
Granny will you marry me : Mentally 60, Physically 20

The host asked him a question “Mr.Smith what motivates you to get this award constantly every year in this young age. He replied “ If you want my answer then hear my question ”. The host nodded as yes. Do you have a crush ? The host shyly hesitated to answer infront of everyone. Mr.Smith on seeing the host face and he replied “If your crush suddenly comes and gives you kiss you will feel contented ,but it the same time if your wife comes and gives you a kiss… if you feel contented or won’t you ask her more ? ” The host confused with his question related to the event and he raised his head with blankly and he replies “ surely I will ask my wife more ” . Okay, at the same time if you leave your wife to kiss anyone ? The host thought what is the link between the award and the wife ???? Mr.Smith cleared the host doubt “This award is like getting a kiss from my wife, can I give it anyone? Are you can answer me now.” The host !!!! DISCLAIMER: The character content, the following incidents and information are created by the author's imagination.

Chalkmouse · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Alex was more and more confused with her words and actions. Rather than beating around the bush, he thought to have a fair reason with the doctors, "who operated her. When he asked about her current condition to them. They roamed, here and there which he considered, that even them are not sure of her state.

A clerk of that hospital knocked the cabin of the door and gave the report to the following doctors. After discussing the condition of the patient one of them decided to come forward and explain Alex clearly. He saw them as a herd of sheep coming voluntarily to risk their lives before him.

The doctor who came forward was a middle-aged lady, she was recently married which resembled in her latest model wedding ring. The doctor saw Alex with such vengeance like her stare is enough for him to stab a multiple time. Alex understood this is because of the report.

Soon, she made the other doctors move out from the cabin, which seems, she is the chief of all doctors. Their glare was like a silence before a thunder storm, the room was in a great battle field without acoustics. And she was the first one to break it.

With her eyes boiling with flame, she asked "so, Mr.Alex Smith, what's between your wife and you? Alex grinned at this question and which made him look like this situation to the third person.

"See, more than what's between, there's nothing between us. It was just a contract marriage, recently I gave her the divorce. Doctor, first you should understand that "We are business people according to us even relationship is business, even for her."

After hearing his merciless explanation, she raised her eyebrows which resembled her understanding. Of course, she is not rich as him, but a very-known person who values relationships. These generations grew without knowing the real meaning of love and they are well-aware of technology. We may not know that, the universe runs a business everywhere like earth, but we believe in love which is indifferent from around the universe or beyond it. Without the wetness of compassion and love, these generations have grownup' Thought the doctor.

She stared at him and said "look, Mr.Alex, the matter may be impossible to believe but this is the fact.

"As human body due to blood loss in the brain may erase the present memories and bring them back to their childhood or it may completely forget them who they were, but considering the problem of your wife, it's totally weird and happens once in a million.

Due to her mental stability, she has gone forward and she is hallucinating herself in 30 years ahead. So, she thinks of you as her grandson and as her husband. Maybe the days she was unconscious; her dreams made her 30 years, I think.

Hearing this, Alex was neither shocked nor felt pity, he gave cunning smile to the doctor and asked her "oh, oh, I see so your explanation says that she did not forget at the same time she can't remember?

Slightly the smile turned into a mysterious face, that everyone will get scared. He went near the doctor and whispered to her ear "How much did she give you to create this story ha ??"

She wasn't surprised after hearing this question she went to his ears and asked "How much did you give her to buy the company. Because you have met your worthy opponent. And, Great Alex can't get himself prevented from getting jealous of other success that's why he planned to chase her, even though his P.A neglected.

Alex was stunned for a moment; his heartbeat skipped for a second and was beating so faster. Even if Grandariya was the person who told everything to her, still Grandariya doesn't know that, his P.A refused. How can she know all of this?

Alex questioned "see, I'm not going to ask, who are you, or how do you know all these…yet everyone's purpose has a need, so what's yours?

She smiled and said "LAKHS" …. Love, Affection, Kind, Humanism, and Sympathy toward your wife.

And remember, I didn't get anything from her to say the truth. This is called "PETER PAN SYNDROME". Because of one's longing towards their loved ones which can't be fulfilled will leads to such state.

At least now be a failure to know the real success. "with such words, she gave the report and left the room. Alex can't understand what she was up to? He got fixed up himself, "I don't want to own any debt". The next day, Grandariya was discharged, he brought her to his house.

During their marriage days, she lived with his family and Alex lived somewhere even their parents don't. Each night and each day she slept alone, ate alone but her patience towards Alex's arrival never failed. Every day she waited for him to have at least one meal together, but it never happened.

But now "He is compelled in a situation to take care of her. He can't say to anyone because if he does, the person who is going into trouble was him alone. So, he is left with no choice rather than adjusting her.

He left her in his house, and rushed to his office. People worked in a pin drop silence because to make his sound of footsteps even scarier. In the board meeting, the chairs, boards are clean and neat except one.

In that whole big cabinet, there was only chair filled. After seeing that person on the chair, through the window panel. He sighed his secretary to come near and show his ear little closely "haven't you still not sorted it out? its been two weeks still his troubles are striving us out''.

His secretary can be alert person in business but never got into cunning corporate ethics likes his boss "Sir, I have doubled his Industry price to give him as you told. But still he is refusing to give his industry to us, and also not willing to say his sleeping partner. I've tried the ways to threaten but no use. He has his owns of preventing it ".

Alex frowned his eyebrows and grinned "how can he let it, his industry isn't ordinary one, it's extractive, even though he is out of business. He can make more profit by waiting. His raw materials may be not demanded in the market, but it will. People choices are temporarily "Find more about his mysterious partner".

His secretary Laoyi nodded, and went to deal with it. While going he turned back "sir, my grandma used to say, maybe gold is high in price but it doesn't mean it is strong, and iron is low in price compared to gold but it doesn't mean it is not strong".

Alex smiled, "so, am I gold or Iron in this? Laoyi got back his conscious for living and told "Diamond sir" to save his innocent life.

Lion is the king of the jungle, it is been accepted by the animals in the grasslands but not outland yet.

He was little depressed by this out land member who is refusing to give his place to him.

With that frustrated document, he went inside his house. He throw the file on the table and sat in the couch with depression. Suddenly, his tension was reducing a bit by bit. He was feeling relieved. He really liked that feeling.

He opened the eyes; she was massaging his heads to relieve his pain. By seeing him awake. She took a cup from the table and gave him "The crows can try their best to fly high but, only an Eagle is born to rule the sky. Because the crow came to the sky it doesn't mean, the eagle got defeated, it can fly more higher and reach peak heights. You are an Eagle my son. By nature, you're a king.''

In his entire life time, people may accept his talent and achievement but never appreciated him, cause of his attitude. She was the only person who praised and motivated him like this after his mother.