
God of Zombies Transmigrate to the World of Cultivation

The soul is trapped by the deceased body, thus forming a zombie. However, the dead body blocks the soul from the divine path and excludes it from the universe. A human soul assimilated by a zombie elixir, later, through a ruthless secret technique, transforms the human body into a zombie body, creating a uniquely formed zombie. It is questioned whether the soul is still trapped by the body and unable to comprehend the divine path. Ye Han, a poor Earth student, accidentally has his soul absorbed by a zombie king-level elixir and travels to the Qingming Continent. Will his path as a zombie continue like other zombies, forever separated from the divine path in his life?

yuge_zhang_8023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

The Sacred-Tier Magic Core Incident

"Elder, what should we do?" In a luxurious restaurant in Myatt City, a young man respectfully addressed the elder in front of him. This man was Raditz, a representative from the Swordsman Guild.

News of the sacred-tier magic core auction tonight had quickly reached the major powers.

"A sacred-tier magic core, and an unabsorbed one at that. Who would be so generous to auction it off?" the elder pondered thoughtfully.

"No matter what, we can't let other families get it," the elder said after some thought to Raditz.

"But, we didn't bring much money with us this time."

"In the past few hundred years, there have only been five auctions of sacred-tier magic cores, each fetching prices over 50 million gold coins. This time, with the gathering of nearly half of the continent's powers, the price will likely be even higher," the elder mused.

As members of a great family, they did have sacred-tier magic cores, but not in large numbers. Each appearance of a sacred-tier magic core was extremely important. The intelligence of sacred-tier magical beasts was no lower than that of humans, so the chances of obtaining a magic core while hunting them were slim. Even for a powerful organization like the Swordsman Guild, the number of sacred-tier magic cores didn't exceed three digits, accumulated over thousands of years.

The value of a sacred-tier magic core lies not only in its immense and pure energy but also in the understanding of laws held within by the sacred-tier magical beasts. Fully absorbing it equates to absorbing that trace of the law, which, after years or decades of comprehension, can become one's own law.

Reaching the ninth tier is achievable for those with certain insights and excellent talents within their lifetime, barring major accidents. However, reaching the sacred tier is not so easy. It requires an understanding of the laws of the universe. Some ninth-tier powerhouses, even at death, fail to comprehend their own laws.

But possessing a sacred-tier magic core of the same attribute changes everything. A ninth-tier powerhouse can barely absorb the energy within the core, including the contained laws, and comprehend them as their own, thus stepping into the sacred tier. Therefore, countless people on the continent target sacred-tier magical beasts, but very few actually obtain such cores. Thus, the auction price of sacred-tier magic cores only rises, never falls.

The major powers on the continent store sacred-tier magic cores to give to their ninth-tier descendants with excellent talents and aptitude, helping them advance to the sacred tier and strengthen the overall power of their forces. On the continent, ninth-tier and below powerhouses form the foundation, but the sacred-tier powerhouses are the backbone of any power. The strength of a power is determined by the number of its sacred-tier powerhouses. After all, god-tier powerhouses, exceedingly rare on the Qingming Continent, are only possessed by a few major powers with solid foundations, like the Sword Sect and the Law Sect.

"Immediately send a message through the magic mirror to the guild headquarters, asking for their full support. Make sure the money is transferred to your amethyst card within an hour. Tonight, all major powers will be vying for the core," the elder quickly decided.

"Yes, I'll go right away," said Raditz as he left. "Wait," the elder called out to Raditz just as he was about to exit the room.

"Any further instructions, Elder?"

"Spare no effort in finding out who is auctioning the sacred-tier magic core. I refuse to believe that someone who dares to auction a sacred-tier magic core at this critical moment only has one," the elder spoke gravely.

"We've already checked as soon as the news came out, but the Camilla Auction House keeps its information very secret, making it impossible to find out anything useful. However, there's one person who's suspicious," Raditz turned and reported the information his subordinates had relayed in the afternoon.

"Who is it?"

"A person with only fifth-tier strength, but according to the information we received, he is auctioning a ninth-tier magic core, not a sacred-tier one."

After hearing this, the elder fell into deep thought. A silence fell between the two. "Keep a close watch on him," the elder suddenly spoke, breaking the silence, leaving Raditz puzzled.

"A mere fifth-tier strength person possessing a ninth-tier magic core. Hmph, such a simple trick is underestimating everyone."

"Yes, I'll take care of it," Raditz hurriedly left to relay the elder's instructions.

Other major powers also guessed the trick and began a covert competition. However, the auction of the sacred-tier magic core tonight was the primary target of all powers. Each power used magic mirrors to request support from their own forces, preparing for the auction.

"Sir, the auction is about to begin. Please proceed to VIP Room No. 5,"

 said the staff member to Ye Han, who had been meditating in the rest room, sorting through the vast memories in his mind to find suitable and usable immortal techniques. In the enemy-filled Myatt City, every step was fraught with danger.

Understanding that more skills do not overwhelm one, Ye Han knew that strength couldn't be increased in a short time. To reach the third level of a zombie would take many years, so he focused on the magic left by the Immortal King.

"The time is approaching. How are the auction preparations?"

"There's still half an hour left. All the bidders tonight are starting to arrive. The item you're auctioning has, under the promotion of our Camilla Auction House and the city lord, reached the entire city. It has attracted many powerhouses," the staff member said evenly. In their eyes, there were no powerhouses, only customers.

"Good, lead the way," said Ye Han as he got up and followed the staff member to VIP Room No. 5.

The auction of the continent's ninth-ranked weapon had already attracted many eighth and ninth-tier powerhouses and influential people, making tonight's auction exceptionally lively.

However, following the news of the sacred-tier magic core auction tonight, the auction attracted the attention of all powers in Myatt City. The Camilla Auction House had to halt other auctions to make enough space for tonight's event.

The construction of the Camilla Auction House was unique. The entire auction house was divided into different levels, but under special circumstances, it could be merged into a huge auction house. Ye Han couldn't help but be amazed at the architectural techniques of this world.

"Sir, this is VIP Room No. 5. From here, you can clearly see everything in the auction house." Led by the staff member, Ye Han quickly arrived at a very luxurious room. In front of the room was a large crystal screen, which showed everything outside in the auction house, while the inside was invisible from the outside.

Ye Han nodded in acknowledgment and walked into the VIP room without further attention to the staff member, who tactfully closed the door and left. The staff were used to the peculiarities of their clients.

From the screen, Ye Han saw the entire auction house. At the very front was a platform about five zhang long, with the auction stage at the front. Ye Han knew that soon, the items for tonight's auction would be displayed there.

In front of the auction stage was the VIP area, where three hundred seats were already filled with confident, arrogant bidders, their demeanor domineering, obviously wealthy nobles or powerful individuals.

Behind that was the general area, already packed with people. It was a noisy, crowded, and spectacular scene. One could see that those in the general area envied and revered those in the VIP area.

Ye Han didn't believe that a sacred-tier magic core would only attract second-rate families or powers. The real major families and powers wouldn't mingle with them but would enter VIP rooms like his own, enjoying quiet and avoiding trouble.

The VIP rooms weren't accessible to just anyone; they required strong backing and a significant amount of money.

For every major auction, just the tickets for these seats and the VIP area brought in astronomical sums.

As Ye Han watched the scene outside, the door suddenly opened. Turning around, he saw Penelope, the owner of the Camilla Auction House.

"Haha, young friend, are you comfortable here?" Penelope greeted Ye Han warmly, as if meeting an old friend.

"Quite nice. It's very quiet here."

"That's good." Penelope also walked to the crystal screen, looking at the image with a broad smile. "Young friend, since I took over this auction, I've never seen such a lively scene here."

"Hehe, aren't you seeing it today?"