
Game One: Capture the Flag!

"The Games?" June asked in confusion.

"That's all the details I can give you. Now, I do hope you all succeed the first round" Maria said, before evaporating in to thin air.

"Wait! We don't even know what to do, and you're gonna leave us like this?!" Isabelle shouted as Maria slowly evaporated "No no no no! Maria!" until Maria was fully gone and another explosion happened.

"What the heck is happening?!" Isabelle roared in anger "Can anybody care to explain?"

Just as the question left her, her MGC dinged signalling her that there was an incoming message.

Isabelle, forcefully fished out her MGC out of her pocket and started reading the message out loud so that everyone could hear it.

The rules of the Games are as states:

Each Guild has three flags to protect form the three other opposing Guild.


-Protect your flags from being stolen.

- Steal your flags from the other three Guilds

- The first to gather all three flags from the opposing Guilds will get the highest score.

"It's like a game of capture the flag, simple as that" Jordan said, looking very enthusiastic

"I don't think it's that simple" June said back, just as another explosion happened, this time the Guild house shook so bad that the chandelier hanging in the middle of the music room, snapped and fell down, shattering it.

"We don't really know what's happening but we'll get our answers later after we're done with mess! Now, everybody huddle up!" Isabelle shouted over the chaos that's happening

"We are going to loose" Minerva said, solemnly. Like it was already the inevitable.

"What made you say that? We haven't lost anything until we lost" Jordan said, argued

"It's useless" Minerva just said back.

Everyone form the Castle seemed to already understand what Minerva meant, and nodded in sorrow.

"Yeah, you're saying that's it's useless but you're not explaining why?" Jordan argued

"Haven't you already noticed, Lady Maria's Guild is the smallest Guild out of the four Guilds in the Castle. To the other Guild we are an easy target, so they are most likely to gang on us first, before we can even do anything" Minerva explained, just like what's exactly is happening outside of the Guild Mansion

Everyone started feeling defeated, except the ones from Crystal Mist.

Isabelle, Pearl and Alex stayed calm and collected, not letting the pressure and the chaos disorient them and ruin their focus. The three of them had a lot of practice staying clam while under pressure, because in the industry that they work in, pressure will eat the weak alive.

"We really have lost if we are not going to do anything. Everyone focus! We haven't lost anything yet. We won't know what the outcome is until the very end" Isabelle's commanding voice snapped some sense into everybody and started huddling.

"The rules are pretty simple, but we weren't informed of it until the game is actually happening. So we are at huge disadvantage. We may be at a huge disadvantage, but we are not going down with out a fight!" Isabelle said, encouraging everybody "We are going to make a miracle, because that's what we do! Are you with me?!"

"But how? Haven't I already said that three Guilds will probably be ganging up on us?" Minerva said, trying to talk some sense into everybody

"Yeah, you did mention that, but people from Crystal Mist, are naturally competitive. We don't back down from a challenge" Isabelle said confidently "The other three Guild may have pegged us for an easy target, but they won't know what hit them until it's right in front of their faces, not even giving them a chance to retreat. Now are you guys ready to fight or what?!"

"Yeah!" the people from Crystal Mist shouted, but the ones from the castle were still unsure

"I said, are you ready to fight?!"

"Yeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Everyone shouted, it may have been forced for some, but it did give them hope that they will come out of this at least alive.

"Alright let's get to work!" Isabelle shouted, as everyone cheered.


Castle Council Room

Maria entered a room, where all the other Guild Masters, Generals and The Grand Master gathered, watching a live broadcast of the first round of the games.

"Lady Maria, nice of you to join us" Master Egor said with gleeful smile, jumping at the first chance to mock Maria "I do wish your Guild Members the best of luck"

"My children don't need luck" Maria said calmly, as she sits on the empty chair beside Scott.

"We'll just have to see about that" Egor said with a low voice, smirking. Egor had been waiting to have his revenge on Maria. "I'll delight in your misfortune, when we're done with this" Egor said internally, with full of excitement"

After Egor's greetings with Maria, everyone focused on Maria's Guild, wanting to see if her confidence could really backed up by her Guild members.

Everyone quietly watched as Maria's Guild is being bombarded by three Guild from all different direction. The Guild House was not only being attacked on the north part of it, but also the south west and the south east part of it as well, with Master Scott and Oba's Guilds respectively. Obviously the north part was being attacked by Master Egor's Guild, who has by far the largest number of Gifteds sent to attack Maria's Guild.

Scott and Oba might be close to Maria but with a Game with high stakes, they had to do what's best for their Guild putting them first before anything else; And Maria understood this, not baring any grudges.


North location of Lady Maria's Guild.

Fleur exited the front door of the Guild house and saw a horde of badly dressed people attacking the barriers.

"Lord almighty I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say, but THIS IS SOME JERRY SPRINGER S*BEEEEEEP*!" Fluer shouted, feeling very repulsed by what she's seeing. (*Writer speaking* She wasn't actually repulsed by the Gifteds attacking the barrier but their horrible clothes. XD)

"Uh-oh, she's mad" Sophia said, noticing by Fleur's language. She knows that Fleur absolutely hates cursing, but if she did, it's only when someone or something made her extremely mad. And when ever she does so, she always prays and ask for forgiveness before it happened.

When the barriers shattered, Fleur placed her palms of the ground and started manipulating it.

The Gifteds that charged forward suddenly started tripping one by one, then sunk into the ground.

But then some of the Gifteds with flying abilities zipped through the air, flying towards the Guild Mansion.

"That's not fair!" Fleur shouted

But just as the Gifteds were about to reach the Guild house, they started falling one by one.

Sophia held her hands up then clenched her fingers one by one into a fist, as she turned them about face. Sophia started manipulating the fabrics of the opposing Gifted's clothes, making them all fall down one by one, hitting the ground as it eat's them.


South West location of Lady Maria's Guild.

As the barriers broke Master Scott's Guild charged forward but was met with a thick mist.

"What is with this Mist, it's so thick, I can't see a thing" One of Master Scott's members said, but when he turned around his guildmates were nowhere to be seen.

"Guys! Guys! Where are you?!" The Gifted shouted, fear started coating his voice "This is not funny guys!" but then a sudden pain flared up on his stomach. He looked down and saw that his clothes was already soak in so much blood. The shock made him dizzy and his vision burly. He clutch his stomach and dropped down to his knees in pain.

"Where are you!" The Gifted shouted, "Show yourself!" as he kept looking at his surroundings, but he was only met with nothing. Terror started filling his body, making him tremble in fear.

"Where are you F*Beep*er!" The Gifted shouted once again, but just as he did a blurry image of a woman in a white dress and big hat, passed in front of him, giggling. The giggle was somewhat sinister that the Gifted's body run cold. The Gifted started breathing faster, his heart thumped harder, and sweat broke out from his body like a dam. The pain he was feeling on his stomach didn't help as well.

The Gifted tried retreating, but the mist never disappeared. It was like was running in circles.

He was tired and scared out of his life that he just wanted to get out of there. The fight that he had in him from the start was at that point, non existent.

Hearing the giggle once again, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop, please stop! Just let me go! please" The Gifted begged, sobbing his eyes out. He keeled and begged non stop "Please! Please enough! I give up!" Tears, snot and saliva all mixing together.

He kept begging for he didn't how long, but suddenly the mist slowly started disappearing. He thought that he was hallucinating at first. but when he rubbed his eyes, the mist was really thinning out. Relief started washing over him, thinking that his plea had been heard, but what he saw next almost took the life out of him.

When the mist finally lifted, bodies of his guildmates lay on the ground motionless, everywhere he looked. Then when his eye finally landed on a lone garden bench. There sat a beautiful young woman, drinking tea as the sun sets.

The Gifted was so entranced by her beauty that he couldn't take his eyes away from her, but then when his eyes lowered to her dress. The terror that he felt inside the mist came back to him, but multiplied by a thousand. The young woman's dress was stained by so much blood, that it could only be the blood of his comrades. Being in the mist was indeed terrifying, but a single young woman taking down an army, now that's what's truly more terrifying.

The Gifted was so scared that he started going insane before, loosing all consciousness.

"What a pity" The young woman said starring at the young man, then took a sip of her tea.


South East location of Lady Maria's Guild.

As the barriers shattered Lady Oba's Guild was met with a young man, standing on a field full of lotus petals.

"Please, Turn back" The young man said a request.

"Who do you think you are?" A Gifted form Lady Oba's Guild, who's looked like an amazonian warrior, shouted "Just because your a guy, doesn't mean you can tell us what to do!"

Everyone on Lady Oba's Guild roared in agreement, all feeling offended by the request.

"Please, I'm begging you, turn back now" The young man said once again, "I don't want to hurt you"

"You are so full of S*BEEEP*" The Amazonian warrior cussed with so much disgust "Ladies make him pay for mocking us!"

The ladies of Lady Oba's Guild let out a battle cry and charged towards the young man.

As they charged, a gentle breeze passed, carrying the lotus petals along with it.

"I warned you, but you didn't listen. Now pay" The young man said, menacingly. The gentle person that was asking for them to leave earlier, changed in an instant. The light in the young man's eyes darken, not leaving a trace of the gentleness that he once had before.

When the young man slightly unsheathed his sword, harsh winds blew across the field sweeping away all the lotus petals, creating a storm so beautiful. If a sandstorm and a blizzard were feared, no one could have guessed that a petal storm was just as dangerous and should be feared as well.

The ladies of lady Oba's Guild proved to be true warriors by never backing down and kept charging into the storm of petals.

They thought that it was fine since it was just "petals", but they have never been so wrong.

Once the wind calmed down as the young man fully sheathed back his sword.

The scenery would have been beautiful, with the louts petals being carried by the breeze under the soft glow of the sunset. It would have been beautiful if only the ladies form Lady Oba's Guild did what the young man said.

Now, the scenery was tainted with sadness and sorrow. The soft light of the sunset glowed as blood drenched lotus petals, rode the breeze as they gently fall on the field, blood soaked and full of Lady Oba's resilient warriors who lay defeated and motionless under the hands of a young man who stood, as his shadow casts over them, with a sorrowful expression.

"I warned you but you guys didn't listen" The young man said with so much sadness and pain in his voice.

The young man might have won, but his heart was heavy.


Living Area

Everybody was gathered in the Living area, as they all watch how the battle unfold. Everyone's eyes were glued to the huge glass screen, as the opposing Guilds attack the Guild Barriers. The screen was divided into three parts. One for each location where the Guild mansion is currently being attacked.

The Anticipation in the room was on an all time high. As the cracks grew larger and larger on the barriers, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious and nervous.

Isabelle did send people to stop the opposing Guilds from entering the Guild House, but the thing was she just sent four people out.

"Are you kidding, sending only four people out? It will be a bloodbath!" Minerva asked in disbelief. Her reasoning was very logical, thus she couldn't understand Isabelle's unorthodox methods.

"They can handle it. The four of them are more than enough" Isabelle said confidently as her eyes never left the huge glass screen.

Minerva wanted to argue but she pulled herself back and just said "I hope you're correct" but the doubt in her voice was very evident.

The room was silent, not one person dared to blink even once, not wanting to miss anything.

Once the barriers has been shattered, everyone's heart started beating faster, as they all held their breath.

On the camera that showed the North part of the Mansion, it showed Fluer and Sophia standing in front of a horde of Gifteds, charging at them.

As Fleur and Sophia successfully block the first wave of Gifteds, everyone in the Living Area erupted in cheers. Then they all turned their heads to the remaining two screens, just as the Mist cleared and the petal storm calmed down. The cheers in the living room suddenly died down, replaced by a heaviness that couldn't be explained. Chills ran down everyone's body as they stared at the outcome of the battle on the South West and South East side of the Mansion.

"Whoa, I never knew that Chen was so powerful" Nedet said with a mix of amazement and fear in his voice.

Minerva was just as surprised, as she knew Chen more that everyone. She thought the she knew what Chen's limits were, so she was insistent that Chen couldn't defend the Mansion alone. Now, seeing the field full of bodies drenched in blood, and it was all done by Chen alone, truly stunned Minerva. Plus, this was actually the first time that she saw Chen's real Gift. Chen hid it for so long and so well, that Minerva started thinking if she really knew Chen well, and if the Chen that she knew, was the real him.

"Check the field" Isabelle ordered immediately

Alex and Pearl scanned the field and when they got the results, both of them nodded

"No casualties on the South West part" Alex informed Isabelle

"No casualties on the South East part as well" Pearl confirmed

Isabelle nodded and let out a small sigh of relief. Inflicting injuries was allowed as long as it is not fatal enough for the Gifted to die. If a Gifted was killed, intentional or not, a severe punishment will be given to the killer.

In the past many Gifteds were killed during the Games, and the killers were never seen again after.

So Isabelle instructed for both Alex and Pearl to pay close attention to Charlotte and Chen's location. Charlotte was being watched over because of her history, being born into a family of assassins. They knew that Charlotte wouldn't do something bad and that she is a good person, but once a person got a taste of killing a person, they tend to get addicted to it. Isabelle had the sorrowful way of learning this, when she discovered who Chen really is.

After the initial shock and surprise everyone started gaining confidence and rejoiced in their victory once again, but Isabelle, Pearl and Alex remained serious, staying alert and ready, since they knew that in battle "It's not over until it's over"

When night fell, their calculations were proven to be correct. The next wave of opposing Gifteds attacked, but this time they were fewer but much stronger.

Fleur, Sophia, Chen and Charlotte stood into position, ready to defend the Guild. Just as the opposing Gifteds entered the Guild Mansion's property, Isabelle's eyes widen as her heart dropped.

She was closely watching Chen's location, when she saw the sudden change in Chen's expression that sent a chill down her whole body.


This time it was not Lady Oba's Guild that attacked the South East side, but it was Master Egor's. When they saw that Chen was standing in front of them, they got excited. Thinking that they can finally take revenge on the traitors that had caused them so much humiliation.

One Gifted in particular hated Chen so much that, he charged head on, leaving all his companions behind.

"You son of a *Beep*! I'll kill you!" The Gifted roared, as he leaps with his sacred weapon above his head.

He let out a roar as he speeds downward, headed straight for Chen. The Gifted was ready to swing his sacred weapon on Chen, but just as he was about to take the strike, he froze mid air. The Gifted was confused at first as to what happened, but then he felt his clothes was being drenched in something. He lowered his head and saw a sword impaled his lower torso. As realization kicked in, blood came gushing out of the Gifted's mouth.

He slowly lifted his head to be greeted by a manic grin from Chen.

"Kill me? That's cute" Chen mocked "Looks like you won't be able to do that since you're gonna die first" He said as he twisted his sword.

"Any last words?" Chen then asked, as he faced the Gifted mercilessly

"F*Beep* YOU, YOU SON OF A B*Beep*!" The Gifted cussed, as he spat blood on Chen's face

Wiping the blood off of his face, Chen faced the Gifted with a chilling gaze "You had your chance, now die!"

The rest of the Gifted's guildmates was still far behind, so they couldn't come to his rescue. They could only watch helplessly as they watch their guildmate suffer.

When Chen was about to take the killing blow, a sword suddenly sliced through his body making him freeze mid way. It also stunned the rest of the opposing Guild from charging.

As the cold night breeze blew, the person responsible, slowly sheathed his Katana. As the guard of the Katana hits the sheath, Chen fell down on the ground like a lifeless doll.

"Are you freaking crazy!" Jordan shouted, but then he realized that Chen wouldn't be responding anytime soon "Arghhhh, this guy!" Jordan grumbled as he went and picked up Chen's unconscious body and hooked an arm around his shoulders.

When Master Egor's Guild saw what happened, they saw it as an opportunity and continued charging.

"Don't turn your backs on us!" One of the Gifteds shouted.

As they were charging, suddenly a swarm of butterflies appeared around them. The Crystal Butterflies sparkled under the soft light of the moon. Master Egor's Guild didn't know what took over them and just stopped charging. They were so entrance by the beauty of the butterflies, but once they snapped back to reality, it was already too late. As soon as the butterflies touched them, all of them turned into ice statues.

Under the glow of the moon, the ice statues sparkled.

"Great job" Jordan praised Andrew "Now help me with this guy"

"Oh" Andrew rushed to help Jordan carry Chen, hooking Chen's other arm over his shoulders.


Isabelle let out a sigh as soon as Chen was neutralized. She was really glad that she noticed Chen's changes, more so she was thankful that Jordan saw it earlier than her, she has no idea how Jordan did it, but if he hadn't responded so quickly, things might have went south really bad.

Everyone was obviously shocked at how Chen acted, but no one dared to ask the question, depending how grim Isabelle's expression was.

Isabelle is internally kicking herself for making such poor decisions that could cause them everything, but most of all Chen's future. She already saw the signs, but regarded them.

"How's Chen?" Isabelle asked as soon as Jordan and Andrew entered the Living Area

"He's out cold, so we lay him down at the clinic for him to get some rest" Andrew answered

"Thanks guys" Isabelle said in a very tired tone.

"Is no one really concern with what really happened, huh?" Jordan asked in general, but he was looking at Isabelle directly. Everything just happened so fast, that his emotions were mess

Isabelle just kept quiet but her expression was grim. She was giving off an aura that says "Don't ask me right now, or else!"

Jordan wasn't stupid, and received the message loud and clear, but he also wasn't very happy about it. "Fine" Jordan said, crossing his arms and sitting down beside June with a frown on his face.

No one dared to ask, but everyone was curious.

After the second wave, Fleur, Sophia and Charlotte succeeded in defending the Mansion. After an hour of waiting and seeing that no was attempting an attack; Isabelle called for them to retreat, so that they could rest.

As everybody was gathering at the living area once again, an alert sounded off and a message was posted on the glass screen.

"Round one is over!" Then the four Guilds were listed below with a number right next to it

"Three, what's that mean?" Bobby asked

"The numbers are meant to be our scores" Pearl answered "Since no flag was taken form us we get three points"

"But why does Master Egor's Guild has five? If each flag corresponds to only one point" Apollo asked this time

"A flag kept is one point but a flag stolen is worth two points" Alex explained

"So, it could only mean that two flags were taken from them at the same time they were successful in also taking their flags form the other two Guilds" Bobby said, putting two and two together

"That's correct" Isabelle said, but her face wasn't happy at all.

Why wasn't she happy? Since they are at the bottom of the list. Master Scott and Lady Oba succeeded in stealing at least one flag from an opposing Guild giving them four points each all and all. That means, they might have succeeded in protecting their flags, but they weren't also able to take a flag, putting them in last place.

Isabelle could just let out a tired sigh as she massages her forehead in frustration, thinking that things might have turned out differently if they could just have any preparations before hand.


"I will say this Lady Maria, your Guild is quite durable, but there will come a time that it will eventually crumble. And when that time comes, you best believe that the cause of it are by these hands" Master Egor said with an air of arrogance, before leaving the room

The other General and Guild Masters stood as well heading towards the exit.

Initially everyone was worried as to how would things turn out since the news that the Games would begin was also very sudden, but it turned out to be very successful and everyone left in good spirits.

In the end Master Egor walked out with a smug face, taking first place in the first round, while Master Scott and Lady Oba tied for second, thus putting Lady Maria in last.

Lady Maria wasn't disappointed by the results, but she's very worried with the unexpected things that happened while the Games was happening.

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