
Watching the Notifications

[ Showing host all the stored notifications.]

[ Host has obtained the 2,000 Fate points, and a opportunity of secret Draw to get the reward. ]

[ Secret opportunity of draw:- This opportunity is caused by an unknown anomaly caused by the error in system and actions of hot. So, as implementing the concept of cause and effect of universe to place the limitations on system. Which would result in completely halting the ability to get more fate points until this special opportunity of draw got used, but another that host should be aware of that this special opportunity of draw can not be used by the will of host whenever he want, this can only be used when this opportunity got triggered by the special incident. ]

Karna was completely devastated and scared by thinking of consequences that this disadvantages raised by this special draw opportunity will cause. Then, he tried to access the many feature of the System that he know of as to ascertain that if other system features would work, but his efforts was futile which was represented by the notifications of system.

[ Host is trying to use the skill creation ability of system. ]

[ Accessing the ability has failed. ]

[ Trying the ability to appraise and identify. ]

[ Accessing this ability has failed. ]

Face of the Karna contorted with countless mixed expressions of fear, guilt, regret and a little hope of a positive outcome out of all this which was burdened under negatives emotions.

Then He saw water of river ganga guiding him to a specific with as much as safety is possible, which may be the direction that where his future lies, his parents who would adopt him.

Then in front of eyes of karna, all colours of world seemed to have vanished completely revealing only black colour that only represent the negative feeling like anger, rage, pain, sorrow that no one could not contain inside him. Karna felt this feeling inside him but could not understand from where this unsettling feeling kept rising. But what karna did not noticed at this whole world around seemed to have frozen in perception which was not the case in reality causing two two figures of space overlap.

Like a instinct kicked in, karna closed his eyes and immersed himself in the image of golden blood drop in his mind, which took him to place filled with the warm glow where he was like ghost to touch or affect anything.

In that place, There stood the surya dev who was standing in front of her wife who had a boy in her arm. Characteristics of the face of the new born was very much similar to Surya dev but what is big contrast between them was the colour of the skin, where skin of surya dev is gleaming in the radiant light, there skin of boy was like the darkness that seem to able to devour everything. Then karna standing on the side who could not interfere in any of this witness the whole thing of surya dev getting the curse from devi saya who was shadow of the wife of surya dev even when he was the one who got betrayed. This curse was that surya dev could not touch his next child or his child would the worst fate possible.

This all things now made sense to karna as to why surya dev didn't hold him when he was so close to him. He know he is his child, and curse would take place if he touched him. This raised the anger of karna to the very limits that he can control with all his patience. But that wall of patience could not hold the anger anymore as his father again suffered by his own child shani dev causing the harm to surya dev and decreasing his power of light and heat due to being affected by the nature of shadow of shani dev that he inherited from the devi saya.

As this was happening with karna, on the other side in heaven, surya dev was going through the memories of sorrow which was similar to things witnessed by the Karna in that unknown place.

Then after shaking his head, surya dev heaved the deep sigh in tired manner and said to himself in low voice, "It is good that this all things were resolved already, now everything is alright, and those only remained in the memories. But i still hope that i could have able to touch my son which does not deserve the fate written in his destiny."

In the mortal world, the images that karna was seeing shattered the moment surya dev came out of his memories. Karna want to vent his gathered anger somewhere but he could not do that because all his skills were blocked by the special opportunity to draw.

But he could not sit still, that such injustice had happened with his father. Then, an idea clicked in his mind, that in this Yug ( Time period ), there is things like sarap ( Curse ). So, he decided that he would use all his good deeds that he ever done to give curse to those who are one to do the injustice with his father surya dev.

Remembering every moment of life, when he done good moment from little to big one, he made his mind.

And then opened his mouth, and for some mysterious this it was not the voice of child blabbering but a voice devoid of all emotions.

Voice started to speak which seemed to shake the whole world like announcing a coming destruction. Devi ganga who was taking the karna to the specific direction with her waves, felt the breath os destruction, and disorder in the world, which scared her, as it only happen when two divine weapons are about to collide with other, like bharamastra. whose collision can bring forth the destruction of world. She stopped what she was doing in middle, and saw voice os some words coming from karna.

"I karna, using my all good deed as the compensation, i curse those who did participated in doing injustice with my father to face the...."

Author Note:- Comment your view on what would happen next in the story, and give your review of book, and don't forget to add this book to your library. Thank you, and keep supporting the book. Lastly, comment your thoughts about the opportunity of special draw.

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