
Fight to live

Crystal Mist High, Chemistry Lab

Alex just lost consciousness and Pearl is doing her best to wake him up, by doing CPR. She removed the black liquid on Alex's mouth so she can give him rescue breathing.

The black liquid tasted like acid against Pearl's mouth but she kept going. After doing the process, she repeated it all over again. Pumping his chest and giving him rescue breaths.

"Wake up, Alex! Wake up!" Pearl said, pumping Alex's chest.

Pearl didn't know how long she was doing the CPR but she was forced to stopped when the door of the Chem Lab exploded.

Pearl let out a scream, ducking while covering her head with her arms.

A Shadow jumped inside the lab, landing on one of the tables. The shadow let out a loud hiss when it saw Pearl and Alex. The Shadow pounced towards Pearl and Alex, letting out another hiss. Pearl closed her eyes, tightly hugging Alex's unconscious body.

And then everything that happened next went by so fast. She heard a sound of a shotgun being reloaded, the loud blast from a shotgun being fired, a loud screech and then silence.

When Pearl opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful woman in her late twenties, holding a shotgun, rushing to her.

"What happened?" The woman knelt beside her.

It took Pearl a minute before she understood that the woman was talking about Alex. "I don't know..... this things just started attacking people. We were both running with our friends when we got separated. Alex got slashed, protecting me. I tried giving him CPR but it's not working-" Pearl said, her voice frantic.

"Okay, calm down" The woman said in a clam voice but there is a hint of hardness in her voice that reminded Pearl of her father. She also looked a little shocked about her story.

The woman checked Alex's vital signs and get a reading on his condition. Pearl heard the woman mutter something about "The poison spreading fast".

"What do you mean poison? Is he gonna be okay?" Pearl asked, trying so hard to hide the panic in her voice.

"He will live, but he needs to be treated soon" The woman said, putting out a vial from her bag

Pearl was about to ask what the vial contains when she started coughing really hard.

The woman noticed the black liquid that Pearl coughed and said "You said, you gave him CPR?"

"Yes Ma'am" Pearl said, like answering her father. Everything about the woman reminds her of her father, and she just can't help but to feel a little at ease knowing that woman knows how to act under pressure.

The woman nodded and gave her a vial.

Pearl took the vial that is containing, what looks like a thick red liquid, Almost like blood.

"That is a cure to the poison that is killing this young man" The woman said. When Pearl gave her a confused look to why she was giving the cure to her instead of Alex, the woman answered "You became infected with the poison when you gave the young man CPR" The woman said, putting out bandages and whatnot out of her bag.

"Since you are still in the early stage of the poison spreading, the curing process won't hurt that much, But another could be said for this young man" The woman said.

"Please Ma'am heal him" Pearl begged, tears brimming from eyes.

"I will do my best, Okay?" The woman said but the tone of her voice changed completely, that Pearl could just describe it as motherly and full of sympathy.

"I will just have to warn you, This young man will go through a very painful process. His will to live needs to be very strong and fight to stay alive, if not he could die" The Woman said placing her folded leather jacket under Alex's head.

"So he will die either way?" Pearl voice was so low that it's almost a whisper.

"Not if he wants to live" the woman only said. "Now we need some time alone"

Nodding, pearl unclasp her pearl necklace and put it around Alex's neck. After securing it, she gave him a soft kiss on his lips and said with a soft voice "I love you.... You can do it". Then she stood and opened her vial with a pop. She then drank all the contents, literally tasting like blood.

After draining the vial she felt so hot that she though she was on fire. She almost collapsed, when pain flared through her body. She steadied her self by leaning on one of the tables. The pain lasted for a about five full minutes then suddenly stopped.

When Pearl regained her bearings. Something was different. She felt lighter, her senses stronger, felt healthier and a whole lot more, that Pearl could just sum up as she felt amazing.

"You okay?" The woman asked with a warm smile.

"Never better, Thank you ma'am" Pearl said gratefully. Then she got a glimps of something familiar inside the woman's bag.

"Is that a FR F1?" Pearl asked

"You know that gun?" The Woman said, her voice a mixture of impressed and shocked

Pearl blushed and said "Well..... yes ma'am" She said shyly. "My father was in the military and taught me about guns and how to shoot a variety of them. Actually both our father were from the army" she said looking at Alex.

"He'll be okay" the woman assured Pearl.

"How do you know?" Uncertainty and fear coating Pearl's voice.

The woman smiled and brushed Alex's hair with her fingers and said "I just have a feeling... he's a fighter"

Pearl couldn't agree more, but she was too choked up to speak. So she just smiled gratefully to the woman.

"Well.... take care of Logan for me" The woman said handing the rifle to Pearl.

"Logan?" Pearl ask with a small smile, taking the rifle with care.

"These guys are my babies" The woman said with a kind smile.

"I like it" Pearl said, "Well Logan nice to met you, now let's go and hunt some monsters" Pearl said. The woman gave her some ammo and the silencer. Pearl took them all gratefully and places herself near the door where she has a good view of the hallway. She was just glad that she could do something familiar. She took a deep breath and started sniping Shadows like pro, that the woman actually looked impressed.

The woman then put out three vials and also three syringes from her bag. She then proceeds to opening Alex's button down shirt and part it, viewing his whole torso.

Alex's condition is getting worst. His skin is turning really pale his breathing is becoming more and more faint. And worst of all his veins are black, showing that he only has a minutes left.

The woman wasted no time. She filled all the syringes with the thick liquid from the vials. She forced Alex to drink a green liquid from a different vial. She made sure he drank it all and never wasted any, she knew she could be gentler but he needed every last drop for what's to come. She then puts a leather belt in between Alex's teeth and hastily injected the thick liquid in his arm, neck and left chest.

But when the woman was finished nothing happened. When a few seconds passed and still nothing she started accepting his fate.

But when she thought all hope was lost, Alex's eyes snapped opened and let out a muffled scream, biting hard on the leather.

Alex felt like being on fire and consumed by it. He was like being squeezed tight.

"What's happening with him!" Pearl demanded taking her eyes out of the hallway.

"He's fighting to live" The woman said smiling with pride. Proud at Alex for fighting and wanting to live.

Then they heard the shadows hissing becoming more and more louder as they close in.

Pearl got back to sniping shadows with so much speed and precision.

The woman stayed by Alex's side gently brushing Alex's hair in comfort. Alex's eyes were shut and clutched the pearl on Pearl's necklace.

Pearl didn't know how long it lasted, then Alex arched his back lifting from the ground, let out cry and dropped to the ground breathing really hard like he just ran a marathon, the woman let out a big smile. And Pearl knew Alex was safe.

The woman stood and grabbed her shotgun. Turning to Pearl, she said "Let's change watch" and Pearl immediately ran to Alexa and knelt beside him.

Alex's eyes flutter open and focused on Pearl.

"Oh my God! You're alive!" Pearl said in relief then kissed him. Breaking apart "You're alive, thank God!" She said as tears falling down her cheeks.

Alex let out a soft chuckle and wiped Pearl's tears "I'm not going anywhere" he said, his voice hoarse from shouting and crying.

"I love you so much" Pearl said, smiling wide.

"I love you more" Alex replied with the same big but tired smile and they kissed again.

(*Writer speaking* Okay just imagine everything being romantic and stuff, then in the background you could hear the continues firing and reloading of a shotgun. Yup, I know very romantic.)

Pearl helped Alex up in a sitting position, leaning his back against the wall.

"How are you feeling?" Pearl asked, gently brushing the hair falling over his eyes to the side.

"I feel... Amazing" he said, confused and amazed "I don't know how to explain it but just good" then corrected himself "great actually"

"Uh sorry to break your romantic moment dears, but sweetie could you help me with this one for a sec" The woman said, while non stop firing and reloading her shotgun.

Alex gave Pearl a questioning look but Pearl said "I'll tell you later, you just rest for a while okay?" Then she stood, grabbed Logan and started shooting Shadows like there is no tomorrow.


After killing all the shadows and making sure the coast is clear once again, both the woman and Pearl decided to take a rest. The woman sat across Alex while Pearl sat besides Alex.

"Thank you so much for helping us ma'am" Pearl said, "and I don't think we have properly introduced ourselves. My name is Pearl" then pointing at Alex "and this one is Alexandrite-"

"But, please call me Alex" Alex said, with a grateful smile.

Alex looks so much better now. Color is returning to his skin, the veins returned to normal and he looks so alive.

"Lovely to meet you both" the woman said, "My name is Arisa, Arisa Summers"

"Wait, Summers? Are you by any chance related to June?" Pearl asked, politely.

"Yes, do you know my son?" Arisa asked

"He is a friend of ours" Alex said, "We got separated from them when the 'things' just started attacking people" Alex explained.

"I was actually on my way finding him when I heard a scream and saw you two being attacked by a shadow" Arisa said while, checking her ammos and supplies.

"Shadow?" Pearl asked in confusion.

"The pitch black monster that are attacking people" Arisa answered.

"But how is that possible?" Alex asked, "This are the stuff that you only see in the movies"

"This world has far greater mysteries that existed since the dawn of time." then Arisa started telling the story of Gifted people with supernatural powers to protect God's creation from the Shadow and the Chaos who created them. "In this world of the normal. There are things that are happening that not many people could see or understand. A world where extraordinary things happened, a world where extraordinary people live and a world where the impossible becomes possible."

"I'm sorry but I'm kinda lost" Alex said.

Alisa let out a warm, understanding smile and said "It's okay, you don't have to understand all of it right now."

Both Alex and Pearl are silent for a moment, trying to absorbing everything and not go insane.

Then a loud explosion rang somewhere in the school. The explosion was so strong that it shook the whole school.

"I wish I had more time to explain what's going on, but I'm afraid I will have to explained everything some other time." Arisa said standing and slinging her bag around her body "That is if we come out of this alive" she added as a jokingly, but when she saw the terrified look on Alex and Pearl, her expression soften. " I'm not gonna let anything happened to the both of you, okay?" Her voice soft and protective.

And hearing it made Alex and Pearl visibly relaxed. They nodded and both stood and started preparing. Pearl made some improvised Molotov cocktails with the chemicals available in the lab, while Alex searched for medical supplies, just in case.

When they are ready, both joined Arisa. Arisa took a look at the bag of explosives and said "I just have to commend the people who raise both of you for being so smart and resourceful" she said, her voice a mixture of awe, approval but also a little bit of concern

"Thank you" both said politely

"Alex, dear you can shoot a gun correct?" Arisa asked, her voice back to being similar to both an Alex's and Pearl's Fathers.

"Yes ma'am" He answering like he would answer his father.

"What kind?"

"Mostly everything ma'am" Alex answered.

"Good, you can take Emma and Ethan with you" Arisa said, handing Alex two desert eagles. Alex took them and gave Pearl a questioning look but Pearl just smiled at him.

"Oh and for back up, hear take Orianna" Arisa said, putting out a Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum and give it to Alex." Now both you take care of my babies, you hear me? I want them safe and sound when this thing is over" Arisa said with a hard commanding voice "Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am" both Alex and Pearl answered firmly.

"Very good" Alisa said, pleased. Then she let out a smile "Now let's find my son and kick some Shadow butt"

Both Alex and Pearl let out an excited smile and followed Arisa out of the lab, demolishing every single shadow in their path.

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