
GoWT Game of the World Tree

In The Elf Kingdom, the War of Gods 1000 years ago caused the fall of the World Tree. In a world where true gods rule, the fall of the elven civilization came soon after. A 1000 years has passed, the new World Tree is now reborn. Eve Uktrahir, the Mother of Nature, the Goddess of Life, the Great Ruler of Elves. Armed with the ability to connect to the Internet on the blue planet, He (yes, He) now must rely on players from the blue planet to help His goal of reviving the past glory of the elves and the World Tree. Edited from MTL Site Wtr For Self Reading I'll try to continue until there is official translation If you can help, then help :)

ShazeSensei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Crazy Elf

With a loud shout, countless figures wearing hemp robes and wooden armor and waving wooden knives and staffs emerged from the jungle in all directions.

Goblin High Priest Gulu was taken aback by the excited shouts.

It raised its head, and when it saw the tall figures clearly, it suddenly lost its voice:


The god of winter and hunting above, why are there so many elves appearing in the forest of elves? !

Didn't they move around long ago?

Gulu subconsciously wanted to flee.

Without him, this is an inherent concept for thousands of years. Even if the elves have declined, ordinary elves have the strength of black iron or more.

And it is a small goblin, even if it encounters an adventure and becomes a priest, it will definitely not be able to do dozens or hundreds of elves.

However, as soon as the idea of ​​​​running surfaced, it was quickly extinguished by itself.

"Huh? No..."

Gulu's heart moved.

If there were really so many powerful elves, then its tribe would have been driven out of the elves' ruins long ago.

Thinking of this, Gulu took a closer look, and this look made his heart feel at ease...

This group of elves are all rookies who have not even reached the strength of professionals!

In an instant, Gulu figured out the cause and effect.

Yes, the disappearance of the clan's goblins must be theirs!

But then, the old goblin was even more puzzled.

Where did so many elves that don't even have level 11 come out?

It uses its limited brain capacity to think about it...

Can't figure it out...

So then it didn't think about it, but became eager to try:

"Forget it, the god of winter and hunting above! No matter where you came from, you are unlucky when you meet me! Dedicate your life to the true god, and I will definitely be able to get his reward."

Destroying so many elves will definitely be rewarded by the gods!

Although the elves are powerful, they are not a martial race. Peace-loving ones have always been weak in combat at the same level.

And this group of elves rookies who don't even have level 11 might not be as good as a group of level 10 goblins in Gulu's opinion!

It is more than enough to deal with an enemy of this level!

Hehe, I am afraid that the elves will flee in a hurry as soon as they are injured, no, maybe they will be scared and flee when they see their army of undead...

Thinking of this, Gulu sneered and waved his staff.

The purple-black energy was released from the skeleton staff, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen skeleton undead were released...

"Destroy them! Don't let one go!"

Gulu ordered.

After receiving Gulu's instructions, the undead took out bone knives and rushed towards the elves with their teeth and claws...

"I rub it, it's really undead magic!"

The players who rushed over were startled and stopped for a while.

The Goblin High Priest looked at the wide-eyed players and felt even more proud.

Ha ha...

Is this intimidating?

The appearance of the undead skeleton is indeed terrifying, and the undead it summons is even more special. The breath of death it exudes can even erode the souls of the weak!

No creature is not afraid of three points after seeing its army!

Yes, this is the power of death, this is the power of the Necromancer!

Feeling the surging energy in the staff, Gulu looked intoxicated...

Be fearful!

Run away!

Then enjoy the pursuit of the undead!

However, the words of the elves made it slightly stunned.

"Damn it, it's so realistic... It really scared me..."

"As expected of a 100% realistic virtual reality game, the special effects of undead magic are so amazing!"

"This undead skeleton looks so cool!"

The elves looked at the undead that was only summoned, and they were extremely excited, but they didn't have the slightest fear.

They...are not afraid?

Their souls are not affected by the breath of death?

Gulu was stunned.

And then, its expression became contemptuous again.

Ha ha...

It seems that he still does not know the power of the undead, and he still does not know that he will be gradually eroded...

What a bunch of rookies who have never seen the world...

You know nothing about the power of the undead.

Immediately, you will see what a real undead army is! What is life better than death!

Thinking of this, Gulu waved his staff again to maximize his strength...

In an instant, more than a dozen undead skeletons were summoned.

Countless undead gathered together, exuding a strong breath of death, and the temperature in the forest dropped a bit for a while.

Feeling the power of the undead, the Goblin High Priest was extremely proud.

It wants to let this group of rookies know that death is terrifying with an overwhelming advantage!

"Fuck! It summoned again!"

"Quickly identify the strength!"

"The boss is level 11, and the mobs are level 10!"

"There are mobs guarding the boss, fight the mobs first! Clear the mobs!"

"The one with strength comes first, and the one who casts spells will support behind!"

"A team of people will deal with two skeletons, and the full-level teams will wait for an opportunity to attack the boss! Look for weaknesses and attack mechanisms! It can't be called again!"

"The dead quickly run from the resurrection point!"

The elves chanted words that Gulu could not understand, and also started to act.

To the surprise of the Goblin High Priest, none of the elves chose to flee, instead, they became more and more excited.

I saw them waving wooden knives, and rushed towards its undead army!

The two forces immediately fought together.

Blood splattered.

Level 10 undead is indeed terrifying. Although the players have gone through a certain amount of training, they are still not opponents. The first group of people who fought in the blink of an eye were seriously injured and fell to the ground under the attack of the undead.

The Goblin High Priest couldn't help sneering as he looked at the elves who had suffered heavy casualties in the blink of an eye.

Hehe, actually fighting with the undead, what a bunch of fools.

It was almost predictable that the elves were shocked and fled.

The population of the elves was already sparse, and in Gulu's view, they simply could not accept too many casualties!

It believed that once a few people died, the elves would start fleeing.

But then, something unexpected happened.

Those elves who were injured and fell to the ground struggled to stand up again, one by one extremely excited, but turned a blind eye to the bleeding wounds on their bodies.

Especially male elves.

They brandished their weapons as if they were not the one who was injured and bleeding, and continued to greet the undead.

Gulu doesn't have a game system to harmonize some of the less-than-harmonious graphics.

Therefore, in its eyes, this battle is extremely terrifying...

It saw that some elves had their legs cut off, but they still did not retreat, but kept slashing with wooden knives.

It saw that some elves had their arms shattered by the magic of their companions, but they just turned around and cursed, "Throw the shit on time!", then turned around and rushed into the battlefield again...

It even saw an elf pierced through the abdomen by the undead, and the intestines were hanging outside, flickering, but the other party seemed to have a taste, while hahahaha grinning, while fighting with the undead skeleton...

You stab, I stab, insanely crazy, regardless of the injury on his body and the gradual loss of vitality.

Every elf that goes to death has a face full of joy and happiness... At most, he left an unexpected sentence, "Fuck I'm going to die!", and then rolled his eyes and closed his breath.

They also don't care about the death of their comrades. No one is saddened by the death of their comrades. It seems that they only have enemies in their eyes.

Not only that, when some elves saw the unfortunate death of their companions, they would laugh at the misfortune and put away his equipment...

Gollum looked stunned.

What the hell is going on with these elves?

Don't they feel hurt?

Are they emotionless?

They... are not afraid of death!

No, they really aren't afraid to die...

Gulu even saw an elf roaring, and directly threw himself at the undead's bone knife. He was stabbed to the core, but he hugged the undead tightly, and shouted excitedly to his companions while vomiting blood:

"I've grabbed this bone frame, take the opportunity to dismantle it!"

At this moment, Gulu was completely stunned.

It shivered suddenly and murmured:


"Must be crazy..."

"These elves must be crazy!"