
Chapter 177: Lesson 5 ( Shuri )

Given their current situation, the SHIELD members could not help but wince when they heard Arias say those things.


The young lady in the lead feared the worst and looked to Nick for assistance.

What could he do, though?

The man who was currently standing on their landing pad wasn't someone they could handle; if he had been, the world wouldn't have altered in just one day.

"Wait, I admit everything, but these decent individuals didn't know what was happening. Let them go and sentence me as you please."

Nick offered as he saw no other options in such a helpless situation. However, Arias shrugged.

"How would people learn if mistakes were so readily forgotten? I detest having to intervene because it makes me feel like I'm dealing with obstinate kids who don't grasp what is being done for a bigger good. Don't worry; compared to Victor, your fate is better.

Arias began floating as he finished speaking, shortly leaving the hellicarrier totally before coming to a rest a few meters above it.

A short while afterwards, a number of planes with weaponry pointed at the hellicarrier arrived close by.

There was a well-known sight in the front of these ships. Ironman.

"Stand down Nick, as of this moment you and the entirety of SHIELD are under global arrest. Don't make this more difficult."

As he approached the hellicarrier, Tony's voice could be heard throughout the region.

Before Wanda uttered what was on her mind, Arias, who was watching this from above, gave her an inquisitive gaze.

"Why don't we simply expel them as well? Is it really that dissimilar from a typical prison?"She asked.

"The distinction would only be determined by the location to which they are banished. Prison was preferable in this scenario since Fury and SHIELD are significant figures and their exile would make us appear to be a dictatorship. At least in this way, people will perceive fairness to exist."

Even while Rogue and Raven remained mute after Arias articulated his line of thinking, Wanda discreetly shook her head in agreement.

Each of their recommendations had been carried out in a way that would produce the optimum outcomes. As a result, they were more receptive to opinions other than their own.

Overall, Arias had completed his lesson...

What happened to the other names that were mentioned? Because not all of the names Zero had mentioned had been dealt with, Rogue questioned with curiosity.

"That's where my approach fits in. We must move quite a distance, so let's go.

The group left the area as Arias snapped his fingers.

Kara was left to keep an eye on things until they were over, at which point she followed them by flying by herself.

While Wakanda had changed from being a country to a city under Arias' leadership, their organizational structure remained the same.

Given that other countries had to completely replace their leaders following Independence Day, it was possibly the only country to experience this.

"T'challa." Arias murmured, yet the sound of his voice violently trembled the fantastic city.

He was hovering in front of the palace at the time, and several guards quickly rushed to the scene, their weapons drawn, as soon as they sensed the disturbance.

But as soon as they saw Arias outside, they halted for a second and ran back inside, only to emerge a moment later with gifts instead of weapons and ladies carrying baskets of exotic fruit.

"To what do I owe the pleasure my good friend."

T'challa emerged with a welcoming smile on his face, but he was actually apprehensive as the guards stood on either side of the opulent entrance.

He had an excellent relationship with Arias, so he didn't think he had acted improperly. But it didn't do his heart any good to see the man who had won the globe in a single day suddenly appear at his front door.

"Since I was close by, I figured I might as well show my students your great city and chat while I'm at it." When T'challa heard "chat," he couldn't help but feel nervous. Arias also responded with a smile.

The group was lavishly welcomed anyway, and once Kara arrived, T'challa had someone show them around while he spoke privately with Arias in the throne room, which was now vacant but for T'challa's right-hand lady.

"What do you think about the recent developments involving Shield?" Arias abruptly questioned.

T'challa had already heard the news because he was a member of the earth's council; did Arias only want to know what he thought about the situation?

"Well, since Independence Day, the world has become a better and safer place. Best of all, people still enjoy a number of their basic freedoms, and cultures are still alive, but you have removed the obstacle that had kept humanity from unifying. I believe that any barriers should be dealt with appropriately."These were T'challa's genuine views as he talked with a tone of strong appreciation.

Arias nodded and smiled at T'challa. "I anticipated that a King like you would comprehend. However, there is an issue with this that not even the council is aware of."

Arias started pacing the royal room, arms folded, gazing at the paintings. At this point, T'challa started to feel uneasy.

"Your sister Shuri is one of the resistance's key figures. Given our relationship, I hid this knowledge from the public, but I still need to deal with this somehow, do you get it? Arias imparted this distressing information when he drew to a stop close to T'challa.


This information astounded both T'challa and the woman standing next to him. This was quite serious, and as he worried about what might happen to his sister, he started to feel numb.

"This, are you sure?" He inquired incoherently, but Arias still nodded in response.

"Yes, from breaking into international systems to developing defenses against technology in my city. She has been quite active. Arias revealed while still looking rather friendly on the surface."

"What will happen next, then?"

When Arias heard T'challa mention this, he sighed and started tapping his chin as if he were contemplating. T'challa was far too unprepared for this delicate scenario, and with each second that went, his anxiety increased.

"Let's not stress the problem; she is young and, fortunately, no harm was done. Give her a few months to live in my city as punishment so she may observe how things work. She might gain a better understanding of the significance of Independence Day by connecting with the locals there."

T'challa's entire body reacted with relief upon hearing this suggestion.

"Yes, indeed! This is great! I'm sure by the end of it she'll no longer do anything of the sort." The anxious older brother enthusiastically spread the idea, believing it to be flawless.

After that, his gratitude for Arias had increased even more, despite the fact that he had unknowingly smiled as he gave away his own sister.

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