Even Jun Wu Xie herself was not able to explain why she was reacting so strongly when faced with the blood covered Little Jue. She had already accepted as the norm that this world went by the rule where the strong feasts on the weak and she herself had played by the same rule all this while.
The victors succeed while the defeated submit, since time immemorial, only the truly powerful would have the last laugh.
The weak had always turned out to be sacrificed throughout history.
Although she knew that line of reasoning only too well, she still found that the image of a blood smeared Little Jue was too glaringly garish to her eyes.
That child, should have lived a life free from worries.
Because he was such a rare find, it made people treasure him all the more.
But now, a huge question remained within Jun Wu Xie's heart.
Was the current Little Jue, still the same little Emperor that she had known from the start?