

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 3

"Hey, are you okay? "Lisa asks as we are walking out of the residence.

"I'm feeling dizzy, I don't know what's going on ever since I started taking the pills my dad gave me I've been feeling way off, but it will be fine don't worry about it," I say reassuringly

"Alright girl, I'll see you later- my orientation is on a different campus, so we will link up after we're done for the day"

"okay see you later, bye"

I walked to the Venue where the orientation for my degree was being held. We were split into 5 different groups, not more than a hundred students in different venues, to limit the spread of covid-19. Now that the vaccines are available, the universities will want students to come back and rather do contact lectures and write exams on campus than work online- there was a huge rise in cheating cases last year. I'm also nervous about interacting with people how am I going to cope with my dad's not here.

For the rest of the day, I attended my orientation. Everybody around me was making friends, smiling, laughing while I'm keeping it low, and at the end of the orientation-i go to the varsity shop to purchase all my textbooks and rush back to my residence. I check my cellphone to see if  Lisa has texted me yet-suddenly I bump into someone. I fall on my butt with all my textbooks along with me, I look up to see who bumped into me, and instantly become terrified as I notice it's a guy, He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a  deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout, he looked to be around 5,11ft. His face was strong and defined. He had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. I immediately grab all my things and rush past him to put some distance between us, at this point, I was breathing heavily-finding it hard to catch my breath.

Not paying attention to where I was going I cross the road as a truck comes in fast speed towards me, and at that moment I am frozen, and I look at that car racing towards me, but suddenly someone knocks me out of the way, and we land on the opposite side of the road.

I am panting heavily as a person who saved me asked

"Are you ok?"

I lazily looked up at him and he is holding me in his arms-its the same guy I bumped into, people are gathered around us witnessing the scene. He decided to call 911 as he continues to check me for any injuries and at some point, I passed.

I get up, confused- where am I? - urgently looking around the room frightened, the first thing I notice is the same guy that saved me was laying slouched back fast asleep on the chair right next to the bed. It looks like I'm in a hospital, I grab my clothes on the table beside me and tiptoe to the bathroom to change.

I change out of my hospital gown and I put on my normal clothes -I'm scared, my head feels fuzzy, I don't know what I'm doing here, why did he bring me here and what do they want to do with me?

I tried to open the bathroom door as slowly as possible to not make a sound-i tiptoe to the door -once again I tripped over myself and slammed on the door. He jolted awake from the sudden bang and saw me on the floor. I'm starting to shake as he's moving closer to me and tries to reach out to help me stand up but the look in my eyes makes him second guess his actions so he halts.

"Listen I don't know why you are scared of me, I realized you were running from me since no one else behind me, did I do something to offend you, are you ok?" he asks.

"I just wanna go home" I reply shaking.

"Please let me go "

"I'm not gonna hurt you ok, just tell me something, why were you running away from me?" he asked.

"because you wanted to hurt me, guys always want to hurt me -my father warned me, and I didn't obey now look where I am!" I sob.

"I wasn't going to hurt you listen, I bumped into you, and I just wanted to help you out because I saw you were holding a lot of books after I bumped into you, and I want to apologize for that since I wasn't watching where I was going. "

'"I was also not paying attention to my surroundings" I murmur.

I don't know who your dad is, but not all guys are bad, some of us are good. It's not just with guys, but with people as well- some people are good, and some are bad, it's how the world is.

you don't have to live according to how your dad tells you to, you are free to live as how you want, decide for yourself what is right and wrong."

The doctor walks in with some documents as I start to feel dizzy again.

"Hey mam, are you okay"

" I am starting to feel my head aching again, I don't know why every time I don't know I've been having these headaches the whole day, I don't know what's wrong with me I wasn't like this back home maybe it's cuz I'm away from my dad, he the only one that can heal me, I need my dad.

"How severe can you rate the pain from one to ten," the doctor asks


"Has the pain been consistently a seven or did it start small?"

"It started small" I confirm

''Alright, you should bring those pills tomorrow so we can examine exactly what they're for alright?

" no, no, no, no I don't want you to run tests on me you can't do medicine you guys don't know medicine, it is wrong- get my dad, he is the only one that can help me "

both the doctor and my hero sighed

"Listen, sweetie, this is a hospital that has been running for years we know what we're doing ok? I don't know when you got that idea from but we just want to see what kind of pills your taking, we are trying to help you" she says with a concerned look in her eyes.

"She is right for all we know the pills your taking could be slowly killing you, "my hero says.

"I don't know what you're taking but you have to stop taking it because it's just making your headaches worse I couldn't imagine these headaches are side effects. I don't know what's happening at home from what I'm hearing it doesn't seem like you grew up in a good household, so I would suggest you get help- get yourself checked out because there's something wrong with you"

I decide to grab my phone and try to call him, to ask him about the pils but suddenly hero guy stopped me

"No offense dude but if your dad is the one that's giving you those pills, don't you think you shouldn't trust him anymore. I know you don't know me and we just met and we didn't meet in the greatest circumstances but I think you should get those pills checked out to see exactly what your dad has been giving you. "

This is all too much for me now, I just want to go back to my dorm and rest".

"I will"