
Chapter 37

Although this houseboat was only big enough for Lin Siyu to lift with two hands, it was an extremely magnificent building for the little people.

Getting from the cat litter box to the houseboat is equivalent to climbing two high mountains, and there is a raging flood "under the mountain", which is too dangerous.

As a competent "savior", Lin Siyu would naturally not let his villain take risks, so he had to think of a way.

"It would be best if we could build a bridge between the cat litter box and the houseboat." Lin Siyu thought, stroking his chin.

But building a bridge requires field investigation, and she knew nothing about this. After thinking about it, Lin Siyu thought of something called an inflatable bridge.

"The inflatable bridge can be inflated and placed on the water surface, allowing the little people to pass safely." Lin Siyu stood next to the freezer, used his fingers to slightly indicate the distance from the cat litter box to the boat house, then turned on the computer and called out the measuring ruler. After writing down the data, he turned around and went to the 3D printer to call out the design draft.

Please note the required materials next to the manuscript.

Lin Siyu searched for a long time in the material box given by the printer shop, but couldn't find the materials for making the inflatable bridge.

Lin Siyu shook his head in distress: "What should I do? Is there any alternative?" Or place an order online now and wait for it to be delivered?

While thinking, Lin Siyu stood up straight, and his eyes just happened to meet the bottle of fruit-flavored nutrient solution placed on the corner of the table.

She has always been in the habit of rinsing the nutrient solution bottles, gathering them together and throwing them into the recycling station, so the nutrient solution bottles are neatly arranged under the corner of the table.

Lin Siyu picked up a bottle and an idea came to her mind: "This material can float on water. How about using this bottle as a bridge for the little people?"


In the land of Lilliputians.

As Lin Siyu finished moving the cat litter box, the litter box gradually returned to calm.

The little people, who were so frightened that they almost stopped breathing, carefully leaned forward, looked at each other, and then their eyes fell outside tacitly.

What on earth just happened?

Zhao Yuanxiang took people to check outside.

Although they were floating on the water, there were some familiar reference objects nearby. At this moment, Zhao Yuanxiang looked around and felt that their position seemed to have changed.

Zhao Yuanxiang's gaze paused briefly for two seconds not far away. When she was about to look away, her peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of something. Her eyebrows fluctuated slightly and she stared fixedly at a certain spot.

"Chief Zhao, what's wrong?" The assistant immediately noticed something was wrong. He followed her gaze and froze in place, "Then, what is that tall building?"

At the end of the world, on the dead silent water surface, there appeared something that could be called a miracle, like the palace of Atlantis floating on the water.

Is this... a mirage?

No, that's not right, this building really exists.

But isn't it incredible that such a huge building appeared out of nowhere?

Or was it the work of God? After all, apart from God, no one else could create such a miracle in such a short time.

But the assistant still couldn't accept it. Although he had already accepted the existence of gods, the scene before him still made him feel as if his second view was crushed.

"Oh my god..." He immediately lost his temper.

Bai Qing and Feng Lian helped him up and prevented him from falling to the ground.

This reaction undoubtedly attracted the attention of others. Many people slowly gathered at the entrance, tiptoed to look out, and were attracted by the magnificent building floating on the water.

"Is that the shrine of the gods?"

"That's where the gods live?"

"Like a giant ship, bigger than that... Titanic!"

"It's so spectacular. If only I still had my phone, I would take a picture and upload it to my acne page. I'm sure a lot of people would like it."

Everyone was talking about it, having completely forgotten the shock they had just felt from the earth-shaking earthquake, and were describing their shock at the moment.

Amid the noise, Bai Qing suddenly heard a divine voice coming from the sky.

——The ethereal and hollow sound made him wake up instantly.

Lin Siyu said softly, "The mission was completed very well. The boathouse is a reward for you."

Bai Qing shuddered, swallowed his throat which was a little sore and dry due to the shock, and conveyed the will of the gods to everyone: "The gods said that this is a reward given to us."

"Is it the reward for completing those tasks?" Zhao Yuanxiang asked.

Bai nodded lightly.

"I said the gods would be satisfied, but I didn't expect them to give us something so magnificent," said another man, his eyes bright, surprised by the kindness of the gods. However, he looked at the houseboat and the terrible flood between them, "but there is water everywhere, how can we get through?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a transparent tunnel fell from the sky.


Lin Siyu cut the nutrient solution bottle into two halves, which became two U-shaped open-air tunnels for the little people who were only one centimeter tall.

Of course, one bottle is far from enough, so you have to take apart another one and then put them together to form a long bridge.

Lin Siyu put the bottle bridge into the freezer, then removed the shield at the bottom of the cat litter box, so that the entrance of the cat litter box formed a downward arc like a ramp, so that the little people could walk from here to the bottle bridge.

The mysterious building that sheltered them suddenly dismantled itself. Everyone was amazed at the scene.

Everyone watched as the sky-dropping tunnel was pieced together into a transparent bridge tunnel right before their eyes.

"It's incredible. I've only seen scenes like this in movies before."

"Movies are all fake, made with special effects, but this scene is real, a true miracle. How can the former be compared with the latter?"

"you're right."

Zhao Yuanxiang asked the soldiers to maintain order, and then everyone lined up in order and walked down one by one to step onto the transparent bridge.

I don't know what material this bridge is made of. It doesn't look like glass or plastic. It just feels thin and doesn't seem to be able to prevent floods. The first person who stepped on it was a little scared, but after walking a few steps and seeing that there was no danger at all, he put his worries aside and said happily: "It's amazing."

The flood was right at his feet, but was blocked by the bridge that appeared out of nowhere.

This experience is really novel.


Lin Siyu saw the little people lined up like a group of ants.

The team moved from the litter box to the houseboat.

Originally, the leader of the villains wanted someone to carry the bed and quilt over, but was rejected by Lin Siyu through Bai Qingzhi.

The little people are so small that the nutrient solution bottle can naturally bear their weight, but it is hard to say if all these miscellaneous things are added.

To prevent accidents, Lin Siyu waited until all the little people were moved to the houseboat. She then reached into the cat litter box, grabbed the contents like she was grabbing pieces of building blocks, and placed them on the open space in the middle of the houseboat.

The little people just walked through the transparent tunnel bridge and went up to the first floor of the houseboat through the stairs on both sides of the cabin. At first, they felt dazed by the scene on the houseboat that seemed like the end of the world, and then they saw a bunch of things falling from the sky.

They all praised the miracle.

Zhao Yuanxiang looked at the familiar bed quilts and was shocked and felt a little emotional.

If humans were asked to move all these things, it would probably take several hours to finish.

But for the gods, it is just a matter of a snap of the fingers.

This is the gap between gods and mortals, it is a world of difference.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanxiang's scalp suddenly tingled, and a chill ran down her spine. She couldn't help but murmur in fear, "Fortunately, the gods are on our side."

If the gods hate humans, then it would be a simple matter for them to exterminate the human race.

Bai Qing, who was beside him, sensed that Zhao Yuanxiang's mood had changed, so he asked, "Chief Zhao, what's wrong?"

"I was just thinking that we must follow the words of the God in the future. We must not anger Him, nor be rejected by Him." Zhao Yuanxiang took a deep breath.

Bai Qing nodded in agreement with deep feeling.

He is someone who can communicate directly with the gods, so he knows even better how powerful the gods are.

Zhao Yuanxiang asked Bai Qing again: "Ask the gods, what can we humans do for them?"

Bai Qing didn't know whether the gods were still there, so he could only tentatively raise his head to look at the sky and ask what Zhao Yuanxiang had just asked.

"Lord God, are you still here? Thank you for giving us this boat of life. I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?"

Lin Siyu, who was watching "Ants Moving", heard Bai Qing's words. She propped up her chin and said, "Let more people join the Haishan Base."

What the villains can do for her is to recruit other villains. The more villains there are, the faster her faith value will increase.


Bai Qing can convey the god's reply to Zhao Yuanxiang.

Zhao Yuanxiang nodded, understanding what to do next. She cleared her throat, turned to the crowd and said, "Next, families will come to collect their beds and quilts, and then check into their rooms."

"One room for each family? But this bed seems to have too many rooms. Can't each person have one?" someone asked.

"Of course not. Because we want to spread the good deeds of the Lord of Heaven, there will naturally be many more believers of the Lord of Heaven. Those empty rooms are prepared for them." Zhao Yuanxiang has also been a superior for many years, so he still has some deterrent power. "If anyone lies, they will be expelled from the base."

Of course, Zhao Yuanxiang did not set the requirements too strictly.

If a family has more than two people, they can apply to live with others.

In addition, the consequences of being kicked out of the base were too serious, so no one dared to disobey and everyone filled out the information honestly.

By the time everyone had successfully checked in, it was already evening.

The little people on the houseboat were all immersed in the joy of moving into their new home.

They did not notice that there were several adult men standing or sitting on a yacht in the distance, one of whom was holding a telescope.

"Oh my God, how can there be such a big ship?"

There were many ships along the coast of their Coconut Island, but many of them were submerged in the flood. It was a miracle that this ship was still floating on the water.

"Boss! They seem to have something to eat!" The short man holding the telescope slurped and swallowed eagerly, his stomach growling.