
Gifted: The boy loved by Systems

Azathothian, the father of all, and the one who forges creation, the Alpha and the Omega. The King of the Outer Gods who feasts on the fear and the madness of man, creatures, gods, and devils alike. None is above him, no one can surpass him, he is absolute in every way imaginable, you can even say that even in death he still sits on the throne of existence. But despite all this, why is he called the idiot God, well because he truly was an idiot despite his infinite and vast knowledge. The guy accidently deleted his mind, and because of this the other Outer Gods, are in a predicament, who shall take the throne of existence and sit above the top as the new king of all. In conclusion, every outer God who desires the throne that will make them king, all agreed upon throwing a game called [The Gifted] Which is a grand game consisting of 666 players that are called apostles, each of them is representing an outer God, and each of them has one ability that was gifted to them by the outer God through a Gacha machine. This is the story, of Kiza Killta the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath the immortal son of a world-class serial killer, and a world-class assassin, he is also the representative of the outer God that is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, the breeding witch of the black woods, mother of atrociousness, the menacing beauty Shaltear Shub-Niggurath. When the two meet, he was gifted one free role, but little did he know at the time was that when he role he got a weird ability that makes female Systems fall for him, so not only does he have to deal with the death games but he also has to deal with seven Yandere System who takes thing too overboard as they are constantly fighting with each other for the main system and best girl position. This is the story of a boy who is bored with life, and a girl who needed nothing but him, now watch as Killta takes on each game made by Eldritch beings, who can he trust when everyone is trying to kill you. Ps: The art is not mine, if it your just contact me and I shall take it down.

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The day she came the day she got conquered.

"Have my children, be my baby momma, let's have sex to produce strong offsprings, do I need to say it any louder or any more profound for you to understand what I'm saying, and where I'm coming from."

I said in a casual tone to Shaltear, after all this woman is strong, she is a perfect wife candidate, mother did say to never let a strong woman go past you.

After all, there is a reason why we are so strong, the entire clan itself only breeds with strong partners, our selective breeding is the reason why so many of our elite assassins were so strong.

But as I say this, the reaction on Shaltear face turned to one of surprise and embarrassment as she says.

"Haaaaaa holds up, hold up, you do know I'm an outer God right?"

Shaltear stated with a huge blush on her face, as she didn't expect Killta to straight up ask her, the mother of a thousand Youngs, the witch of the black woods, the mother of atrociousness, to conceive his child a child of all things.

Not even her Ex-husband "The king in yellow" was this bold, much less have this much balls of steel, to begin with, and yet this 932-year-old man with the appearance of a child dared say those words to her.

But strangely she did not break eye contact, something about Killta is not making her avert her gaze.

"What the hell happening to me."

I stated to myself, but as I was thinking this Killta got up and start to walk towards me, his face completely emotionless but he walked with his chest up high like a proud peacock or the alpha lion in a pack, it was as if he was asserting his dominance in the most casual way possible.

As he proceeds to give me an answer to my former question

"Yeah what of it, I have fought and seen Gods before, you are just an eye candy from another world, a new flavor that I must try."

"Aghhhhh.... don't just say something so bold out of nowhere, do you not feel embarrassed."

"What there to be embarrassed about, if a man and a woman want to procreate just do it, do it with all your heart, do it till your sick of it, do it morning, noon and night, it can also make one stronger as well, so why are you resisting, unless you're a virgin."

"I'm not a virgin."

"Good then stop acting like one were losing precious time over here."

I instantly replied as I get closer and closer to her, preparing to set my seed in a worthy spouse, but she continue to deny the inevitable, as she said.

"My true form is something, you can't even dream of comprehending, much less understanding it, as it is impossible, and by human terms, I could be considered a hideous and ugly creature, do you wish to impregnated and sleep with atrocious creatures such as myself."

Shaltear stated as she began backing away in pure shock, as I continue to crawl towards her and say.

"If there a hole there away."

"Butbutbutbut I'm a Goddess you're a human, there's no way you can breed me."

"I will be the one to decide that."


"No way, no way, no way, no wayyyy, he serious this person really wants to breed me, this person is serious about sleeping with me right here right now, what kind of situation is this?"

"A little help my servant, egh were did he goooo."

I soon got my answer from him as he said.

"I gave him a death stare to get lost because I'm claiming my payment right here right now, so less talking more undressing."

I stated because I was already butt naked, and had Shaltear in my arm.

"Come on there must be something else you want, I'm sure I'm not that good of a woman."

"Whoever told you that lacks taste, and should be beheaded, strength, beauty, and personality that all that's matter, you look like a good mate is what mother would say, basically I see you, now I want you, don't worry it will feel so good you won't be able to live without me, and when I'm finished you will be both reborn and enlighten."

"Haaaaa if you say something like that then there is no way I could resist... ha wait what the hell am I thinking, ah stay away from me."

"You say that but your body speaks otherwise, why are you touching yourself like that."

"Wait what, are you talking about, haaaa...

At those words, I began looking at myself, and Killta was right, I was touching myself, my breathing was rigid, and when I look towards the mirror on the right I was blushing like some maiden in love.

"No way."

Yes, Killta may not have conquered my heart, but my body speaks otherwise.

"What a sweet smell, could this be the legendary pheromones of the Kiza clan that is said to be so potent and effective it could make even a straight man gay."

But as soon I was thinking about this, I tried to refute him by saying.

"We can't do this I'm married."

"Then get a divorce."

"I'm Lesbian."

"Your body speaks for itself."

"Please stop this, an outer God and human can't be together, it's one of the biggest taboos there is."

"Then I will rewrite the rules."

"Do you have an answer for everything we just met today as well?"

"In this world, there is this thing called love at first sight, but you are strong so it's love at first strength but I'm sure I can love any woman with a rocking body like yours, you lead me on wearing something like that as well, and if you are against it push me away right now, then I will stop."

"No fair, you and I know, this human body can't defy you."

"I see, you do not like me because of my childlike appearance."

"No, it's not like tha...

But before I could even finish explaining myself, so I don't hurt his feelings, he released me, as he walk to his kitchen while saying.

"I don't blame you, I despise this childlike the body of mine as well, but there is nothing much I can do about it, that's why about 300 years ago, I went to meet humanity's greatest scientist, Dr. Percil Eterio Frankenstein, the man who went against the will of God, a made immortal life, from the dirt beneath us, he was a brilliant man, I ask him to help me find a way so I could age my body."

"In the end, even though he couldn't find a true solution that can make my body age and stay that way permanently, however though, he did find a temporary solution, which was these."

I stated as I pull out a giant jar with black marble size pills inside them, as I show it to Shaltear.

It was obvious that she had a confused look on her face, as she began to question me.

"What the hell are those things?"

I smiled at this, the reason is that it is a miracle drug for someone with my kind of problem.

"This is called ancient Black Elderberry, a miracle pill that was created by my good friend Dr. Frankenstein, it has the miraculous ability to age my body by ten years for a short period of 24 hours inside is a total of 234 of these bad boys, I normally only use them on a special occasion."

"So those pills speed up your growth to an adult body."

"Yes, although I can't use them like I use to, the reason is for that is because only the doctor could have created them, and the secrete to their creation died along with the doctor himself."


"And seeing that you are gross-out with this childlike body of mine, I shall show you, my adult form."

"Wait I never say that I was gross out by your bo...

And yet again I was denied the right to speak, reason be he already swallowed one of them as he drank an entire box of milk behind it.


And right after he drank it, I watch as he started to sweat a lot, as his entire body turn a bright red, and an immense heat started to come off of him.

As the second goes by, the hotter he got, to the point smoke started to leak off him, bones could be heard cracking, while his skin could be heard tearing, his hearts were like drums, and he began to slowly expand in size as I watch him grow before me, one moment I had to look down to meet his gaze, now my head was looking up.

And when I look I had a shocked expression all over my face, the boy was no boy anymore hell I couldn't even call him a man either, he was a monster.

Because the person who was forever stuck at small and puny 5'4 was now a fucking 7'8 giant who almost reach the ceiling, he was slightly muscular, the guy even had eight pack that looks like it was carved the by the gods themselves, his face was or could be considered cute before, but now he was extremely handsome, his hair on the other hand now had shades of white on the top, his hand alone was so big he could palm my entire face with it.

I couldn't help but blush at the sight of him, I know that the Kiza family was a family of Giant humans, but this boy, no! this man was the tallest of them, a shame that his growth was cut short due to acquiring his immortality from his mother.

"So this is how Killta would have looked like at the age of 24."

The thought surprised me, but that very thought was knocked out of my head as I remember what Killta was trying to do to me earlier as he said in an alluring and masculine voice.

"Is this satisfying enough?"

"Ha, wait up, do you see how big you are, this body won't be able to go against that."

"No worries let me show you the joy of the human body."

"Haaaa... wait up can we start as friends fir...


But I was cut short yet again for the fifth time, as he proceeded to give me a deep kiss, it was at this point it was over, the reason was because of his saliva, which is an extremely potent and strong aphrodisiac that can only be quenched one way, it was at this moment I regret coming to see him in a human body.

My vision became hazy, there was no turning back now, it was over because at this moment my womb crave for this man's children now, yes me the great Shaltear Shub-Niggurath, the mother of a thousand young was conquered so easily, and by a human nonetheless.

I grow silent as my body stop resisting, it was as if it had accepted its fate, all I could do was listen to what Killta had to say, because any place not beside him was a big no for me at this point and time, seriously what an unbelievable man.

"You have grown silent, your body is also limpish as well, your breathing is rigid, and your face has an unending longing for attention, love, and the good old vitamin D, without a doubt you have submitted to me, now then let's proceed with our wedding night, and do the sacred ceremony of the Kiza family, because for the next three days we shall not leave our room till the next full moon."

I stated as I proceed to carry Shaltear in princess carry towards my room, and the next time we came out, the birth of a Yandere outer God would be complete.

And I would also have another savage tale, I can add to my book of savage accomplishments.