1 Prologue

In the beginning, there was a legion of magical immortals. They each had mystical powers with the energy source known as Larom. No one knows why or how, but a war broke out. This is the beginning of Generation 1. The first generation of an infinite war.

The immortals fought effortlessly, absorbing the powers of each immortal as they defeated each other. In the end, the immortal known as the goddess of war was the final one standing. She obtained all the powers of the other immortals. With this power, she created the human species, giving them all powers of their own. They were called casters. Their sole purpose was to feed her energy with their war. This began Generation 2.

In this phase of war, there was no single logic or reasoning behind the fighting. Some fought for land, others for fame and money. One day a human by the name of Cody was able to miraculously make peace between all the people. He found out of the cause for this war, being the goddess, and formed an elite force of casters called the prism force. This began Generation 3.

The prism force's main goal was to hunt down the goddess and kill her to end the war, but without any war in the world, the goddess became weak, and was unable to stop famine, sickness, and drought. In their journeys, the Prism Force saw corruption and cruelty in Cody's heart, and abandoned him. Cody was never heard of again. After leaving Cody, the Prism Force reignited the flames of war to please the goddess. And now I bring you to this phase in the never-ending war. A phase of hope, injustice, and life.

Welcome, to Generation 4.

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