
Gorgeous Lady Boss

Autor: South Mountain Overachiever King
Magical Realism
Contínuo · 241.7K Modos de exibição
  • 273 Chs
  • Avaliações
  • NO.200+

What is Gorgeous Lady Boss

Leia o romance Gorgeous Lady Boss escrito pelo autor South Mountain Overachiever King publicado no WebNovel. Tang Feng had been just an ordinary milk tea shop employee before one day, the lady boss called him to her room, and he learned what "hidden rules" really meant......


Tang Feng had been just an ordinary milk tea shop employee before one day, the lady boss called him to her room, and he learned what "hidden rules" really meant...

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gak kerasa udah 2 bulan aja Lo sama si gentong, bakal ilang nih motor sport gua, Ati ati jatuh cinta bnran Lo" ucap Devan pada keano tanpa mereka sadari seorang gadis bertubuh gemuk itu mendengar sedari pertama mereka bicara, wajah nya sudah dipenuhi oleh air mata "Gua,__ " jadi aku cuma sekedar alat buat kamu dapetin motor Devan, bener gitu no" Nabilla berteriak dan menangis terisak "Billa, enggak gitu , p_ppercaya s--samaa akuu" keano tergagap melihat Nabilla yang ada juga disana "Terus hiks apa no , jawab aku KEANO, Apa karna hiks aku gendut no hiks kamu bisa seenaknya hiks" Nabilla semakin terisak keano yang melihat itu terasa seperti tertusuk benda tajam. Keano hendak mengusap air mata di wajah Nabilla langsung di tepis oleh Nabilla Ini "Sayang aku bisa jelasin, dulu aku pacaran sama kamu emang karna taruhan__ "Udah lah no , aku cape mending kita hiks sampe sini hiks aja " ucap Nabilla Keano menggeleng kan kepala kencang "Enggak Nana, nana gaboleh ninggalin Ano , " keano mulai menetes kan air mata sebenarnya Nabilla tidak tega melihat keano seperti ini tapi hati nya sudah sangat terluka dan Devan yang melihat nya sangat merasa bersalah "Nabilla please jangan tinggalin aku,aku udah sayang banget sama kamu , aku udah cinta sama kamu" ucap keano sambil memegang tangan Nabilla Nabilla terus mengusap air mata nya yang terus jatuh , lalu mulai melepaskan pegangan tangan keano dan mulai meninggalkan keano yang sudah terduduk lemas "Nanaaa jangan hiks tinggalin akuu hiks aku janji hiks ga bakal ngecewain kamu lagi "

metha_official123 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs
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Volume 1
Volume 2

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South Mountain Overachiever King



  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo
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The worst kind of smut I’ve ever seen. It’s obnoxious with no story and he’s always interrupted. It’s like a whoever was the original writer of this story had no idea how to write a story. It should be free, tbh. I’ve wasted my money please I implore you don’t waste yours either. Worst novel I’ve read so far


its a quite good story, i like it very much, but the chapter is too short.


The story is very nice but the chapters are too short


Spoiler de revelação


Raw plis ........... Dufucion jxfjjfudjdhcjfjdjdjdjdjdudjdjdjddudhdudududhdfhfhfhfhfhfufufuf exp rufujfjrbfjfjfjfjfjfjfjejejdjdjdjddjjddjjdjdjdjdjd


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