
meet and greet

The darkness was and endless expanse a place where time and space held no meaning. I drifted along in this place no true rush to get anywhere when everywhere is the same. That is until I was somewhere a lamp sitting on a what looked to be a table and a man with slicked back hair black as a raven sitting across from me at the table.

"My apologies for the unpleasant meeting place the normal place had too many eyes you see." His voice sounded smooth almost as if he practiced the words a hundred times before.

"As you may have already guessed you my child are in fact dead but have no fear as you will be reborn into another world, though first you'll need options." He spoke so quickly I barely had time to think as a pool of water filled with what seemed to be ping pong balls appeared on the table in front of me.

"I assume you know or at least have heard of the term bobbing for apples well same concept but use your hands instead." He motioned for me for to pick a ball from the pool though I was numb to his words still processing the fact I was going to be reborn in a new world I felt my body move on its own and pick up a ball, Looking down at it I saw it read the gifted on it.

"Ah wonderful truly a great world with several interesting qualities now it's time for you to make your wishes!"

I stared at the man confused before muttering "w-wishes?".

He looked at me and nodded "yes wishes you get three to be precise and to be quick as I have others to oversee."

Trying to calm myself down to think I mimicked taking a deep breath as though I was still alive and tried to remember what I knew about the show The Gifted. I remembered watching it a couple of times as it was a comfort show of mine so I knew I needed good powers as the X-gene and mutants were prevalent in the series, I also needed a background and a reason to be connected to the main characters. As I thought of these things I came to my decision on my wishes and looked at the strange fast talking man.

"First I would like to have Fabian Cortez from X-men power set with the addition of being able to fully take others powers for myself and/or give them out. Second I want a unique bloodline that gives me a unlimited body and mind that passive boosts my strength, speed/reflexes, stamina, regeneration and mental by x2 every two years. Last I want to be adopted by Lorna Dane seventeen years before the plot of the show starts."

"That can all be done but to get any significant increase from the body you'll have to train hard in between the two years at the beginning."

I nodded in understanding because I had already thought about that before I made the wish.

The man nodded satisfied that I was done before he flicked his wrist and I was sent spiraling through a portal that opened behind me off to my new world.


Short cahpter I know but now the story starts and we can find out what our mc plans to do with his intriguing power set.

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