
Grass damn, what a CATastrophe!

It all started with a cat, a very unique cat. That cat had intelligence far than what normal cats like her kind should have. But she wasn't really normal, wasn't she? The cat met a person in the forest she lived, that person needed her help with food so she decided to help, and they became friends! But then, the person had to do something else that also needed the cats help. The person was successful due to the cat's help, and the cat decided to tag along with the person. And then, from peace to war, from war, to utter chaos happened. She was a unique being, too unique for her own saftey, empires even fought to obtain her. But she had something within her that helped her fend of those greedy people, she was after all, a reincarnator. In the world of "Exevron" where peace lies almost none existent, travel a cat with immense power held within her soft paws. *Distant loud explosions coupled with gun-shots and a small mushroom cloud rising* Hahhh (exasperated sigh).... "Grass damn, what a CATastrophe." ------ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Cover picture isn't mine, I took it from the internet to be specific. To be even more specific, Pint*rest. To be even more specific, from the acount "DeviantArt". There, credits go to that person/acount. If you want to know where I got the cover art, grass-dammit man, I already cited the source.

Nakamura_Shun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Friends!

The next morning came and tomorrow in now today, light peeked at my eyes and awoke me as I rub them gently, birds were softly chirping as I jumped down the tree.

I stretched my body and legs to ready up as I began to think of an answer to a question I had yesterday. I had obtained {Dive} because I dived for multiple times in the water.

So, in hypothesis, I should also be able to create new skills if I perform repeated actions, and they get acknowledged as skills.

Now, another thing, what skill do I create? I am already pretty good off with my current skills, the only thing I need is a solid attack skill to survive, since this is a different world, and might be a very dangerous one.

Taking that into the count, I need something powerful that consumes mana because I have a lot of mana.

Mana is a form of energy, and so I thought, "Why not just circulate mana in my body to strengthen it?" And so, I did. I willed out the dormant mana inside me with the help of Heaven's Voice and gradually circulate it.

At first, the movement of mana in my body was rough, as if it wasn't used to it. But as time passed, it seemed more smoother and faster flowing.

<< Congratulations, you have obtained the skill, {mana manipulation}. >>

"I got it!" I exclaimed as I saw the prompt in front of me. And so, I might as well start creating other skills now. I firstly made a string of mana, and voila! I obtained the skill [mana thread].

The next thing I did was go to the nearby stream, again, I lead some fishes to the rock-wall-trap and… I formed a net with mana string and threw it at the fishes.

"What a haul." I spoke. That was genius move, at least to my small brain it was. I opened the net and gobbled up the fish as I gained a level.

<< Congratulations! You have gained 75 exp. You have levelled up to 6! Your skills, [mana manipulation] and [mana string] had both gained one level. >>

"Apparatus." I curtly spoke as the same floating text from yesterday appeared.

<< Name: Unnamed | Gender: Female | LVL: 6 | Titles: Untitled | HP: 300 (+25) | SP: 300 (+25) | MP: 15,850 >>

<< STR: 11 | SPD: 20 | SNS: 20 | DEX: 25 | VIT: 16 (+5) | INT: 634 >>

<< Skills: [Bite: 3], [Slash: 3], [Jump: 3], [Sprint: 4], {Dive: 2}, {Heaven's Voice: Max}, {Mana manipulation: 3}, [Mana-string: 1], -{Unknown: Max}- >>

<< Current Stat/skill points: 0 (-5) >>

I added the 5 skill points to vitality because oh, my grass. I firstly had only 25 hp, a strong breeze of wind could've killed me back then. I also need to improve my stamina for running away- I mean, to be healthier.


The sound of footsteps crashing upon the fallen dried leaves on the forest floor alerted me as I quickly sprang up into a tree to observe the sudden intruder of my territory.

Oh yeah, while I was practicing my mana manipulation, I had marked the surrounding area with my scent to tell that this was my territory, according to my knowledge in my past life.

"Not like I could build fences or anything." I softly muttered and stayed alert as the owner of the loud footsteps approached closer each passing second.

The leaves hustled as an arm pressed the branch out of the way, revealing a very tired looking person heaving up and down, probably due to running away from someone or something.

That person seemed harmless in my eyes, so I just dropped down from the tree. And doing so, made the person go on full alert mode and look at me like I'm some monster.

'Oh no. Better act innocent.' I thought to myself as I sat down and tilted my head to my left, meowing curiously. The person visibly relaxed and sighed.

The person slowly backed away in caution and sat down while wincing, it seemed that they were injured in the right leg from the odd actions they did. It seemed that they were also hungry.

I also backed away and gave them space as to not alarm them and silently tell them that "I won't harm you." With my actions. Seeing as the person relaxed in my presence, I went back to the stream.

I caught some fish again, but this time, I manipulated my mana to burn the fish to somewhat roast it. The person who saw what I was doing was visibly surprised and muttered something, but I couldn't hear because I was focusing on the fish.

As I finished roasting the fish, I made my mana attach unto a fresh leave and wrap it around the fish, with only the head peeking out of the cover.

I softly bit the fish as to not snap it in half and walked my way over to the person, as I approached the person, she flinched in alert, so I slowed my approach.

I got near the person as she turned stiffed, so I curtly dropped the fish beside her and backed away, sitting again, and stared at her in anticipation of her eating the fish I gave her.

Seeing my intention, the person spoke, and it was there that I first heard her voice. "Thank you, friendly cat." If I could smile in my cat body, I would've smiled right now.

I only nodded my head in a happy expression of "You're welcome." to her. The person let out a surprised gasp and asked. "You can understand me?"

Again, I nodded my head happily at her question as she thanked me for the food again. I watched her eat the fish as I yawned in sleepiness, I laid my side on the soft grass and curled into a ball.

The person finished eating the fish as I got into sitting position again and stared at the person. The person looked back at me and spoke. "I know it's a bit weird of me talk to you, but my name is Daniella Aragan."

I just meowed in response while circling around her. "Do you have a name?" She asked me as I sat back down on the grass. I shook my head sideways and meowed.

"Then how about I name you?" She asked me. "Ah, of course, you can refuse if you don't want to." She added. As I thought about it, do I want to have a name?

I mean, it doesn't really make any difference. I'll still be me, the one before and the one after. I'll just… lose my previous name, the one that I grew up with and enjoyed.

'Yeah, it's alright. My previous identity should have already died when I reincarnated as a cat. All I need to do now was embrace this new world… this new identity.' I thought to myself.

I look up at Daniella and slowly nodded my head, saying that I agreed to her naming me. "Hmm, let's see. Your fur is white… it's angelic? You do give off this seraphical feeling… Wait, Seraph. Seraphina?"

She spoke as she judged my expression if I liked it. I nodded my head and agreed it was a good name. "Yay! I guess you like it, Seraphina." She spoke.

If I could smile, I would've had. I stood up and meowed, signifying that I was happy. The rest of the day progressed with me communicating with Daniella with nods, shakes, and meows.

Night soon arrived as Daniella slept while leaning on the tree while I slept on one of the branches of the tree. The night was spent quietly with crickets singing.

The next day came as I caught fish for the two of us, and again, I gained a level up. This time, a large bear had come inside my territory nearby the stream.

And it just had happened that Daniella was also nearby, and so, to protect Daniella, I fought the bear. In the end, I had seriously wounded the bear.

But the bear wouldn't back down, and so I did what I thought would deter the bear. Releasing my mana and maintain it around me. An intimidation display if you will.

The bear shook in fear as it ran away. 'Am I that terrifying? Even Daniella was afraid of me when we first met. Or is it because of my mana?' I thought as I examined the result of my fight with the bear.

Thankfully, I was quick as wind, so I was able to dodge every attack the bear threw at me. Literally. It threw rocks at me! "Seraphina, I have to thank you again." Daniella spoke as I turned around to face her.

I nodded my head as I meowed. Daniella approached me as she pets my head, and I just enjoyed the warmth her hand gave. "I'm thankful to have met you, Seraphina."

There, our relationship deepened as I continued to catch fish for us, and even though Daniella's leg was injured, she still helped me with rounding the fish into the rock-wall-trap.

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to love, and a time to hate. A time of war, and a time of peace." – Aurea Rubrum