
2-capítulo History of Shaka


Underneath a Shaka tree, Tony and Saori are eating some berries that Shaka found.

"Shaka you and a monk," Tony asked.

"Yes and No my master was the Buddha himself taught me that everyone has their own path to enlightenment," Shaka answered quietly.

"Shaka I'm sleepy," Saori said as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Feeling Saori sleeping in her lap Shaka aliza calmly Saori's hair.

"Hey Shaka, you're not from the right world," Tony pointed out as he looked seriously at Shaka.

"Tony quickly found out." Shaka was not surprised Tony found out he was not from this world. Tony could be one of the smartest people in the universe.

Seeing Shaka did not deny he was still shocked.

"So you come from that planet Shaka" Tont ask with curiosity not every day that meets people from another world.

"Haha" Shaka suddenly laughed down so as not to wake Saori.

"Tony I came from the earth but you should know how parallel universe." Shaka is still smiling since Tony thought he was an alien.

"Parallel Universe, So What Year and Your World" Tony wanted this new friend to be from a distant future.

"I'm from the twentieth century," Shaka says tiredly as she raises her head to feel the wind on her face.

Tony was disappointed when he learned that he was from the twentieth century but when he saw the tired face of Shaka he did not ask any more.

"Hey Tony, where I come from, the world has been at war ever since hundreds of years before." Shaka is already tired of the war, before he reincarnates in Shaka he was only a middle school student living in a peaceful society.

But when he reincarnated as a blind baby he became desperate but as the days passed he felt as if the universe would calm him down. Suddenly he could feel everything around him, when he was three years old he was called Shaka and then he knew he had rencarnado in the future "Shaka of Virgo the man closest to God"

For your safety in the shadowy future Shaka trained like crazy in the morning to exercise her body and all night in meditation.

After four years Shaka had already awakened his sixth sense and m man in golden armor came in front of him and asked him to be a sacred knight of Athena.

At age twelve Shaka reached the seventh sense, and assumed the time of virgin, wearing one of the twelve strongest armor of the universe.

At sixteen Shaka was a step to the eighth sense the Arayashiki

Shaka knew that to wake up his eighth sense needed to die to understand so he went straight to the underworld and started killing while wondering what death was, after killing does not know how many Shaka feels tired and feels that sleep is better while Shaka was about to die Shaka wonder what is death melts the cosmos of Shaka begins to shine as if illumination has covered the whole univers and shaka with closed eyes begins to speak.

Death is not the end of everything, death is the step that leads to the next life. Death is not final. In the past all those who were born in this world, but were called saints, all could overcome death, if they understand this will become the man closer to God.

After Shaka finished speaking Shaka felt that something broke inside him.

A pressure that crushed all the Specters into black smoke disappearing into nowhere.

Shaka lying on the floor smiling happy finally broke I entered the eighth sense.

Four years later Shaka had been for years already much stronger than the original Shaka, eighth sense spike a step towards the ninth sense the supreme virtue.

Shaka sighs remembering his training maybe in this world I can try to be happy.

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