

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 13

James awakens to find the bed empty and Genora was gone. He looks towards the clock on his left to see its 4 pm. He reaches for his phone to call her but is stopped when he hears knock on his door. He gets up, hurries to get some pants on and walks to the door. He looks through the peephole and his mood drops. He opens the door with an annoyed look on his face.

" What are you doing here?"

"don't give me that look James I'm here for you.

I told you it's over between us" says the women on the other side of the door. There was just something unreal and eerie about her. Her face, somewhat luminous, had a pale tone to it. The eyes were a piercingly sharp shade of grey. Eyebrows were arched over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of her dainty nose. Plump, the lips had the strangest curl to them. This enchanting face was framed wavy, ebony-coloured curls, each falling to her hips. Overall, she was truly an unearthly beauty. James at the time had found that most attractive of her, she didn't have his kind of body type but her skills in bed made up for that. But seeing her now it was evident she got some surgery done on her boobs and but to make them more full.

"you might have gotten rid of your other girls for, but not me" she sassily says as she ducks under his arm to get in. Her heals loudly stumping on the wooden floor, making her presence known.

"I see you had some company earlier," she says as she looks around his living room referring to the two empty cups on the table.

"Talia, I ended thing with you weeks ago- I don't want to screw around anymore."

She simply ignores and continues to inspect the place.

"Talia-" he says but she interrupts.

"You know I had feelings for you but you did not any have for me so I'm just wondering all of a sudden if you dropped all your girls, there must be one that grabbed your attention. "

"That's none of your business so get out!" he exclaims

"oh come on we were once friends before we started talking, so you could at least tell me who she is," she says seductively while moving closer, caressing his chest, and bringing her lips close to him.

He grabs her arms to stop her from trailing her hands further but the urge he was feeling made him hold on to her longer, she smirks knowingly and begins to unbutton his shirt.

He lets her go and turns around to try to get his mind off of things, he was slowly getting aroused.

"Talia, I said go. "

He is met by silence for a while and as he turns back he is met by her naked body.

"for old times sake? "she says as she sways her hips while approaching him that captivated his eyes. Her breasts that were once small A are now medium-sized C, more round and full; her hips more defined and butt bigger. The sight before him made him fully aroused.

"I got some work done..." she says as she takes his left hands and trails in down her breasts, to hips the butt. She grabs his right hand and guides them around her body as she begins to kiss him. Soon, James starts to kiss back, trailing kisses down her neck and his hands voluntarily caressing her body-all while Talia bites her lips and smirks.

Meanwhile... a knock-in of the dorm rooms was heard for Lisa to answer.

"Hey baby," Lisa says as she welcomes Genora into her room.

"I just came back from campus, how was your day?" Genora says as she makes herself comfortable on Lisa's bed.

"My day was good and I got you a new tutor so you don't have to keep going to James all the time to see his ugly mug"

Genora smirks at the remark.

"Thanks, baby, I felt bad for him so I let him teach me, I was being nice to him but now I just think he's pathetic," she says while sitting up and crossing her legs, Lisa joining her in bed.

Lisa slowly crawls to Genora at the head of the bed-like a predator and Genora the prey. A phone starts to ring and both look to see it's Genora's.

Lisa sighs in frustration while Genora simply giggles and reaches for the in her pocket.

"mhmm unknown number, that's strange," Genora says while glancing confusingly at Lisa. Lisa remains quite but motions for her to quickly answer it.


"Hi Genora this is Dr Hougvarts- we have received your blood test results, when will you come in for the next session?"

Confused by her question, she answers" I'm going to be busy for a while so I think I'll come in next week Monday or Tuesday..."

"okay Tuesday's fine I'll see you then then"

"Didn't you say you would email it to me?" Genora asks

"Y-yes but I wanted to call instead, I thought it would be best to tell you in person" the doctor stutters.

"Oh alright thank you bye..." she says and drops the phone.

"that's weird," Genora says.


well my therapist is unusually attentive, she could have just sent an email, maybe the results are bad?-Genora thinks to herself.

Lisa simply shrugs and cups Genora's face to kiss her.

Later that day... Dr Davis is in his office working late at night. His office is dark but only with one light shimmering on his face that is from the computer he was working on. A reflection of mutilated bodies reflecting on his glasses.

"Hi, doctor, I'm done closing up and I'm heading home for the night," a voice unexpectedly says which startles kade and he swiftly changes browsers.

He clears his throat and says, "Alright Sasha stay safe"

"Are you going to spend the night again sir? "

"Alot of work needs to be done," He says while pulling a small smile

"Do you have a family sir-I-f you don't mind me asking that is?" she says stuttering, a bit nervous.

"Daughter but she's in college now so I'm left alone," he says

"Don't you think you will ever marry one day? "

"Marriage is not for me," he says, dragging out each word while he gets up and walks closer to Sasha. Sasha starts to fee more nervous and feels a chill run up her spine as she suddenly feels the urge to leave.

"Oh..." she says as she takes a step back.

"I have made sure to raise my daughter in such a way she's not like this woman on this world she's better than all of you"

" Um.. Haha look at the time I have to get going, bye sir!" she exclaims and squirms out of the room.

Kade walks back to his desk to retrieve a small notebook in the drawer. He walks to his office window that shows the view of part of the city. For a while he just stands the scribbling, first he seemed calm but soon he starts heavily breathing, eyes wide and maddening looking as he mumbers "delete".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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