
Guests and History Revealed!

during these two years I think the biggest change has been how beautiful Artoria has gotten! without the non ageing curse she's grown even more beautiful. mostly taller and fuller.

next big change our the next group I've summoned.


Okita Soji

Miyamoto Musashi



Oda Nobunaga



Ibaraki Doji




the only one who was summoned already with a devil fruit was Quetzalcoatl who was summoned with a mythical zoan hebi hebi no mi model: Quetzalcoatl.

strength wise I am now at the level of an admiral of this world, I've also taken to wearing my golden armor and a simple golden crown with ruby's around the rim.

Artoria had it made for me as our last anniversary gift and I had a silver one with blue gemstones made for her. She already had to have her armor re forged due to the increase in her bust hahaha.

all of my Haki and other abilities have reached admiral equivalent level as well with the exception of my conquers Haki that seems to overflow off of me passively showing that I am a born conquerer. I've also taken to display EA attached at my hip.

As far as investigations we have figured out that the world government is talking about a plan to create another force under their control to maintain a balance in the world called the warlord system. they will select pirates to be a member of the warlords who will be exempt from arrest as long as they come when called, I'll have to amend some plans, and also see if any of those chosen will make welcome allies in the future when they are chosen.

The biggest thing to happen was just today..

As I'm discussing future plans with Da'vinci she gets an alert from an owl watching our coastline.

"my king it seems a ship is approaching our island"

that's a surprise I thought we were supposed to be hidden from the world...

"who does it belong to?"

"it appears to belong to the Roger pirates my king."

hmm well could have been worse. might as well invite them in and see what it is they want and how they figured out where we are .

"Da'vinci have Siegfried go and have our guest escorted to the throne room, also gather the rest there as well."

"right away my king" she replies before leaving.

hmmm interesting, let's see what fate has in store for you Roger...

you can now find me sitting on my throne made to look like I'm sitting upon a golden dragon a silver throne of the same beside mine where Artoria now sits, the knights of the round table are lined up on Artorias side on my left, and the kings commanders and heads of each department lined up on my left.

"Medea" "prepare a feast for our guests"

"yes my king!" she chirps happily before skipping away.

I then move my eyes to the door just as Siegfried walks in with the famous Roger pirates right behind him and my eyes lock onto his right away. Strong. hmm it seems I still have a long way to go before I'm ready to rescue this world. oh and it appears he is sick, interesting in deed.

"my king the guest have arrived' Siegfried kneels before me.

"go and stand with the others Siegfried."

"and welcome to my island Roger pirates, tho I am curious how you managed to find it in the first place, The only island outside the view of the one who sits upon that empty throne up there on the hill" I look off into the direction of the holy land upon the redline.

that spooked them a bit it seems they were not yet aware of IM.

"hmm I take it you weren't aware of who really runs this world.."

"RAHAHAHA NO who exactly is this IM.?"

asks Roger.

"hmmm let's start with 1000 years ago back when the gods still walked the earth... there were different pantheons of different gods who were in charge of different areas of the world. this is also back when there was more land then ocean in this world and before the red line was made. back then 20 mortal kingdoms led by IM who was no more than a bastard child between Zeus and a mortal woman, Zeus had tricked her into sleeping with him by taking the appearance of her husband, however when the child was born with the traits of Zeus, white hair and grey eyes, the husband was convinced she cheated on him so had her killed and the baby abandoned in the wilderness. however being the child of a god IM was able to survive and with the knowledge of how Zeus ruined their family and life the child grew to despise the gods more than any other. So they planned the destruction of the gods along with 20 mortal kingdoms, they build weapons on par with the gods and named them after the gods whose power they mimicked, all besides the ancient weapon position however I will get to that.

IM and the 20 kingdoms using their weapons managed to kill the gods after a battle that spanned the entirety of the void century, the only saving grace was Posiedon using the last of his power created the red line, as a prison for IM cursed to forever remain out of reach from the rest of the world. however the world government was created giving him plenty of pawns and dogs to move around as he so wishes. after the gods were all destroyed their latent divinity created what you call devil fruits each containing a different power once wielded by a god.

And those whos name contains "D" are the last descendents of the gods themselves, D for Divine or Divinity. The only ones who can contain the power of more than One devil fruit depending on how strong their bloodline as well as which God they descend from.

any questions?"

all of them have their jaws on the floor and eyes popped out as far as can be...

Rayleigh recovers first *cough*

"Yes how do you know all of this?"

"this island used to be home to the strongest and most Ancient kingdom ruled over by Zeus and his pantheon, before we took up residents here. There is also one of those giant stones covered in the language of the gods out north of here."

"however the main reason is most of us here are demigods or creatures of myth ourselves."

"this kingdom is out of site for now while we build our strength, to one day free this world from the shackles that IM has placed upon them."

Roger recovered from his shock asks "wait what about the ancient weapon Posiedon?"

"ah yes it's actually just a child of his lineage who is born with his powers, however only a royal mermaid of the purest bloodline can awaken his power."

"who is captain Roger a descendant of??"

"hmmm let me see" I stand up from my thrown and walk down towards him inspecting any trace of divinity he may hold..

"it appears he is a child of Nika god of the sun and celebration, whos body was made of rubber and possessed powers of fire."

"he was a god known for bringing joy to people history remembers him as Joy Boy"

once again a bunch of shocked faces.

"well enough of that let's Celebrate your arrival at the lost island of gods, with a feast!" I shout as we make our way to the dining room with cheers from the Roger pirates ringing out in the halls.

after much eating and drinking a curious red haired child walks up to me and asks

"so what powers do you posses??"

a smirk emerges on my face as a hundred ethereal golden portals emerge all around the room with different weapons emerging from them pointing towards the center of the room.

"this is my favorite one!" "HAHAHAHA it's also the one I've mastered"

"excuse us your majesty but could you introduce the rest of your people to us?" asks Roger

oops look like I got a little side tracked

"yes excuse my manners, let's start with this beautiful woman beside me, my queen Artoria Pendragon,(I smile at her)" I then go on to introduce each member of my kingdom and their positions.

the rest of the night is spent drinking and chatting about the history of this world, and that goes on for a couple of days before Roger is about to take his leave.

"I could heal you if you want" I say to Roger

"HAHAHA no need my purpose in this world has already been done now I just need to carry out one last task."

I can forsee what he intends to do sand seeing as how it'll help my future plans I can't say I'm against it.

"then enjoy your time while you have it Gol D Roger."

his crew then sets sail away from my island...