

Freezing winds howl throughout the dark and empty streets. Street lamps were the only source of light, apart from the tiny tinkling stars in the void sky. The moon shone dimly upon a high school student, pacing along the sidewalk.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAChoo!!! *sniff*" the student sneezed dramatically at the night sky, shivering from the freezing gusts.

'Ahh... Of all nights, why did they send me out today... *sniff*,' questioned the student as he gazed at his hands, occupied with packed grocery bags.

Sighing, the student made his way home on this long, lonely night.

'I can barely see. Why couldn't they make these street lamps brighter? I might get mugged or trip on uneven pavement.' The student wondered as his hands begin to sweat due to unrealistic scenarios in his head.

'... What if I actually get mugged right now?' nervous and anxious, he picked up the pace.

However, he slowed to the speed of a snail when he saw two shoes beneath the light of the street lamp. The rest of the body hid in the darkness. Unmoving, the shoes stared into his direction.

'That. Right there. Has got to be the most obvious, dangerous, and scariest flag I have ever seen. This isn't some manga, is it?.. What if it is?'

It would be safe to say now that the student was... sometimes delusional. But,

this situation did not seem like one.

Swiftly, the student switched to the opposite walkway, away from the pair of shoes. But looking back at them, they still faced his way.

Sweat begins to form on his head, albeit the cold temperatures.

'That's not normal... Man, that might be a robber. I think I should run.' he thought as he quickened his steps as the items within the bag clunked together.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Footsteps could be heard behind him.

'Holy #$^@ it actually was someone! Oh crap oh crap oh crap!' The student began to sprint while careful not to spill the groceries.

*tap* *tap* *tap *tap*

Sudden turns, switching pavements, sprinting even faster, none of those things helped lose the pursuer. Footsteps sounded tightly behind him, no matter what he did.

'Don't turn back, don't turn back, don't turn back!' The finish line was in view, like the end of a marathon. His home, where his family and he resided, was a street away.

Keeping the grocery bags in one hand, he reached into his pocket and fished out his key, preparing for consecutive swift movements that would allow him into his home, like the fourth form of water breathing from Demon Slayer.

A few more meters before he reached the front door and could escape danger. Just a few meters, a few seconds.

However, it seemed that life had another plan for the student.

"Ah." A sound of surprise escaped his mouth.

The student tripped on a bit of uneven pavement.

'I'm so done,' he thought as all his groceries left his hand and spread across the road and walkway.

Was he worried about his parents spanking his ass? Or was it the fact that the pursuer was now gazing straight into his eyes? Probably both.


"Uhh... Hell-" His words were cut short as the pursuer sprayed his face with a wierd bottle and tied up his hands and legs, before wrapping a piece of cloth around his mouth.

Resistance was futile, as his body wouldn't do as he commanded.

Was this the doing of that spray?

Internal screams for help struggled to leave his mouth as he was dragged away into the dark by the collar by soft and skinny hands.

From that moment, everything went dark.

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