
I'm not a Traitor's Son (1)

"Normal Thought"

'Inside Thought'


Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.

-Maya Angelou


I woke up from my meditative state, staring at the outside of this room through the window. The sky was dark, and the sun still rose yet. The other five occupants of the room were still asleep.

"Damn! Why the hell I'm still not activating my magic?"

I felt my legs became stiff, because of sitting in lotus position for three hours straight. I already did it for weeks, and it seemed my body was still not accustomed yet.

To activate the magic inside your body, you need to fall into a meditative state and tried to focus your mind, to search for your spiritual and physical energies. You would activate your magic if you held the tug feeling inside your mind.

Furthermore, I already felt the tug feeling inside my mind, when I wanted to hold it, the feeling just disappeared.

I uncrossed my legs to relax my stiff muscle. I did not think there was something wrong with my procedure because I followed it straight from the book I read.

'Or is there something wrong with this body?'

Miranda's face immediately popped into my mind. I decided to go to Miranda to discuss my problem later. I estimated there was still two hours before the sun rose. I yawned a bit, before continuing my slumber.


The addition of two hours of sleep made my body fresher. Before I fell into a meditative state, I preserved my body by sleeping firstly. However, an uneasy gut feeling welcomed me, but I ignored it.

I fell into my repetitive routine, waking up the other occupants of the room. I shared the room with five other children who four years older than me. In fact, it was the older children's task to wake up the younger one, not the other way around. However, my old-self used to wake up my brother, and the other seemed not complaining me.

'I wonder what he is doing now,' thought me sadly.

I dismissed my nostalgic feeling, and back on waking up the children.

"Kiddos, wake up now, or I will take your breakfast share." Using breakfast as the bait was my trick.

A child who heard my words woke up straightly from her bed.

"Wh-who dare take my breakfast?"

"Kiddo? Who are you calling kiddo, brat?"

Soon followed by others.

"Breakfast? I thought it was lunch already."

"Hmmm. What's today menu?"

"Okay, okay. I'm waking up."

The peaceful mood of the room immediately became complete chaos.


'Why am I sharing a room with them again?'


I ate my breakfast calmly. Thankfully, I already graduated from eating mashed-food. So, goodbye Evil-foods, here I came regular foods.

'How much I miss you, babies.' I kissed the foods repeatedly in my mind, at the outside, my face was still as calm as before.

For an orphanage in the small city, the taste of the foods was not bad, and we could also eat up to three portions maximum. How cool.

Suddenly, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes entered the room. The busy nannies stopped their activities and whispered to each other. He looked no older than six years old, yet no nannies tried to lead the boy.

"Psst! Is it that boy?"

"No way! I thought he died along with those traitors."

"Nah, His Majesty is too kind. His Majesty even let the son of traitor alive."

"That boy deserves to die. He has the traitorous Keivel's blood in his vein."

"Tch! Why that boy put in here?"

Each whisper became severe, yet the boy walked calmly to the table near him. He sat on the chair with a good posture, ignoring the whispers around him, and started eating.

The children looked at him weirdly, inching away from the boy. After all, the children in the orphanage always wanted on the safe side of the nannies.

The ruckus was becoming more intense when a nanny said something in the boy's ear. The boy slapped the nanny with his plate that still left with some foods on her face.

"I'm not a traitor's son. My family was not a traitor. You don't know anything about it at all."

The boy walked away with the dignity of a noble, leaving the angry nanny behind.

My opinion of the boy at that time was, the boy had a lot of guts.


Finally, one of the ML entered ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Now, you can find me on the *******:


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