
God tier : they took his world so he grew to burn theirs

A boy by the name of kei who with his classmates were chosen by the gods to save world of the god creation who have been exile by his the first group of hero sent from earth his people and gods for suspect of using his magic to create evil now 300 years later after the first group of hero was chosen now the descendants of them hero's are brought here to help fight against the Lucifer and the demon king one day while traveling through the lair of the god of creation kei is took hostage and threatened to be killed if the most beautiful person in their group don't come with them to be sold through the slave Auction in 6 months Izumi the love of kei life and thus vice versa step up and to be token after they took izumi kei who trieS to go save Izumi is pushed down to 70 floor lair by all his classmates now determined to survive save Izumi and get revenge turns to a killing merciless machine willing to kill anyone without hesitation only love left in his heart for Izumi the story follows kei as he tries to reach his goal to save Izumi and get revenge before going back home along the way he meet Mia 3,000 year old demon girl who sealed away because of her great strength and a masochistic pervert exile angel and a devilish bunny boy who only nice to kei as he go on his to save Izumi and go home

Shantelle_Mennis · Fantasy
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The zeros

"Ok young hero's when we enter this lair 30 floor we stick together in our teams of 3 with each team of 3 staying within each other sights if things get to hard u try to save your teammate if u can and withdraw do I make myself clear" captain sai said "yes sir" all 12 students said aloud turning to Izumi and squeezing Izumi hands kei states "were in the same group no matter if my physical stats isn't as high as others my intelligence are the highest and my mage stats are the 4 in this class so I'll try my best to protect you Izumi no matter that's a promise" Izumi turns to kei and said "oh my silly kei you still treat me that way I told u I'm far from sweet to anyone but you my life is you kei so if you think you gone die protecting me instead of us dying together you are a fool but I know you are more scared than me kei sir a otaku like you u wouldn't stand a chance without me your lucky you have such beautiful long blue  hair tan  skin beautiful violet eyes or I woulda hit you but you know I can never harm that beautiful face of yours" kei turns and pull Izumi lips close them shut and stated "Izumi I love you so much but you can never let me be a man you always gotta talk don't you and I'll let you know I got stronger I'm not the strongest but let me train some more I'll be there and you heard the emperor of this say he never seen someone as a newbie start out this many different ability types I have intelligent mage combat and sword transmuter I'm only missing healing ability and he said look at how I'm able to have all these ability I can also probably gain healing so just u wait Izumi im going to be very strong in no time"kei said as he stood his leg on a rock outside the labyrinth hands raise high cackling like a madmen Izumi turned around to see people laughing at kei Izumi went over grinned evilly and stated " you all are laughing just because you want to joke now just because he one of the weakest but everything he said is true he train extra hard and gain ever ability he will be stronger than everyone here and he will kill the demon king and save this world so laugh now while u can but do it so I don't hear or I'll kick everyone teeth down their throat because my combat skills is almost the highest besides the captain in this group right and my healing magic so I can take everyone on and steal not leave with a scratch" Izumi said while showing a fighting stance kei came back from his laughter realize how laugh he was and what was going on and rushed to apologize and stop Izumi "I'm sorry it was just a childish fantasy and a joke no need to get mad Izumi I'm sorry for disturbing you guys let's go Izumi" kei stated while dragging Izumi along "why the hell did you stop I could have beaten everyone of there asses and you know probably killed them I'm tried of them bullying you and mocking u and making you feel less especially rei and just think your mother is best friends with his mother and you guys was childhood friends he probably in live with you and can't find a way to admit while else do the childish things he do" Izumi said while dusting off " your right they do pick on me a lot but I don't know their reason neither do u we are all classmate we should atleast care and stick together and not use our power to hurt each other" kei said while taking Izumi hand kissing Izumi lips and said "but you know me and you are life and death and if anyone ever put your life in death I will kill for the first time another human when you are on stakes I go thru hell to return to you to me so no matter what we are together ride or die " kei said grabbing Izumi hand "yea you know how we are we will dying hand and hand"Izumi said while squeezing his hand while they spent their time lovely dicey before head into labyrinth 30 floor rei and his friend spent their spying with anger in their eyes "damn it rei what does that thing Izumi mean kei with be the one to beat the demon king"rei best friend tomyo said "he does have the best chance if he train right but don't worry it will be me like we planned I had a few friend take initiative so Izumi nor kei will even make it close in to see the labyrinth "oh yeah I can't wait and see let's go it's time to go "tomyo said rei nodded his head and said "and I'll be joking their party as their 3 you know it's only them two they have no friends just go along " they all nodded and walked toward the entry "everyone get in your 3 men teams and assemble to head forward towards our journey"captain sai said "Izumi who is our 3" Izumi looked at kei said "we only have each other everyone else say we're a weirdo and a nerd and stay away so i guess whoever the third least popular person will find their way to us " kei nodded then suddenly flinched from shock the flinch made kick the person behind kei "who the fuck have the nerve to scare my kei " Izumi yell "calm down Izumi calm down it was probably an accident and they only touched my shoulder I just clinched because it was from behind no need to get ready to fight" kei says as hold Izumi in a lock to stop Izumi from attacking "this is your problem kei you always show mercy it's me and you against the world if you show mercy to anyone other than children you get betrayed and stabbed in the end"Izumi said while trying to break free from the headlock "Oww I'm sorry for just rushing behind you I just wanted to say I want to join your team as your third party " kei turned around to see the familiar voice belong to rei out of shock kei was dumbfounded Izumi with kei sudden shock break free and yell "why the fuck would a person who treated my kei bear like shit think they can join our party "Izumi yell kei recovered from shock grabbed Izumi hand and said "while what Izumi said is what we will do Izumi always listen to me but in times like this I always listen to Izumi Izumi can always sniff out trouble"they turn to leave then rei yell "you have no choice every team is formed" kei and Izumi huff damn under their breathe "come on then it's time to line up " they both huff in unionism as they where the front of the 30 floor door the assemble in there formations and prepare to take on the greatest labyrinth to ever exist


This is an original story I just thought of and created from my influence of anime sorry it's not better written when I complete the first half of this story book I will clean it and fix it so bear with me