
1 Lost

Some where in the middle of nowhere stands a young boy of only 13 years old. The boy had red hair, red eyes, light skin with him wearing scratched up clothes. He'd look like he had gone through a plane crash or something of the sort of disaster. He had amnesia and could not remember anything and just found himself in a Ice Cold Forest. While he was walking around thinking of what to do he decided to find shelter and try and find a town. The boy was walking in the Forest with the sun shining down with shadows appearing everywhere around the trees. He could see many wild life and many peculiar types of beings. Some of the things he found were wild mushrooms, weird squirrel type monsters, slime's, and many more. While he tried to mess with the slime he would find himself being stuck in the slime struggling to get out. The slime seems to have gotten to his neck and started pressuring it and attempted to choke it, but the slime with merely no weight behind couldn't do anything to him. He had gotten out while breathing a lot as he couldn't tell what was going on when the slime had gotten him.

The red hair kid seems to have gotten out of the Forest and is now following a road he found earlier ago. He followed the road seeing people, and tried to get their attention. There was a man, bald, brown eyes, tall, while wearing comfortable clothing. The man seems to have put his attention to the red head and approached him and said "Little one what are you doing around here?" The red hair kid could not understand or say anything as if something was blocking his voice. "Hmm you seem troubled, can you understand me or even speak?" The kid just stood there and looked at him with a confused look. "Huh, I guess I'll lead him to town and inform the elder." the man said with curiosity. The man took the kids hand and tried to lead him to town, he then realized that the kid was resisting and he pointed towards the way where the town would be as a translation of "Hey there is something over there!" type of message. The kid got the message and held onto his hand.

The man, and the kid were in front of a Town with a sign signalling it was town "Tamriel". They went through the middle and went into the elders house. As they were In front of the house to find an old man In his porch with a cup of tea. The old man had long white hair with his beard as well, he was short, with piercing green eyes. "Huh? What brings you here Jun?" The old man said with curiosity as he sees a red hair kid holding onto the hand of Jun. "I found this kid in the outskirts of the Town and looked like he came from an accident. He can't speak the language or understand it, nor can he even speak which is very weird." Jun said as then the elder spoke. "Hmm, he cannot speak? That's unfortunate, what do you want me to do with him?" The elder said "I want you to take this kid In, train him, teach him."Jun said with authority. "Why should I train him? I could just choose someone else." The elder snapped "It would be interesting how about you give him a try old man!"Jun replied. The elder took a minute to take in what he had heard from his former disciple, and just sighed and said "Fine Ill take him in" The elder than went toward the boy and took him into the house. He sat him down in a chair and gave him a book. The book's cover say's "Basic Education for Nubs" The kid stared at the book couldn't even read the cover was confused on why the old man has given him this. The old man then opened the book for him and pointed towards examples like mountains and then the word itself that is said for it. At first the red haired boy couldn't get it but after a few times of practice he wrote the word "Mountain" on the paper. The old man was happy that his teaching made him do it faster.

After days of learning about the language the boy finally understood a little bit of what the old man was saying to him. "Do you know what your name is boy?" The old man questioned the boy. The boy just nodded as he didn't even know his name or who he was. "Well I guess i shall give you your own name that you should Identify as..." The old man waited and was thinking of a name perfect for the red haired boy that was right in front of him. "Mashiro... yes your name shall be Mashiro" The old man remarked as he was fascinated for his thinking of a name. Mashiro didn't get what he said and just kept on look at the old man with a weird look as the old man was hyping himself up. Though as time went on Mashiro then learned of his name as the old man kept on calling him that and explained what a name was after he figured out that the child didn't even know what a name was. The old man then shouted "Alright its time for training child!" Mashiro was startled from the sudden loud noise the old man made and made a face towards the old man. The old man then lead Mashiro outside to the Backyard and got Mashiro ready with new training clothes. "Alright your training starts today you better be ready!" As the old man shouted. The training was about to start and Mashiro had no idea what level of pain he was gonna feel while this is happening.


I guess ill randomly post 1000 words per chapter i still don't know how to write and many things just basic language is all I know as I am in ELD in my second year of High School. Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as it took a long time for me to figure a setting, character, development. I sorta just thought of the story in my head when I saw a game that a friend that a friend was making which was based off this.

magmabeamcreators' thoughts