
Chapter 20 Training sinergy

After the lesson, everyone was given one of each sin stone to attempt to absorb. The instructor was doing it one at a time to check everyone's talent to see who was worthwhile training more in-depth. He went through 20 students without a single one being able to absorb any sin stone.

As he approached my desk and set the 7 sin stones in front of me I started to pick them up one at a time. Closing my eyes and focusing on the stones in front of me. Taking a deep breath, I felt each stone tremble before its energy flowed into me.

Feeling the foreign energy invade my body gave off a very weird feeling. It was warm and comfortable. But I could feel little voices in my head trying to warp my thoughts and try to change me. As the voices started to get louder there was a roar from deep within my soul that silenced them, making them like obedient little puppies.

I saw the teacher shaking his head before letting out a sigh. "Come with me 95." With that, the teacher leads me out of the classroom before waving his hand and setting it ablaze killing every student inside leaving only ashes. "My lord they should have told us that you would be here. I would not have given you the sin stones in front of so many people."

I looked at the teacher before frowning. "Is it wrong for me to be in class with every other student and for them to know my true capabilities?"

"Of course not. But you being the demon lord needs to be kept a secret in order to prevent anyone from trying to influence your will or to try and raise their status. I'm assuming your maid is one of the great sins as well?" The teacher looked over to Apael.

"Yes. But I will let the lord act how she wants and help clean up the mess after. We will never limit their growth in any direction they would like." It felt nice having someone who would be there and watch me grow but not try to force me to be a certain way.

The teacher stopped us in front of a building before handing us a key. "This will let you into any of the empty sin rooms to let you attempt to absorb them freely. Once you feel strong enough you can go into the center room. It mixes all the sins together so you can practice absorbing ambient sin that is mixed with others. You have 2 months to train before the first interclass fight to determine if you rank up or drop out. Good luck, my lord."

With that the teacher left. I grabbed apael by the hand and entered the building looking at all the rooms. I was going to start on Sloth and work my way around saving Wrath for last. I spent hours sitting there absorbing the sinergy and as time went on I felt more lethargic. It felt as if my body was being weighed down to the point I did not want to leave. I started to lay down and stretch out my limbs starting to close my eyes.

"Come on my lord let us move to the next room so you can balance out the sinergy inside of you." Apael lifted me up swiftly and started to carry me into another room. I nuzzled my head into her chest getting nice and comfy starting to fall asleep.

When I started to doze off I felt another energy around me and by instinct, I started absorbing it hoping to feel the comfortable lazy feeling of Sloth. Instead, I started to feel empty. I felt hungry like I wanted to eat and consume everything. It was so simple to start thinking of wanting to stuff my face. But the lethargic feeling remained. After more time my hunger started to match my lethargic feeling and I was motivated enough to get up and try to find food.

As I tried to leave to eat Apael stopped me causing me to pout. "Come on lord you can eat once all of your sinergy is at the basic understanding. We need to balance you out so that you can function relatively normally."

"B-b-but I am so hungry…" I tried to give her puppy dog eyes but nothing worked as I was dragged from room to room. Greed was not bad as I got accustomed to it. I felt like I could determine the value of things at a glance and how to get things with barely any money.

Pride was a great feeling as well making me feel confident as if no one could beat me in anything. But I knew how dangerous this sin was. If I got too arrogant that would easily let me underestimate my opponents leading me to doom.

Next I was taken to wrath as I absorbed the sinergy. I started wanting to find my parents in my last world wishing to tear them limb from limb for what they did to me. I wished to summon Suzy's soul and cause her more pain than she caused me. The angrier I got the more power started to course through my veins. There was so much hatred and vengeance boiling in my blood I let out a roar just to vent some of my emotions…

Omnipotent view

There was a roar that rang across every demon realm. Every demon that heard it felt a chill down their spine as they kneeled facing the demon lords palace. They all roared back feeling their lords fury from every direction wishing they could tear apart whatever pissed off the demon lord limb from limb. As the roar from their lord stopped, every demon that was in different realms started to fall back home leaving the war fronts that they invaded behind. Their lord craved blood and they shall return and give it to them.

Amadea pov

Finally, my roar stopped but I still craved to kill. To kill all those that wronged me I needed blood. I looked towards Apael noticing she was down on her knees trembling before me." Apael what's going on? Why are you kneeling?"

She shook off her emotions and stood up. "My lord you awakened a huge chunk of your demon bloodline and sent out a call to every demon out there. They are on their way back home as we speak."

I was shocked looking at Apael. "I did not mean to. I was just so mad I wanted to go out and fight… How long do I have until they all gather? "

She started calculating on her fingers before speaking. "They all should reach the demon realm and back to the palace by your graduation invasion. So it should work out that you could lead them for your graduation invasion. But you have to grow stronger by then."

I nodded my head before going to absorb envy. As I absorbed more of the sinergy I started to become more envious. Jealous that others could look at apael she is mine now and forever. I absorbed more and more and finally I could not take it anymore. I stood up mumbling a strange incantation that came from the sin itself. Soon a brand formed in my hand and before Apael could react I slammed it into her chest causing her to hiss in pain.

"You are mine Apael. No matter what no one will take you from me…" My eyes grew dark as I kissed her lips clumsily claiming my sovereignty over her.

Her face grew slightly red. "For now and forever my lord.."

After I spent a few minutes savoring the kiss with Apael I went to the last room alone. If I lost control of myself with just envy I worry what I would do once I absorbed lust.

I spent hours in the lust sinergy but felt no different as if something was blocking me from fully absorbing it.

[ System warning Host has not reached adulthood yet sealing all lust energy]

Da*** I wanted to have an excuse to pounce on her…

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