
Legend of the Nutcracker

Crystal Mist High, Library

The only place in school where its quiet and has a lot of book is? Yup... the Library. The Library is June's safe haven. Books plus quietness equals June. It's his sanctuary, his go to place if he wants some alone time and away from the world.

June's working on a paper, sipping some hot chocolate, that he bought in the Library cafe (Yes, you read that right, the library has it's own cafe. Trying to concentrate, but kept failing because of the person sitting, two tables across from him.

Annoyed, June looked up from his paper and saw a guy. He's in deep concentration as his right hand, with a pen, kept scribbling like there's no tomorrow, while his head kept moving from different kinds of books laid across the table. Getting frustrated, he slammed the pen on top of the notebook and let out a frustrated moan, while rubbing his face.

June's annoyance turned to sympathy, because he knew first hand how school work can be frustrating, especially when your having a hard time understanding it. June took a good look at the guy and saw that he was young, who must have been no older that fifteen. So he must have been a freshman, June assumed.

The guy let out a defeated sigh and June finally took pity on him. June stood up, picked up his hot chocolate, bag and book and walked to guy.

"I mean, how did he even get that answer?" The guy murmured, scratching his head

"You should be dividing it to 2 over pi" June said

"Huh?" The guy raised his head, in surprise and confusion

"Divide it to 2 over pi" June said again, smiling, nodding his head towards the notebook

The guy returned his attention to his work, putting what June told him. He started writing and solving the equation. It took him some time but when he's done and saw that he had the correct answer, he looked up beaming at June.

"Dude, how did you do that?" He said, amazed and excited

"I saw the equation and I was familiar with those exact kinds of pro-longed equation" June said, taking a sit across the guy, facing him. "Your teacher must have been Prof. Jacobs, Right?" Placing his bag on the chair next to him.

"Ugh!" The guy grumbled, rolling his eyes

"Not a big fan, huh?" June said, smiling

"Dude why are you smiling? I mean that guy is a monster!" He whisper shout "First, I don't know why but he really likes to torture his students with super long and super complicated equations, when there are simpler ones, like the one you said awhile ago" He said, getting comical, making June chuckle

"And if that's not enough? He had to be super good looking. I mean, I'm almost positive that most of the student attending his class, only took the class so that they can either gawk, day-dream or so that they can gossip about how 'Good looking and sexy' he is" The guy grumbled, which only made June chuckle even more

"Well, I think the reason for the long equations is because he used to be a Collage professor. He's used to longer and complicated equitation, that's just how he teaches ever since. I mean I've been in your shoes and I know how hard it is for you to get use to his ways" June said, sympathy "And with him being good looking, I guess he's just blessed to have really good genes"

"Anyhow, Thanks for your help. You really saved me there." The guy said, grateful

"It's really nothing and I'm happy to help" June said, with a smile

"I'm Jordan by the way, Jordan Young" Jordan said introducing himself, raising his fist for a fist bump

"June Summers.... Nice to meet you" June said introducing himself, bumping Jordan's fist. "You new here?" June asked taking sip of his hot chocolate

"Yeah, I'm a freshman and I just transferred from New York" Jordan said, leaning on his chair, confirming June's early guess.

"New York, huh?" June said, "How'd you end up here?"

"Well I'm failing really bad on my studies. So my parents shipped me off here so, and I quote 'Have the best education I can have' my parents words not mine. I'm a disappointment to them, so they spent so much money on me getting here so that they could just get rid of me while saving their pride and reputation" Jordan said, with a shrug, like it's nothing but June could see in Jordan's eyes that it had an affect on him, how much? he couldn't tell.

June was about to say something when his finger unexpectedly got paper cut.

"Ah" June yep in a low voice, which caught Jordan's attention.

As blood started to drip from June's finger, Jordan suddenly yanked June's hand and began sucking on his blood. June couldn't move a muscle and just completely froze, as he was not used to seeing people sucking on other people's blood. He was deeply weirded out by the action, but he did remembered reading something about saliva containing tissue factor which promotes the blood clotting mechanism. It was among the lines "Oral mucosa heals faster than skin, suggesting that saliva may have properties that aid wound healing. Saliva contains cell-derived tissue factor, and many compounds that are antibacterial or promote healing." or something like that.

After a short while Jordan released June's hand. When Jordan was sure that the wound has closed, after inspecting it, he released June's hand and returned to his school work like nothing happened.

June's head was still spinning when a bird flew in from an open window, and landed on June's shoulder, making him jump with surprise. The library only uses the Air conditioners when the weather is really bad or if Crystal Mist is having one of those hot days, but most of the time they just use the natural, fresh cold air of Crystal Mist to cool the place, which is why the library has a lot of windows.

"Whoa! that so cool" Jordan said, a little louder, since you could hear the librarian shushed him. "Sorry" Jordan apologized, lowering his voice then turned his attention back to the bird on Junes shoulder.

"That's weird" June said, confused

"What's weird?" Jordan asked, his eyes still on the bird

"It's not very often that you see a Bohemian Waxwing in Crystal Mist" June said, petting the bird

"Well, consider us lucky then" Jordan said, excitedly

The bird jumped from June's shoulder to the table and chirped.

"Aww.. That just cute" If Jordan could melt, he would be melting right now. "Hey there" Jordan cooed, gently petting the bird and the bird chirped happily.

When Jordan lifted his head, he saw June looking at him, with an eyebrow lifted and smirk on his face.

Jordan frowned "I like birds, okay. Don't judge me"

"I wasn't" June said, both is hands raised in surrender

"Hey what's this" Jordan said, spotting something on the bird's leg.

Jordan reached for it but the bird pecked at his hand.

"Aw!" Jordan cried as he retracted his hand. "Bad bird" he said scowling at the bird while rubbing his hand.

June thought he was hallucinating or something but he swore, he just saw purple energy sparked out of Jordan's fingers, before being pecked. The thing on the Bird's leg was caught in it but instead of burning it, it absorbed the energy.

June's gaze bounced back and fort to the bird and Jordan, very puzzled, as they looked so oblivious on what just happened.

June looked closer and saw a rolled tiny paper, tied into it's right leg. June untied the string and grabbed the piece of paper and the bird flew out the window.

"Wait!" Jordan said, a little louder again, since he was shushed by the librarian again. "Sorry" He mouthed, apologizing. The librarian huffed and get back to what she was doing.

"She's one mean lady" Jordan said with a low voice, looking at the librarian, making sure she doesn't hear him. Jordan was waiting for June say something but June wasn't listening as he was focused on the piece of paper and what's written on it.

"Hey June?" Jordan said, snapping June from his thoughts

"Huh?" June lifted his head to Jordan

"You okay?" Jordan asked, concerned

"Uh... yeah" June answered, nodding. Then he asked "Do you have any idea what 'The Legends of the Nutcracker' is?"

"Uhhhhh.... Nope, never heard of it. Why?" Jordan answered, clueless

June was about to say something, when the bell rang.

"I have to get to class" June said, grabbing his bag and book.

"Okay" Jordan said, a little disappointed that their time together was cut short. "Thanks again for the help"

"Don't mention it" June said, "And oh, speaking of which. I'll give you a copy of my notes on Prof. Jacobs' class if you'd like?"

Jordan's eyes widen "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm joking. Of course I'm serious" June said, unable to contain his smile

"Dude, Thank you. Your're the Best!" Jordan whisper shouted, remembering to keep his voice in check. "I swear I could hug you right now!..... Wait, I'll hug you!" Jordan stood from his chair and rounded the table to give June a bro hug

"Hey, I'm just happy I could help" June said, chuckling, hugging him back.

Jordan was first to break the hug, and took a step back "Dude, seriously thank you" he said, with a huge grin.

"So, same time tomorrow?" June asked, walking back to the exit

"I'll be here" Jordan said

"Great, see yah" June said, then he turned and jogged to the exit.


June got a text from Andrew, After his last class

Drew: Hey big bro.... A movie just came out that I've been waiting for. Wanna watch?

Even though both of them has the same age, for some reason, Andrew likes to call June "Big bro" from time to time. June always wanted a baby brother or sister, so he's not complaining.

June: Sorry bud, Can't, got school work due tomorrow.

Drew: Awww... C'mon, It's not gonna take long. The movie's really good, I swear.

June: Really can't. Sorry Buddy. But hey try asking Alisa!

Drew: I'm not so sure. Will she even say yes?

June: Well, you will never know until you try. You got my full support Drew!

Drew: Okay, but I won't get my hopes up.

When June got to his car, His phone began ringing. June took out his phone from his pocket and press answer without looking at the caller. As soon as June placed the phone to his ear, the excited voice of Andrew filled his ears.

"She said Yes!" Andrew shouted, excitingly

"That's great!" June said, smiling, happy for his brother.

"I know right!" Andrew said, June could just imagine the beaming smile that Andrew has right now.

"So, you guys going now?" June asked, getting in his car, plugging the key.

"Not yet. Alisa said she needs to change, so we're gonna head to their place first" Andrew answered

June put the phone in loud speaker and placed his phone in the phone holder.

June hooted and said "I'm so proud of you baby bro!"

"Why? Because we're going to a movie?" Andrew asked, confused

"Because you're going on a date!" June said, laughing. June rounded the corner and drove home.

"Wait, we're aren't going on a date-" Andrew said, then his voice died down "Wait? Are we?" his voice low and nervous.

"Don't get cold feet now" June said, teasingly

"Dude!" Andrew said. June imagined Andrew frowning at him right now.

"Sorry" June apologized, but still smiling

"What am I suppose to do? I didn't know this was a date?" Andrew said, starting to freak out.

"I'm not an expert on dating but Mom always used to always say, 'Be you' Okay?" June said encouraging his brother.

But Andrew suddenly became quiet.

"Listen, you're a great guy bud. Just be you and don't try to much okay? You'll be great, trust me." June said

"I gotta go, Alisa's coming" Andrew said, turning nervous again.

"Okay, you can give me full details on what happened later, K? And listen you're gonna be just fine. You got this." June said, with encouragement.

"Thanks dude, You're the best" Andrew said, calmer.

"I know" June said, teasingly

Andrew let out a laugh making June laugh too.

"Any ways, Later bud" June said

"Later Big bro" And the line was out

Nobody was home when June arrived, but his mom is gonna be home at home at any moment.

June went up stairs to his room, placed his bag on his study table, removed his shoes and flopped to his bed. He grab his wallet from his back pocket and take out a folded piece of paper. he unfolded the piece of paper and just stare at what's written on it.

"Find the Legends of The Nutcracker"


"Hey honey" Arisa greeted June, snapping June out of his thoughts.

June turned his head to see his mom standing at the doorway. He must have lost track of time, since it's already dark outside.

"Hey mom" June said, greeting his mom as he sits up.

"Where's Andrew?" Arisa asked

A smile slowly formed in June's face as he answered "He's on a date"

Arisa's eyes widen with surprise, a smile also forming in her face, "He's on a date, huh? Well better up your game, if you don't want to left behind" Arisa said teasingly

June rolled his eyes, but he's still smiling.

"So dinner is gonna be ready in half an hour, K?" Arisa said, then started to leave.

June didn't know what got into him and just started asking "Mom, do you have any idea what's 'The Legend of the Nutcracker' is?"

"Well it's not much of legend but I know it's story" Arisa answered, "It's actually a Ballet. Your father loved it so much, that he goes and watches it every Holiday season..... Why?" Arisa's brows furrowed.

"Nothing, it's just for school work" June said, rubbing his face, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Well, The Nutcracker has many versions but your dad's favorite version of it is by George Balanchine, if that's any help" Arisa said, then she started to leave but then stopped and said "Don't over work yourself, Okay?" She said, her voice lace with concern.

"Yes mom. And Thanks" June said, with a small smile.

Arisa left and in the hallway she shouted "And please take a bath" Making June let out a happy sight, flopping on his bed again.


After taking a bath. June sat on his study chair, Shirtless, barefoot and only wearing a pair of sweatpants. He opened his lop-top on his study table and started working on his paper, but for some reason his mind kept returning to what's written on the piece of paper. So instead of working on his paper due tomorrow, he started re-searching about the the story of "The Nutcracker".

He was in the middle of reading the story of the Nutcracker, when things started to get really odd and familiar.

"One by one the Sugarplum fairy brought in all the delights of her land; Hot chocolate from Spain, Coffee from Arabia, Chinese Tea, The Candy canes, Marzipan and her shepherd girls, The little Polichinelles, And Dewdrop and her garlands of flowers-"

He then started printing the story not bothering to finish it. When the printing's done, he scan through the story until he finds the oddly familiar part. He then started highlighting all the "delights of the land".

"Huh..... Where have I heard this before?" June said in a low voice, leaning back, never taking his eyes on the highlighted parts. His thoughts however, were interrupted by his mom's voice.

"June, Dinner's ready!" Arisa shouted from down stairs.

June let out an exhausting sigh. He closed his lop-top, slipped the paper inside his history book, got up, and walk out of his room, rubbing his neck.

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