
Godopediaology wins the case

The criminal lawyer who saved GODOPEDIAOLOGY and made him a lawyer felt bad for his act because he felt that GODO would succeed him as his assistant and would stand by the side of justice but today he felt really very bad that what he thought about him was wrong and he had hidden his reality and now he decided to punish GODO by defeating him and after that he also decided to banish him from his firm.

The court session starts with GODOPEDIAOLOGY appearing in court before the chief judge with various proofs which the criminal lawyer didn't expect. In the first hearing itself GODO obtained the ball for those rapists. The criminal lawyer couldn't digest this sudden twist and was mesmerised by GODO'S performance. Though he felt happy that his assistant has excelled, still he felt bad looking at the parents of the raped girl. The parents cursed GODO for his act. It seemed for the criminal lawyer as if they slapped him, unable to resist it, he leaves the court vowing to punish those rapist.

The second hearing comes to act and it was the greatest day of criminal combat between a master and a student. The criminal lawyer puts his entire soul to win the case but finally GODO outwits his mentor through his intelligent tactics and fine prepared plan of series proofs. Though the justice was on the side of criminal lawyer and the raped girl who was in the hospital receiving treatment for her critical condition, still the power of money backed by the excellent performance of GODOPEDIAOLOGY won the case. The girl's parents didn't have money to continue the treatment and they expected that the criminal lawyer would fetch them at least some compensation for their girl's condition but GODO'S superb skills shattered their hopes and made them to beg for their girl's treatment.

The criminal lawyer promised the girl's parents that he would somehow arrange for the money as he felt that it was the only way to wash his sin for nurturing a beasty liar. The girl's parents caught hold of GODO'S collar and slapped at his cheeks and the affected mother mourned like anything falling on the feat of GODO and unable to resist this the girl's mother became unconscious. Looking at that the criminal lawyer looked at GODOPEDIAOLOGY and felt like spitting on him. Still GODO didn't say anything, he moved from there as if nothing happened in front of him. Everyone on that day felt that THERE WAS NO GOD AT ALL.

The rapists parents get greatly pleased at GODO and reward him with lots of money, assets and so on. Overnight he becomes a millionaire by just winning a case. Meanwhile the criminal lawyer couldn't arrange for the girl's treatment and the parents don't know what to do?

The criminal lawyer along with the parents go to the hospital and decide to talk to the hospital chairman and the trustee to allot him some time period, so that he could sell some of his shares to arrange the remaining treatment money for the girl's treatment. The chairman finds it surprising to see his friend and asks him the reason and after knowing the fact, he informs the lawyer and the parents that the girl's complete treatment amount has been paid by a charity concern.

The girl's parents and the criminal lawyer gets astonished and when they were just about to ask the chairman about that beneficiary charity concern name they see a flashing news in the television. The news shows the dead bodies of those rapists murdered in the most brutal manner. Looking at that the criminal lawyer goes dumb and the girl's parents burst with the tears of happiness and look up and say GOD EXISTS.

The criminal lawyer gets confused and try to know the name of the charity concern but the girl's parents say that IT MUST BE A ACT OF GOD and they didn't wanted anymore investigation but prayed GOD that their daughter should get healed faster. The lawyer also felt that some good hearted charity foundation has contributed the fund and felt relieved from the burden of the money arrangement.

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