for bothering the blue haired boy, Tomura had always neglected him and that made Midoriya become filled with frustration. The parallel to his relationship with Bakugo induced rage within Izuku, causing him to lash out on the door across from him. Being made of simple wood, it shattered like fragile glass. Midoriya's anger left his system and was replaced with worry upon seeing what was on the other side.

Though his back was to Izuku and covered by a large chair connected to wires & cords, All For One was hooked into a major life support system designed to help him live without his mask. The injured man didn't bother turning around, he just weakly raised his hand to gesture for Midoriya to leave. Izuku gulped back his fear, not knowing if he had upset his teacher or if it were more of a concerned wave.

The green haired boy didn't bother to wait around and find out, he hastily walked away as ordered. Izuku mulled over his options, trying to decide whether to wait for his master to come out or if he should just head home. The choice was made for him when All For One approached Midoriya, now wearing the life support mask he was usually seen in.

Izuku bowed as soon as he saw his teacher. "My apologies, I didn't mean to-", Midoriya started to explain himself but All For One waved it off.

"What was so urgent?", the masked man asked. His tone was hard to place, and it only doubled Izuku's anxiety.

"When I was fighting the Nomus.. I did a lot of thinking. What you said about Kacchan, it made me realize that all the heroes are much like him. They're given praise for everything they do and it blinds them from doing the right thing. I want to be the change needed to stop these people.", Izuku replies.

All For One nods in understanding, putting his hands in his pants pockets. The masked man had intended for Midoriya to be driven by a hatred for heroes, to want to wipe them out entirely. Tomura deemed easier to persuade, but this child had proven to be quite stubborn. Upon hearing Izuku's new standpoint though, it put All For One at a relative ease. The masked man figured it was a start, he would work off of this ideology and twist it into what he had originally intended.

"I see that you share the same philosophy as the hero killer called Stain now.", All For One says.

Izuku Midoriya recalled hearing about the hero killer on the news. Stain had killed heroes in the counts of hundreds, and that was only the documented murders.

"You should sympathize with him. He could teach you a few things in your new crusade.", All For One suggested. The masked man thought of it as a way to get Midoriya killing more heroes. Once Izuku had that much blood on his hands, the final steps would be easily taken.

"I don't know about working with someone like Stain.. besides, my quirk should be more than enough. With my speed, nobody can touch me.", Izuku discarded All For One's recommendation.

In an instant faster than even Izuku could move, All For One backhands Midoriya. The sudden attack startles the green haired boy, leaving him frozen with fear as he rubs the certain bruise growing on his cheek. All For One would grimace at the boy if he had a face, Izuku was lucky that the masked man hadn't used his full force in the slap.

"Was it not so long ago that you were quirkless? When did you become dependent on the power I gave you? NEVER rely on your quirk, NEVER become over confident you stupid cocky child.", All For One scolds Izuku like a disappointed parent.

The masked man crouches down so he can be at Izuku's level. "When I offer you something, it's to benefit you. So please, take it.", All For One says whilst putting out a hand for the green haired boy to take.

Izuku flinches at the extended arm, afraid he'll be hit a second time. With his quirk, every movement outside of his own appeared to be in slow motion. The surprise blow from All For One had happened in an instant, although Midoriya were quirkless yet again. The boy hesitates before taking his master's hand so he can be helped back up to his feet.

The confidence Izuku had gained when slaughtering the Nomus quickly vanished. Midoriya had believed himself to be all powerful and unbeatable. Izuku begins to think about the repercussions if he were to ever not be capable of defeating an opponent. This makes the green haired boy focus on the recurring thought refusing to leave his mind, the one that reminds him he was once quirkless.

After hearing all this commotion, Tomura Shigaraki finally unlocks his door and exits the room. "What happened?", the blue haired boy asks. Tomura inspects the scene and quickly deduces Izuku had gotten reprimanded. Young Shigaraki can't help but smirk at the thought of Midoriya being put down by their master.

"I was just teaching Izuku a valuable lesson. Never become too dependent on your quirk.. it could be the death of you. After all, there's a pro hero capable of erasing your quirk, rendering you helpless in a fight if that were the case.", All For One briefly gives Tomura a recap of what had transpired.

Izuku stops rubbing his cheek and begins massaging his chin in thought. The pro hero that All For One mentioned was named Eraserhead. The hero wasn't too popular due to his disinterest in speaking with the media. Like Midoriya's mindset, Eraserhead didn't care about the public's praise and only wanted to help people the best that he could.

"That's a very good lesson to learn. Perhaps I should teach it to others.", Izuku replies.

All For One cocked his head in confusion. "What are you saying Izuku?", the masked man asks.

"Eraserhead can nullify a person's quirk just by staring at them.. if I can convince him to work alongside us, he would be able to train Tomura and I!", Izuku shares his plan with All For One.

The green haired boy figured it would be the best of both worlds, someone to teach them how to fight without their quirks and be a member of the team capable of nullifying those who weren't savvy in that field of combat. Izuku was completely unaware of All For One's true nature to understand why such an idea could never become truly flourished.

All For One shook his head, knowing full well that Shota Aizawa would never join his legion. It took only a moment to think of an excuse to deter the boy. "You truly believe he would fall in line with our point of view? After all, he's a teacher at U.A, the school that presents these false heroes to begin with.", the masked man feels proud of himself for coming up with a perfect deflection.

Izuku looks down at the floor, mildly discouraged. "You might have a point.. What a shame, he could have been a great help.", Midoriya replies.

All For One grinned behind his mask, at this rate, the boy would soon be just like him. Izuku Midoriya had a brilliant mind, one that sparked a new idea of how Eraserhead would be both of use & be taken out of the equation.

"Yes.. Or more specifically, his eyes. If we can get ahold of those and transplant them, his quirk will go unwasted.", All For One suggests.

Izuku's jaw almost hits the floor with shock. "You want me to gauge out his eyes?!", the green haired boy gasps with horror.

Young Shigaraki sees Izuku's hesitation as a chance to steal the spotlight & gain All For One's pride. "If you're incapable of doing the deed, I'll be happy to.", Tomura intervenes. The blue haired boy's smirk is cheek to cheek upon belief that he bested Midoriya.

"It's for the greater good. What if you come across an opponent who has a quirk more powerful than your own?", All For One begins molding the idea into Midoriya's mind.

Tomura constrains himself from throwing a tantrum upon being ignored. Young Shigaraki scratches at his neck in annoyance, like the frustration is eating away at his skin.

"Eraserhead isn't like the others.. he doesn't care for the media, he actually wants to help people.", Izuku argues. He refuses to kill anyone that doesn't deserve it, that's where the line is drawn between staying a hero and becoming a villain.

All For One restrains himself from backhanding the boy a second time, his anger getting the best of him. Izuku was looking over the ledge right about now, gazing into his perfect abyss. The metaphor was perfect, all the masked man had to do was push Midoriya into the darkness. All For One believed the only way to bring about a transition from being like the hero killer to an actual hero killer was by having Izuku murder Eraserhead.

"I thought you to be smarter.. stop being so foolish. Shota Aizawa is just like all the others, he just can't hide his true self as easily.. so he avoids the media.", All For One warps the reasoning to his own benefit. The masked man can tell that he's making Izuku second guess himself.

Young Midoriya begins to realize how bad it hurts when reality hits. The green haired boy had killed and battered endless Nomus, and even believed to have murdered his longtime rival. However, the thought of killing another human being was sickening to him. Izuku thought it'd be easy after Katsuki, but thinking about murdering another person felt too surreal to him.

Izuku shakes off the feeling and decides he'll worry about it later. For now, he'll focus on following his master's orders. In Midoriya's mind, All For One had been right about everything all along & supported Izuku the whole time no matter what his decision. It was time the green haired boy repay his master..

"Aizawa.. I was told he would teach my class if I went to U.A. I can get in close to him that way.", Izuku begins to reason.

All For One was torn down the middle on his emotions. On one hand, he felt pride that Izuku was willing to go through with stealing Eraserhead's eyes. While at the same time, All For One worried the boy was still too good hearted and that being around other people of that manner would cause him to waver. Unwilling to take that risk and allow for Izuku to falter, the masked man shakes his head.

"It's too risky. You'd be under close surveillance and have little to no time after school to train with me.", All For One says as his excuse.

Tomura sees the moment of uncertainty as another chance to chime in. "Perhaps we could use the remaining Nomus to bring about an invasion on the school grounds. We could use the raid as a distraction and take care of Aizawa then.", Shigaraki suggests.

Before anyone else can say anything, Izuku turns down Tomura's offer. "That's far riskier. It would draw too much attention, that's something a theatrical villain would do to be flashy. There's already too many heroes there and the Nomus would only bring more running.", Midoriya breaks down why the plan wouldn't work.

All For One crosses his arms as he begins to realize Izuku's plan is the only one that would work. "I agree with you Izuku, your plan is far more strategical.", the masked man decides to take a leap of faith.

Tomura shakes with anger like a volcano about to erupt. Young Shigaraki clenches and opens his hand as he tries to withdraw himself from attacking Midoriya. The blue haired boy wants to decay Izuku with his quirk and shout how much he hates the green haired child, but runs the other direction instead.

"Tomura, wait!", Izuku calls after the blue haired kid. To no avail, Shigaraki continues running.

"I'll go talk to him.. for now, continue as planned and start your first day at U.A.", All For One says before going in the same direction that Tomura ran off in.

Once Izuku was gone, the masked man detoured and went to speak with someone other than Tomura. A cloaked figure with a hood covering his face waited in the room where All For One's life support machine was setup at. The cloak was as dark as the room's lighting, making it difficult to see the man.

"You wanted to speak with me, master?", the cloaked figure asked as he knelt down on one knee.

"Yes. I'm providing you with the task of following Izuku Midoriya to U.A. Keep your eye on the boy and make sure he doesn't begin to falter. He's by far the best candidate to become my protege.", All For One orders the hooded man.

"Yes, my liege.", the cloaked figure responds whilst heading in the direction that young Midoriya went.

"Don't disappoint me with failure.", All For One threatens as he hooks himself into the life support system.

Izuku Midoriya began slowing his running speed so it would lead into a smooth slide for a safe stop. His surprise to find several students and Shota Aizawa outside was as vast as the ocean to say the least. The green haired boy exchanged a stare with the teacher, both of them seemingly take one another in.

Izuku's heart thumped like a drum, not only from running nonstop, but due to the anxiety of looking the person he planned to murder in the eyes. Aizawa appeared to be gazing into his soul, a scowl forming across his face. Young Midoriya tried gulping back his worry, wondering why he had earned such a stare. The thought crossed Izuku's mind, What if he somehow knows what I'm planning?

"You're late.", Shota said with a bored expression that somehow mixed with disappointment.

Izuku let out a breath he had been holding ever since the staring contest started. Young Midoriya was relieved to say the least, glad that the teacher accepted him back into U.A so easily & that was all he would be considered problematic for.

"If you don't consider tardiness an issue, then you won't mind performing the Quirk Apprehension Test alone whilst holding up your classmates.", Aizawa scolded the boy while crossing his arms.

Izuku glanced between the teacher and the other students, now completely flushed red with embarrassment. "Oh, I didn't mean to-", Izuku started apologizing but never got to finish.

"This test will determine whether or not you're fit to be a hero. Let this be a fair warning, whichever student ranks last in total points will be deemed hopeless and immediately expelled.", Shota interrupts.

Izuku's jaw almost hit the floor, all of this was so sudden. The green haired boy shook it off and prepared to do his best on whatever trial thrown his way. All For One had told the boy not to rely on his quirk, but Midoriya decided he'd make an acception just this once.

"Fine. If you want to underestimate me, that's your problem!", Izuku confidently said back.

Both Aizawa and Midoriya were shocked by the sudden retort. Izuku thought about Katsuki and how arrogant he had become when his quirk blossomed. The green haired boy began to understand why All For One had told him not to rely on his quirk too much, for it would cause the person to become brash.

Shota found himself smiling, eager to see just what the green haired boy could do. Aizawa tossed a baseball into Midoriya's hands and pointed into the sky. "This is meant to be the last test, a pitch to determine just how in control of your quirk you really are. Throw the ball a proper distance and prove me wrong.", the teacher explains.

Izuku nods in understanding and begins to wind up for a powerful pitch. Midoriya watches as everything around him slows and comes closer to a full stop. The throw will be accumulated due to how fast his arm moves, providing the proper velocity needed. Just as Izuku prepares to release the ball from his grip and send it rocketing, he notices a change in his environment from the corner of his eye.

The iris of Aizawa's eyes were slowly bursting, allowing for a dark red shade to flood in. At first, Midoriya worried Shota had suffered some sort of internal bleeding, but it took only a second to realize that this was his Erasure quirk. The effects slowly started setting in as the sockets came closer and closer to filling with the red shade.

Midoriya spotted a bird in the sky that started moving its wings again, despite them going in slow motion. Izuku gritted his teeth in anger as he realized Shota was erasing his quirk. The teacher had planned to humiliate him and further proved All For One's warning to not rely on your quirk to be of utmost importance.

Izuku realized he still had a few more seconds of Superspeed, thinking about how he would use the slow motion extended time to his advantage. Midoriya discarded the idea to continue pitching the ball, coming to the conclusion that despite his remaining speed, it wouldn't go very far. Izuku glanced back at the teacher and his eyes, giving the green haired boy an idea.

Izuku gave it his all to sprint head on at his teacher, cupping his hand and extending his arm to reach the man's face. Just as Aizawa's quirk fully erased Midoriya's, the green haired boy had already achieved his goal and covered the teacher's eyes with his hand. Shota and the students were in awe upon witnessing the phenomenal speeds.

Midoriya had moved so fast that even Shota was confused by what had just happened. "Teleportation?", he questioned.

"No.", Izuku replied. The green haired boy decided it was in his best interest to not share what his quirk was as long as the others were uncertain. "Don't ever try erasing my quirk again.", Izuku warned Shota.

"Hopefully I won't need to.. because you passed.", Aizawa said as Midoriya moved his hand away.

The students began applauding and cheering for Izuku, making it difficult for the boy to avoid making a goofy smile. The group of classmates begin approaching him to glorify Midoriya but their teacher used his controlled clothes to intervene.

"That's enough. We've still got a long day ahead of us. Follow me and we'll return to class.", Aizawa told his students before leading them back inside.

As he walked, Izuku got to basically meet every member of his class. One of them he recognized from the Entrance Exam, the boy with the glasses. "I would like to apologize. I misjudged you. I see great potential in you now..", the well mannered student became stumped as he realized he hadn't gotten a name.

"Izuku!", Ochaco Uraraka answered for everyone wondering as she ran over to congratulate Midoriya as well. The green haired boy did his best to cover up his blush.

"Oh hey Ochaco, you saw that huh?!", Izuku awkwardly chuckled.

"Yeah man, we all did! You were amazing!", a blonde haired student shouted over the others giving praise. "My name's Denki Kaminari, and I can tell we're gonna be a great team!", the excited boy beamed.

"I am Tenya Iida.", the boy with the glasses greeted whilst bowing.

"It's nice to meet you all, I-", Izuku wasn't used to praise, let alone from a crowd. The whole thing felt like paparazzi flooding him and it gave the boy no breathing room.

A smaller student with strange purple hair hopped up and down to make himself seen. "Hey, don't forget about me!", he called out. "I'm Minoru Mineta! We're gonna be the best of friends!", the purple haired boy confidently stated.

The other students seemed to share the same idea as Minoru as they all nodded and murmured agreements. The only one who seemed distant and unimpressed was the boy Izuku noticed back during the Entrance Exam. Half of him was encased in ice, the other half had white hair and seemed annoyed.

Before Izuku could ask about the unenthusiastic one or any of the other students could introduce themselves, the group reached their classroom. Everyone seemed to wait outside in the hallway as Izuku entered. Midoriya took notice and turned around in confusion. The other students motioned and nodded him on in encouragement.

Midoriya shrugged it off in confusion and took a seat upfront so he could pay close attention during lectures. That's when all the other students came crashing through the door frame like a stampede, each one scrambling for a seat next to Izuku and explaining why they had been waiting for him to enter first.

A student with pointy red hair powered through the lot and plopped down in one of the seats aside Izuku. "Heya, I'm Eijiro Kirishima!", the redhead greeted.

The other seat was filled with a familiar face, Ochaco Uraraka. "Hi Izuku!", she beamed.

The other students sulked in defeat, aside from three who had already taken their seats and shared the ice boy's disinterest. An older girl with black hair tied into a spiky ponytail and bangs on the right side of her face, a boy who had a black bird shaped head, and another girl with plug like earlobes sat in the back.

"Hey, I'm Hanta Sero!", a boy whispered from behind Izuku as he sat down. Hanta had very large teeth that dominated his grin, along with black hair that had spiked ends.

Before Midoriya could reply, Shota Aizawa cleared his throat for the class to pay attention. "If you're all finished.. I gathered you here again to receive your costumes.", the teacher yawned like he had gotten no sleep the previous night.

The class began murmuring with one another in continued excitement as lockers dispensed from the wall. All except Izuku ran to retrieve their costumes, leaving Midoriya perplexed. The green haired boy never submitted his costume design and would now be the odd one out yet again.

"Why aren't you putting on your uniform like the others?", Aizawa asked.

"I never gave you a drawing to work off of..", Izuku replied in distress.

Shota cocked one of his eyebrows, "But your mother did.", he said before forming a small smile.

Upon seeing Izuku's sorrow wash away with shared excitement from his classmates, Aizawa had to hide his ever growing grin. "Now go suit up.", Shota said whilst turning away from the boy to hide his happy expression.

Izuku cheerfully ran over to his locker, eager to see what his costume looked like. The boy pulls out a green fabric and becomes giddy, racing to the changing rooms to see what it looks like on him.

The enthusiasm is soon vanquished as he pulls out the mask piece, the bottom half looking like a sinister snarl. Izuku's happy memories were immediately replaced with the one in which Katsuki had burned his notebook. Midoriya clutched the mask as he remembered redrawing the smile into a frown.

The cloaked figure that All For One sent to watch the boy was originally planning to intervene after seeing how happy Izuku was, but the hooded man held back upon seeing this new facial expression.

Izuku remembered why he was really at U.A, the mission becoming clear again. Midoriya put on the mask and accepted his new look. He would be the opposite of All Might.

The other students didn't share this acceptance, becoming freaked out by the sinister looking mask. Midoriya didn't pay them any mind as he joined the suited up heroes in another room. The only student who dared say anything was Ochaco, who was shocked to see such a suit design considering how kind Izuku had always been.

"Izuku.. I hope you don't mind me asking.. but, w- what's with the mask?", Ochaco timidly asked.

Luckily, the mask hid Izuku's pained expression for scaring the girl he had come to like. Before Midoriya could explain what happened to his drawing, another classmate interjected.

"I think it looks cool.", a green haired girl said cheerfully. She added a playful, "Ribbit", to go along with her frog costume design.

A floating pair of light blue gloves & white sneakers strolled over to Izuku. "Me too! Super cute!", the voice belonged to that of a girl.

"I think its awesome.", The girl with the earphone jacks said bashfully. She tried hiding a blush with the jacks.

Ochaco's blood boiled as another girl with pink skin wearing a skintight purple & turquoise camouflage bodysuit shared the same praise. "I thought it was cool too, I was just joking!", she shouted over the other girls whilst waving her arms as if she were trying to shoo away dogs.

Izuku was relieved for his mask now, not only had it gained attention from nearly every female in his class, but it covered the tomato red face he now had. All the commotion had distracted him from taking notice of Uraraka's costume, the girl standing next to him this whole time.

Izuku nearly jumped back, his prepubescent feelings washing over him like powerful waves. Ochaco's costume was skin tight! The colors were a mix of pink and black, detached sleeves assorted at several acupuncture points. "O- Ochaco! What about your suit?!", Izuku shouted.

Ochaco's face flushed red, with no mask to hide it. "Oh?! THIS?! I didn't mean for it to be so tight, I guess I wasn't specific enough with my design request.", she complained.

"I think it looks perfect!", the purple haired boy named Minoru Mineta interjected with two thumbs up.

Before the class can share anymore thoughts on one another's costumes, they get interrupted by the arrival of Shota Aizawa. "That's enough everyone, it's time to begin the Battle Trials.", the statement from their teacher gathers everyone's attention.

"The rules are simple. You will all be separated into groups of two, heroes versus villains style. The battles will be held indoors with the villains guarding a fake nuclear weapon and the heroes must stop their scheme. If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuke before the time runs out, they win. If the villains manage to keep the nuclear core guarded until the timer ends or capture the heroes, then they win.", Aizawa explains.

"During each battle simulation, the rest of you will watch from the cameras in the surveillance room. Now, I'll be hand selecting teams to combat one another.", Shota says.

"Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka. You two will be the villains.", Aizawa states.

The class murmurs and gasps among eachother after hearing Shota's decision. Izuku winces at the word 'villains' but Uraraka doesn't seem to care as she claps lightly with joy. "Hear that Izuku?! What are the chances you and I got put on the same team?", she says happily.

"Y- Yeah.", Izuku replies as he listens to Aizawa's choice for their opponents.

"Tenya Iida and Shoto Todoroki. You two will be the heroes.", Aizawa chose the boy with the glasses & the boy half encased in ice to be Izuku's enemies.

The teams disperse quickly, the scene now set. Class 1-A watches from the monitors as Izuku & Ochaco guard the fake nuke. Outside the makeshift battle site are Tenya & Shoto, the two separate teams give a moment to strategize.

Shoto Todoroki uses his Half-Cold quirk to lower the temperature inside the 'villain base'. Ice begins formulating along the walls and across the floor as the building slowly freezes over. The hero team decided the best way to win was freeze the villain team out.

Inside, Izuku and Ochaco shiver due to the temperature drop. As snow begins flurrying and ice spreads, the two quickly deduce its the work of Shoto. "He's going to try and encase us in ice, it'll be an easy win for them if we don't come up with something quick!", Izuku says to Ochaco.

"Leave it to me!", Uraraka shouts back as she uses her Zero Gravity quirk to make her and Izuku float. The two levitate just in time to avoid ice protruding to grab at where their legs had been.

"Good call Ochaco!", Izuku compliments his partner for her quick thinking and begins doing some of his own. Midoriya mutters outloud to himself as he mulls over different techniques and plans on how to counter Shoto's attack.

"I've got an idea! Release me and I'll clear away the ice!", Izuku orders his teammate. Ochaco nods in compliance and allows for Midoriya's gravity to return.

Izuku immediately begins rubbing his hands together at a fast pace, creating the right amount of friction to melt the ice beneath him. Not stopping, the green haired boy takes this improvised heat and runs throughout the building with it going at a continued rate. Once the ice melts away, Izuku returns to Ochaco's side.

Uraraka runs to her partner's aid, the rush had left Izuku exhausted. Midoriya breathed heavily as he tried to recuperate. "Are you going to be okay?", Ochaco asked.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah. I just need a moment.", the green haired boy reassures his teammate.

From the surveillance room, Class 1-A surprisingly finds itself cheering for the villain team. Shota Aizawa normally fell asleep in his sleeping bag during these events but the commotion had gotten his attention and he was now wide awake spectating the match as well. Alongside him was Recovery Girl in case anybody got injured during the Battle Trials.

Outside the 'villain base', Shoto and Tenya shared a confused look. "Our plan didn't work..", Tenya stated the obvious.

"Looks like we're going to have to move in.", Shoto replies before entering the makeshift building.

"We can't just rush them head on, we need a plan B.", Tenya complained whilst trying to stop his partner from going any further.

"You're the plan B. You may be the only one fast enough to match Izuku's speed. Keep him occupied long enough for me to reach the nuke.", Todoroki replies.

Meanwhile, young Midoriya had finally gotten his energy back and began preparing a countermeasure of his own. "I know what Shoto's quirk is, but I wasn't here for Tenya's demonstration. Ochaco, what can Tenya do?", Izuku asked.

"Uhh, it's kinda like you, he can be pretty fast.", Uraraka tried to explain the quirk to her partner.

Izuku gritted his teeth, annoyed that someone may have a quirk similar to power. All For One's warning about relying on his quirk came full circle yet again. "Okay, then it's only reasonable that they'll try pitting him against me while Shoto tries to get back past you. What we're going to do is the opposite, I'm staying here and you're going down there to occupy Tenya.", Izuku shared his new plan.

"But what if Shoto gets in the way?!", Ochaco worried.

"He won't.", Izuku promised. "I'll run in as fast as I can and take him with me so he doesn't pose a problem to you.", Midoriya said.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan.", Ochaco replied reluctantly.

Like Izuku had planned, the hero team didn't expect the sudden attack. Ochaco uses her quirk to take away Tenya's gravity, leaving the opponent's quirk ineffective since he can't touch the ground. While Shoto is distracted by his levitating partner, Izuku uses the opportunity to grab Todoroki and pull him away from the battle.

With his partner taken by one of the villain team members, Tenya begins panicking. He watches as Uraraka picks up a stray metal pipe and prepares to whack him with it. "Sorry..", she apologizes just before she takes a swing at Tenya.

Tenya reacts immediately, using his Engine quirk to activate thrusters that protrude from the back of his calves. "Recipro Burst!", Tenya cries out as he's accelerated through the air and dodges the swing of the metal pipe. The enhanced speed thanks to his calf engines, allows Tenya to touch down on the wall and run alongside it to reach Ochaco.

Before Tenya can reach her, Uraraka releases her quirk on the fast opponent which causes Tenya to fall flat on his back upon return of gravity. With her enemy down, Ochaco uses the time to flee and hide.

Meanwhile, Izuku dragged Todoroki to a different floor to get a proper distance from their partners. In an effort to escape his enemy's grip, Shoto creates ice shards from his finger tips and slashes at Midoriya's hand. Izuku releases his hold on Shoto upon getting his hand sliced and the two come to a full force stop, causing them both to crash into a nearby wall.

Izuku holds his wounded hand as he tries to get back up from the debris the impact created. Shoto doesn't bother getting to his feet, being on his hands and knees allows him to send ice spreading across the floor from them. Young Midoriya sees the oncoming terrain and runs the other way to avoid getting caught by it.

Realizing that evading the slick surface would just eventually lead him back to their partners, Izuku avoids going through the doorway in which he came. Instead, Midoriya uses the momentum from his speed to run up the wall in front of him and then along the ceiling back in the direction of Todoroki. Shoto is taken completely by surprise as Izuku manages to evade the attack and return with a punch that shatters the ice covering Shoto's body.

The hit sends Todoroki flying across the room, the boy coughs up blood due to how strong the impact was. Despite Izuku trying to hold back, the hit could have shattered Shoto's skull had it not been for the ice covering. What shocks Izuku and the entirety of Class 1-A watching from the surveillance room, is what was underneath the ice casing.

The other half of Shoto Todoroki's body has red hair and a burn scar over his left eye. The boy acts humiliated after getting the other side exposed. His newly revealed half smokes, the steam a clear indicator that aside from his ice power, he has control over heat as well. The rising temperature melts the iced surface beneath them.

A few floors beneath Izuku and Shoto were Tenya and Ochaco. Uraraka had been using the winding halls as a maze to evade Iida. The time spent chasing Ochaco allowed for Tenya's engines to refuel and his quirk to become fully functional again. As Uraraka rounded another corner, she was shocked to find that it was a dead end.

It was only a matter of time before Tenya caught up to her and reached the dead end as well. What shocked Iida was that Ochaco was no longer there. At least, that's what he thought.. Ochaco had used her quirk to take away her own gravity and wait pressed against the roof. By the time Tenya tried looking up, it was too late, Uraraka returned her gravity and dropped down on Iida.

However, the surprise attack wasn't enough as Tenya overpowered her and used handcuffs provided by U.A to capture the villain team member. With Uraraka subdued, all that was left was Izuku. Ochaco used the comm link given to each team to warn her partner. "Izuku, Tenya detained me!", she cried over the wavelength.

Midoriya cursed under his breath, the odds now stacked against him. The green haired boy began mulling over new plans on how to best both enemies and save Ochaco. The only thing that Izuku thought of was risky, but he had to try it!

Izuku placed his hands on the floor and began rapidly shaking them at a constantly growing speed. The move caused the ground to vibrate and threw Todoroki off balance as if it were an earthquake. Eventually, the continuous pressure Izuku exerted into the floor caused it to crack and break. As soon as that crumbled, the rubble crashed through the next floor and the next.

Eventually, the collapsing floors reached Ochaco and Tenya who leapt out of the way of oncoming debris. With a self created detour, Izuku jumped down the hole and landed in between Iida & Uraraka. "Try taking ME on!", Izuku challenged Tenya.

Iida accepted his opponent's provocation and activated the engines in his calves. Using the boost, Tenya tried kicking Izuku. Midoriya's worry soon evaporated as he realized the attack was still slow for him. Ochaco was wrong, Tenya's quirk was nowhere near the level that Izuku's was. Young Midoriya easily caught the leg and used the momentum to toss Iida through another wall.

Everyone was on the edge of their seat watching as Izuku bested Tenya in combat within a matter of seconds. From the floors above the confrontation, Todoroki watched as well and cursed under his breath. Shoto decided it would be best if he just tried to make it to the nuke rather than fight Izuku.

Todoroki covered the holes with immense ice sheeting so it would be difficult for his enemies to reach him. While that would buy him a little time, Shoto used every second of it to run for the nuke. Meanwhile, Izuku tended to Ochaco and freed her of the handcuffs.

"What are you doing Izuku?! Go after Shoto!", Uraraka cried out in confusion.

"Saving people is more important. Especially when it's you.", Izuku didn't pay any mind to his response since it was what he had always believed in. The second half of the statement completely went over his head while Uraraka blushed profusely upon hearing it.

Ochaco wasn't the only one who had taken the statement to heart. The cloaked figure assigned by All For One to watch Izuku heard it too, and decided that this was his time to act. The hooded man emerged from his hiding spot and presented himself for the villain team to see.

"Who would have thought this school would cause you to waver?", the cloaked being said more than asked as he approached the kids. Izuku instantly knew the mysterious man was addressing him, but Ochaco was both scared & confused as she hid behind Midoriya.

"What do you want? Who sent you?", Izuku asked despite feeling like he knew the answer. All For One had been weary of allowing him to go to U.A. The arrival of this man made Midoriya feel although his master had no trust in him.

"Those questions will be answered when I bring you back.", the hooded man replies.

Izuku clenched his fists, preparing for another battle. "I'm not going anywhere with you.", Midoriya's response sounded more like a threat than a statement.

Meanwhile, Class 1-A was being evacuated by Recovery Girl after witnessing the mystery man's arrival. Shota Aizawa hurried to the battle site so he could intervene and save his students.

"Very well.", the man replied before removing his cloak. What was underneath looked like Frankenstein's monster, a stitched together redhead adult. The being was as Izuku described to the detective who visited his house, very muscular and looked to be quite an opposing threat. Midoriya wondered if this was some kind of advanced Nomu.

Izuku had no time to think about it as the man rushed him head on, leading the green suited boy to dodge the oncoming attack. Dust particles shot up from the ground as the man's fist connected with the floor. It was then that Izuku's heart skipped a beat, he realized that he may have moved, but Uraraka was still there!

"No!", he called out as he ran to her rescue. Izuku wasn't fast enough as the man grabbed hold of her wrist and began using his quirk, Age. Midoriya watched in horror as Uraraka rapidly went from being a child to a teenager and then slowly become an adult. Due to his hesitant shock, Izuku managed to get grabbed as well, leading him to be effected by the enemy's quirk.

"He won't be happy that I killed you, but he'll get over it..", the man said through a sinister smile.

Izuku was sure that this was how he would die, he would rapidly lose his youth alongside a girl he wished he could have grown old slowly with instead. Just as the boy turned adult began to give up, Shota Aizawa finally arrived.

Eraserhead now wore specifically modified goggles to hide his eyes when using his quirk to erase the enemy's quirk. Aizawa's lengthy hair was lifted up as he stared the opponent down, the cloth strips he would normally use to bind enemies being used to pull his students away from harm.

The villain takes notice of Eraserhead's arrival and launches a new attack. Aizawa swiftly ducks under the punch and sweeps his enemy's legs out from under him. With the opponent downed, Shota quickly restrains the villain with his cloth coils.

After watching Eraserhead promptly defeat an enemy that he couldn't, Izuku begins questioning whether or not his mission is still possible. Midoriya comes to terms that he wouldn't be able to do it alone and begins thinking about All For One's suggestion.. the hero killer named Stain. Many people believed Stain to be quirkless and merely just skilled when it comes to combat with blades. If this were true, someone like Aizawa who just erases quirks would have a hard time defeating such an opponent.

Izuku pushes the thought out of his mind for the time being, his loyalty now in question after being attacked by someone he believed was sent by All For One. Izuku stands up with Ochaco, now shocked to see the girl turned into a woman. The already tight suit she wore was now tightened due to her growth and Izuku had to turn away to hide his manhood.

Meanwhile, Aizawa began interrogating the man who had attacked them. "Reverse the effects of your quirk.", Shota commanded the enemy who just simply laughed back in his captive's face.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't.", the red haired man said in between his hysterical laughter.

Aizawa gritted his teeth in anger, "You'll pay for this, you delusional-", Shota had to bite his tongue from saying anything else. "Who sent you?", Eraserhead decided to take the interrogation in a different route.

Izuku and the red haired man shared a knowing glance, Midoriya became worried that he would share the details about Katsuki and more. Time stood still around Izuku as he began using his quirk to move at a speed in which nobody would know he ever moved. Midoriya didn't bother holding back tears as he knelt down behind the man who had attacked him and prepared to perform another murder.

To keep his secret well kept, Izuku snapped the man's neck, killing the redhead instantly. When the deed was done, Midoriya returned to the place he had been standing originally and pretended the crying was because of his age being altered. Considering Ochaco was already crying about it, this seemed to be a good coverup.

Izuku removed his mask and wiped away the tears, starting to see the truth in what All For One had told him. This kill was far easier than Katsuki, but the amount of guilt Izuku felt still ate away at him. Despite this man trying to kill him first, it felt wrong..

Aizawa was shocked to suddenly be holding a corpse, the man's head jerked in an instant movement and just as fast as he was alive, the redhead became dead. Shota's hair dropped before he removed his goggles and turned around to face his two students. The teacher had no words for them.

Everyone was then dismissed and sent home early if they weren't being treated or questioned about the occurrence. After Izuku did his ordeal, he went straight to All For One's dwelling.

"All For One! Show yourself!", Izuku shouted in anger.

The boy turned adult was taken by surprise when All For One spoke from behind him. "How you've grown Izuku.", the masked man joked.

Midoriya clenched his fist in anger, "You sent that guy to do this to me, didn't you?!", Izuku accuses the masked man.

"I swear to you when I say I have no idea what you're talking about. Calm down and come sit with me, tell me what happened.", All For One half lied. The masked man didn't know what had happened with the person he sent to watch over Izuku, but he was responsible for it.

"Some guy attacked me at U.A and almost took my entire youth away!", Izuku didn't know where to start with his explanation but managed to say what came to mind first.

"And why would you believe me to have sent such a person? You're my disciple. Why would I want you dead?", the masked man was unaware of his colleague's betrayal.

Midoriya began to calm down and apologized with a bow, "You're right.. I'm sorry I accused you. It was just something he said..", Izuku replied.

"I understand. Who would want you dead though? Who would dare attack U.A?", All For One pretended to be baffled and lead Izuku astray.

Midoriya instantly begins looking around the room after hearing the mention of an attack on U.A. "Where's Tomura?", Izuku asks.

All For One begins seeing where this new accusation is coming from and decides that sacrificing Shigaraki is necessary in preparing Izuku to become his successor. "I don't know.. I never found him after he ran off. You don't think he was the one who sent that assassin, do you?", the masked man played with Izuku's thoughts yet again.

"He did say he wanted to attack U.A with Nomus.. after I told him why his plan wouldn't work, maybe he became spiteful..", Izuku wondered.

Meanwhile, Tomura Shigaraki walked out onto the catwalk that overlooked numerous tanks filled with Nomus. Tomura planned to release the Nomus and prove he was superior to Izuku, no matter what it took.

"We need to check on the Nomus.. see if he took them..", Izuku said as he ran towards the containment room.

By the time he and All For One arrived, all they saw from the catwalk was empty water tanks.