
Grass damn, what a CATastrophe!

It all started with a cat, a very unique cat. That cat had intelligence far than what normal cats like her kind should have. But she wasn't really normal, wasn't she? The cat met a person in the forest she lived, that person needed her help with food so she decided to help, and they became friends! But then, the person had to do something else that also needed the cats help. The person was successful due to the cat's help, and the cat decided to tag along with the person. And then, from peace to war, from war, to utter chaos happened. She was a unique being, too unique for her own saftey, empires even fought to obtain her. But she had something within her that helped her fend of those greedy people, she was after all, a reincarnator. In the world of "Exevron" where peace lies almost none existent, travel a cat with immense power held within her soft paws. *Distant loud explosions coupled with gun-shots and a small mushroom cloud rising* Hahhh (exasperated sigh).... "Grass damn, what a CATastrophe." ------ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Cover picture isn't mine, I took it from the internet to be specific. To be even more specific, Pint*rest. To be even more specific, from the acount "DeviantArt". There, credits go to that person/acount. If you want to know where I got the cover art, grass-dammit man, I already cited the source.

Nakamura_Shun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Aberration

My eyes were still hazy from the sudden burst of light as I made out a vague silhouette of Daniella's Soul Guardian holding me in its palms gently. "Sera! Are you okay-… um, Sera?"

I heard Daniella's worried and hesitant voice ring out as I look down at my hands… wait, "hands?" I looked further down and saw my chest heaving up and down, adorned with sizable breasts.

"Oh, my grass…" I mutter in disbelief. I… I got my human form back. I finally have it back with me! "Hahaha." I softly chuckled as I looked up at the Soul Guardian.

"Daniella, I have become human again!" I spoke with joy as I jumped up with glee. 'Something's wrong… Wait.' I turned back towards the soul guardian; Daniella wasn't responding.

"Daniella?" I softly spoke as Danniella finally answered. "Y-your… Your n…naked." She spoke swiftly. I put on a dumbfounded look as I materialized clothes upon my body with mana.

I got down from the hands of the iron titan and looked up with mixed emotions. The most eminent was anger and confusion.

"Y-… you better not be blushing right now, or else… or else…" I grumbled as I felt my emotions fluctuate wildly. My mana dispersed from my body as I instinctively spoke those words.

"Oh, God of destruction. I call upon your weapon! Flex your wings of death as you dance with death in the desolation of my enemies! {ERYTHAEUS}!"

A bright crimson swarm of mana particles exploded forth and revealed another steel behemoth standing at the height of 10 meters tall, embellished with different weapons.

My view changed But I didn't mind it. I rushed at the other Soul guardian and threw a punch at it. The other swiftly dodged as I threw in more. I reached out to my back and point at the other.

A quick succession of bullets shot out as the other jumped back, retreating. I discarded the weapon as I fired the weapons mounted on my right shoulder.

Beams of pure crimson blew out with great power and shredded even the air it passes by. The weapon over heated as I also discarded it. I reversed the aim of the cannons on my back and shot them.

The amount force made me flew over to the other in a lapse of a second. I wielded the shield on my left arm and brandished it in front of me.

My impact with the other caused immense recoil as I rotated myself midair to lessen impact and landed on the ground gracefully, why am I fighting Daniella again?

'I feel angry? No, no. It seems that my already existing emotions are amplified to several levels.' I thought as I stood there silently, unmoving despite the situation just before. 'I feel so out of character….'

And my perspective changed, it changed so much. How am I this high up from the ground? What happened? *clank* My shield fell on the ground as I looked down, I held up my hands and saw that they were… robotic.


I felt my instincts scream at me as I felt time slow down to at least a thousand times. I ducked down with sudden speed as I saw a shadow of a sword pass by me.

"…!" I can't hear it.

I rolled out of the way as another sword strike fall from where I used to be, I sprang up into the air as I reached out to my back and brandished a sword spun around with speed.

"…A!" I'm too focused to hear it.

My sword contacted that of the other and blew off the other back due to my momentum. I discarded the sword and reached out to another one behind me and swung it right in front of me, entering a sword lock with my opponent.

".E...!" I'm too angry to know what it is.

I put more force on my arms as I pushed off the other and ducked as a diagonal slash passed by, I kicked upwards and knocked my opponent on the head, sending them upwards.

I swung my left leg back down as I pulled back a fist, releasing it right after with explosive speed. I got into contact with the torso and put a decent dent into the chassis.


My opponent flew back with force and impacted into the trees behind her. My opponent stood up as I slowly approached her, halting as I heard my name. "SERAPHINE!"

My joints creaked to a stop as I stood there motionless. I felt myself calm down as I look towards Daniella's Soul Guardian. "Daniella?" I was confused of what just happened.

Why was I so violent? Why was I so angry? Why was I so… animalistic back then? All these questions boggled my mind as Daniella approached me. "Thank goodness you got out of "Aberration"… I wouldn't of what to do if you were consumed by it."

"Aberration?" I spoke. "What do you mean by that." I was confused and I needed answers quickly. "Aberration is basically a difference from the norm, a sudden fluctuation of emotions, or mentality. Most that is of anger or rage."

"How did it happen to me?" I asked her. "Aberration happens when a person usually experiences a boost in mana capacity or awaken their inner potency with origin stones."

So that happened because I swallowed the origin stone? But… "Why didn't it happen to you?" I was curious as to what the difference was. "Oh, I forgot to mention. RAW. I processed the mana and slowly absorbed it."

Daniella's Soul Guardian pointed its finger at me. "You on the other hand, you fricking ate it RAW!" Woah… what's with the sudden outburst? Mommy chill.

"Do you know much I was worried about you?! Of course not, you careless cat. I-I… If you didn't manage to get out of aberration, you would have turned all crazy and I would've had to kill you!"

"Ahhh! I can't hear you~ stop ranting! My ears are bleeding." I shouted as I figuratively covered my ears. "You…! I don't know what to do with you. I miss my old Sera."

Daniella spoke as I felt bad about it. "Fine, I'm sorry." My voice rang out as Daniella sounded happier with her reply. "Okay, apology accepted, you better not do anything rash."

Daniella dematerialized her soul guardian and landed on the ground softly as she waited for me… A minute passed as she looked up at me strangely. "What are you waiting for? Dematerialize your Soul Guardian, we're going."

"Daniella." I spoke. "To be honest with you, I do not know how to dematerialize my soul guardian." A breeze passed by as Daniella started wheezing.

"Ahaha… pfft… Ahaha. You… you just need to… to… will your soul guardian to dematerialize. It is made from your mana after all." Daniella wheezed out. I quickly dematerialized my soul guardian and landed on the ground.

I marched over to her and smacked her gently. "Hey! You didn't have to laugh, you know…" It was embarrassing, that is for certain. "Sorry, sorry, couldn't help it."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I sighed as Daniella brought up another subject. "Right, you could talk now." She spoke. "Only realized now?" I retorted. "But how?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I have human body, of course." I sarcastically remarked as I materialized a mirror and looked at myself. Messy-straight platinum white hair, crimson ruby right iris, amytal beryl left iris, both framing cat like slitted pupils.

Cat ears crowning my head and a fluffy tail from behind. I materialized a new set of clothes on my body; a white long-sleeved polo underneath a long black coat and wearing slacks on my legs according to my imagination and lo! I look beautiful!

"Finished dressing up? Let's walk now." I turned around to face Daniella. "Do we really have to walk? We have literal steel giants to do it for us." I asked.

"You know what? You're right. Who's going to carry who? Soul Guardians cost mana to materialize for a long time." Daniella replied. "Ugh, me, I guess. I have a lot of mana now."

I materialized my soul guardian and made knelt, I offered a lift with my hand as Daniella got and I placed her on top of my torso where there was space for her to sit on and not fall.

Once we got ready, I got up on my two feet and ran to a direction where Daniella had pointed. I ran at full speed, much to Daniella's protest about how bumpy it would be for her.

The day passed by boringly with nothing to do but run and Daniella talking more about the world to me. Topics like Soul Guardians, herself, and guns. Yes, guns. As in the pew-pew ones.

The guns are powered with mana instead of gunpowder. Anyways, as always, Daniella doesn't know how to make a fire, so I had to materialize some wood and combust them.

She should really start learning on how to cast simple magic. Like lighting a fire. she really needs it- cause it's starting to get anoying for me.

The rest of the night was spent roasting fish, eating the roasted fish, Daniella telling me about the world so that I won't suddenly bum out on everything I see, and me telling her to shut up because it was late and we needed to sleep, and listening to crickets.