
Gifted: The boy loved by Systems

Azathothian, the father of all, and the one who forges creation, the Alpha and the Omega. The King of the Outer Gods who feasts on the fear and the madness of man, creatures, gods, and devils alike. None is above him, no one can surpass him, he is absolute in every way imaginable, you can even say that even in death he still sits on the throne of existence. But despite all this, why is he called the idiot God, well because he truly was an idiot despite his infinite and vast knowledge. The guy accidently deleted his mind, and because of this the other Outer Gods, are in a predicament, who shall take the throne of existence and sit above the top as the new king of all. In conclusion, every outer God who desires the throne that will make them king, all agreed upon throwing a game called [The Gifted] Which is a grand game consisting of 666 players that are called apostles, each of them is representing an outer God, and each of them has one ability that was gifted to them by the outer God through a Gacha machine. This is the story, of Kiza Killta the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath the immortal son of a world-class serial killer, and a world-class assassin, he is also the representative of the outer God that is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, the breeding witch of the black woods, mother of atrociousness, the menacing beauty Shaltear Shub-Niggurath. When the two meet, he was gifted one free role, but little did he know at the time was that when he role he got a weird ability that makes female Systems fall for him, so not only does he have to deal with the death games but he also has to deal with seven Yandere System who takes thing too overboard as they are constantly fighting with each other for the main system and best girl position. This is the story of a boy who is bored with life, and a girl who needed nothing but him, now watch as Killta takes on each game made by Eldritch beings, who can he trust when everyone is trying to kill you. Ps: The art is not mine, if it your just contact me and I shall take it down.

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Shaltear Shub-Niggurath

"Who the hell are you?"

I stated as I gaze upon this thing before me, it was at least 6'7 in height, maybe a little shorter than my father but this was a tall entity.

It looks back at me with equal interest, although I don't see any eyes on It, I can feel its gaze, this monster was different and most likely leagues ahead of that ugly one at the back.

But to think that the stupid Mongols could make something as atrocious as these two, especially this goat leg one, my instinct is telling me to run.

But deep down, I know I can't run away from this thing, but it doesn't matter anyway, mother didn't raise a pussy, she raised a sigma male wolf.

If I die, I would rather die fighting, although I will try to avoid death as my goal and purpose in life have not been completed.

So I gaze with even more ferocity and demand once again.

"I don't like to speak twice, tell me who the fuck you are right now, or rest I will have to force it out of your ugly ass, and believe me bud you don't want to go there."

"Aww, I'm hurt, to think you will tell such a beautiful woman such as myself who comes to visit you personally "Ugly", anyways lets me introduce myself, I am the one who is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, your kind would refer to me as a Goddess, sometimes a devil, or maybe something even worse, but I like to refer to myself as a caring maiden."

Stated the figure as it released a sinister aura within the entire area which made me Immediately jump back in slight concern as I regain a fighting stance.

I grip my sword tightly, and raised my guard to the absolute limit, trembling, why was I trembling I wonder, this was a feeling I haven't felt for long, no fear is just an illusion of the mind, calm down Killta.

And after I calm down quickly by taking deep breaths I released an equal amount of blood lust to cancel out her aura of fear.

With that said my thinking becomes rational once more, as I said to myself.

"This person is dangerous, probably the most dangerous person I have met in my long life, I can't die here today, neither of my children in the modern-day world has killed over 10,000 people, much less have the ability to kill me in a killing ritual."

"Until I can find a worthy offspring to be my heir I must stay alive at any cost, the Mongols that destroy the order is still roaming this Earth, if they breathe they die."

With that said I began to do visionary battle calculating my chances of defeating this thing I died, hmm not that either, agh... I died again, maybe from the back I died again, to the left, I died again, to the right I died again.

No matter how much time I calculate the probability of death is not decreasing, and I also use the visionary battle technique my mother taught me which is a technique that allows me to create an imaginary world to fight a perfect direct copy of the enemy, and in that world, I died over 500× in less than one minute.

At that moment, I had come to a conclusion which was.

"It would appear that I might have to use that, the BlackRosa, a special military weapon of pure destruction, an Anti Civilization bomb made in Russia, the entire bomb itself has over 7000 Kilos of the immortal black centipede poison in it, and it packing firepower of 800,000 Gigaton of explosive power, and it's located exactly 500 meters below the ground.

But upon activation, the Russian government will instantly activate a Code 9 evacuation alarm because they will instantly take it upon themselves to prevent the spread of the poison, but everything here is going to die no question ask, the animals, the villager, Japan everything, well except me."

I stated in my mind as I kind of feel corned, as this thing is stronger than me, and it even stops an attack from WhiteRose.

Nevertheless, I'm willing to try the most insane of things, good or bad for the environment, if it means I can clear this earth from the parasite that is the Mongols, yes the self-destruction of an Anti civilization bomb just to kill two people who are the Mongrels that crawl on my land is worth it, no question ask.

Call me crazy, call me insane, call me unreasonable, but I don't care, the hardest of choices demand the strongest of wills.

"Hahaha... agh you poor mongrel, you pick the wrong Hassan-I-Sabbath to fuck with, let me show you the weight of your mistakes."

With those words said, I sheeted back WhiteRose as I took a seat on the ground which confused ugly in the back, but for some weird reason creepy at the front was just keep staring at me as to observe me, well not like it matter.

But the creepy one at the front, which I think is the leader, continues to gaze me down, as a lot of mouths suddenly appear on its body all smiling menacingly as if enjoying something for itself as it said to me.

"Kakakaka... you're insane you know that right does your hate for the Mongols really deep to the point that you're willing to wipe out the entirety of Japan, just wipe them out... kaka ka... very well then let me prove to you that I'm not with them."

"As you should know, no immortal except you should survive that immortal black centipede poison, even the lesser Gods that are the shrines Gods shouldn't be able to survive if their true physical forms are hit with it."

At those words, I flinch because no one except president Pitin's team and myself should know about the existence of BlackRosa, unless.

But as soon as I was about to speak the creep talk out loud.

"No, if your thinking he betrayed you then that's not the case, that man would rather start world war 3 and 4 first than anger you in any way, possible."

"You read my mind?"

"Shit, just die!"

With those words, I use my steel-like bones as I stick my finger in my skull, as it went in between my brains, as a certain switch was implanted inside, of course, I was awake to do the surgery myself, to make sure no one fuck me over while I was asleep.

And when my finger touches a certain part of my brain, something happens, something uncalled for.

"Ha, why didn't BlackRosa go off?"

"Because that would have been troublesome on my avatar for this world, and I also send it to send it to another dimension."

"You did what!?, impossible."

"Nope not impossible, like I said before I am a Goddess, a devil, something beyond your understanding, so stopping a bomb would not be hard even in this weak avatar of mind, do you see where I'm coming from here."

But I beg to differ as I said.

"Do you believe that I will just believe that you are some God from another world, look I love anime and web novels along with other things like video games and killing, but as far I am concerned there is only one God with twenty lesser Shrines gods that are still active."

But the humanoid covered in black mass just replied as such.

"You lack fate boy let me prove to you that I am a Goddess."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

I ask rather defeated as I can't even beat this thing with my final trump card, but if I can buy enough time to strike her with the immortal killer sword, WhiteRose then without a doubt I am confident I can win.

So I just carry the conversation on, waiting for my time to strike.

"Well first off, what's your favorite planet?"

The creep asks.

"Haa... is this some kind of joke or game, why does my favorite planet, has anything to do with this?"

"Come on don't be a salty pickle, just answer the question."

"Tsk... I don't have a favorite planet, but my mother did, if I had to pick which planet then it would be Saturn, something about its rings always made her excited."

"Good answer."

"Wait what, when did you reach behind me?"

I stated as the humanoid black mist with goat-like feet, suddenly came from behind me as it touch my head and said.

"The moment you blink your left eye, but I'm going to paralyze you so you don't squirm about, let me show you something phenomenal, if this doesn't prove that I am Goddess, then nothing will."

And after she touches my head, she pick me up in a princess carry which was extremely embarrassing.

"W...W...what the hELl aRe you d...doing?"

"Jumping to Saturn."

"Say what no.....


But before I even got the chance to say what I wanted to say, we took off to the sky, and by the time I could process where we were going, there was nothing but darkness.

"Ok, we're here."

Spoke Shaltear, and when I look around me, both my face and my eyes widen in shock, because before I was the very planet my mother admire which was Saturn, the beautiful ring planet that my mother loved so much, in the night sky were also countless stars as far as th eyes can see.

All the doubts, all the shocks, everything that I had till now fades away, instantly I know this woman was a Goddess reason be Saturn was so far away from the Earth and we practically reach here in less than two seconds.

Another thing that I found amazing was the fact, that despite being so far away from any tree that produces oxygen, I could still breathe in space most likely because of this thing before me.

Only a Goddess or a God could do what this woman just did, but as a way to make sure I believed she point her fingers at Saturn, as she said.

"Do you like fireworks?"

And with that said, black lighting flew from her right index and when it touch the planet, the entire planet and its neighbor Jupiter blew up as a sound barrier including, a protective one suddenly came around us.

My mother's favorite planet was suddenly destroyed as I gave the bitch who destroyed it a hateful glare because destroying a planet that I have a sentimental attachment to, was not cool, not cool at all.

"Ok, ok I fix it, I just want to prove my status as a Goddess from another world."

And with those words said she snap her finger, and it was as if time began to reverse, as the light show was going in reverse, and the planet that was gone suddenly came back into existence.

She then looks at me as she said.

"Now do you believe me when I say, that I am not a Mongol and that I am a Goddess?"

I didn't need to see anymore, this was enough proof indeed, even though I can't destroy a planet with one finger, much less reach Saturn in two seconds, and this was a feat that deserves to be acknowledged because fighting natural disasters is my best feat.

"Good I'm glad we got that misunderstandings cleared up, lets's get back to Earth and finally have a decent conversation."

With those words said, we went back to Earth, and arrive as soon as we left, and when we reach it, I instantly began brushing myself off, as I took WhiteRose and place it on my side.

I then gaze at the people in front of me, which was a half-dead ugly-looking creature that I almost killed by accident, and then this humanoid Goat looking thing that is covered in shadows.

I sighed at this one, as I told them to follow me, back to my Cabin, and when we all reach we all take a seat, as I was the first one to speak.

"So tell me, come to see me."

Shaltear look at me, as she got up, and said.

"Well before any of that let me re-introduce myself again."

And with that said, the darkness started to swirl around the body of the figure, and when I look, before me a girl emerge, at least 5'11 she shrank down in size from her previous appearance.

She wore a black and red Japanese school uniform, the upper shirt been black, and the dress is also been black, the only red that was on her was the red tie, and on her upper left arm was an arms band that said "Studen council president" written on it.

She wore black high-heels long boots with red zippers and laces, with the heels themselves being an actual gothic knife, while the boot itself reach below her knees, she was also wearing a stocking, as the school skirt was rather short.

Her skin was clear in appearance, while her eyes were purple, her hair, on the other hand, was black and silky but also long, straight, and reach to the back of her knees, she also had on a latex red jacket, she had thick thighs, huge buttocks, and also firm triple D breast.

But one thing to note is is that she was an Asian and British descent, truly this woman was beautiful, but I have seen better, and I will give her a solid eight out of ten that's beyond passable

She then put her hands on her chest and proceeded to reintroduce herself once more.

"Greeting fellow ancient one, my real name is Shaltear Shub-Niggurath, an outer God, but this form that I am taking is one of the ten avatars I have in this world that goes by the name Kura Yuno, but you may refer to me as Shaltear, it a pleasure to meet you Killta Kiza the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath."