

Autor: Eyra_1801
Romansa Fantasi
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What is gffhfygf

Leia o romance gffhfygf escrito pelo autor Eyra_1801 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Zenar 24

(Guess what's back!? Rewrite time, baby!) Ava Kalesidia is a girl struggling with boredom and a seemingly never-changing life. That changes when she meets Karma Mye Destin, or Mye. Karma Mye Destin struggles with finding friends and hanging out with them with her social status as the daughter of the Duke. That changes when she meets Ava Kalesidia. So, what's the problem? Well, Ava is a Zenar, a terrifying creature that originates from a virus from another dimension. To make matters worse, Zenars, and the Zenar Virus, destroyed every galaxy, destroying the ruling races and bringing the population everywhere to below forty percent. Everyone lives in fear of them knowing that, if they happen upon a Zenar, their lives are most likely over. There is reason for this. Zenars are incredible strong, fast, and are extremely hard to kill. They also feel no sympathy or remorse, acting like a hive mind, and are enigmas, sometimes failing to destroy a metal wall while other times they fly through an entire ship, destroying it. Ava, like all Zenars, seem to have that same strength and viciousness. Only, unlike other Zenars, Ava is perfectly able to talk and think for herself, having what looks like no connection to any of the Queen Zenars out there. For this reason, Ava is kept in strongest stronghold of humanity, Fort Ziler. Unfortunately, no matter how different Ava is, she is still a Zenar, and still kills without reason, seeing nothing wrong with killing and eating humans, which she used to be. Yet, because of how different she is, she grows a strong attachment to the first strange girl she meets, named Mye. Yet, can such a relationship ever last? Ava, no matter how innocent she is, will never see killing as wrong, as her total lack of common sense makes her dumber than other Zenars and, to that extent, more dangerous. Mye's father, the Duke, wants her to have nothing to do with his daughter, and Ava has many more oddities besides her behavior. Why does she look like the President's deceased daughter? Why is it that she doesn't feel the hive mind like the other Zenars do? Why is it that she can speak? These mysteries need answers, and sometimes the answers are much more dangerous than remaining oblivious, especially when it means that not only will the remaining species take up arms, but the Zenars themselves, who are nowhere near as dumb as one may think. This is a messed-up love story about a monster trying to learn how to love. Hope ya enjoy!

Gabewest42_West · Fantasia
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The Werewolves of Billings Montana

Taylor Marshall was feeling bored and stifled within the walls of the compound she had been living in for the past few years. It was where werewolves like her roamed and stuck to their own little community that was isolated from the rest of human society. As she was about to enter her last year of high school, she had finally found the courage to break away from the traditional way of doing things - a way that her pack had been doing for far too long. Taylor decided to transfer to a human high school, something that her brother, Ian, did not take too kindly to. He viewed it as a travesty and believed that Taylor should stay with the pack and complete her schooling on the compound. Taylor had a mind of her own though, and was determined to not be feigned by packs that have existed for centuries - a mindset that intrigued a lot of people in the human world, including her new best friend, Ava Klein. Ava’s family had recently been initiated into the werewolf lifestyle and was experiencing quite a bit of culture shock. The two became fast friends and began spending a lot of time together, despite Ian’s disapproval. As the school year progressed, Taylor couldn't help but to feel a looming realization that she wasn't quite human anymore and that her pack life might still be a part of her future. Ava soon discovered that Taylor was under the pressure of an arranged marriage within the pack, something her brother had been pushing hard for. Despite this, Taylor stood up for herself and refused to be forced into something she did not want to do. After lots of deliberations and countless arguments and outcries from both her brother, Ian, and the pack's leaders, Taylor was finally successful in making her wishes clear and was able to maintain her independence, her freedom of choice, and her future for the better.

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