
Starting over


The first thing I said over and over again when I realized I had been reborn. Why was this happening to me I wondered? What's going on, who is talking above me I thought? I opened my eyes and saw them, the doctors checking me over and then my new parents I assumed. Wait thats my mom and dad! Does that mean that everyone else from the village is still alive!?

"Hahaa yes they might still be here!".

Oh cool I can already talk because I used my vocal cords in my... If my parents are still alive does that mean I went back in time or is this an alternate universe? As I looked up at the doctors and my parents who were in shock that I was talking I realized there was only one way to find out. If I can test my souls power level by using realization I can see if I went back in time or not! If nothing happens then I went back in time but if I have even a fraction of my powers than its an alternate world that I was transported to. Unless there are other ways I don't know about yet. Only one way to find out I guess. But since I don't know what my capabilities are yet I should just use basic elemental energy. Focus, focuus, FOCUUUUUUS.

"So the dimensions plain still exists in this world"

I said as I looked into my own souls galaxy like protected region. Now if I can just release my energy.


I closed my eyes as the doctors and my parents panicked at my speaking capabilities and then the room light up in white light as my souls power came flooding out onto the walls in the shape of tiny stars glistening in the dim ceiling light of the room. As they spun around the room the doctors and my parents looked on in wonder and amazement.

"So I was reborn into a different world while keeping my previous worlds powers.".

Does that mean I can train for another lifetime to increase my souls power. Although I can't train at all in a baby's body. It doesn't have enough resource storage space to not go hungry immediately from training nor does it have enough strength. I wonder if I can use time leap with this much energy in me. Oh wait I can just use some of my moms energy since we're still connected by the umbilical cord.

"Sorry about this mom love you.".

"What do you mean, sorry for what, and who are you?".

"I'm your son my name is Lucas and I'm sorry for what's about to happen.".

"Time leap, increase, great, 14 years!".

My mom screamed out in pain as her internal reservoirs of food and energy were forcefully drained from her body through the umbilical cord to me. I then screamed out in pain with her at the sheer amount of agony I felt as every cell in my body was killed and reproduced over and over again.



My mom said with tears running down her face.

"It's a spell used to increase one's age and appearance at the cost of depleting the energy stored inside them which in this spells case is basic energy which you get and store by eating food.".

So the spell is complete let's see how well it worked as I got up to look in the mirror planted on the wall in the rooms bathroom. But I then realized that I was still connected to the umbilical cord and wouldn't be able to move without hurting me or my mother any more.

"Um doctor would you mind cutting the umbilical cord. I can't get up without hurting myself or my mother if it's still attached.".

"Oh right of course it wouldn't be good to leave that any longer than it has to be there. Please lay down and stay still.".

"Yes sir although is the process any different since my body has grown. I know that the umbilical cord doesn't have any nerves but because of the spell could it have nerves now?".

"I don't believe so as it is still considered an organ that doesn't consist of nerves which means the process should still be the same meaning as long as we don't cut the root of the umbilical cord there should be no pain.".

"Ok cool then let's get on with it.".

I still wonder to this day how he was so calm and collected after seeing both a realization and a time leap after having a baby talk.

"Ok all done you can get up now!". The doctor said as he smiled at me.

"Great job thanks! Oh yeah is it ok if I go use the restroom?".

"Absolutely its right through that door!".

"Thanks and is it ok if I borrow those scissors?".

"Is it ok if I ask why?".

"Oh well time leap is good and bad in the sense that you grow. While you grow nothing is necessarily removed from your physical features. For example my nails and hair both have 14 years of growth as you can see. So I was just going to do some cleanup.".

"Aha I see then here you go.".

"Thank you very much I'll be right back.".

Now time to see how time leap worked. As I looked at myself through the mirror I saw that I was the same person. Same facial features same light blue eyes with hints of yellow and green, same dirty blond hair, and same tan skin tone that let's me burn way too easily.

"Although one thing that did change is that my muscles were definitely not this defined when I was 14 the first time around! I guess thats the benefit of using "Great increase" during time leap and not normal. All of my muscle mass went up by way more than a normal 14 year olds as well as what seems to be my soul power which seems to have gone up quite a bit too.".

Although I wonder if since my soul power went up without a training method it means I can start out with any training I want right now that best suits me at this level or do I still have to use the mighty wolf method. Well either way time to cleanup. Let's see I should probably cut my nails first since it'll be pretty hard to cut my hair if my nails keep getting in the way, after that I'll cut my hair.

About 30 minutes later

"Ok all done and doctor I was wondering if I was able to be discharged yet or do I have to stay here for a while and get checked out?". I said as I exited the bathroom.

"After we do the initial check up you should be good to go.".

"Ok cool then let's get this over with and then I want to go home and take a shower.".

"I'm sure you do.".

About 10 minutes later

"Ok your all set depending on your test results I shouldn't see you in here for about a year!".

"Alrighty then see you next time doc.".

Authors notes: Hey everyone I hope you are all having a great day or night or whatever time it is! This is my first published writing so I would love some feedback from my viewers good or bad as both will help me write better content. As this is my first work in all honesty it probably won't be the best however I do plan on working hard to get better! As for questions and comments I'm planning on doing Q&A's as necessary or every 10 chapters. The amount of Q&A's pretty much depends on the amount of questions. I will be doing a basic rundown of elements and soul/spell related things at about the 5th chapter. One question I know that a lot of creators get is do you have the novel planned out and to be honest no, so I'm happy to be able to experience it right along with the viewers! Anyways I'll wrap this up I want to thank you for reading "Getting reincarnated in a different world?" and I hope you all have a great day/night/anytime! See you next time.