
Jealous Eyes and young lovers

these tears that burn my eyes are all the tears a queen can shed,

the tears I weep in silence as I mourn my heralds dead,

oh gods that dwell beyond the stars if you can hear my cry,

and if you have compassion,

let me send no more to die.













Pietro was ecstatic, the prince was gone and he was free to finally pursue Aurum, there was a bounce in his step as he patrolled the castle walls hunting ever so subtly for his elusive prey.

The garden tending to her flowers? No she wasn't there, which was odd but there were other places she could be.

The study reading by a window? No, the princes chambers sleeping? Unlikely but he went anyway quietly opening the usually forbidden room, it was so dark in there he was sure the Fae would glow and it had been cleaned recently he could still smell her the sweet spice that lit her up, he took a deep breath sighing as he looked around, that bed had not been slept in he observed wondering where the Fae would have slept if not this room?

he continued his search, taking most of the day circling the castle twice before concluding she just wasn't there.

Could she have gone with the Prince?

No, Blaine would never allow it, he may have been cruel but he still cared for the girl in his own twisted way, that only left the dungeons and the caves beneath could she have gone there?

No harm in checking perhaps she was lost, in the maze of tunnels waiting for someone to come save her, he brightened up at that,

no one can hear you scream in there.

He used the palace door, it was old rarely used, most preferred entering through the barracks but the door, it seemed cleaner somehow perhaps someone had used recently, hopefully it was Aurum.

He marched down the stairs the now quiet cave echoing his thoughts, nearly all soldiers had followed the prince to war only a few were left to guard the castle, and they spent their time at the tavern, he was alone with Aurum he was giddy at the thought.

He reached the bottom of the stairs on one end a tunnel to the caves with the dragon on the other the cells they were mostly empty they took no prisoners, only killed. The only tenants were the rats, there was a bed though and the cells weren't locked...

He entered the tunnels it was dark he could barely see anything but his steps stayed quiet like a predator the air now filled with Aurum's scent and a distant light he followed, he moved through the familiar path knowing at the end a handsome dragon would be waiting caged and ready to kill him, but the scent was strongest there so he followed it like a dog to a steak.

The light steadily grew stronger until he found its source a steadily dying candle near the dragons cage,

The dragon was awake watching the Fae asleep near him a soft look in his eye when Aurum stirred her hair was wild her shirt ridden up, pants hung low on her hips, lips parted in sleep, a soft sigh leaving lush lips as she stretched out before slumber reclaimed her, it was so beautiful it was obscene.

Pietro took a step closer still hidden by the walls as always but this time heard by Draen's keener ears and the dragon startled a low growl loud enough to be heard but not to wake Aurum, it was a warning to him, a threat, a claim had been staked.

He'd been too late of course someone wanted Aurum everyone wanted the golden fae for themselves, he waited for the growling to stop and it did when Aurum woke,

"Why are you doing that?" she asked rubbing sleep from her eyes, as she sat up pulling her shirt down, shoulders revealed in the process, an angry pout on her lips as she glared up at the dragon,

"I thought I heard something," he listened but Pietro was already gone and perhaps that was for the best he was already furious as he ran up the steps.

he vowed to kill the dragon for taking Aurum away, just as the prince had, he'd been too slow, a deep loathing twisted his heart the thought of Aurum in the arms of another was driving him mad but had he stayed and watched the bright smile on the dragons face as the Fae carefully reached through the bars to place a gentle hand on the dragons cheek, a pretty blush on the golden girls cheeks.

A soft moment shared during the shift of friends to lovers; the dragon touching his lips to the dainty hand as the Fae giggled eyes brighter than the sun itself, had he stayed and seen that...he would have truly gone insane.

and the last one before I leave this arc for a while

lazyredragoncreators' thoughts
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