
The Arena

"This is crazy" Jordan said, feeling jittery and anxious. His legs bounced up and down, biting his thumb nail. "I'm not supposed to be fighting, I just got my Gift and I don't even know it yet! What if I loose, one lost can change everything and I don't want to be a burden and the reason why we don't succeed." He said, remembering the night at the school when he was kidnapped and used against June and everyone. He felt guilty enough that everyone went through something ugly just to save him. And now the feeling of helplessness just came back rushing down on him like a landslide.

"What did I get myself into" He muttered, letting out a groan and covering his face with his hands.

Andrew and Alisa held each others hands in one corner and looked at each other, also feeling the pressure that was laid on them. He already has experience in fighting Shadows, but fighting other Gifteds is a whole other thing. He doesn't know what to think of going head to head with another human being. Alisa on the other hand, is more terrified as to what will be the reaction she will be getting, once she shows her face to crowd again.

Everyone was feeling the pressure, or at least the newer members were because Minjae just sat at one of the couches, eyes closed, arms folded and looking very relaxed. While Maria on the other hand, is just silent while facing the Arena.

"I will not say 'Don't worry, everything is going to be alright' because we don't know that for sure" Minjae said, opening his eyes and turning to the newer members. "But what I will say is that 'Believe in yourselves', Lady Maria placed her trust in all of us because she knows that we can do it. If she believes in us, then we have to believe in our selves. I know you guys will do great, and I as well believe in what you guys can do" He said, giving them a confident smile.

Maria's back was facing them, so they didn't see the smile that lifted in Maria's face. When Egor saw Maria form their side of the court, He pointed a finder at Maria then proceeds to run his thumb across his neck, then pointed his thumb downward like a "You're going down" gesture. Maria just tipped her head to the side, eyebrow raised saying "Really?".

Egor then lifted both his arms, gesturing to the sheer number and power that he has, smirking at her. But Maria countered with a smirk of her own, as if saying "You will never know what hit you".

The arena is packed with thousands of cheering Gifteds, wanting to watch the battle between the strongest Guild led by Master Egor and the mysterious Guild led by Lady Mari. It was sure to be "the fight" worth witnessing.

It was worth witnessing that even the six Generals and the Grand Master himself showed up. Which made the crowd even more excited. The Grand Master never bothered with these kinds of events, while the Generals mostly also never shows up because of "more important matters". So seeing them complete (Well almost because one is missing) and live was very surprising. They sat at their sits at the special balcony that is only allowed for them. Also, both of the rest of the Guilds showed up. Lady Oba and Master Scott, sat at the audience with their higher ranking members and the rest of their Guild members.

"I don't really see the reason why we have to be here, we all know who's gonna win anyway" One of Master Scott's higher ranking member complained, with a distinct British accent, yawning and looking oh so bored.

"I wouldn't be too sure." Master Scott said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

The member snorted, and leaned back.

"Master, Why are you so interested in watching. Because Trace is right, no matter how you look at it Master Egor's Guild will win, and my calculations confirms it" A young Korean man said, another one of Master Scott's high ranking members.

"See even Hyun agrees with me" Trace said, "I say we get outta here, who's with me" Trace started standing up.

"Nope, you won't be going anywhere. Guild Master's orders" Master Scott said.


Master Scott gave him a look that said "you have no choice but to follow".

Letting out a sigh, Trace sat back down and crossed his arms.

When everyone saw the Grand Master stood up, everybody in the Arena became quiet.

"Everyone that is gathered here today, will witness a truly exciting event that showcases and test the strength and team work of two of our Guilds.... With out further a do... Let us welcome the Champions of Master Egor's Guild!"

When Master Egor entered the Arena followed by his Champions, The whole Arena erupted in cheers. All Five Champions looking very powerful, followed their Master, emitting a very strong prescence.

"Whoa, so they're bringing in their big guns." One of the Master Scott's higher member said, one with a distinct Latino accent .

"No kidding. Master Egor even chose his son and his third ranked member to fight." Trace said, suddenly becoming interested.

"What in the world did Lady Maria even do to make Master Egor send in his strongest members. I mean, I've seen those guys in action when the Castle calls for a joint training with all of the Guilds and the Generals' battalion. And from what I've seen, those guys are ruthless. This will be a landslide win for Master Egor" The Latino said.

"Don't go deciding just yet, Gabe. We still haven't seen Lady Maria's Champions yet." Master Scott said, not taking his eyes off the field.

"Come to think of it, this is my first time seeing Lady Maria's Guild in The Arena. And we don't even have an idea what her member's Gifts are" Gabe said, focusing on the gate of Lady Maria's court.

When Master Egor and his champions reached the center of the Arena, the Grand master raised his hand and the whole Arena became quiet again.

"Now let us welcome Lady Maria's Champions!"

When Lady Maria entered the Arena, the cheering wasn't as loud as Master Egor's. Then when the audience saw what's following her, the cheering died down, replaced by murmuring and hushed conversations among the audience.

"This must be a bloody joke! She's only sending four members in?!" Trace said in disbelief. "It's going to be a bloody blood bath out there!"

"I don't think so" A young man with a long-ish blonde hair in a ponytail said. He's also one of Master Scott's higher members.

"Huh? how do know?" Trace asked, rising a brow.

"Because of him" The young man said, Nodding towards the direction of Minjae.

"Arthur..... I forgot you and Minjae are close friends" Master Scott said

"Wait, you know that guy?" Gabe asked.

Arthur nodded.

"So, what do you mean by what you said a while ago?" Hyun asked.

"Hmmm?" Arthur asked, turning to Hyun.

"You know, by this match not thinking it would be a blood bath, which has a high chance of happening" Hyun said

"Not if Minjae is going fight" Arthur said, his eye on Minjae. "Minjae is one of the scariest Gifted I've ever seen in my life."

"What do you mean?" This time Master Scott asked, looking very intrigued.

"That guy has literally stood in front of death's door and survived. I saw him fight countless times in the outside and he knew that fighting outside meant fighting for your life, literally. And for some reason I feel the same thing from the other three. " Arthur said while his eyes landed to Jordan, then to Alisa, then to Andrew.

Then someone from the audience suddenly shouted, getting Master Scott's and his Members' attention.

"Why the hell is that wrenched Girl back here!"

Then more people with angry shouts, joined in.

"Why is she back here?!"

"That traitor should be kill for even stepping back here!"

Maria and the others kept walking but Alisa froze. When Andrew noticed that she wasn't following and saw her devastated expression, he immediately rush to her. He carefully placed his violin case on the ground, then cupped her face with both hands.

"Look at me.... Alisa.... look at me" He said, making Alisa focus on him.

"I don't belong here Drew" Alisa sobbed

"Listen to me.... A, I don't know what happened in the past but I don't care. Don't listen to anything they say! You are the most wonderful person I know, inside and out" Andrew said, meaning every word.

But the the shouts of the angry mob just kept getting louder and louder.

"Kill her!"

"What are the Generals waiting for, They should get her now!"

Then suddenly the Grand Master's loud voice echoed across the Arena "Silence", It's was so loud that it might have been heard across the Castle.

The Arena went immediately quiet.

"Need I remind every last one of you, that we take care of our kind. We should not be putting the blame on the children for the mistakes that their parents made. Their children should not carry the burden that is not for them to carry. They are innocent, and if you're all wanting them to received punishments for something that they did not do, then that would go against every principle that the Castle follows."

"Whoa, I never heard the Grand Master Angry before" Trace said, "What exactly did happened?" asking no one in particular.

"This happened a long ago, when the Gifteds still were at the original Castle in Petra. " Master Scott said.

"And we're only hearing about this now, because?" trace asked.

"It was a story long ago, and It was as story that most of who experienced it never wants to relive. Including me." Master Scott said, "but I guess I do have to tell you guys what happened that day, But that's for another day."

Alisa gaped at the Grand Master, Unable to believe what just happened.

"I don't know what happened in the past, and I to be honest don't care. Because to me you're an amazing person. I believe in you." Andrew said, with a soft smile.

When Alisa saw Maria, Minjae and Jordan smiling at her in encouragement, Andrew said "We all do."

"Thank you" Alisa said, in a soft voice.

"You ready to go?" Andrew asked softly.

When Alisa nodded, Andrew picked up his violin case and took Alisa's hand. Nodding at each other, they started walking, joining the rest of the Guild.

When they all reached the center of the Arena, Master Egor said "Sympathy with the Grand Master won't win you this fight Maria"

The Champions of Master Egor started laughing and started throwing insults, most of them directed at Alisa.

"Hey, little lady... after we're done with this, why not come with me and leave your scrawny little kid. I can show you a great time, you won't regret" said one of their Champions said, with a tattooed face.

"Hey kid, don't go crying to mommy when we *Beeping* crush your little skulls." The other Champion said, with an overly pierced face, said, giving Jordan a smug look.

"That *Beeping* *Beep*, Who does she *Beeping* think she is. *Beeping* drama queen." The other girl Champion, besides form Katarina, with a long blonde hair that's shaved to the side, said.

"Why don't you tell your Champions to have a little bit of respect" Maria said, her voice very cold and hard. Like she trying not to blow up herself.

"What? They're just having a little bit of fun" Egor said, in as-a-matter-of-fact way, lifting both his hands in a shrug.

Thankfully the Grand Mater started talking again, Because Maria wasn't sure how long she'd last before she'd go a head and claw Master Egor's face off herself.

"Now that everyone is here. I shall introduce the Umpire who will oversee the match" Said the Grand Master.

"Even the Grand Master is picking the Ref, this has to be the real deal" Gabe said.

"Please welcome General Kelly Armstrong!"

Then the whole Arena erupted in cheers.

A tall, modelesque woman leaped from the Balcony of the Generals, and landed in the center of The Arena.

She looks so beautiful, with dark mahogany hair and dark glowing skin. Her eyes are full of fierce.

"General! General! General!" The audience chanted but the men and the boys chanted a little louder.

"Damn, She really is a fine woman" The Champion with a tattooed face said, loud enough so Lady Maria and the rest could hear but not loud enough for the General to hear.

Then the General lifted her hand to make everyone quiet. And everyone did.

"Okay, Down to business" The General said, "Since I'm the one overseeing this fight, I'm expecting for a good clean match. If you're planing on something nasty and dirty then I suggest that you, as early as now erase those ideas form your heads. If y'all think you can slipped through me, then think again. I'm pretty sure, y'all are very familiar with my Gift, so y'all know that playing dirty won't fly with me. And those won't definitely fly with my two babies"

"Come!" The General said, in a hard voice, then stomped a foot on the ground. Then two people suddenly out of nowhere. A tall slender, beautiful woman appeared on the General's right side and a tall muscular, handsome man on her left. They both have elvish elegant features, with pointed ears.

The woman has long silver hair and fair skin. She's wearing a white dress that's very flowy and Greek style, with a lot of drapes and flowing fabric. She's wearing a white blind fold. And she also wields a very long and beautifully crafted sheathed sword, that lengths up to at least seven feet.

The Man has short dark hair, grayish blue eyes and has a light tanned skin. He's wearing a black flowy fabric that's draped and wrapped around his waist. He also has an obsidian arm cuff on each of his biceps and a pauldron on his left shoulder with a flowing, cape like fabric attach to it. He also has beautiful, abstract, graphic tattoos on his neck, upper torso and arms.

"Yes Ma'am!" Andrew, Alisa and Jordan blurted out. But then, they noticed that they were the only one who answered. Andrew and Alisa flushed real hard, but something is different with Jordan. He looks completely calm, not like before. His eyes are sharp and held something intense in them. But it was only for as second before he's back to his old self. Maria could not help but smile at Andrew, Alisa and Jordan, while Minjae chuckled. This also made the General smile.

"Well at least some people are listening" The General said. "Now for the rules. This is going to be a team battle."

Murmurs, Surprised gasps and stunned expressions started to rise in the audience.

"What?!" Trace shouted in disbelief as he shot to his feet. "Not only did the Grand Master personally picked the ref for this match but now the match is a team battle? This never happened before! unbelievable." He said as he slumped back to his sit, dazed.

"I agree" Hyun said, starring at the Arena. "In some cases, Yes, a General would foresee a match, but being chosen by the Grandmaster himself is not impossible, because it happened once. However team battles are only done by the Generals' battalion when they train. It has never been done by the Guilds"

"That's why I asked all of you to witness this battle first hand. Because I know you'll all learn a thing or two from this match" Master Scott said, with a reminiscent smile of the old days when he was the one fighting in the Arena.

"Why are so insistent for us to watch the match Master? Do you know Lady Maria personally? or any of the members of Lady Maria?" Hyun asked, with a curious glancing at him. Which made everyone turn to Master Scott.

But he didn't answer and just rested his elbows on his knees and folded his hands.

"Why did you request for this match to be a Team Battle, Grand Master?" One of the Generals asked, standing beside the Grand Master's sit. The General has cream colored hair and has sharp features accentuating his natural handsomeness even more . "Team Battles are only done by the Generals and their battalion."

"What is the reason why we do a team battle, General Ashe?" The Grand Master asked, not taking eyes off the Arena.

"To strengthen team work, Yes" The General answered, "But they are still young. Gifteds are placed in Guilds to be nurtured, to grow, to ripen first for when the time comes and they enter the battalion they will be ready. It is too soon for them."

"There is no such thing as too soon. We are in the times where our race is in the danger of being destroyed and wiped away for good." The grand Master said, while he watches General Armstrong explain the rules to the Guilds. "And there will come a time that we will have to fight to survive. And when that time comes we have to be all ready."

Understanding the Grand Master, the General focused on the Arena, more specifically Lady Maria's Guild.

"So, everything clear?" General Armstrong asked

When Everyone nodded, the General turned to Lady Maria.

"Lady Maria, are you sure that you will only let four members fight? You know you're at a huge disadvantage."

"I assure you, these lot will be more that enough" Lady Maria said confidently.

"Okay" The General said, a little skeptical. Then she turned to everyone again "So, Now for the reason why we are all here. Gifteds, Enter the Arena!"

The middle Gate of the Arena opened, and three people came out, causing the audience to erupt in conversations and surprised gasps.

"Well, I guess that explains why Master Egor wanted to destroy Lady Maria, So bad. But wow, I wasn't expecting that at all." Gabe said, Surprised as the rest.

"I think nobody expected and saw that coming." Trace said, just stunned.

Minerva walked towards the center of the Arena followed by Shiro and Nadet. While Minerva walked confidently, Shiro and Nadet were sweating a lot, Looking like a nervous wreck.

"Isn't that Master Egor's daughter?" One of the audience said. Making Master Egor glare at the source. Making everyone quiet, or at least only that part of the Arena, because the rest of the Audience was just getting louder and louder.

"Well, I didn't see that one coming. This just got real, real quick!" The General blurted out, when Minerva, Shiro and Nadet reached the center of the Arena.

Master Egor sent the General a glare but the General wasn't paying attention to him.

Before General Armstrong could speak, Minerva raised her hand, making the audience suddenly fell quiet. All interested and curious as to what she has to say.

"General, before we start, will you give me this one request to speak?" Minerva said.

The General waved her hand, allowing her to speak, but mostly because of curiosity.

Minerva turned to the side of the Arena, where all of the spectators are really badly dressed. Facing her fellow Guild mates or soon to be former Guild mates. When everyone else in the arena stopped talking to listen, Master Egor's Guild on the other hand, not so much. The Guild is in an uproar. Shouting, Cursing and a whole lot more.

"You *Beeping* traitor!"

"Crush those traitors!"

"You ungrateful son of a *Beep*es!"

The hateful shouting and curses continued to get louder and louder, that both of General Armstrong's personas changed stance, ready to stop a riot if one erupted.

Minerva took a deep breath, then shouted "Hey! losers!" which got her Guild mate's attention. But it was not a good attention that she got, because her Guild mates got more angry and focused them all on Minerva.

"The Hell you are calling losers!" One shouted

"You *Beeping* *Beep*! Who do you think you are!"

"Pathetic" Minerva said, shaking her head.

"What did you say?!" One of her Guild mates shouted

"I said you guys are 'Pathetic'" Minerva said, a little bit louder "Anyone who's sane enough would see this as an opportunity to leave this pathetic excuse that my Father calls a Guild. If anyone of you is in the right mind, you'd be standing right now and joining us"

This only made Master Egor's Guild erupt again but with more hate and anger. Even Master Egor himself exploded.

"You ungrateful *Beep*! I raised you to the person you are right now and what you give in return is this?!" Master Egor shouted, almost snapping a vain in his neck from so much anger.

He started walking towards Minerva but the General's Personas, stopped him.

"Master Egor, I wouldn't want to disqualify you even before this match even began" The General said

"So the daughter is included in all of this.... that's why Master Egor thinks this is personal" General Ashe said.

"Indeed" The Grandmaster nodded.

"I like that little girl, she's feisty" Said one of the Generals, who's wearing a black slick dress with a high slit.

Masters Egor's Guild members were either shouting like a mad man or too scared, too scared to even make the choice of leaving the Guild.

When enough time passed, and nobody joined them, Minerva let out a disappointed sigh and turned back to facing General Armstrong.

"So sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, but unlike my traitor of a daughter, My members know the meaning of loyalty." Master Egor said, with a smirk. Then he gave the General a nod to continue with the event.

The General nodded, then started to speak "All right-"

but she was cutoff when someone in the audience shouted.


Everybody turned to the source and saw that it was one of Master Egor's members.

A young Chinese man jumped over from the audience, entering the Arena. He landed on his feet effortlessly, like a nimble cat. He then started walking towards where Minerva and the other are.

"Chen?" Minerva said, relived to see him.

"Nice of you to join us" Minerva said

"I'm sane enough to know, not to let this chance pass but I'm also insane enough to risk it all, if all didn't work out" Chen said, with a charming smile as he walks towards Minerva, who in returned just raised her brow but was still smiling.

"I think they like each other" Alisa said in a low voice, that only Andrew and Jordan could hear, who both nodded in agreement.

"I'll join too"

Everyone turned, seeing a young Korean young man already walking towards Minerva and the rest.

"Ji Soo!" Shiro and Nadet shouted in surprise. Then both ran to him and both hugged him.

"I'm so sorry guys, I was a coward and didn't help you when they were beating you up" Ji Soo said, hugging both and Shiro and Nadet tightly.

Shiro and Nadet didn't say anything in return, Instead they just gave him a smile saying that it's all cool and pulled him to join Minerva and the rest.

"So, is that everyone?" General Armstrong asked

Minerva looked around, then nodded.

"Lady Maria, these two Gifteds would like to be added to the Gifteds that are switching Guilds. Are you allowing them?" General Armstrong asked.

Maria didn't say anything.

"I know this is out of line of me to invite other people to join in, when you and your members are fighting for us. But please Lady Maria, You gave us the hope that we needed, so please share that hope a little more ." Minerva said, her tone full of humility at the same time full of strength.

"I'm not the who's going to decide that. I've already exposed my beloved children(She means, her Guild Members) to too much pressure. So it is only right for them to decide on this matter." Maria said, turning to her Members.

"The more the merrier, I always say" Minjae said, with a smile.

Jordan paled, looking at the others, not knowing what to say.

While Minjae easily approved, Andrew and Alisa on the other hand not so much. In fact Andrew looked like he was about to get sick.

"What's the matter? are you okay? are you feeling well?" Maria asked moving closer to him, her voice turning concern.

"I'm just... I'm just scared" Andrew admitted. "I still can't get that night out of my head, Maria. The pressure and the terror of seeing the people I love get hurt, it's.... it's scary. I don't know if I can do this... there's so much riding on this.... that the thought of failing just crushes me" He said, sweating too much and his skin started to turn pale. He then started breathing heavily and fast, like his started to have a panic attack.

Alisa held Andrew's hand tighter, comforting him, but in truth she held his hand tighter for support, because she is feeling every bit of what Andrew is feeling.

Maria gently cupped Andrew's face with both hands about to say something but then one of Master Egor's champions shouted.

"Can we get this over with, already?! My hands won't stop buzzing from wanting to crush some head" Tattoo face said.

"I think the kitty cat finally realized that he's in a den of lions, and is cowering in fear." Katarina said, examining her nails.

"That's right!" Pierced face agreed "So give the *Beep* up already, so I can beat up this A*Beep*holes of a traitors already"

"Ohhhhh!" The blond giggled, jumping up and down in excitement, clapping her hands "The Korean boy is mine, I'm still not finished with him. He's been a very good boy."

Ji Soo paled like crazy. He looked terrified, taking a step back, ready to run for his life. But Shiro and Nadet each took his arm to stop him from running. When they looked at him, Ji Soo's eyes were blood shot and his skin was super pale, like death pale.

Something took Alisa's attention. Her gaze zipped to Ji Soo's terrified face and heard something. It's the sound of something searing (*Like the one you hear when your cooking in oil with high heat*).

"Something's wrong" Alisa said, which got the other's attention.

"What is it?" Andrew asked in confusion.

"Him" pointing at Ji Soo, "Something is burning him from the inside"

Ji Soo's head turned to Alisa so fast, his eyes filled with terror mixed with surprise and panic.

"Ji?" Nadet said, cautiously.

"I'm fine, Don't worry about me" Ji Soo said but his eyes stayed at the blonde who's smirking at him as if telling him "Shut up, or else"

Minjae step towards, Ji Soo but Master Egor said "He is still a part of my Guild, touch him and this match is over" Which made Minjae halt. His eyes glowed, when blood appeared in Ji Soo's nose.

"Poison" Minjae said, his tone laced with anger.

"What?..... what do you mean poison?" Shiro asked, confused and worried.

"No, I'm fine don't worry about me!" Ji Soo insisted, his gaze going back and fort to blondie and his friends.

"Then how do you explain the blood flowing out of your nose?" Minjea said.

Ji Soo put his hand under his nose and yes blood was in fact coming out. When he saw the red blood covering his hand, his leg gave and almost hit the floor hard, if it wasn't for Nadet and Shiro supporting him.

"Master Egor care to explain?" The General asked, her tone was hard.

"It's only one of my methods in disciplining my members. This proved to be highly effective, to make Gifteds more discipline and fearless in combat." Master Egors explained like what he's doing is totally natural.

"Grand Master, is Master Egor really allowing such methods to be used upon his members?" General Ashe asked the Grand Master.

"The Grand Master have no hold over the ways, the Guild Masters uses to train their members. That has always been the agreement with the Guild Masters and I. Although their ways might not be acceptable to everybody, and I as well, but it does show results with the Gifteds that we recruit for each one of your battalions. We are in desperate need of soldiers and he can provide them" The Grand Master answered, with a hint shame in his voice.

On the flipside, Ji Soo is already hallucinating.

"He doesn't have that much longer." Minjae said

"That's why you should just all give up now, so we can patch him up" Tattoo face said without a concern for Ji Soo at all.

"Not till I'm dead" Minjae said, glaring at tattoo face. "As a Doctor, I cannot let this pass. You all will have to go through me fist before getting a hold of him." He said with a very cold tone in his voice.

"Oooo..... I'm shaking in my boots" Pietro mocked shiver.

"Lady Maria, even if I have to fight them all myself, I'll do it" Minjae said, not taking his eyes off of Master Egor's Champions.

"Oi..oi..oi... Aren't you getting a little cocky, know your place little *Beeper*" pierced face said, advancing at Minjae, but Master Egor raised his hand to stop him.

"Patience... Patience... you'll get your chance.." Master Egor said, with a smirk.

"He doesn't have much time! We'll have to start the match now!" Minjae rasing his voice, becoming impatient.

Everyone, even Lady Maria gaped at him. Minjae is the most cool headed person Lady Maria knows, so if he is raising his voice, that's means he is dead serious.

"I'll do it" Andrew said, less panicky. "I can't let this go. If June were here, he would charge in no questions asked"

"I'll do it too" Alisa said, squeezing Andrew's hand.

"Hey no pressure, right?" Jordan said, meaning he's also in.

"Well if we are all in agreement, Then Let's get this match started" Minjae said, impatiently.

"Well y'all are ready, then I'll have to ask the Guild Masters to go back to their respective courts and that also goes for the five of you" General Kelly said.

Both Guild Masters turned to their Champions.

"Destroy them! I do not tolerate failure" Master Egor said with a stone hard tone. Then started walking towards their gate.

"I truly apologize for putting you all in this situation. I know that this is not easy. but I know you can all do it. I have faith in each and everyone of you. And be careful you lot." Maria said, with a proud tone.

"Thank you, We'll try not to disappoint" Andrew said, with a nervous smile.

Maria smiled back and started to walk heading to gate. On the way, when she passed Minjae, she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, which helped relieve the tension in Minjae's body.

"I'm proud of you" Maria said in a low voice that only Minjae could hear.

"Thank you" Minjae said, then let out a calming breath.

Shiro carried Ji Soo on his back and they hurried to the court gate for them. While the Audience watched in confusion, since they didn't hear what was said in the Arena to fully understand. They only saw Ji Soo suddenly collapsing and now being carried out of the Arena. But then when the audience saw the Guild Masters also leaving they started getting excited. The Match is about to start!

When both Guild Master Egor and Maria and others appeared at their court balconies, General Armstrong announced "Go to your positions and get ready"

"Remember not to get in my way, if you don't want to get destroyed with them" Pietro said, as he and his guild mates walk back to take their position.

"We've been together for just a short time and we don't know too much about each other and what we can do. But I trust you guys, and I hope you guys trust me as well. We need to work as a team and work as one" Minjae said, as he and the others go to there positions. "I'll buy you guys some time, until we hit our groove. Alright?"

Everybody nodded.

When everybody reached there spots, General Armstrong announce "All right everyone! fight fair and clean! Here we go! Let the team battle begin!"

And the audience erupted in cheers!

Pietro held out his hand. Then a huge battle axe appeared. The same goes for Katarina as she summoned her sacred weapon in a form of twin daggers.

And the Audience erupted in cheers.

"Hmm..... Two wielders and three Aces. This match may have been decided already" said The General, who's wearing a slick black dress with a high slit.

Andrew unclasp the lock on his violin case and put out his violin.

"Hmmm.... Interesting" The General with the black dress said, piqued with interest "Don't you think so, General" turning her head around to one of the Generals with black hair and lean body whose one hand is around her waist, but eyes focused on the Arena. The Lady General couldn't help but giggle, since his silence already answered her question.

"Let's end this quick!" Pietro said, then roared a battle cry. He swung his battle axe multiple times, releasing three destructive arc shaped wind blasts.

"Everybody take cover!" Minjae shouted, ready to take on the assault. But before he could do anything, a shadow passed him so quick.

In a blink of an eye, Jordan disappeared form where he was standing and was charging forward.

"So quick" Gabe said in amazement.

"Jordan!" Minjae shouted, trying to catch up to him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...That kid's dead" Trace said "I've seen what those wind blasts can do, and they're no joke"

When The audience saw Jordan rushing towards Pietro's attack, everyone cheered, especially those from General Egor's Guild. Excited to see the first blood.

"Are you sure that you made the right decision by trust those guys?" Chen said to Minerva, sounding a little doubtful, as they watch the match.

Minerva just stayed quiet, her hand formed into tight fists.

When the wind blast was about to hit Jordan. He swung his sheathed katana three times, slashing the wind blast, stopping it. Three loud sound erupted in the Area with each slash, sounding like a sonic boom.

This made everyone gasp in amazement including Minjae.

"What the bloody hell just happened?!' Trace shouted, "Did anyone saw that!"

Everybody around him was just gaping at what happened. Master Egor, his Champions, even the Generals could not believe just what happened.

"He didn't even draw his sword" General Ashe said in amazement.

But the assault form Master Egor's champion wasn't finished. A knife zip through the air at a blinding speed, towards Jordan. But Jordan already noticed it and deflected it upwards with his sheathed katana. A *Ding* rang out as the knife flew up. Katarina suddenly appeared in thin air, where the knife was and is going down full force with her Twin daggers. Jordan swiftly jumped back to dodge the incoming attack. Katarina landed down with so much force, creating a cloud of dust to erupt. This all happened in a matter of seconds that the audience could only stare in amazement. The onslaught of attacks continued, this time Pietro came flying out of nowhere.

"Don't ignore me when I'm your opponent!" Pietro roared, swinging his axe forward with a huge explosion.

Jordan rolled to the side, barley dodging the attack. He was then pushed to the edge when Katarina and Pietro double teamed Jordan. Katarina's attacks were fast and swift whereas Pietro's were explosive but much slower. Their attacks were in sync, not giving Jordan a chance to recover. Jordan had no choice but to keep dodging and blocking some of the attacks from time to time.

"C'mon! Why don't you fight back!" Pietro shouted in disgust. Disgusted by the fact that his opponent is not fighting back.

"Is this guy crazy? or is he just dumb?" Jordan thought, while continuing to dodge.

On the other side of the Arena. Tattoo guy's dragon tattoo on his arm suddenly came to life, then breathed fire. But his target was not Jordan but Andrew. When Minjea realized this, it was too late for him to come to the rescue. He was originally coming to Jordan's rescue when he saw Andrew being targeted. Pierced face also joined in on the attack and breathe out tiny metal dust. The metal dust fused with the dragon flame, intensifying it even more. Andrew started to play his violin and the haunting tunes of his violin resounded through all out the Area. When the fire of the dragon's breathe enveloped Andrew, everyone in the audience cheered, and Master Egor's joy couldn't be contained. The combined attack made a pillar of fire and molten metal dust. The heat from flame was so hot the it could be felt by the audience.

"I guess that's it for one of Lady Maria's Champions. I was expecting for different out come but in the end, Master Egor's Champions were just too strong." Gabe said in disappointed.

"'Guess'? More like that guy's toast" Trace said.

"This is what you get for being overly to confident, Maria" Master Egor thought in glee, satisfied with what's happening. Jordan is being double teamed, and couldn't retaliate while Andrew was double teamed as well, who is by this time burned to a crisp by now. What's there not to enjoy.

But as few moments pass, something felt weird. No something's definitely not right. Tattoo face and pierced face kept the fire going but they could still hear music coming out form the pillar of flame. Suddenly blue crystal butterflies bursts out from the fire pillar, extinguishing the fire. The butterflies flew around Andrew, who didn't even looked like he got burned, as he kept playing his violin, Making the viewer gasp, pulled by the beauty of what they're watching. Minjea exhaled in relief, thinking that Andrew was definitely done for. While tattoo face and Pierced face was frozen in place, stunned.

"I think you spoke too soon" Arthur said to Gabe.

"Yeah! Don't judge till the match is done" Trace said, nodding and agreeing with Arthur.

"Aren't you the one who said that, that guys is pretty much toast?" Gabe pointed out to Trace with a raised brow.

"Huh? I never said that. Did I say that?" Trace said, acting clueless which made his companions just shake their heads.

"Magnifique! This is a mark of a true artist!" One of the Generals exclaimed in excitement, with a heavy French accent.

"Flashy.... not particularly my style." The General with the lady general said.

"No one can oppose to that, everyone knows that you always preferred fighting straight on" The lady General said.

"But I do appreciate the style non the less, if it's done correct" Black hair General added.

Andrew switched songs. When Alisa heard it, her face brightens. It was a violin version of the duet they played at school. It was tweaked in few spots so it can be played solo but it was not noticeable and sounds exactly like the duet because Andrew played it very skillfully and passionately. Then a flurry of chilling air danced around Andrew.

"Ahhhhh! This melody... So beautiful! So passionate! So extraordinary!" The French general said in delight. Then something piqued his attention "I have not heard of this before. This must be an a original!" (Yup he lived long enough to hear every piece of classical music there is).

Roses made out of ice, bloomed in a straight path headed to tattoo guy. Before the roses hit the tattoo guy, pierced face got in front of him. His arms turned to two gigantic iron hammers. He smashed his two iron hammers on the ground shattering and preventing the roses from blooming. He put up a smug face, not even breaking a sweat.

"That the best you can do!" Pierced face taunted.

Then suddenly thorny vines made out ice wrapped around his body. His arrogance turned into panic as he repeatedly smashed the ice over and over again, but the thorny vines kept growing until it rendered him unable to move. The vines swiftly wrapped around his body completely encasing him in ice. Then Roses started to bloom from the vines. but it didn't stop there. The roses then continued blooming across the field heading towards all of Master Egor's champions.

"Not only beautiful but fearsome as well" The French General said, is amazement.

"Amazing!" Chen said in awe, while the others could just silently agree.

Crazy Blondie sneaked behind Andrew and rushed for him, with her scorpion tail pointed towards Andrew. She was so quick and every step she took made no sound. When she got closer and closer, Andrew didn't even hear her coming. She was so quiet that non of the audience even noticed her, but the Generals had their eyes on everyone on the field

"I'm guessing that girl is going for her famous 'One hit, One kill'" The Lady General said, noticing Crazy Blondie.

"Hmmp! Disgusting! Despicable! Shameless! " French General said in disdain, making the Lady General giggle. She obviously knew that the French General hated people who plays dirty with a passion.

When Andrew came into her scorpion tail's attack range, she quickly and silently went for the kill. Her tail was just one inch away from Andrew when her vision turned blurry. She suddenly froze making the Generals confused.

"Why did she stop? Did she get scared or something?" The Lady General was confused.

But the French General rejoiced internally.

"It's not that she didn't want to strike, it's just that she can't" The Grand master said

"Agreed" General Ashe said," But the Question is, what stopped her?"

Crazy Blondie tried moving her body, but her body won't listen to her. Then on the edge of her sight she saw someone suddenly appear.

Crazy Blondie is known to be the Lady who plays dirty by sneaking up to her opponents without them even realizing or hearing her approach. She's very fast and moves without making a sound. No one really notices her until her victim was already on the floor, foam coming out of their mouths. This was how she climbed the ladder into becoming one of Master Egor's elites.

But now she was getting a taste of her own medicine. She couldn't believe that someone really had the decency to do this to her. She was beyond pissed but then realization struck her so hard, that she felt her heart dropped, finally meeting the ground. She was known to be sneaky but someone actually beat her at her own game.

"Nice try, but I can hear you" Alisa said with a smile.

Crazy Blondie wanted to rip Alisa's smile from her head, if not for the fact the she couldn't move. She gave Alisa a murderous glare, but Alisa couldn't care less. She moved so graceful and elegant that she looked like she was floating. Every step and every move she made left an after image of her. She did a pirouette to a kick (Like her father's signature move), hitting Crazy Blondie clean on her lower torso, knocking the wind out of her lungs. The force and impact was so destructive that she was sent flying across the Arena. She crashed at the Arena barriers with a huge explosion. The world felt so slow in Blondie's eye, seeing every move Alisa made, but in the eyes of the spectators it all went by a flash. They all stared, astonished by the sheer power that Alisa has shown. Even the Generals that were watching, was stunned.

"Wha-..." French General tried saying something but he couldn't find the words to do so.

When the dust settled, the Arena barrier were almost destroyed by the impact. Crazy Blondie was covered in rubble, not moving.

"One of Master Egor's Champions cannot continue!" General Armstrong announced

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