
Genshin Impact: The Elementalist

Warning: I do not own Genshin Impact ====================================== How many elements are there? In Teyvat there's Cyro, Pyro, Dendro, Electro, Geo, Anemo, and lastly Hydro. But what of there is more? What if there is someone in the world that can control all elements at the same time? Or maybe... from another... Come join this wonderful journey in Teyvat as a lone wanderer explores his new home!

FerretLover · Videojogos
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8 Chs


Welp I have decided to name his movies or fighting styles but in a not so used way. Instead of the mc or protagonist yelling it out I am just gonna write it as he says it in his mind. This makes it so the enemy doesn't immediately know what he will do next. Also it will save me a lot of time and effort as you will know what move it is and I don't need to describe everything. Enjoy the story!

P.s For some reason I wrote this chapter and published it but for some reason it doesn't show even if I read myself in a different account like it disappeared. Luckily I had a spare I threw away and built up on it and I am pretty sure this was better than before.


"CHARGE!" David yelled, the bulls stone hooves heavily stomping on the ground. The two mitachurls instantly stood up and prepared for the incoming impact. The ground rumbled making it difficult for the hilichurls to run. They could only watch in despair as their death finally arrived.


A large sound vibrated throughout the field as the bull impacted the horde. Almost every single hilichurl infront of the bull was nocked at least 3 meters away. Some unlucky ones died immediately after falling. The five merchants look with awe as the bull stomps through the corpses of the hilichurls.

"*Grunt*" One of the two mitachurl became enraged seeing this sight and grabbed an jagged stone axe besides it. It then raised it and charged towards David. He just smiled however as he raised his left hand towards the bull

'Lets try a new move... Earth Spell: Stone Jail!' The mitachurl couldn't even react before several pillars of stone encased it in a pyramid like prison. It tried to break the stone bars with it's axe but instead it barely scratched the bars. David grinned in excitement as he readied the bull for a second charge.

"Gah!" The second mitachurl yelled, it immediately ran towards the imprisoned desperately. The surrounding hilichurls immediately knew what was about to happen and surrounded the cage while banging on its sturdy bars with their clubs. However it was no avail as David readied his attack.

'Charge!' The bull broke out with incredible speed towards the imprisoned mitachurl. Several hilichurls with bows try to shoot the running behemoth however the arrows just bounced off its rock hard body. After realizing they couldn't stop the bull the hilichurls try to scatter, however the same problem arose as most of them could only take a single step.


The hilichurls that were now grouped up all perished in the impact as well as the mitachurl that slowly turned into black dust on the two horns of the stone bull.

"GAH GNOOOO!" The mitachurl yelled, in a blind rage it raised the axe in hand and charged towards its enemy. To it's dismay the bull easily dodge to the side with David's control. David quickly raised his stone spear in his hand and threw towards the mitachurl impaling in the back.

"Gack!" The mitachurl cried as it swiftly turned around to swing another strike. David however never provided a chance as he moved farther away while throwing another towards the mitachurl. In its blind rage it struck down on the spear instantly breaking it. It then struck the ground with its left hand pulling out a fiery pyro slime from the ground. It smashed the slime on the axe as it ignited on fire causing the surrounding temperature to rise.

"Gooooh!" The mitachurl yelled as it charged towards the menace that annihilated its tribesmen.

HAHAHA! This is what I like!" David said with a maniacal look in his eyes. He created another spear in his hand and charged towards the mitachurl with anticipation. The two foes drew closeer as they finally collided. The mitachurl swung in above aiming for the little human on the bulls back however the spear in Davids hand nocked it to the side causing to make a long gash on the bulls right torso. The mitachurl however had it worse however as two long sharp horns impaled its body.

"Ack!" The mitachurl couldn't only struggle as it desperately tried to escape the impalement of the horns. I continued to try to strike down the bull with its axe but it was futile as the stone spears always changed the trajectory of its weapon. After a few short moments it dropped its axe in exhaustion as it lay limped on the horns.

"It was fun... but now die" David said, he raised the stone spear in hand before lunging it at the mitachurls face. It could only weakly watch as it impales between its eyes. The body then slowly slipped of the horns leaving a black dust behind on the dusted ground.

"Welp that was fun!" David said, he looked upon the dusting hilichurl corpses as a smile of satisfaction appears on his face.

"Wah... Who are you!" A sudden voice erupts behind David causing him to turn around. Behind him was five male humans carrying a variety of iron weapons.

"Are you the merchants I am supposed to save?" David asks, the merchants had a sudden realization as relief showed on their faces.

"So your the reinforcements huh, yes we are the merchants" The tallest merchant replied. In the distance there was a sound of horses galloping. Both David and the merchants looked over to see Diluc and his knights had arrived. When he reached the merchants Diluc quickly halted his horse and inspected the road. It was almost completely covered in broken arrow heads, broken masks, and a lot of black dust. He also saw a 2 complete masks and 2 great horns.

"Did you do this David?" DIluc asks with a nonchalant tone as his great sword floats on his back.

"Yep! I received an emergency quest from the adventurers book" David said as he pulled out his adventures book out of one of his many pockets. Diluc nodded as response as he turns towards David and stared intently towards the bull.

"Do you want to make a deal?"