
Chapter 129: Two For One Special Part 2

After leading Terra to her room, Arias intended to introduce her to Diana and Harley, given they'd be living in close proximity, but he found both were out.

Diana was likely just doing her usual patrols of Gotham, even though it wasn't necessary. While Harley, he didn't really know what she got up when out of the Markovic tower, no did he care enough to seek it out.

Introductions could now only be postponed till later, but before Arias could leave. Terra gave him a hesitant look, but struggled to say what was on her mind.

"Something wrong?" Arias casually inquired while resting his hands in his pocket, making his demeanor even more grand.

If Terra was going to become a piece he could use, she needed to grow a spine and speak straight.

According to Slade, she had a fowl temper, especially towards people she didn't know. But in front of him, she was shy and meek. That behavior carried over to Arias now that she believed in the story of him being her actual savior and now father.

"Oh… it's nothing." Looking at him, Terra couldn't bring herself to speak and just backed down with a faint smile.

Arias though shook his head. "If it were nothing then you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. You have to be direct with what you want, if you're always so hesitant you won't make progress, now tell me what's on your mind."

He spoke strictly at first making her feel like she was getting lectured but his tone softened slightly towards the end and he showed a small smile.

Arias knew he could likely shape her to his liking using a more rough and disciplined approach, but then she wouldn't be able to think for herself and would become fully dependent on him.

That was fine in the case of someone like Harley, whose dependency on Arias would make willing to give more and more for his sake, until even her own life was on the table.

Such an approach though couldn't be used for someone like Terra, whom he planned to place into a role that required some level of skill and self thought.

Terra hesitated to reply still but she eventually gathered the strength to speak up. "I was wondering if it would be okay if I tag along with you, I don't like being alone… it's silly right? Forget I said it."

Arias gave her a smirk and walked up to her before placing his hand on her head. He gently stroked her hair and made her look up at him before replying. "The only thing silly, is you, for thinking I would be bothered by such a question. Come on."

As quickly as he had placed his hand there, he retracted it and began walking away.

Slade had been training Terra to be a killer, thus the idea of affection was near foreign to her… and Arias knew this.

He planned on giving her little snippets of the life she so desperately wanted, with the presence of a caring figure on whom she could depend.

Terra smiled at gesture and followed along hurriedly like a duckling to its mother.

Arias didn't have much planned for the day either way so he just brought her along as he planned to inspect the progress at the Gotham Heights high school, the place he planned on enrolling her once the renovations were done by summers end.

With such renovations going on, Arias expected the main campus to be filled mostly with workers as the candidates who had thus far been accepted were already given dormitories, which were the first to be complete.

However, upon arriving at the gate of the main campus, Arias saw some commotion near another luxurious car at the front of the gate.

"What now." Arias muttered irritatedly before stepping out of the back seat to see what was happening.

A curious Terra followed his lead while also trying to see ahead.

Arias approached the gate where the guard seemed to arguing with two men in black suits with shades to match.

"What's going on here?" He asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

The guards expression turned ugly as he saw Arias appear, the boss of the boss of the boss who hired him. As far as he was concerned, Arias was someone he would never get the chance to, yet here he was… irritated.

"M-Mr Markovic! Welcome sir." The guard quickly took off his hat and saluted Arias in a moment that was just awkward for everyone.

Arias just sighed. "Right, well I'm still waiting for an answer."

Realizing only now that he was asked a question, the guard quickly wore his hat and explained the situation.

"These two men here say they're looking for a runaway girl. Apparently she ran away from her father and they're here to see to it she goes back safely."

"The girl is over here. The guard told on duty who found her said she was in terrible condition and she doesn't speak much. I don't know about her father but she clearly doesn't want to go with these men." The guard explained while moving aside to bring the girl behind him into view.

She looked only slightly older than Terra with far more gothy look. Her short dark hair and blue eyes making for a rather unique appearance, she was of course Raven.

Arias looked at her for a moment and she returned the gaze. "Please, please don't let them take me."

Her voice was but a whisper, she looked at the two men with hate, rather than fear, making Arias think of a few possibilities.

But too little was known so he didn't jump to conclusions and asked. "Why come here? Are you meta human? Alien or just a kid running away from home to prove a point?"

Arias was blunt and strict with his questioning. But before she could answer, the guard spoke.

"Actually that's another problem. She says that her powers are supernatural. So we didn't know if directing her to enrollment would be idea since there's no voodoo or magic category in selection, that's why she's still here."

Raven just kept quiet, her gaze remaining fixated on the two men who soon grew impatient, with one speaking. "We don't have time for this child, you're wasting people time and putting them in danger, how many people need to be hurt by your selfishness?"

Those words caused Raven to show a look of anger, her eyes momentarily flashed a bloody red but she held herself back and hugged her shoulders with a somber expression.

Arias could see something was very off here. Without asking further, he turned to the two men and spoke.

"Bold of you to assume you can threaten prospective students of my school before me. I think you should both leave." Arias advised; though his tone made it seem more like a command.

The two odd men were unwilling. "She's not your student, she's a runaway child whose father misses and worries for her. Don't get involved in matters you don't understand."

Arias showed a smirk for a brief moment before gripping the man by the collar and lifting him into the air, his expression less than happy.

"You'd be wise to listen to your own advice. The child doesn't want to go and as a prospective student, she's under my care. You let her father know that if that bothers him so much, my office is always open, now leave."

Arias through the man back, holding back his strength so as not to send him flying. The man simply fell to the ground and so did his glasses, revealing some odd looking eyes.

The man looked ready to fight back back but his companion stopped him and gestured they leave. Before entering the car though, they gave a warning. "Be prepared for the consequences. This isn't over."

Arias cast them a mocking grin and replied, "I'd be disappointed if it was."

The duo soon left, leaving the scene oddly quite. Raven who had been hugging her shoulders while showing a slightly pained expression looked towards Arias both thankful and guilty.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for causing you to trouble. I'll be gone soon, I promise." She said in a low detached voice, causing her to receive a somewhat sympathetic gaze from Terra.

Arias looked at her with a brow raised. "I stand by what I said. You're a prospective student of my school. I won't stop you if you want to leave, but if you want to stay somewhere you'll be accepted and protected, then this is the place."

Raven looked hesitant. It seems the odd man's words had affected her more than she let on.

By now Arias would have lost interest but the variables just weren't adding up. He was keen on seeing this situation further.

"I can see you're skeptical, so come on. I was planning on giving my daughter a tour of the place, maybe once you see it you'll understand. Okay?"

Raven looked Arias blankly, not showing much emotion with her only reply being a subtle nod and a single word.


A/N: I was busy today thus the late release… but I've noticed a severe lack of stones. Just look at this good plot I give you! Where are the damn stones? Do you not want a bonus chapter, are you gay? No? Then send stones. Anyways enjoy.

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