
God hunter system : The punisher

In a world filled with monsters and demons, hunters are the ones who protect humans from the relentless attacks of these creatures. They are admired and respected in society and have access to any service. At least almost all of them. Fanel is a hunter considered the weakest and is therefore despised and mistreated by all. Despite his strength of will, his physical weakness and lack of talent persist. But during a mission in a dungeon, he receives an unexpected offer from the system, thus obtaining a unique ability: the God Hand. This faculty not only gives him phenomenal power but also allows him to become the most powerful hunter. But the system has a condition to this power, Fanel will have to punish other hunters who have turned away from their role as hunters to exploit normal humans Fanel must now navigate this dangerous world as the self-proclaimed enforcer of justice. He will not only have to fight monsters and demons but also hunters while hiding the identity of the famous punisher he now embodies.

Seiji_Shura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Stay away

The rift was huge. It was normal, it was a SS-type rift. People were running around as the dark lightning around the rift seemed to tear through space.

The lightning that struck the ground cracked it and the infernal noise made the proximity to the rift unbearable for mere humans.

Fanel arrived, finding many houses destroyed while the fire and police departments were doing everything to evacuate the people who were still there.

But with the beams coming out of the rift, it was difficult. Fanel looked from left to right but there were no hunters. However, the system had just signaled a fault.

"I guess these asholes decided not to deal with it"

Fanel shook his head before hearing moans under the rubble. Concentrating on finding the source of these laments, he set his gaze on a house whose balcony had fallen and ran.

Under the rubble, there was a grandmother and her 3-year-old granddaughter.

"Young Man… Save My Baby First"

The old woman spoke and Fanel just nodded, removing the little girl from under the rubble. He called the firefighters who picked up the little girl before taking the grandmother.

Fanel was happy, he had just saved lives.

He was finally of some use as a hunter.

A shrill noise was heard and a huge red hand gripped the edge of the rift.

It was tall and its sharp claws looked like they could tear through space. Fanel's eyes were wide, it was the first time he had seen a dragon and he was impressed.

Contrary to the monsters which do not exceed approximately two meters and for which the most dangerous are the trolls, he had in front of him a dragon of more than 10 meters with an impressive build.

Its teeth were long and its eyes were bloodthirsty. The dragon let out a long scream before concentrating a huge ball of energy in its mouth and directing it toward the city center.

A huge explosion rocked the ground shaking after the attack destroying buildings that were still standing.

"Go quickly to safety"

Fanel commanded the firefighters and other civilians who were still around the rift as a police officer questioned him.

"And you hunter, are you going to face a calamity-type dragon alone?" The man had a critical face as Fanel lowered his head. Everyone knows the ranking because it is not only open to hunters, even civilians are aware that he is the weakest hunter.

So they know he's the talentless hunter class.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he's already there. No more way to turn around.

Fanel gulped. His hands and legs were shaking and he knew he didn't look like a hero who had come to save them.

But he had no choice, he had to at least place himself between this dragon and the civilians. In the name of his honor as a hunter.

"Who tells you he will be alone?"

Fanel turned to see the hunter Mirna. She is among the top 3 hunters in the system and is a member of Behemoth.

"Miss Mirna, you are there.


People became more reassured and Fanel sighed. It doesn't matter, he just has to do his job as a hunter, that's all.

"Hey you, you better take cover. This is not your level"

Mirna spoke condescendingly as Fanel gritted his teeth.

He knows very well that he is weak. But does that mean he should stand idly by while people are suffering?

"I…I'll fight too…I can…"

He hadn't finished his sentence when he felt his body being lifted like a rag doll and pushed aside. The other two members of Behemoth had just arrived to the cheers of the people.

"Hey, get out. Can't you see you're in the way?"

The leader spoke as he cast a cold stare at Fanel.

"People need us to reassure them. No losers like you. In the future, don't try to give yourself the big role, we are the stars here"

He finished talking then threw Fanel aside. His body hit the ground heavily and retreating, Fanel watched from afar as the three hunters battled the dragon.

They are right, he is not up to it. People feel safer with them than with him. Fanel gritted his teeth before walking down a dark hallway.

If only he could be more useful if only his power was other than what he has…

It is so unfair.

**Search system…**

A finger hit the chair as someone looking bored sighed.

"They're getting more and more full of themselves, these humans. So for them, it's a star show…hmm what should we do?"