

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 7

The rain poured endlessly, pounding on the rooftops and turning the sidewalks and roads into vast lakes of dull, muddy water. Dark grey clouds covered the sky, only letting a few rays of feeble sun slip past the barrier. The monotonous sound of raindrops beating on the sidewalk blended in with the occasional whoosh of the breeze through the treetops. Everything was bleak, grey, and dreary - even the atmosphere. People dressed in heavy coats and bearing large umbrellas walking quickly with purpose, not stopping to look at anything or anyone. This weather perfectly resonates with how I am internally feeling-confused, cloudy and dull.

"To be done in a pairs-your partner has already been preselected, please refer to the notice board after this lecture. Must be written in Times New Roman format-the font is 124, spacing is 1.54. Minimum 25 pages(any assignment with less than 25 pages will be considered as failed)5. Presentation to be done on Thursday at different time slots. Assignment to be submitted before Friday 16:00. Any late submission will be considered as failed.7. Table of content should be prepared, Reference for all your citation. All assignment need to be sent to ahmadmonir@unikl.edu.my. When you send the email, the"Subject" for your email must clearly write your class group and your subject. Example: Group IF20, Accounting."Mr Oefen our lecture announces.

I start to panic-I have been dozing in and out throughout this whole lecture. I don't know anyone here, everyone is already accustomed to one another whilst this is technically my first day all over again. I look left to write, everyone is sitting 5 meters like its a test.

"That is all for today, we will continue where we left off tomorrow, "He says while packing his pc away.

student start going to the front of the lecture hall to see who they were paired up with, I decide to wait until mostly everyone is done to check. After fifteen minutes I decided to finally check.

"James Mcoy?"I say to myself

"That would be me" I hear a mellifluous voice. Unlike my father, it is more smooth than rough.

I turn around to see golden skin, thick defined eyebrows, blue eyes, and strong cheekbones. Modelesque, but timelessly, his beauty could take your breath away.

"Long time no see"

"What?" I ask in confusion while slowly backing away

He frowns upon realising my actions.

"It's me, James-your friend...don't you recognise me, I know I got a hair cut-"He says while scratching the back of hid head.

I immediately walk away, trying to create some distance between us- I suddenly feel a weird de Ja Vu moment.

"Hey!" I hear him call out behind me.

I pick up the pace, but suddenly I am roughly yanked against the wall, both of his arms trap me, preventing me from escaping. He looks down at me with an intense look as I look up to him with a fearful look- his body pressed against mine." Why are you always running away from me "he asks with a raspy voice.

I start to heavily pant, I am starting to have a panic attack. He slowly caresses my cheek with his left hand while slowly leaning in. I can't move, my body instantly calms as he is caressing me.

"I know y-you are the one who hurt me" I blurted out. Surprised by what I said he releases me and takes a step back.

"What are you talking about?"He asks with a confused look on his face.

"I don't know you but whatever sick game you playing stop it, Dont you see you're hurting me!"I shout out with tears pouring from my eyes.

"Genora, what are you talking about?"

"You were the one who convinced me to stop taking my pills and now because of you I lost my memories"

"What happened when you went to see your Dad?"

"I don't remember, but what I know is you wanted to hurt me-but you failed! I don't know how we met or what kind of a relationship we had but I never want to see you again!"I angrily shouted at him.

He takes a deep breath as if to calm himself down. He tightens his fist, and he looks like he wants to kill someone.

"Who told you that?" he slowly asks

"My dad and girlfriend, "I say


"Yes, girlfriend!" we hear someone shout. We both look to the left to see Lisa approaching us. James scoffs while he looks at Lisa with a furious expression. Lisa smirks as she puts a hand around my waist to bring me closer.

"I can't believe you stood so low, to lie to your own friend!"He shouts at Lisa.

"We both know what really happened James , you tried to make Genora stop taking the pills to weaken her, so you can have your way with her!"

"Thats not true," he says while stepping closer to Lisa with his fists clenched.

"If I were you, I would walk away, James -we are already doing you a favour by not reporting you, "Lisa says while smirking at James.

"You will regret this" he sneers at Lisa

I come in between them to try to ease the tension, I didn't notice Lisa sticking her tongue out to James.

"About the project, we have together, I am going to send an email to the lecture requesting a different partner," I say. I look at him to see a hurt expression on his face to my surprise. I expected to see an angry expression but not a hurt one, why would he be hurt. I don't know why but seeing him like brings an aching feeling in my heart. I shouldn't be feeling anything towards this man, but why am I feeling sympathetic -is it even sympathy at this point?

Suddenly Lisa grabs my face and kisses me full on the lips, I freeze taken by surprise by her actions. I break away from her to look at James but he was already walking away. The aching feeling proceeds to attack my heart as I watch him walk away.

"I hope that's the last we see of him," she says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, me too," I say but with a frown on my face.

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